'«» - K \ - ' Outside today Chance of occasional snow today and tonight. Snow Wednesday. Overnight A rea......... .1-3B Family ... ..6-7A temperatures in the low 30s; highs Business... lOB Jai alai....... 6B Wednesday in the SOs. National Classified.. .6-8B Obituaries ... lOA weather map on page 6Bi ' ' - comics.........9BComics__ ..9B PeopletalkPeopletalk !!.. .. 2A 2A Dear Abby. .. 9B Sports....... 4-6B Editorial .. .. 4A TWO SfiCnONS MM««E8TER. conn:; linspAV. CIiCBM^ M, inr - VOL. Sewer plans Summary CAmO, Egypt (UPI) - Top military leaders of Eg)rpt and Israel held a surprise meeting at a northern Egyptian airfield today in advance of a Christmas peace go to vote meeting between President Anwar Sadat and Israeli ^ im e Minister Menahem Begin. Egyptian officials said Gen. Mohammed Gamassy, Egyptian war minister and commander of in district the armed forces, conferred with Israeli Defense Minister Ezer By GREG PEARSON the informal committee. Weizman at an airfield near Herald Reporter "Consolidation comes from within Alexandria in Egypt’s the district. I don’t see any way we northwestern desert. The Eighth UUliUes District Board want to consolidate,” Lasirow said. The meeting, on which the of­ of Directors approved sending to the "W ^ust want to work smoothly with ficials gave no immediate details, district’s voten a sewer project that the 'Town of Manchester.” came as a week-old Egyptian- would service the Town of He also objected to what he called Israeli peace conference in Cairo Manchester’s proposed industriai innuendoes tlut the district does not came to a virtual standstill, park, and District President Gordon want J.C. Penney, which would be awaiting the outcome of the Lassow blasted Ted Cummings and the major tenant in the park, or that weekend talks between Sadat and recent talk o i consolidation. it has Med to delay an agreement on Begin. Lassow opened the board’s the sewers for the park. meeting Mon^y night with a short ’The district directors agreed to WASHINGTON (UPI) - A new speech about recent reports ^ t con­ send the sewer project to district law, signed into being today by solidation is being d is c u i^ . Cum­ voters after a presentation Monday President Carter boosts taxes for mings is believed to be the strongest night by Jay Giles, director of public 107 million American workers and local supporter for such a move, works. their employers to finance Social which would combine the town and The sewer would start on Hilliard Security pensions to the year 2030 the district fire departments. Street, run along New State Road, and comes within 11/2 per cent of “I find it difflcuit to believe that in cut across to A daw Street and then balancing the program to the year January we’re trying to get together /run along Tolland Turnpike before 2050. for the first time, and Mr. Cunmiings coming to the proposed park area in The lav/ will raise 3227 billion in has picked this time to alienate the Buckland section, Giles said. new taxes over the next decade. people,” Lassow said. He was Lawrence Noone, a district direc­ To soften the economic impact of referring to a Jan. 16 meeting tor, asked that the plan for the town- Family joins in carol sing the higher taxes next year Carter scheduled 'between the directors of sponsored project not include proper­ Richard Fyler, right, and his daughters Elizabeth Steele, center, and Lara Steele take reportedly is considering tax cuts the district and the town. of 320 billion to 330 billion. ties that do not abut the sewer line. part in the Eighth District’s carol sing held Monday night in Robertson Park. The family The Board of Directors of the Giles said that he would accept the Greater Manchester Chaniber of change. lives at 129E Rachel Road. (Herald photo by Pearson) CARABALLEDA, Venezuela Commerce has scheduled a meeting The board of directors agreed to (UPI) — Venezuelan President for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday and one of present Ihe proposed project to the Carlos Andres Perez, who is the agenda items is a discussion on district’s voters. Any sewer project known to favor a moderate oil consolidation. An executive board north of Middle Turnpike must be ap­ price increase of 5 to 8 per cent, meeting of the chamber had been set Author sees no point proved by the electorate of the dis­ officially opened the conference for last week and consolidation was trict. ’The plan will be presented to of oil ministers from the expected to be discussed, but the the voters only after it is approved by Organization of Petroieum Expor­ meeting had to be postponed. the Town Board of Directors, accor­ ting Countries today at the Melia Cummings said that he has not ding to the district board’s approval. to a new Reilly