The Times is published in the heart of the Oreat Walker River Country. Subscribe for it and keep posted. Lyon County Times. VOL. XI.VIII. YERINGTON, NEVADA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3. I9°6- NUMBER 44. COUNTY TIMES. XjXST of For Surveyor-General. LYON XOMINEBS Cosgrove, J P.Socialist Party Elliot, Albert D.Republican Party Published every Saturday morning by SOONERS FIRE ON -FOR- Kelley. Edward D..Silver and Democratic Party p. iW. PAIRBAN Editor and Proprietor State, County and Township For Attorney-General. Lorke, Emil.Socialst Party terms: Officers of Lyon County, Springmeyer, George.Republican Party One Year I 3-°° Richard C.Democraticand Silver Six Months. 1.7s MINERS, FOR AT THE Stoddard, Party TO BE VOTED Single Copies.10 i All subscriptions must be paid in advance. General Election, Oct. For Superintendent of Public Printing. Last and morn- “sooner” named on the Friday night Saturday Roseberry Lewis, Irwin G.Silver and Democratic Party ing there were rumors of trouble near ground. McKenzie located over the 6th, 1906. I McCarthy, Joseph.Republican Party Richter, M F. Socialist Party OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Buckbrush Springs, dose to the western “sooner” as it was plainly evident that line of the Reservation, and it was re- nobody could have made a legal location For Representative In Congress. 1 nltrct Ntate* l»*o vernmeti t For Superintendent of Public Instruction. one or two men had on the before he did. He lias a Pi *• Ideal Theodore Roosevelt ported that been ground Bartlett, G«o A.Democratic and Silver Party Robert H .Democratic andlSilver of State. .Eli h 11 Root H T..Socialist Mitchell, Party Secretary shot. The facts of the matter are that score of witnesses to prove he was the Jardine, Party Secretary of Treasury .....John W. Shaw Smith, Oscar J.Republican Party i Nelson, Joel.Socialist Party Secretary of War. ...... Win. H. Tafft on last Friday John King, Ross Thomp- first man on the ground, among whom Ring, Orvis. Republican Party Secretary of Navy Charles Bona)>ari are H. Iian Daw- postmaster General ...G. H. Corceiyou son, F\ \V. Powers, A. B. Nelson, W. J. Herring, J. Noonan, For Governor. For of State Term. Secretary of Interior. .Ethan A. Hitchcock D. McFadden and A. L. who son, I/ester Hunter and Morris Stack. Regent University—Long General .Wm. H. Gaffney, Casey, Thos E.Socialist Party Attorney Moody H C. Agriculture. .James Wilson have been near Buckbrush There was no trouble over the matter Mitchell, James F.Republican Party Cutting, .Republican Party St.retaryof camped Democratic and Silver S« retary of Commerce Victor H. Metcalf Sparks, John.Democratic and Silver Party Henderson, Charles B Springs for some weeks past, went down but there probably will be if the “soon- .Party A .Socialist Ntate of \e\a.tn to the line of the Reservation and over ers” attempt to hold the ground. The Hibbard, A. Party For Lieutenant-Governor. Frank. United States J. F. G. Newlauds Merkle, .Socialist Party into the Reservation ground on a recon- ground is a copper lead of much prom- H S. Senators ( George S. Nixon Dickerson. Denver S. Democratic and Silver Party Starrett, Republican Party.. .C D. VanDuzer and Ross Silver and Democratic Congressman.. noitering trip. Shortly after crossing ise. John King Thompson Hendricks. Jas B.Socialist Parly Sunderland, Jr., John Governor. _John Sparks .Party T. Lieutenant Governor. .Lemuel Allen the line these parties were fired upon are old campaigners in mining excite- Mills, George Republican Party .A. L. Fitzgerald and at ments. have been in of Court J— G. F Talbot from ambush long range, prob- They scrimmages of State -Short Term. Judges Supreme For Justice of Supreme Court. ,For Regent University F. H. Norcross half a mile. could not see before and can stand 6re when can ably They they Hansen, Homer A.Republican Party State Treasurer _I>. M. Ryan Anderson, A B.Socialist Party of State. .W. G. who did the but as the Win- see their adversaries; so can the balance Lewers, Chas R.Democratic and Silver Party Secretary Douglass shooting, E R. Republican Party State Controller .S. P. Davis Dodge, Phillips, J W. Republican Party chester bullet were of th* bunch. They do not propose to James G. .Democratic and Silver Party Attorney General. J. G. Sweeney coming prettingclose Sweeney. Souchereau, J E_Silver and Democratic Party Surveyor General. .K. D Kelley the party retreated as they had no arms lie caught unarmed again, and anybody State Printer Andrew Maute For of State. supt. Public Instruction. .Orvis Ring themselves. Some 20 or 30 shots were who now tries to dispossess them of Secretary For District Judge, First Judical District. M. A Murphy was their will meet with a warm re- Donglass. W G.Republican Party Peter Breen