Wednesday, November 2, 2016 • Vol. 10 Issue 18 uniquely curated beautifully styled women's apparel • accessories shoes • bags • belts Independent, locally 26,000 copies weekend wear owned and operated! delivered biweekly to & gifts for men Lamorinda homes & the piece. store businesses 925-377-0977 www.lamorindaweekly.com 3569 mt. diablo blvd, lafayette FREE Local newspaper delivered to Lafayette,mon-sat: 10am-6pm Moraga sun: noon-5pm and Orinda www.piecestore.com Photo Andy Scheck Celebrating 10 Years of the Crosses By Michael Lupacchino t’s become part of the Lamorinda landcape: the collection speeches and poems reflecting on the memorial and its history saw potential in the hillside situated across from the BART of white crosses on a hillside in Lafayette. Known as The in Lafayette. All are welcome to attend. station and Highway 24. ICrosses of Lafayette, the memorial was erected 10 years Although the memorial was created as a peaceful protest “I was frustrated with the war,” he said. “I had been ago to recognize American service members who were killed against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the hillside of crosses protesting in San Francisco with thousands of others, and I in Iraq and Afghanistan. has dealt with its fair share of controversy. wanted to do something. The idea came from the World War In honor of the 10th anniversary of this unique and pow- The plot of land running along Deer Hill Road is owned II movies I watched as a kid which showed fields of crosses, erful landmark, there will be a special event at the crosses by the Clark family. In 2003, Jeff Heaton, a longtime resident as mass graves for fallen soldiers.” The Clark family agreed this Veterans Day, at 5:15 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11. With special of Lafayette and family friend of Louise and Johnson Clark, and in 2003, fifteen crosses were placed on the land, and were guest Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, the event will feature inquired about setting up a memorial on their property. He quickly removed by vandals. ... continued on page A16 Advertising Exquisite Country Club Glorietta Estate Sun Filled Contemporary Letters to the Editor A13 Community Service B4 Not to be Missed B8-B9 HOW TO CONTACT US B9 Classified C2 Offered at $1,875,000 Offered at $4,250,000 Offered at $880,000 www.16lacintilla.com www.25rusticway.com www.18juniperdrive.com Shop Orinda C4 CalBRE#01272382 Laura Abrams (925) 253-4611 www.lauraabrams.com Lamorinda Seniors Face Disparity in Parcel Taxes By Nick Marnell he four Lamorinda school districts treat residents aged able to all senior homeowners, without any proof of income. original ballot measure, but that the latest parcel tax commit- T65 and over inconsistently when they apply for the senior Because all residents 65 and over are eligible for the par- tee wanted to ensure there was consistency between the taxes parcel tax exemption on their owned and occupied Lamorinda cel tax exemption, AUHSD does not require seniors to pro- of 2004 and 2014. “It was maintaining a system that was in residence. vide a copy of their federal tax return, and does not require place,” Burns said. The Moraga, Lafayette, Orinda and Acalanes school them to reapply with the district every year. Seniors need pro- From the latest information supplied by each district, districts use revenue from parcel taxes to augment funding vide only once a proof of age and a proof of residence. “We AUHSD recognizes a total of 40,603 taxable parcels of which from the state, parent clubs and education foundations to sup- wanted to make it as simple as we could for our seniors,” said 5,242 qualify for the senior exemption. For LSD, 10,284 par- port district operations. Parcel taxes levied annually by the Julie Bautista, AUHSD chief business official. cels, 1,666 senior exemptions. OUSD, 7,865 and 78; MSD Moraga School District total $517; Lafayette School District, A similar procedure is followed by the LSD, but the dis- 5,935 and 52. $563; Orinda Union School District, $509; and Acalanes trict also requires a copy of a utility bill. “Once your applica- In a typical year, Lamorindans pay more than $21 million Union High School District, $301. tion is accepted you will NOT need to reapply in subsequent in parcel taxes to the four local school districts. Seniors who own and occupy their residence can be ex- years, provided your ownership and residence remains un- empt from paying the parcel taxes, but qualifying for that se- changed” is underlined at the bottom of the exemption form. nior exemption is easier in some districts than in others. Dr. Carolyn Seaton was not around when the parcel tax Election 2016 According to district documents, MSD and OUSD al- language was written, but the new superintendent of OUSD This issue we take a look at three controversial items low the senior exemption only for seniors who are members gave her opinion on the district’s senior exemption restric- on the Nov. 8 ballot: BART, marijuana and