THE for America’s Libraries VOICE ISSN 1084-4694 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3 JUNE 2017 Free webcast on ideas for celebrating National Friends of Libraries Week United for Libraries has made available a free webcast on “Celebrat- ing National Friends of Libraries Week: Promoting Your Group and Library.” Plan now for National Friends of Libraries Week, Oct. 15-21, 2017. This webcast offers ideas on how to celebrate the week within your group, IN THIS ISSUE library, and community. Hear about President’s Message 2 National Friends of Libraries Week Award winning projects, and find out News & Notes 3 how to apply. Learn about the ALA Framework for Foundations 6 Store’s new customizable “Friend Your Tools for Trustees 8 Library” products designed specifically for Friends. Focus on Friends 12 To view the webcast and learn release, a sample letter to the editor, Friends on Campus 15 more about National Friends of Librar- and marketing materials, and explore Good Ideas from the Network 16 ies Week, visit www.ala.org/united/ ideas and resources for Friends groups, events_conferences/folweek. libraries, and state Friends groups at Book Club Choices 22 This year marks the 12th annual www.ala.org/united/events_confer- Corporate Sponsors & Board of Directors 23 National Friends of Libraries Week. ences/folweek. Books for Babies 24 National Friends of Libraries Week of- United for Libraries Friends group fers a two-fold opportunity to celebrate members are eligible to apply for Friends. Use the time to promote National Friends of Libraries Week your group in the community, to raise Awards. Two groups will be awarded THE E’S OF LIBRARIES® awareness, and to increase member- $250 each in honor of their celebra- ship. tions during the week. For informa- Learn about the E’s of Libraries®, an National Friends of Libraries Week tion, visit www.ala.org/united/grants_ easy way to explain the value of your is also an excellent opportunity for awards/friends/friendsweek. Friends library. your library and board of Trustees to groups who have won this award in the page 8 recognize Friends for the help and sup- past, and their projects, can be viewed port of the library. Find a sample press on the page. CHANGING A BAD BOARD The webinar “Troubled Library Boards: Prevention and Survival” will address how to prevent and minimize The August edition of The Voice will be a digital board problems. version distributed by email, and available in the page 10 Friends & Foundations Zone and Trustee Zone at www.ala.org/united. To update the email address LITERARY LANDMARKS™ associated with your membership, email United for Libraries dedicates its [email protected]. latest Literary Landmarks. page 20 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 1 Executive Director's Message Farewell from United for Libraries Executive Director Sally Reed Like United for After 15 Conference. I got to meet Dan Rather! Libraries on Facebook wonderful years I’ve met hundreds of bestselling au- with Friends of thors — all of them terrific and surpris- Libraries U.S.A. ingly humble. I got to do international United for Libraries (FOLUSA) and consulting for the State Department in is on Facebook. To now United for amazing places like Uzbekistan, Serbia, like and follow United Libraries, I am re- the Czech Republic, Austria, Kyrgiz- tiring this summer. stan, and Turkey — now those are for Libraries, visit Working with experiences I never dreamed of back in www.facebook.com/ volunteers across library school! the country who Particularly gratifying has been my unitedforlibraries help raise money Sally Reed work with two terrific colleagues — Executive Director, and their voices United for Libraries Beth Nawalinski and Jillian To follow United for for, advise, and Wentworth! What a great team, and Libraries on Twitter, govern libraries now that Beth will become the new of all types has United for Libraries executive director, visit www.twitter.com/ been the highlight of my 30+-year I leave confident knowing that United ala_united. library career! for Libraries will continue to thrive For the first half of my career, I and grow. In addition to these great worked as a library director in North staff members, I have had the privilege Hampton, N.H.; Middlebury, Vt.; to work with wonderful boards during Ames, Iowa, and Norfolk, Va. At all all 15 years. Many of these great vol- these locations I had wonderful Friends unteers have also become good friends. groups and great Trustees (I didn’t So now I’m looking forward to The Voice for America’s Libraries know there were any other kind!). Sally 2.0. I will be traveling with my is published by United for When my predecessor, Sandy Dol- husband to places far and wide. I plan Libraries: The Association of nick, retired from FOLUSA, I couldn’t to read, read, read! I will also continue Library Trustees, Advocates, get my application for the job in fast my consulting work with Friends, Friends and Foundations, a enough. I practically walked into the Foundations, and Trustees in the areas