The University of Dodoma University of Dodoma Institutional Repository http://repository.udom.ac.tz Natural Sciences Journal Articles 2020 Heavy metals bio-accumulation in tilapia and catfish species in Lake Rukwa ecosystem Tanzania Mapenzi,Levinus Leonard;Shimba, Moses Joel;Moto, Edward Angelo;Maghembe, Reuben Silas;Mmochi, Aviti John Elsevier Mapenzi, L. L., Shimba, M. J., Moto, E. A., Maghembe, R. S., & Mmochi, A. J. (2020). Heavy metals bio-accumulation in tilapia and catfish species in Lake Rukwa ecosystem Tanzania. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 208, 106413. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12661/2465 Downloaded from UDOM Institutional Repository at The University of Dodoma, an open access institutional repository. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 208 (2020) 106413 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Geochemical Exploration journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/gexplo Heavy metals bio-accumulation in tilapia and catfish species in Lake Rukwa ecosystem Tanzania T ⁎ Levinus Leonard Mapenzia,b, , Moses Joel Shimbaa, Edward Angelo Motoa, Reuben Silas Maghembec, Aviti John Mmochib a Department of Biology, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, P.O. Box 338, University of Dodoma, Tanzania b Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania c Department of Biological and Marine Sciences, Marian University College, P.O. Box 47, Bagamoyo, Pwani, Tanzania ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Investigation on accumulation of selected heavy metals of Zinc, Mercury, Copper, Lead, Chromium and Nickel in Bio-accumulation sediment, water and muscle tissues of Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) and Oreochromis esculentus (Singida Fisher folk tilapia) fish was done in Lake Rukwa, Tanzania. Samples were obtained from transects of 100 m long extending fi Cat sh from Luika and Songwe River mouths to offshore. Water and sediment samples were collected directly from the Singida tilapia study sites while fish were obtained from fisherfolk operating in the Lake. Sampling was done in dry and wet Heavy metals seasons. Heavy metals analysis was done using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Concentration of heavy metals was higher in catfish than in tilapia (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in metal concentration between seasons except for Zn (p < 0.05). In this study only Zn was above standard WHO concentrations in fish muscles. Likewise, the concentrations of heavy metals were within recommended limits in water except Pb. The detected metals in sediment were above recommended limits. Other heavy metals in particular Hg, Ni and Cr were not detected in all samples. Therefore, studied fish from Lake Rukwa may threaten human health upon consumption. The detected heavy metals in water were within the maximum residual levels (MRLs) permitted by WHO. Sustainable Lake Rukwa's fish, ecosystem management and conservation are re- commended to discourage heavy metals discharge from elevating beyond permissible limits and thus prevent harmful health effects to fish consumers and water users. 1. Introduction pollutants can easily reach human through bio-magnification up the food chain (Amundsen et al., 1997), leading to diseases (Al-Yousuf and Heavy metals produced by local and commercial miners may pose El-Shahawi, 1999). The prevalence of heavy metals in measurable negative effects to the environment and living organisms. Pollution amounts across all aquatic ecosystems (Authman et al., 2015) raises an from mining activities is among the most common sources of highly important environmental concern. toxic chemical substances in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Henry Afshan et al. (2014) reported that heavy metals enter fish bodies and Mamboya, 2012). Mining pollution may be due to seepage of through gills, gastro intestinal tract and the body surfaces. The metals chemicals used for gold processing through soil in mining sites into impact fish growth and reproductive potential (Per-Arne et al., 1997), aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals may also enter aquatic ecosystems deteriorate immunity and cause pathological changes (Authman et al., through atmospheric deposition, geological weathering, agricultural, 2015). Fish respond to heavy metals either by accumulating, elimina- domestic and industrial waste discharges (Demirak et al., 2006). Heavy tion or shifting them to higher trophic levels (Shah and Altindag, 2005). metals impact fish due to their toxicity further enhanced by bio-accu- The fate of accumulated heavy metals in fish is dependent on storage mulation and bio-magnification (Afshan et al., 2014). Contaminants in and/or elimination capacity (Abdallah and Morsy, 2013). Therefore, water enter the food chain leading to negative impacts and fish mor- higher uptake with low elimination results into high accumulation of tality (Akinmoladun, et al., 2007). Heavy metal bio-accumulation in contaminants in tissues and vice versa. fish is important because fish tissues have higher uptake levels of some Pollutants that have been reported to negatively affect fish include metals e.g. arsenic and mercury (Afshan et al., 2014). Accordingly, such mercury, chromium, copper, zinc, lead and nickel. Lake Rukwa hosts a ⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Biology, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, P.O. Box 338, University of Dodoma, Tanzania. E-mail address: [email protected] (L.L. Mapenzi). