M6 N M42 LEICESTER WOLVERHAMPTON PETERBOROUGH W E 1 Corby A1 (M) M6 S BIRMINGHAM COVENTRY A14 M42 Huntingdon Rhayader Leominster Warwick Worcester M5 NORTHAMPTON Stratford- A1 A49 upon-Avon A5 M1 Hereford A429 Banbury Milton M50 Keynes LUTON M40 A40 Cheltenham A44 Gloucester A41 Abergavenny A40 A1 (M) Stroud M5 OXFORD Watford Cirencester M25 A429 CARDIFF 2 SWINDON LONDON M4 Reading M4 L BRISTOL Heathrow E A4 N N Marlborough Newbury A H M25 B R I S T O L C BATH Basingstoke Warminster Dorking Frome Guildford M23 Glastonbury A303 M3 A3 Gatwick Alton Winchester A37 Horsham Travelling to ABB UK, Bristol Taunton M5 Salisbury SOUTHAMPTON A272 Yeovil A23 A303 Blandford Chichester M27 Mint Motion Centre, 6 Bristol Distribution Park, Hawkley Drive, Bristol BS32 0BF, United Kingdom Forum A27 A35 BRIGHTON Telephone: +44 (0)1454 850000 Facsimile: +44 (0)1454 859001 Website: www.abb.com/motionA35 Dorchester Poole PORTSMOUTH EXETER © Crown Copyrights 43363U BOURNEMOUTH ISLE OF WIGHT Lyme Bay Weymouth 0 50 100 KM By Air: All major airports are within easy reach of Bristol via M6the UK motorway network N M42 LEICESTER THORNBURY 8 WOLVERHAMPTON NPETERBOROUGH Aust 1 N 3 A38 A M - Bristol 30 minutes, Birmingham 11/2 hours, Heathrow 11/2 hours, and Gatwick 21/2 Alveston P F O LO 4 W E C Corby S RE H W A1E (M) W E N 1 E C hours. N B4461 H D E M6 P 2 Olveston 3 T A A BIRMINGHAM R S A403 M48 E R A14 E M5 O K COVENTRY S S R DRIV V K E M42 Rudgeway C IV Hortham E R R Huntingdon Redwick E TO D Hospital S T K S C By Rail: Bristol Parkway Station is within easy reach of ABB,10 minutes by taxi or a E O Warwick M4 M4 CRAN T Rhayader 21 C N Leominster A U R M5 NORTHAMPTON 22 O C Worcester L short bus journey on the No. 73 bus. Parkway Station has regular service connections to E Pilning A38 Stratford- G A1H A49 upon-Avon central Bristol (Temple Meads Station) and other parts of the UK. A5 M1 T Severn Beach Almondsbury 15 A429 F ILL Hereford 20 E H O TH Banbury Milton 16 3 Almondsbury 20 M50 Keynes H B4055 Over Frampton Iron By Bus: The no: 73 bus runs every 15 minutes and stops at the end of Hawkley Drive TLUTON Acton M 5 Cheltenham M40 U Patchway Cotterell in Woodlands Lane. Its route startsA40 in the City Centre and continues via GloucesterA44 Rd, O Easter M Compton M4 Filton Ave, Parkway Station, Brook Way, BowslandGloucester Way, Woodlands Lane, Gloucester A41 M49 17 A432 Abergavenny A40 A1 (M) B4057 Hallen Winterbourne 15 Rd, Highwood Rd and ends at Cribbs Causeway. Stroud Catbrain M5 OXFORD Watford M5 Cirencester AVONMOUTH M25 Filton Parkway Station 19 A429 A By Road: From the M4 /M5: Leave the M4 at Junction 20 and join theSWINDON M5 Southbound. 