probe Caribe resort hotel, been invit^ to either session. A similar approval was granted for Conference sources said infor­ Related to the consolidation ques­ mal talks on oil prices had a 1,500-foot extension of the proposed would be but a fraction of the money tion, Lassow proposed that the dis­ HARTFORD (UPI) - Author studied by police officers as a prime already started Monday night, at sewer project that would service the Donald Connery said today it is lesson in what not to do.” thus far wasted in the case. It is trict establish a committee to look Baldwin and Concord roads area. The a welcoming banquet for the 13 oil pointless to ask for yet another in­ McDonnell, for example, said about a tenth of the debts of his into the history of the district. main section of the project already ministers from the member vestigation of the Peter Reilly case numerous "suspects” were inter­ defense that Peter Reilly hopes one Robert Bletchman vrill act as head of has been approved by the district nations to forge a compromise "so long as the present state police viewed about the murder, but "none day to be able to pay.” voters, but the 1,500-foot section, solution among three factions. hierarchy remains.” of these possible suspects could be He said that if present rules do not which runs easterly along Tolland One faction favors freezing prices He said its "commitment to directly linked to the homicide of permit the state to post a reward of Turnpike, also requires approval at the current level, another Reilly’s guilt and the need for face­ Barbara Gibbons.” this size, the Legislature should from the voters. wants a 5-10 percent hike and the Lit scholar saving is total.” ’Those McDonnell investigated in­ change the rules. third, a group of radicals, would The Ladies Auxiliary of the district Connery was responding to com­ clude five persons named by a grand "Surely everyone who has also issued a complaint Monday night like a price hike of up to 23 per­ ments made in New Haven Dec. 5 by jury as possessing "the motivation, criticized the handling of the Reilly about a 3400 check they received. cent. Yale prexy? Connecticut State Police Com­ capability and opportunity to commit case, myself included, can sym­ The money is to be used to pay in­ missioner Edward P. Leonard who the crime alone or in concert with pathize with Commissioner surance costs for the winter carnival, said probable cause still exists to others.” Leonard’s plea that the ‘state police Picketing by striking farmers NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Yale but women representing the suspect Reilly, who has been formal­ Connery said because of the state’s should be left alone.’ was reported in only a handful of University sources said today a auxiliary said that this was not made ly exonerated in his mother’s 1973 mismanagement of the case for so “It would be damaging to state states today, with boycott leaders leading contender for the Yale clear when they received the check. slaying. long and the injustice done Reilly, it policemen in the long run, however, and Agriculture Department of­ presidency is A. Bartlett Glamatti, a They did not want to accept any His response consisted of a 9,000- should post a reward for information to allow the suspicions of the Reilly ficials agreeing that the angry Renaissance literature scholar. liability that might result. The direc­ word, four-page position paper that leads to the conviction of "at case to fester and remain un­ farmers are not trying to disrupt Tbe Yale Corp. scheduled a 4 p.m. tors agreed to take back the $400, pay printed in tabloid form that was least one of the persons who killed answered. the nation’s food supplies. news conference today to announce the insurance cost and return the mailed to news editors and others. Barbara Gibbons.” “As far as we can see, they are the university’s 18th president to remaining funds to the auxiliary. “As matters now stand,” Connery Leonard’s comments in New Connery, who wrote a book about not really trying to deprive succeed Kingman Brewster Jr. who Evelyn Gregan reported Uiat the said, “the police hierarchy appears Haven was the second time the state the Reilly case entitled "Guilty Until anybody of food,’’ Deputy became U.S. ambassador to Great carnival will not include a fishing to be incapable of rectifying serious police commissioner accused Reilly Proven Innocent,” said the amount Agriculture Secretary John White Britain last spring. derby because of certain restrictions mistakes and all too capable of publicly in the absence of any should be large, "both to win a con­ said Monday. "It (the strike) is If selected, Giamatti, 39, would on the use of Salters Pond.
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