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106413 Received 29 October 2018; Received in revised form 26 June 2019; Accepted 4 November 2019 Available online 06 November 2019 0375-6742/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. L.L. Mapenzi, et al. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 208 (2020) 106413 Fig. 1. A map of Lake Rukwa showing the sampling stations, data source Institute of Marine Sciences, GIS lab. variety of catfish species including Clarias gariepinus and tilapiines like heavy metals in C. gariepinus, O. esculentus, sediments and water in Lake Oreochromis rukwaensis and Oreochromis esculentus declared vulnerable Rukwa and its river inlets in Songwe District (former Chunya District), according to Cota, (2018). Therefore, the present study focused at both Songwe Region, Tanzania. We studied the metal accumulation on the sustainable management and conservation of fish resources in Lake fish species in Lake Rukwa, the work is important to the food safety and Rukwa by assessing the extent of heavy metal contamination. The environmental protection primary objective of the study was to determine the concentration of 2 L.L. Mapenzi, et al. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 208 (2020) 106413 2. Description of the study site Table 1 Detection limits of heavy metals in fish, sediment and water. 2 Lake Rukwa is an inland lake covering an area of about 5760 km . S/No Metal Detection limit Major inlets into the Lake are Luika, Songwe, Kikamba and Yeye Rivers. The Lake lying between 8°00′S and 32°25′E is close to abandoned and 1. Hg 0.01 mg/l ongoing gold mining sites. The present study was done in the Southern 2. Cr 0.00 2 mg/l ff 3. Ni 0.009 mg/l part of the Lake covering Luika and Songwe River Mouths and o shore 4. Cu 0.001 mg/l (Fig. 1). Socio-economic activities of communities along Lake Rukwa 5. Pb 0.005 mg/l include agriculture, livestock keeping, fishing and gold mining. The lake is surrounded by varieties of terrestrial wildlife animals and plant species. The Lake is also gifted with aquatic biodiversity that include Table 2 hippopotamus, crocodiles, turtles and fish species. The lake experiences Maximum limits of heavy metals in fish, sediment and water as per WHO re- two seasons that are dry and wet annually. commendations. Maximum limit WHO/FEPA 2.1. Sampling methods Water mg/L Sediment mg/kg Fish mg/kg Zn 3 0.0123 30 Five transects were established for sampling in the South of Lake Cu 1 0.025 3 Rukwa including Luika and Songwe River mouths. The rivers flow Pb 0.01 0.04 2 through abandoned mines areas; current mining and artisanal fisheries are taking place. Sampling was done twice during the dry (September–October 2016) and wet (March–May 2017) seasons. Choice 2.3. Statistical data analysis of the wet seasons based on the fact that probability that uptake of metals would be high due to River discharges and surface runoffs. All data for water quality and fish abundance were pooled followed Transects (100 m long) on the lake shore and river mouths were used by Kolmogorov–Smirnov normality and Levene homoscedasticity tests for water and sediment sampling. On each transect one sampling point respectively. The concentration of heavy metals in water, sediment, fish was set in the middle. Water samples were collected from the water tissues and water quality were found to be normally distributed and surface using three water bottles each with a capacity of 0.5 l. A grab behaved homoscedastically. Therefore, statistical analysis of the data sampler was used for sediment sampling on the shoreline of the lake. was done using one-way ANOVA in Statistica 10 software. Fish sampling was randomly done by purchasing fresh fish from fish- Accumulation of heavy metals in fish was analysed between the two erfolk while they were still fishing. Sediment sampling was done close fish species (African catfish and Singida tilapia) which are the com- to river mouths where the two rivers meet (SS1), Luika (SS2) and mercial and subsistence fish species in Lake Rukwa. Spearman corre- Songwe (SS3) river mouths stations. lation between water and heavy metals accumulation in fish was also Water quality parameters were measured in situ. These involved conducted. Fish diversity index was analysed using Primer 6 software. − conductivity (μScm1), salinity, turbidity and temperature (°C). Significant variation in heavy metals concentration of the tested sam- Salinity was measured using a hand-held salinometer (Model: YSI # 85/ ples was done following Turkey tests. 10 FT, USA), pH by a hand-held pH/mV meter (Model: SX 711), tur- bidity by secchi disc and coordinates by using GPS. The samples were 3.
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