Measure C. of a “very low income household,” defined as a household tions. “In my experience, residents, including senior citizens, On page A9, writer Nick Marnell examines Measure that does not exceed 50 percent of the area median income. are often supportive of a local school parcel tax because they RR, the $3.5 billion bond BART is seeking to improve OUSD lists that median figure for a two-person household believe strong local public schools are an investment in their and update its service. as $52,650 on its 2016-17 exemption form, while MSD uses community and help maintain their property values. In the On page A11, Marnell takes a glimpse at how $39,000. short time that I have been in Orinda, I have observed the full everyday Lamorindans view Proposition 64, which would So in order to qualify for the exemption, OUSD and MSD school community, including our businesses, local agencies legalize pot for adults age 21 and over in the state. seniors must fill out the exemption form every year, attach a and our residents, to be extremely supportive of our schools,” And on page A12, we offer up a Pro/Con on portion of their federal tax return and supply a copy of their Seaton said. Lafayette’s volatile sales tax, Measure C. property tax bill and proof of age. The OUSD deadline for The MSD parcel tax language preceded Bruce Burns, Look for a wrap-up of local election results in the Nov. submission is June 15 each year; MSD allows until July 15. district superintendent, who said that he does not know why 16 issue of the Lamorinda Weekly. By contrast, the AUHSD and LSD exemptions are avail- the very low income household qualification was used in the Civic News A1-A16 Life in Lamorinda B1-B10 Sports C1-C4 Our Homes D1-D12 Lafayette scrambles to find SMC Local football “Founding new city offices – page A2. delivers a teams gear Gardeners” winning up for post- pay a visit to Fire Districts A8 “Twelfth season - page local garden Night” – C3. club – MOFD doesn’t take up tax page B1. page D1. group concerns – page A8. Lafayette Police Blotter Page: A2 LAMORINDA WEEKLY 925-377-0977 www.lamorindaweekly.com Wednesday, November 2, 2016 STILL #1 FOR A REASON 2008 THROUGH 2016 STILL #1 FOR A REASON 2008 THROUGH 2016 Lafayette's Best Lafayette’s Best Realtor Realtor Lot + Approved Plans! Public Meetings ¦£¤£¤ျၿၽၺ¤¡®£ထ­Ŵ ¦£¤£¤ျၹၻႁၸ¯­ထ­Ŵ City Council 3UHPLXPSDQFDNHÁDWDFUHORWZLWKSODQVDSSURYHG Beautifully remodeled and expanded 4BR/2.5BA, WKURXJK'HVLJQ5HYLHZWREXLOGDFXVWRP%5%$ 2800± sq. ft. charmer on a fully enclosed .38± acre corner Monday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m. 5354± sq. ft. home in the heart of Burton Valley. lot in the Reliez Valley steps to schools and recreation. Lafayette Library & Learning Center, Community Hall, 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. KīĞƌĞĚĂƚΨϭ͕ϯϱϬ͕ϬϬϬͻϳϱϮ^ĂŝŶƚDĂƌLJƐZŽĂĚ͘ĐŽŵ KīĞƌĞĚĂƚΨϭ͕ϲϵϬ͕ϬϬϬͻϭϯϵϬZĞůŝĞnjsĂůůĞLJZŽĂĚ͘ĐŽŵ Planning Commission Dana Green Dana Green 925.339.1918 925.339.1918 Monday, Nov. 7, 7 p.m. License #: 01482454 License #: 01482454 Lafayette Library & Learning Center, License #: 01866771 DanaGreenTeam.com License #: 01866771 DanaGreenTeam.com Community Hall, 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Design Review Monday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m. Lafayette Library & Learning Center, Loss of Lease Sends Lafayette Scrambling for City Office Space Arts & Science Discovery Center, By Victor Ryerson 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. four parking spaces at the current functions are now inseparable as a School Board Meetings site to electric vehicle charging practical matter, because they share Acalanes Union High School District stations, two for city use and two a technology hardware and soft- Wednesday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m. to share with the general public. ware platform (“telephones, serv- AUHSD Board Room 1212 Pleasant Hill Road, Lafayette Blomstrand informed Falk that the ers, integrated copy systems, GIS www.acalanes.k12.ca.us request could not be considered systems, emergency radio systems Lafayette School District because growth of the police de- and antennae, etc.,” according to Wednesday, Nov. 9, 7 p.m. partment over the years had con- the city’s staff report), that requires Regular Board Meeting tributed to a shortage of available co-location of the two city offices. District Office Board Room parking at Desco Plaza. In fact, he Consequently, the city has deter- 3477 School St., Lafayette pointed out (and Falk agrees), the mined that it must move its entire www.lafsd.k12.ca.us current situation does not comply operation elsewhere, and the land- Check online for agendas, meeting with the requirements of the city’s lord says it will not prepare a lease notes and announcements A Lafayette Police Department cruiser, haphazardly parked, takes up two own per-square foot standard, renewal for the city, but will offer City of Lafayette: spaces.
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