January 30, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E119 Business and served on the Board of Direc- young women and men against predators. Of- serve privacy. Adding questions back into the tors of New York State Chamber of Com- ficials at USA Gymnastics, Michigan State decennial census about citizenship would de- merce Executives in 1999. Colleen serves as University, and the U.S. Olympics committee feat this purpose of the ACS. The representa- event and sponsorship coordinator and as a knew about multiple allegations against tive sampling provided by the ACS is more member of the Advisory Board for the Buffalo Nassar. They knew for years, and they did than sufficient to determine citizenship statis- Bills Alumni and was selected by Ralph Wil- nothing to reprimand the perpetrator or pre- tics within the United States. We must ensure son, the late owner of the Buffalo Bills, to vent it from happening again to other young that all individuals are counted in the decen- serve on the Project 21 initiative. Her engage- athletes. nial census, thereby providing accurate alloca- ment in developing public policy positions was This bill, however, does not go far enough. tion of federal funds and representation in duly noted on both sides of the aisle as she Changes to the governance of these bodies Congress, not reduce participation by already served on the Transition Team for several Erie going forward is clearly insufficient to guard underrepresented minorities because they fear County Executives. Governor Pataki selected the rights of those victims who have already answering questions that are already ad- Colleen as a Commissioner on the Buffalo and been harmed. The burden should not rest dressed elsewhere. Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority and to the solely on those victims brave enough to ad- I strongly urge my colleagues to support this State Commission on Judicial Conduct. vance their claim in a court of law. bill. Governor Cuomo appointed Colleen to the The past several months in particular have Western New York Regional Economic Devel- brought to light the systemic problem of sexual f opment Council, a position she has held since harassment and assault. From Larry Nassar, OPPOSING BEIJING’S UNILATER- it was created to develop a regional strategic to Harvey Weinstein, to powerful, elected offi- ALLY MODIFIED USE OF CIVIL plan and ensure its coordinated implementa- cials, we’ve allowed sexual predators and har- AVIATION FLIGHT ROUTES IN tion. He also appointed her in 2016 to the assers to escape scrutiny and consequences TAIWAN STRAIT AND SUP- Roswell Park Cancer Institute Board of Direc- for their actions for far too long. This is unac- PORTING OBSERVER STATUS tors. Colleen currently is a member of the Ex- ceptable and it’s our responsibility to act. We FOR TAIWAN IN THE WORLD ecutive Committee and Board of Directors of must continue to not only unmask these indi- HEALTH ORGANIZATION Independent Health and was appointed to the viduals and their enablers and bring them to Erie County Industrial Development Agency justice, but also work tirelessly to prevent Policy Committee by County Executive these assaults from happening in the first HON. STEVE KING Poloncarz. place. OF IOWA Her extensive professional and community And to the countless survivors of sexual as- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES involvement extends beyond her duties as sault and harassment who so boldly continue Tuesday, January 30, 2018 President and CEO as she served on a variety to share their stories—I hear you, I believe of committees, boards and associations in you, and I thank you for your courage. Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I would like to address two issues that are of great con- leadership and active roles including the WNY f Autism Foundation, Hospice Playhouse cern to the security and status of Taiwan, a Project, Executive Women International, Buf- INTRODUCTION OF THE ENSURING long-time great friend and ally of the United falo Prep, Unyts, Williamsville Sweet Home FULL PARTICIPATION IN THE States. First, I am deeply concerned about re- Junior Football Association and Shea’s Per- CENSUS ACT OF 2018 ports that Beijing has modified the use of civil forming Arts. Additionally, she served as the aviation flight routes in the Taiwan Strait with- first Chairman of the University of Buffalo HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON out consultation with Taiwan authorities. Such unilateral actions are unacceptable to all that Leadership Development Program. OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA desire stability and peace in the region. Issues Mr. Speaker, thank you for allowing me a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES related to civil aviation and safety in the Tai- few moments to recognize Colleen C. DiPirro Tuesday, January 30, 2018 wan Strait should be decided through dialogue as the Amherst Chamber of Commerce includ- between both sides. I encourage authorities in ing staff, board members, family and