division of the American Library interview asking when they wanted of planning, advocacy, and growing Association (ALA). me to start! I believed it would be my 21st century Friends groups. I will try dream job and, indeed, I was right. my hand at growing vegetables in the For membership information, I have had so many wonderful op- hot Tucson climate! call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161, portunities working for FOLUSA and If you wish to get in touch with email [email protected], or visit United for Libraries, including getting me to chat or ask for advice, I’ll still www.ala.org/united. to know the wonderful and incompa- always be there for you. You can reach rable Paula Poundstone, who has been me at [email protected] or United for Libraries our national spokesperson for 10 years call at (267) 210-0882. 859 W. Lancaster Ave. and always headlines our “The Laugh’s Thank you for all you do for li- Unit 2-1 On Us” program at the ALA Annual braries! Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Send editorial contributions, articles, newsletters and news releases attention The Voice To ensure you or your group is receiving to the address above or to all available member benefits, United for [email protected]. Libraries needs your email address. To add The Voice is a copyrighted your email, send it to [email protected]. publication and cannot be photocopied and distributed.. 2 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 News & Notes ALA lauds major businesses united to fight for federal library funding On May 17 ALA hailed the unveil- ets of the communities they serve offer- ing of the Corporate Committee for ing patrons vital services that are hav- Library Investment (CCLI), a group of ing a profound impact on their lives.” more than two dozen leading informa- tion, software, publishing and other -David Cully, President, Baker & businesses as well as multiple national Taylor trade associations newly united to ad- vocate for federal library funding. “EBSCO has worked with libraries for Then ALA President Julie Todaro more than 70 years and understands praised CCLI, saying, “It’s thrilling to the value they bring to their communi- see such significant companies and as- ties. CCLI brings together companies sociations across so many industries who are in a unique position to share come together to fight alongside ALA concerns about library funding and and librarians for federal library fund- highlight the impact libraries have on ing. In addition to the many ways we their users.” serve the American public, libraries reauthorize the Museum and Library mean business, and members of the -Tim Collins, President and CEO, Services Act, which created LSTA; and Corporate Committee for Library In- EBSCO Information Services vestment can tell that story with unpar- assure that any infrastructure invest- ments authorized by Congress both alleled resources and credibility. ALA “Libraries are critical infrastructure in could not be more proud to work with include library facilities and leverage the nation’s 120,000 libraries to make the knowledge economy. Gale supports them to assure that law and policy the Institute of Museum and Library makers fully understand American high-speed broadband service available in every corner of America, especially Services and LSTA funding in order to libraries’ tremendous value to commu- protect private sector jobs and ensure nities and economies in every corner of in rural and other underserved com- munities. millions of Americans can continue to the country.” rely on their state, public, school, and CCLI was co-conceived by Gale, a Text from the CCLI’s May 17 press university libraries for the information Cengage company, and the American release follows: they need to succeed at school, work Library Association, which will pro- and life.” vide logistical support for the group. CCLI today delivered a letter Founding members include Baker & -Paul Gazzolo, Senior Vice President (www.fundlibraries.com/ccli-letter) Taylor, bibliotheca, Candlewick Press, & General Manager, Gale, a Cengage which remains open to signature by Corporate Graphics International, company any business of any size, to all mem- EBSCO Information Services, Ency- bers of the United States Senate. (Eight clopedia Britannica, Findaway, Follett, companies made a similar delivery Gale/Cengage, Information Today, Ja- in their own names on May 11.) The mex, Mackin, Macmillan, OverDrive, letter expressly asks senators to sign Peachtree Publishers, Pearson, Penguin two letters to their colleagues on the Random House, Prendismo, Pro- Appropriations Committee calling for Quest, Public Information Kiosk, The For more infor- $186.6 million in FY 2018 funding for RoadRunner Press, Rosen Publishing, programs under the Library Services SirsiDynix, the American Booksellers mation on how and Technology Act (LSTA) and $27 Association, and the Software and In- you and your million for the Innovative Approaches formation Industry Association.
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