18 a 1 3 CARDIFF LONDON Henbury 8 2 18 Hambrook 16 GR S Leave the M5 at the next exit, Junction 16 (sign posted Aztec west, Bristol) and join the E Reading 5 D M4 Shirehampton AT M32 M N A38 P A M4 B4056 R A L R D D A38. At the first roundabout take the first exit left onto Bradley Stoke Way and then the Stapleton K BRISTOL Heathrow B Y L 40 O 5 R O E LE A4 4 D K N W Pill W first turning left onto Woodlands Lane.N Continue straight acrossMarlborough the next roundabout and M Newbury A A W O 19 B D ODL H 4 H A4 4465 OA AND C M25 R S L B R I S L BATH Ham Green Redland 2 E ANE 73 T E Hawkley Drive is the third turningO on the left. ABB is the second unit on the left-hand Soundwell N T G R A L A ENC D Basingstoke 3 D H Easton- 6 I L R A A S Warminster Dorking 9 D A NE side. in-Gordano H F 3 Frome Guildford M23 3 S N O O A X A420 8 A Abbots R F Glastonbury L IE D L A303 M3 A3 Gatwick D Leigh O E Alton A O E Y KINGSWOOD Aztec V A Winchester R W E W A37 N D B3128Horsham T L From Bristol City Centre: Leave the City Centre via the A38 Northbound (signposted U E M5 West I Taunton Salisbury Hilton Bristol E Hanham F A431 R T Hotel S A272 BRISTOL A E Filton, Patchway). Travel along the A38 for approx. 7 miles and at the roundabout just W SOUTHAMPTON E Yeovil A23 B R A D L E Y P Aztec ST O B O Temple Meads Hotel K E W S L A before the M5 take the third exit rightA303 (sign posted Bradley Stoke), onto Bradley Stoke Brislington TRE W N D Blandford Chichester V K E A Long Station Oldland A CRES Y W Forum M27 A O A Y G A27 Ashton K Way and then the first turning left onto Woodlands Lane. Continue straight across the Knowle R L A35 O PA BRIGHTON U W Bitton C TA A C A35 A4174 S NSH L OSE next roundabout and Hawkley Drive is the third turning on the left. ABB is the second A370 E Y B Dorchester S Poole PORTSMOUTH A R T A Backwell KEYNSHAM D E W EXETER © Crown Copyrights 43363U L R E unit on the left-hand side. B3130 N Y © Crown Copyrights 43363U ISLE OF VE © Crown Copyrights 43363U E A U BOURNEMOUTH K H R H E E M T S P D Patchway T WIGHT A38 TO O O A37 Queen N K L O Bishopsworth A4 A NE E Lyme Bay Charlton R W B Weymouth A A THE T Y 3 CO S M M A On Arrival: Visitors are requested to report immediately to Reception. Car parking is Dundry Whitchurch 8 ON E Saltford THE COM M ON available adjacent to reception. 0 50 100 KM 0 5 10 KM 0 500 1000 METRES M6 THORNBURY 8 N N Aust 1 N 3 M42 LEICESTER A38 A M WOLVERHAMPTON Alveston P F PETERBOROUGH O LO 4 C S RE W E W E N H W E E C N B4461 Corby H D E ( ) P 2 Olveston A1 M 3 T A A 1 R A403 M48 E R E M6 M5 O K S SBIRMINGHAM S R DRIV V K E Rudgeway A14 C IV Hortham E COVENTRY R R Redwick E TO D Hospital S M42 T K S C E O M4 M4 Huntingdon CRAN T 21 C N A Warwick U R Rhayader Leominster 22 O C L E Pilning A38 NORTHAMPTON Worcester M5 G H Stratford- T Severn upon-Avon A1 A49 Beach Almondsbury 15 A5 F M1 ILL 20 E H O A429 TH Hereford 16 3 Almondsbury 20 H B4055 Iron OverBanbury Milton Frampton 5 T M50 Keynes Acton M U Patchway CotterellLUTON O Easter Cheltenham M40 A40 M Compton A44 M4 M49 17 A432 Gloucester B4057A41 Hallen Winterbourne 15 Abergavenny A40Catbrain A1 (M) Stroud M5 AVONMOUTHM5 OXFORD Watford Cirencester Filton Parkway Station 19 M25 A 18 a 1 3 A429 Henbury 8 CARDIFF 18 