Acta Medica 2019; 36 - 41 acta medica ORIGINAL ARTICLE Biliary Atresia Splenic Malformation Syndrome: A Single Center Experience 1 ABSTRACT Onder Ozden ,[MD] ORCID: 0000-0001-5683-204X Objective: Biliary atresia splenic malformation (BASM) syndrome which is a subgroup of BA is associated with situs inversus, intestinal malrotation, Seref Selcuk Kilic1 MD] ,[ polysplenia, preduodenal portal vein, interrupted vena cava, congenital por- ORCID: 0000-0002-1427-0285 tocaval shunts and cardiac anomalies. We aimed to report our experiences 1 in BASM management and association of CMV infection. Murat Alkan ,[MD] Materials and Methods: The data were collected retrospectively from med- ORCID: 0000-0001-5558-9404 ical records of patients treated in Cukurova University between 2005-2017. Sex, age, liver function tests, serological test results, BA types, surgical find- 2 Gokhan Tumgor ,[MD] ings, and mortality were noted. ORCID: 0000-0002-3919-002X Results: Fifty-nine BA patients were diagnosed in the study period. Seven of them were classified as BASM. The median age was 60 days (45-90 days) 1 Recep Tuncer ,[MD] with a female/male ratio of 3/4. The main complaint of all patients was jaun- ORCID: 0000-0003-4670-8461 dice. The jaundice of 6 patients began since birth and one began at 20 days- age. Median total/direct blood bilirubin levels were 9.6/5.4 mg/dL. Median 1,*Cukurova University Department of Pediatric values of liver function tests; ALT, AST, and GGT were 77 IU/L, 201 IU/L Surgery, Adana, Turkey and 607 IU/L respectively. Five of the patients showed positive results for anti-CMV Ig M. All patients had positive anti-CMV Ig G. One patient had 2 Cukurova University Department of Pediatric type 2 BA and all others had type 3 BA. Associated anomalies were polys- Gastroenterology, plenia (n=4), asplenia (n=1), preduodenal portal vein (n=5), midgut malrota- tion (n=7), inferior vena cava interruption (n=1) and hepatic artery originat- ing from superior mesenteric artery (SMA) (n=1). Patients had Ladd proce- dure (n=7), duodenoduodenostomy (n=5) along with Kasai portoenterosto- my. The median follow-up time was 4 years (1-5 years). All patients are alive * Corresponding Author : Dr. Önder Özden and one had liver transplantation. Conclusion: Patients with BASM represent a distinct subgroup of BA which Cukurova University, Department of Pediatric Surgery may have additional gastrointestinal anomalies such as midgut malrota- Address: Çukurova Üniversitesi Balcalı Hastanesi Çocuk tion and preduodenal portal vein. Thus additional procedures such as du- Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı 01330 Sarıçam/Adana, Turkey odenoduodenostomy and Ladd procedure may be added to Kasai portoen- Email: [email protected] terostomy. Further research is recommended for CMV infections role in Tel: +905373104769 BASM pathogenesis. Received: 29 April 2019, Accepted: 21 November 2019, Published online: 31 December 2019 INTRODUCTION Biliary atresia (BA) is a rare, progressive, inflamma- is associated with congenital abnormalities, includ- tory disease of the bile ducts. It is a destructive chol- ing situs inversus, intestinal malrotation, polysplen- angiopathy that eventually leads to liver cirrhosis. ia, preduodenal portal vein, interrupted vena cava, The etiology of BA is still unknown and its incidence congenital portocaval shunts, and cardiac anoma- varies between 1/9000 and 1/15000, depending on lies. The incidence of BASM also varies according to the country [1]. Biliary atresia splenic malforma- the country. The incidence of BASM cases among all tion (BASM) syndrome which is a subgroup of BA cases of BA is 5% in China, 10% in England, 13% in 36 © 2019 Acta Medica. All rights reserved. Acta Medica 2019; 36 - 41 Ozden et al. Canada and 5% in Japan [2-5]. aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl The Japanese Association of Pediatric Surgeons transferase levels were 77 (53–147) IU/L, 201 (121– classifies BA into 3 types. There is common bile duct 503) IU/L, and 607 (247–780) IU/L, respectively. The atresia with patent proximal bile ducts in type 1 BA. levels of TORCH antibodies in blood were routine- In type 2 BA, the main hepatic, cystic, and common ly evaluated by performing immunohistochemical bile ducts are atretic with patent right and left he- analysis in all jaundiced patients. Five of the patients patic ducts. Finally, in type 3 BA, the intrahepat- showed positive results for anti-CMV immunoglob- ic bile ducts are also atretic. Another classification ulin M. All patients showed positive results for an- scheme according to Davenport, divides BA into 4 ti-CMV IgG and anti-toxoplasma IgG. All other sero- clinical groups. These are syndromic BA, cystic BA, logical tests revealed normal results. CMV-associated BA, and isolated BA. In this classifi- One patient had type 2 BA and all others had type cation system, BASM is a subgroup of syndromic BA 3 BA. [6]. Surgical findings were used for the diagnosis of There is a well-established