Seven Holy Founders Parish 6741 Rock Hill Road – Affton, Missouri 63123-3198 Tel: 314-638-3938 – Fax: 314-638-0613 – Website: www.foundersaffton.org Parish Mission Statement “We, the community of Seven Holy Founders, invoke the Spirit to lead us in worship, education and SERVICE. Through the teaching of Jesus, we are led by HOPE to promote healing. As people of FAITH, we support our Parish with our time, talent and treasures.” Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12, 2018 PARISH STAFF: Rev. John Brennell — Pastor "Of many things!" [email protected] Rev. Donald Buhr — (Retired) Living at Regina Cleri Dear parishioners: [email protected] 968-2240 Rev. Mr. Thomas E. Forster — Deacon First, a reminder! If you or a loved one [email protected] 753-4577 is going into the hospital for an opera- Rev. Mr. Thomas A. Schiller — Deacon tion or procedure and would like to be [email protected] 486-8600 anointed, please call or email and I will try to find a Sr. Patricia Kofron, ASCJ — Pastoral Associate [email protected] time to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of Mrs. Jenifer Broyles — PSR Coordinator the Sick. Often I or Fr. Don have been able to cele- Mrs. Gail Duvall — Business Manager brate the sacrament after the weekend Mass you or [email protected] the loved one attends. Secondly, if you know of Ms. Mary Truetken — Web Master a parishioner in the hospital, please let us know. Child Safety Coordinator Remember, because of privacy laws, hospitals no [email protected] Mrs. Mary Eggleston – Music Coordinator — 842-4049 longer inform parishes that someone is there. The Mrs. JoAnn Lombardo — Wedding Coordinator deacons and I will make every effort to make a visit. Website: www.foundersaffton.org For those who are grieving the loss of a spouse there is a special "GriefShare" seminar on Thursday, Au- Parish School of Religion (PSR) gust 23rd in the Parish Center. It is a one-time, 2 hour Website: www.shfpsr.org 633-0123 [email protected] seminar. So come or invite a friend that you know is grieving. Also, the bulletin has information on the Youth Ministry — St. Louis Life Teen ongoing "GriefShare" support group. www.saintlouislifeteen.org If you have not yet registered your children for The Seven Holy Founders, Secular Servites Parish School of Religion, you can find registration Janet Paluczak — [email protected] information on our parish website. St. Vincent de Paul Society: 631-8248 Save the date: Our parish Fall Festival will be held School: Holy Cross Academy: 475-3436 on Sunday, October 7th. More details will be in up- coming bulletins! LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:30pm If you know of anyone interested in our Catholic Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am Faith, please contact Sr. Pat and she will be happy to meet with them and explain the Rite of Christian Monday through Friday at 8am Initiation Journey. Remember to pray that we are Saturdays at 8am enriched with new members and that they find in us a Holy Days & Holidays: Consult the bulletin. worthy home! SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE And last, but not least: There are details in the bulletin Baptism: Celebrated by appointment only. Call the Rectory for the 3rd Annual Theresa Twellman Memorial Office for Baptismal Prep Class details etc. Run/Walk for a Cure for PSP/CBD/MSA on Satur- Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm. day August 25th. A wonderful way to get exercise Marriage: As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact the while supporting a cause close to our parish family’s Rectory Office at least 6 months prior to the desired date to heart! schedule the wedding and preparation. Communion to the Sick/Shut-Ins: Call the Rectory. In Christ, Sacrament of the Sick: 1st Saturday of the month after the Fr. John 8am Mass and upon request. St. Peregrine Devotion: Mondays after 8am Mass. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12, 2018 Parish Calendar Sunday Monday August 12, 2018 August 13, 2018 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saints Pontain and Hippolytus, Priest and Martyrs 7:00am Elmer & May Soke 8:00am Clare Heyne 9:00am SHF Parishioners 11:00am Justin Kriska 7:30pm Boy Scout Troop Mtg./P. Hal. 12:30pm Baptisms 12:30pm Boy Scout Court of Honor/P. Hall Tuesday Wednesday August 14, 2018 August 15, 2017 Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00am Diane Borlinghaus A Holy Day of Obligation 8:00am William Baragiola 9:00am Adult Bible Study on Vacation Coffee & Donuts after Mass in the Mary Rm. 7:00pm Rekindling the Faith/Brd. Rm. 12:15pm Deceased Members of the Bucher Family 7:00pm Knight of Columbus/Mary Rm. 6:30pm SHF Parishioners 9:00am St. Juliana Quilters/St. Juliana Rm. Eucharistic Adoration In the Ursuline Chapel from 9am to 8pm Thursday Friday August 16, 2018 August 17, 2018 Saint Stephen of Hungary 8:00am The Special