Political Reviews 0LFURQHVLDLQ5HYLHZ,VVXHVDQG(YHQWV-XO\ WR-XQH david w kupferman, kelly g marsh, donald r shuster, tyrone j taitano 3RO\QHVLDLQ5HYLHZ,VVXHVDQG(YHQWV-XO\ WR-XQH lorenz gonschor, hapakuke pierre leleivai, margaret mutu, forrest wade young 7KH&RQWHPSRUDU\3DFL²F9ROXPH1XPEHU¥ E\8QLYHUVLW\RI+DZDL©L3UHVV 127 0LFURQHVLDLQ5HYLHZ,VVXHVDQG(YHQWV -XO\WR-XQH Reviews of the Federated States of structural stone foundations (known Micronesia, Kiribati, the Common- as latte), freshwater caves, and medici- wealth of the Northern Mariana nal plants, as well as stone mortars, Islands, and Nauru are not included in pottery, and tools of the Chamorro this issue. people. The National Trust and the Guam Preservation Trust asserted Guam that a major legal victory had been This year as in previous years, the scored in November 2011 when the economy and government finances navy publicly announced its intent to were the dominant concerns in Guam. consider alternative locations for firing Perhaps in some ways these issues ranges (PreservationDirectory.com, have helped assure the continuation 7 Dec 2011). and revitalization of Chamorro culture Another obstacle to the redeploy- and cultural events—which had a ment was the issue of the Futenma strong presence this year—as a means airbase in Okinawa. The transfer of to provide a sense of stability and to US Marines to Guam had been linked remind Chamorros and others of their to progress in relocating the Futenma survival as a people through thou- facility to a less populated part of sands of years of challenges. Okinawa. However, the Japanese The central economic issue was government had difficulties secur- the long-planned military buildup ing the consent of Okinawans to the involving the redeployment of the US relocation plan. In February, both the Marines from Okinawa to Guam. The US and Japanese governments agreed year began with opposition in the US to decouple the transfer of the marines Congress to the redeployment from from the Futenma relocation issue leaders like Senator John McCain (Reuters, 10 Feb 2012). (PDN, 1 Jan 2012). In April, the two governments Military plans for a firing range announced that 5,000 marines would near the ancient Chamorro settle- be moved to Guam in the coming ment of Pågat Village, considered an years, and the military buildup price extremely significant cultural site, tag has been reduced to about $8.6 were the subject of a court dispute. In billion. The original plan would have 2010, the National Trust for Historic brought about 8,600 marines to Preservation, the Guam Preserva- Guam and cost at least $10.27 billion. tion Trust, and the “We are Guåhan” Despite the plans for the number of organization filed a lawsuit against marines on Guam being reduced by the US Navy to protect and preserve more than 40 percent, the cost of Pågat Village. Dating to 700 ad, the marine transfer only went down Pågat holds the remains of prehistoric by about 15 percent. Also, although 128 political reviews micronesia 129 Japan increased its cash contribution, unified voice on the buildup and other Pentagon officials said that previ- issues (Guam Public Law 29-128). ously announced financing support But because of possible conflicts with by Japan is no longer necessary. the Guam Organic Act, the entity was Funding for some of Guam’s civilian created pursuant to executive order by infrastructure projects related to the Governor Eddie Calvo. military buildup was supposed to have By contrast, a controversy arose been drawn from this financing. But with the formation of a business Guam’s congresswoman, Madeleine organization called Guam USA Asia Bordallo, characterized the move as a Security Alliance (guasa) that aims “better framework” for progress on to lobby for the Guam buildup in the buildup. Senator Judith Guthertz, Congress through a US-based interna- chairwoman of the Guam Legislature’s tional law firm, K&L Gates. guasa is Military Buildup Committee, echoed paying $25,000 per month for these Bordallo’s comments and said that services, which has sparked debate the revised buildup plan is good for in the community (Whitman 2012). Guam. She went on to say that she Senator Rory Respicio raised concerns still believed there would be a sig- that the use of a lobbying firm “could nificant economic boost to the island sidetrack all efforts to form a coali- from the buildup due to the civilian tion of interests into a ‘One Guam’ personnel and military families who voice” (MV, 22 May 2012). Also of would accompany the expansion of concern to the senator was the his- the current military presence (PDN, tory of K&L Gates. The company was 25 April 2012). In May, it was further formed in 2007 by a merger of Preston clarified that two-thirds of the marines Gates & Ellis llp with Kirkpatrick & redeployed to Guam would be on a Lockhart Nicholson Graham. Preston rotational rather than permanent basis Gates was the law firm that employed (pnc, 2 May 2012). That same month, Jack Abramoff, who pleaded guilty the US Senate froze deployment funds, in 2006 to federal charges including pending more information from the wire fraud, conspiracy to defraud his US Department of Defense on the clients, and tax evasion (MV, 22 May expense of the move (upi, 15 May 2012). Abramoff and another for- 2012). Even so, US Deputy Assistant mer Preston Gates lobbyist, Michael Secretary of Defense for Plans Robert Scanlon, who is currently in federal Scher stated that he hopes the marines prison, have a history of meddling in can start moving to Guam as early as Guam elections (Wall Street Journal, 2014 (pnc, 23 May 2012). 31 March 2006). After years of determined effort, a The uncertainty in the military meeting of the Guam First Commis- buildup combined with weakness in sion was finally convened in April (MV, tourism contributed to a pessimistic 16 April 2012). Senator Rory Respicio out look for Guam’s economy for the had in 2008 sponsored a law creat- coming year. In November 2011, the ing the commission in order to bring chief economist for the Bank of Guam, together all elements of the commu- Joseph Bradley, noted that the March nity so that Guam could speak as one 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster 130 the contemporary pacific 25:1 (2013) in Japan and the global economic additional 100,000 passengers this weakness in tourist markets such year (PDN, 1 Jan 2012). as China and Korea had adversely In what many considered to be affected tourism. Bradley also warned an opening salvo in the 2012 politi- about a potential increase in the cost cal season, an e-mail message from of living due to rising petroleum prices former federal buildup official John (kuam, 7 Nov 2011). Jackson was released to the media. In There was promising news with that e-mail Jackson claimed that five respect to tourism at the end of 2011, Guam senators had “harangued” US however, as arrival numbers for visi- Senators Carl Levin and Jim Webb tors from Japan bounced back from about the buildup during a 26 April their drop earlier in the year. Also, in 2011 meeting on Guam, which he November, the US government began claimed directly led to the delay in the allowing visa-free entry for Russian Guam buildup. Lawmakers strongly visitors under certain circumstances disputed Jackson’s account, noting (PDN,1 Jan 2012). The Guam Visitors that he was not present at the meeting Bureau (gvb) moved aggressively to and that it had, in fact, been cordial take advantage of the new opportu- and respectful. One senator who was nity with promotional efforts, such at the meeting, Republican Senate as establishing a Russian-language Minority Leader Frank Blas Jr, stated: website, www.visitguamusa.ru (gtin, “There was no haranguing. There 27 March 2012). In January 2012, was no yelling. I didn’t hear anybody the first Russian tourists arrived under say that they were not in support of the new visa program (gtin, 25 Jan the buildup. Concerns were brought 2012). Although Russian visitors for up in wanting to make sure that the the first half of 2012 only numbered buildup was good for the military and in the hundreds, that represented an for Guam.” Blas further stated, “Our increase of over 300 percent from the concern was that any infrastructure same period last year (gtin, 17 July improvements and enhancements 2012). In March, a gvb delegation led would not be borne entirely on the by Tourism Committee Chair Sena- backs of our people. I don’t think tor Tina Muña Barnes conducted a anybody, including the two senators, ten-day promotional visit to all major took away from the meeting that Russian media outlets and travel there was no support of the buildup.” agents in the Russian Far East cit- Blas said that Senator Levin himself ies of Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. did not know where the buildup was Pending federal approval is a China headed because he was waiting for a visa-waiver program, which Guam Department of Defense master plan officials continue to pursue (gtin, 3 (MV, 8 March 2012). Later in the year, April 2012). Blas, along with Republican Senator Also, Guam’s major air carrier, Tony Ada, met with US Senator Webb, Continental, was merged with United who expressed his support for the Airlines. United officials stated that Guam buildup. Blas reiterated that the the merger will give customers access buildup delay was due to the fact that to new aircraft that will allow for an the Senate was waiting for the Depart- political reviews micronesia 131 ment of Defense to complete its master C Gutierrez.
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