fired, but nobody hit. Saturday holding Langan. Frank P_Silver and Democratic Party j Kilker, W F .Socialist Party District Judges B. F. Curler these could see from a on ception Murphy, M A.Republican Party G. S. Brown | parties point Mannix, Frank_Democratic and Silver Party M. S. Bounifield the hill near their camp “sooners” at Later report says that the names of For Members of the Assembly. work inside the Reservation and a number of who crossed For State Treasurer. Lyon Pouiify lines, quite people | Brooks, O A.Republican Party of the District Court. M. A. these are the ones the line in this vicinity (lavs before the! Cutts, E. Republican Party Judge Murphy people undoubtedly Reymers, B H..Republican Party State Senator. J W. Wilson David M.Democratic and Silver Party who did the when time, are known, and it is more than like- Ryan. Trimble. R A.Democratic and Silver Party A. Gifford shooting. Monday, Socialist Assemblymen Smith. Jos M. Party J F. A Regan the time for opening came, Dune Mc- ly that the persons who did the shoot- Sheriff and Assessor. D P. Randall in the For Sheriff and ex-officio Assessor. Clerk and Treasurer D W. Melarkey Kenzie and five other parties made a ing will be apprehended very For State Controller. Auditor and Recorder. R. T. Powers D P.. .Silver run from the line for a section of near future. It has now been established Randall, Party District Attorney John Lothrop ground Eggers, Jake.. Republican Party Public Administrator. C. C. Braun they thought was good. McKenzie land- beyond a doubt that it was not Indians Knust. J C.Socialist Party ((unex. C. C. Turner • for Clerk and ex-officio Treasurer. team).. ed first on a fleet horse but found a who did the shooting. Raftice, Robert.Silver and Democratic Party County Commissioners < (long term). T. J. A. Flaws ((short term)_ F. L. Littell Mtlarkey, D W.Silver Party For County Recorder and ex-officio Auditor. NEWSPAPER LAW THE GREAT RESERVATION OPENING. Geyer, P J.Silver Party do not notice to l Subscriber* who give express Lothrop, Ruel Jr.Republican Party considered as to continue the contrary are wishing McLeod, C A. Democratic Party their subscription. Powers, PI T. Republican Party t If subscribers order the discontinuance o/ their jwrimiieals, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrears are paid. False Sent to the Outside About Trouble on the For District Attorney. or Papers A If subscribers neglect refuse to take their Reports Hanbv. Walter_Silver and:Democratic Party from the <>0ice to which they are directed J ffcriotiicals H. Democratic Party they are held reejumsible until they hare settled their Line. The Most Peaceable on Record. Pilkington, toll and ordered their }n$per discontinued. “Opening” 4 If subscribers move to other places without in- for County Commissioner, long Term, District forming tJic publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they are heltl responsible. No. 2. on tlie Reserva- to take The of the State have been full From all quarters of the Reservation good mines developed f> The courts hare decided that refusing papers I Martin. CT. .Republican Party from the or removing and lea ring Imt not one location out of fteriodimtl* ojlice, of come reports of sooners having l>een tion ground, I Waldo, G B.Silver Republican Party them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of in ten this week of sensational accounts the tional fraud. on the ground and staked claims pre- one hundred will prove of any value. of the Walker hake Indian Res- a and opening f> Any jterson who receives newspaper vious to the time set for opening, and it It is more than likely that Esmeralda for County Commissioner, Short Term, District makes use of it, whether he has subscribed for it or ervation. Some of the accounts have two or more towns No. 3. not, is heUi m law as a subscriber. seems to be the general opinion that the county will have been lurid in the extreme, and there has 7 The Postmaster who neglects to give the legal entire conduction of the was very soon. One will be estab- Strosuider, 1 A.Republican Party the opening probably notice of ihe neglect of a person to take from been so little truth in them that the Turner, C C.Democratic Party near Buckbrush and one otlee the neweva§ter addressed to him is liable to very badly handled. It has been found lished Springs the the of this section read the accounts publisher for subscripiuni price. people that have been over the inside east of this some twelve miles. people place, of the with disgust. The press correspondents for Justice Peace, Dayton Township. ground months ago and spotted good lo- Both of these points have good water have had Walker hake red with blood Davis, Herman.Republican Party cations.
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