SWINDON Hambrook 16 GR LONDON S E 5 D 2Shirehampton AT M32 M N A38 P A B4056 Reading R M4 A L R D D Stapleton K B M4 Y 40 O 5 R O BRISTOL 4 Heathrow D LE L K E W Pill A4 W M N W O A O H N 19 Marlborough B AD DLA 4 A4 Newbury 4465 O NDS A Ham Green Redland 2 R E LANE 73 H Soundwell M25 E N T G R B R C BAA TH L A ENC D I S L 3 D H T O Easton- 6 I L R A A S 9 Basingstoke D A NE in-Gordano H F 3 3 S N O O Dorking A X Warminster A420 8 A Abbots R F Frome Guildford M23 L IE L D D Glastonbury Leigh O E A A303 M3 O E Y KINGSA3 WOODGatwick Aztec V A R E W Alton W N D B3128 T L Winchester U E West I A37 Hilton Bristol E Hanham Horsham F A431 R T Taunton M5 Hotel S Salisbury E BRISTOL A E W A272 P SOUTHAMPTON B R A D L E Y Aztec ST O B O Yeovil Temple Meads A23 Hotel K E W S L A Brislington TRE W N D V K E A Long Station Oldland A CRES Y W A303 Blandford Chichester A O A Y G Ashton M27 K Forum Knowle R L O A27 PA U W A35 Bitton C TA A C A4174 S NSH L OSE A370 BRIGHTON E Y B A35 S A R T A Backwell KEYNSHAM D Dorchester Poole PORTSMOUTH E W L R E B3130 N Y © Crown Copyrights 43363U VE © Crown Copyrights 43363U A U © Crown Copyrights 43363U E K EXETER H R H E E M T S P D Patchway T A38 ISLE OF TO O O BOURNEMOUTH A37 Queen N K L O Bishopsworth WIGHT A4 A NE E Charlton R W B A A THE T Y Lyme Bay 3 CO S Weymouth M M A Dundry Whitchurch 8 ON E Saltford THE COM M ON 0 50 0 100 KM5 10 KM 0 500 1000 METRES THORNBURY 8 N Aust 1 N 3 A38 A M Alveston P F O LO 4 C S RE W E W E N H E C N B4461 H D E P 2 Olveston 3 T A A R A403 M48 E R E M5 O K S S R DRIV V K E Rudgeway C IV Hortham E R R Redwick E TO D Hospital S T K S C E O M4 M4 CRAN T 21 C N A U R 22 O C L E Pilning A38 G H T Severn Beach Almondsbury 15 F ILL 20 E H O TH 16 3 Almondsbury 20 H B4055 Over Frampton Iron T Acton M 5 U Patchway Cotterell O Easter M Compton M4 M49 17 A432 B4057 Hallen Winterbourne 15 Catbrain M5 AVONMOUTH Filton Parkway Station 19 A 18 a 1 3 Henbury 8 18 Hambrook 16 GR S E 5 D Shirehampton AT M32 M N A38 P A B4056 R A L R D D Stapleton K B Y 40 O 5 R O 4 D LE K W Pill W M W O A O H 19 B AD DLA 4 A4 4465 O NDS Ham Green Redland 2 R E LANE 73 Soundwell E N T G R A L A ENC D 3 D H Easton- 6 I L R A A S 9 D A NE in-Gordano H F 3 3 S N O O A X A420 8 A Abbots R F L IE L D D Leigh O E A O E Y KINGSWOOD Aztec V A R W E W N D B3128 T L U E West I Hanham Hilton Bristol E F A431 R T Hotel S BRISTOL A E E W B R A D L E Y P Aztec ST O B O Temple Meads Hotel K E W S L A Brislington TRE W N D V K E A Long Station Oldland A CRES Y W A O A Y G Ashton K Knowle R L O PA U W Bitton C TA A C A4174 S NSH L OSE A370 E Y B S A R T A Backwell KEYNSHAM D E W L R E B3130 N Y © Crown Copyrights 43363U VE © Crown Copyrights 43363U E A U K H R H E E M T S P D Patchway T A38 TO O O A37 Queen N K L O Bishopsworth A4 A NE E Charlton R W B A A THE T Y 3 CO S M M A Dundry Whitchurch 8 ON E Saltford THE COM M ON 0 5 10 KM 0 500 1000 METRES.
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