Intention of Mary Truetken 8:00am The Special Intentions of the Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group Saturday Sunday August 18, 2018 August 19, 2018 8:00am Richard & Elvera Mersmann Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1:30pm Wedding: Virginia Sepich & William Clemons 7:00am Laura Klos 9:00am Sebastiano, Leonarda, & Rita Gandolfo Sacrament of Reconciliation 3pm to 4pm 11:00am Patrick McVey 4:30pm SHF Parishioners 6:30pm ACTS Core Team Mtg./Mary Rm. 6:30am SYB Men’s Rosary/Mary Rm. 7:00am SYB Men’s Prayer Group/Mary Rm. 9:00am Secular Order/Mary Rm. St. Philip Benizi, OSM Bread Distribution after Mass St. Philip Benizi, OSM Bread Distribution after all Masses Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12, 2018 III Virginia Sepich & William Clemons Geraldine Rosenthal Judy Lowe Mark Preiss Donalyn Pieschel Cissell Interested in the David Lansford Leo Hylla Catholic Faith? Robert Abbott Jeanne Alphin Are you interested in learning Bob & Nancy Schukai Lisa Petro Louise Carcagno Larry Manion more about the Christian faith Linda & Leo Makarewicz Betty Rumbolo and rich Catholic tradition? A Douglas Pelikan Greg Bear new group of adult inquirers is Matthew Kadera Mike Susanka forming soon. Please consider Salle Schreier Leo O’Leary joining our inquiry group if you: Herman Krus Ruth Gezella Alice Shelton Luke Harashe Have never been baptized? Ken Maass Verna Bankhead Were baptized in another Christian tradition and Albert Grosch Christine Lewandowski are thinking about becoming Catholic? Lorraine Sullivan Susan Rauh Or, were baptized Catholic but never completed Theresa Wood Al Spies the sacraments of initiation (Eucharist or Confir- Residents of Southview Jackie Eickenhorst Margaret Stewart Tim O’Donnell mation)? Phil Kratzert Cooper Treacy If you are interested or know of someone who might Barbara Lee Myra Heaghney be interested, please call Sr. Pat at 638-3938. Helen Mazurkiewicz Bernie Weiss Kirby Kelso Margaret Black Mary Hannan Mary Bumm Prayer for the Journey of Faith Tom Dresner Geraldine Rodriguez Life-Giving Father, we ask you to bless our parish David Maass Don Schisler with candidates and catechumens who desire to be- Chuck O’Reilly Don Alwine come one with us in our Catholic Faith. May our Dan Knobbe Joe Hackney Amy & Jeff Grus Peter Wong lives of prayer and our works of charity in the name Christine Musick Ella Pittman of Jesus, draw them to the Eucharistic table where Charlie Bezdeck Ruth Ann McGrory we will stand as one body united in your Spirit. We Larry Brdzilauskas Lois Gladden ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. John Mundwiller Mary Truetken Carmen Waluska Jane Bucholz Virginia Worley Melika Panneri Larry Liebmann Save the Date!!! Anthony Medlin Beloved Son of Marie Medlin Sunday Martin Hannauer October 7th Beloved Brother of Mary Ann Schwartz More details will follow!!! Your Weekly Donations For In Loving & Prayerful Memory July 29, 2018 of William Baragiola $9,114 was collected in contribution enve- lopes to the General Fund. Your generosity From his Loving Wife Kathy is greatly appreciated. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12, 2018 The Assumption Save the Date!!! of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018 August 15th is the Feast of the As- Men’s ACTS Retreat sumption; a Holy Day of Obligation. November 29th Mass will be celebrated at 8am, to December 2nd 12:15pm & 6:30pm. There is no More information Mass of Anticipation. to follow Father, I pray for family and friends who are grieving... They're hurting for many reasons, and I ask You to help them through this season of loss. I reach out to You, the Father of compassion and the Source of every comfort, asking You to touch them with Your unfailing love and kindness. Be their God who comforts them as they're going through their struggles, and bring them through the tough things ahead. Come alongside them in their pain, and strengthen them so they'll one day be able to help others who face the same struggles. (2 Corinthians 1:3–4; Psalm 33:22; 1 Samuel 20:14a) We’re offering two opportunities for those who are grieving the death of a loved one: GriefShare Support Group (13 sessions for anyone who has lost a loved one) and Loss of a Spouse (a one-time 2 hour event that is video based for those who have lost a spouse). A workbook will be needed for each program. Grief Support Group workbook is $15, Loss of a Spouse is $5. Scholarships available. Please read below for more information and/or or visit our website to view a short video. To register, please call 314-638-3938 or email [email protected] Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12, 2018 Protecting God’s Children Workshop BVM Sodality News at Our Lady of Providence Campus Wednesday, August 15th— Quilting at As required by Archdiocesan policy, all men and 9am in the St.
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