association between BA BASM. Further analysis of these findings revealed and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, and such cas- that four of the seven patients had polysplenia, one es are termed as CMV associated BA. had asplenia, (Figure 1). Five patients had preduo- In this study, we aimed to present our data with spe- denal portal vein (Figure 2) and underwent duode- cial emphasis on additional interventions such as noduodenostomy. All patients had midgut malrota- duodenoduodenostomy in cases with preduodenal tion and they had Ladd procedure. One patient had portal vein and Ladd procedure in midgut malrota- inferior vena cava interruption and one had a he- tion besides association of BASM and CMV infection. patic artery originating from the superior mesenter- ic artery. All patient data has been summarized in MATERIALS and METHODS Table 1. The median time of follow-up was 4 years (1-5 years). All patients survived and 1 had a liver Medical records of patients who were diagnosed as transplantation. BA between 2005 and 2017 were evaluated. Patients with BA were included in the study if they had one DISCUSSION of the following anomalies: asplenia, polysplenia, heterotaxy syndrome, inferior vena cava portal vein Twenty-five percent of BA cases are of the BASM anomalies, intestinal rotational anomalies, and car- subtype, which involves splenic malformations. diac anomalies. Patients with an association of BA Other anomalies are situs inversus, intestinal mal- and other common congenital abnormalities (unde- rotation, preduodenal portal vein, interrupted vena scended testis, hypospadias) were excluded. The pa- cava, congenital portocaval shunts, cardiac anom- tient’s sex, age, liver function tests, serological tests alies, and central nervous system anomalies [14]. A of Toxoplasma infection, syphilis, varicella-zoster, major component of BASM is polysplenia. Not all parvovirus B19, Rubella, CMV and Herpes (TORCH) patients have polysplenia or splenic malformation infections in the blood, BA type, surgical findings, and the term “biliary atresia congenital structur- and mortality were retrospectively analyzed. al anomalies” has been used instead but not wide- ly accepted [7]. In this study, we found a BASM inci- RESULTS dence rate of 11%. Two of the patients in our study did not have any splenic malformation. Fifty-nine patients whose diagnose were confirmed The cause of BA is not understood as well as BASM. by operative cholangiography had a surgical inter- BA is destructive biliary fibrosis and the etiology is vention for BA in our institution. Seven of these pa- thought to be multifactorial (genetic, infection, tox- tients (3 girls and 4 boys with a median age of 60 in, immunological). The extrahepatic bile duct orig- days, (45–90 days) were classified as BASM. The ma- inates from the primordial bud of the intestine at jor complaint of all patients was jaundice, with six pa- 5 weeks gestation, followed by normal canaliza- tients exhibiting the symptoms since birth and the tion at 6 weeks. BASM has some component which five with the disease onset at 20-days of age. The me- is definitely congenital such as midgut malrota- dian total/direct blood bilirubin levels were 9.6(8.0- tion, asplenia, polysplenia, hepatic artery anoma- 16.3) mg/dL/5.4 (4.5-7.6) mg/dL. Median values from lies. Therefore, the etiology of BASM may be caused liver function test results alanine aminotransferase, by defective organogenesis which is caused by © 2019 Acta Medica. All rights reserved. 37 Biliary Atresia Splenic Malformation Syndrome Figure 1. Polysplenia of patient 4. Figure 2. Preduodenal portal vein (black arrow), annular pancreas (white arrow) and atretic biliary ducts (red arrow) of patient 4. 38 © 2019 Acta Medica. All rights reserved. Acta Medica 2019; 36 - 41 Ozden et al. Table 1: Components of BAPS Hepatic Patients Age (days), Preduodenal por- Midgut VCI Polysplenia artery B.A. types CMV Ig M No: sex tal vein malrotation Anomaly anomalies 1 64,M + + + + Type 3 + - 2 90,F - - + - Type 2 + - 3 76,M + + + - Type 3 + - 4 70, F + + + - Type 3 - + 5 59,M - - + - Type 3 - - 6 45,F Asplenia + + - type 3 + - 7 50,M + + + - Type 3 + - genetic, infectious or immunological factors in the studies, even though there are several reports on BA early fetal developmental period [8,9]. and CMV infection. One of the important prospec- In their case reports, Makin et al have discussed the tive studies concerning CMV IgM and BA was per- etiology of BASM. Three patients had surgical inter- formed at King’s College Hospital. The researchers vention in early life because of other conditions (je- evaluated and compared 20 CMV IgM-positive and junal atresia and duodenal atresia). They observed 111 CMV IgM-negative patients. One of the 20 CMV BASM, but only took liver biopsies since enteral IgM-positive and 17 of the 111 CMV IgM-negative feeding was a higher priority and liver morphology patients studied, had BASM.
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