friends Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- Beijing to engage those in Taipei in construc- gathers on Thursday, February 1st to cele- duce the Ensuring Full Participation in the tive dialogue, on the basis of dignity and re- brate the work and wisdom of this most influ- Census Act of 2018, which would prohibit the spect. ential woman. She is most deserving of these Census Bureau (‘‘Bureau’’) from including heartfelt acknowledgements that reflect her questions on the decennial census about citi- Second, I reiterate my support for Taiwan to career of almost 40 years of helping busi- zenship, nationality, or immigration status. regain its observer status in the World Health nesses, countless individuals and a growing This bill is essential because the Depart- Organization (WHO). As you know, statehood community reach their full potential. We ex- ment of Justice recently wrote to the Bureau is not a requirement for attendance at the tend all best wishes for continued good health requesting that it ‘‘reinstate on the 2020 Cen- World Health Assembly (WHA)—the decision- and happiness to Colleen and her sons, Kevin sus questionnaire a question regarding citizen- making body of the WHO—and so there is no and Keith, and her four grandchildren, Joey ship.’’ From 1970 to 2000, this question was legitimate reason to exclude Taiwan. The Peo- and Kaylee, Drew and Luke, as a new chapter sent to only approximately 16 percent of the ple’s Republic of China (PRC) is but one na- begins for her and the Amherst Chamber of population during any decennial census tion in the community of many belonging to Commerce. through the so-called ‘‘long-form.’’ However, the WHO and WHA, and should not get to dic- the long-form system with that question was tate participation to the rest of the body. It is f dropped from the census and replaced with simply not right to treat Taiwan in this way PROTECTING YOUNG VICTIMS the current American Community Survey when they contribute so generously to the FROM SEXUAL ABUSE AND SAFE (ACS). The ACS is sent to approximately 3 world, through its role in sectors such as SPORT AUTHORIZATION ACT OF million people annually on a rotational basis, healthcare and international humanitarian aid. 2017 instead of just with the decennial census, and Just this month, this House passed H.R. 3320, allows the Bureau to get the necessary infor- in support of Taiwan’s observer status in the SPEECH OF mation on citizenship, without asking every re- WHO, on suspension by voice vote. This vote spondent during the decennial census. Asking is evidence of this body’s strong support for HON. EARL BLUMENAUER questions about citizenship status to every Taiwan, which I share and endorse whole- OF OREGON American through the decennial census has heartedly. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not been done in almost 70 years because it Mr. Speaker, I look forward to registering would only discourage people, largely in mi- more votes to support and bolster Taiwan’s Monday, January 29, 2018 nority communities, which are already under- security and status in the world. I am also Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, the trial of represented in the census, from participating confident that if we continue to enhance our Larry Nassar and the testimonies of more than in the census. The ACS was created to make bilateral relationship, this dynamic partnership 150 brave women have illuminated many in- the decennial census simpler for American citi- that we’ve built together will continue to thrive justices. One of the most critical is that our in- zens to complete, thus encouraging a higher in the future, and liberty will increase world- stitutions are fundamentally failing to protect and more accurate participant rate, and to pre- wide. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:48 Jan 31, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JA8.025 E30JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 30, 2018 HONORING MAGGIE MAINE fenders of Bataan and Corregidor Memorial HONORING CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY Society. Her father, Robert E. Thompson, was PATROL OFFICER JOHN HON. MARK SANFORD a Navy Pharmacist’s Mate who had been as- QUINTERO ON THE OCCASION OF OF SOUTH CAROLINA signed to a submarine tender in Manila Bay, HIS RETIREMENT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the USS Canopus. He was surrendered on Corregidor. It has been my honor to help pre- HON. RAUL RUIZ Tuesday, January 30, 2018 serve the memory of the American POWs of OF CALIFORNIA Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Japan and of their experience aboard the Hell honor Maggie Maine of Bluffton, South Caro- Ships to Japan. The 400–plus men who died IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lina. It is my privilege to recognize her and all during the stop at Takao Harbor, Formosa are Tuesday, January 30, 2018 that she has overcome and accomplished in currently buried in 20 graves marked simply Mr.
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