Document filename: Results of Request Submission Portal User Consultation Directorate / Programme Architecture, Project Diagnostic Data Standards and Service Innovation Document Reference Service Head Laura Sato Status Approved Owner Laura Sato Version 1.1 Author Kat Randle/Wendy Version issue date 22/12/2015 Tarbox Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 Document Management Revision History Version Date Summary of Changes 0.1 27 October 2015 First draft 0.2 06 November 2015 Further update following development 0.3 13 November 2015 Diagram updates 0.4 04December 2015 Further updates 1.0 07 December 2015 Final update 1.1 22 December 2015 For approval Reviewers This document must be reviewed by the following people: Reviewer name Title / Responsibility Date Version Laura Sato Head of Diagnostics 07/12/2015 V1.0 Data Service Ian Arrowsmith Head of SNOMED CT 17/12/2015 V1.0 implementation Deborah Drake Terminology Specialist 17/12/2015 V1.0 Approved by This document must be approved by the following people: Name Signature Title Date Version Head of Diagnostics Laura Sato 05/01/2016 V1.1 Data Service Glossary of Terms Term / Abbreviation What it stands for HSCIC Health and Social Care Information Centre IHTSDO International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation LOINC Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes NLMC National Laboratory Medicine Catalogue PBCL Pathology Bounded Code List SNOMED CT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms TRUD Technology Reference Update UKTC UK Terminology Centre Document Control: Page 2 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 The controlled copy of this document is maintained in the HSCIC corporate network. Any copies of this document held outside of that area, in whatever format (e.g. paper, email attachment), are considered to have passed out of control and should be checked for currency and validity. Page 3 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 Contents 1 Purpose of document 5 2 Audience 5 3 Scope 5 4 Background 5 5 Methodology 6 6 Results 6 6.1 About You 7 6.2 Previews to Releases 9 6.3 Release Format 12 6.4 Implementation Timescales 15 6.5 Terminology Coding Standard 23 7 Conclusion 31 7.1 Previews to releases 31 7.2 Release format 32 7.3 Implementation Timescales 32 8 Recommendations 33 8.1 Previews to releases 33 8.2 Release format 33 8.3 Implementation Timescales 33 8.4 Terminology coding standard 33 9 Appendix A – Questionnaire 34 10 Appendix B - Organisations 34 11 Appendix C – List of respondents roles 35 Page 4 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 1 Purpose of document The purpose of this document is to describe the results of the Pathology Bounded Code List open user consultation conducted in summer 2015 which was to enable respondents to influence development, release and implementation schedules for future primary care pathology data standards. 2 Audience This document is written as a summary of responses received in the questionnaire for all those interested in the overall questionnaire results. 3 Scope This consultation was focused on the Pathology Bounded Code List (PBCL) in response to implementation queries and suggestions. The purpose of the consultation was to assist the safe and consistent implementation of pathology information standards across the NHS by identifying improvements in the PBCL update and implementation approach. It was designed to gain the opinions of laboratory, middleware and GP system suppliers and their users by asking about: the potential for a draft standards review and discussion opportunity, units of measure standardisation and Read code V2 (used in PBCL) withdrawal approaches desired file format(s) for future releases of primary care pathology data standards. It is the intention of the Diagnostics Data Service that the results of the consultation should influence how the final PBCL release (scheduled for April 2016) and future primary care pathology results data standards are developed, released and scheduled for implementation for primary care results messaging. 4 Background National standards for electronic communication of primary care pathology results data and message format have been used in England since 2002 for electronic communications between laboratory IT systems to GP IT systems. These standards, Read terms and codes and EDIFACT (United Nations / Electronic Data Interchange For Administration Commerce and Transport) message format are still in place today. Both are becoming increasingly unfit for purpose as they are limited in their ability to change and ‘keep up with’ rapidly-evolving clinical practice, data-sharing requirements and technical environments. Page 5 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 5 Methodology An on-line consultation questionnaire (see appendix A) was hosted on Citizen Space from the 28th July 2015 to the 7th September 2015, all registered users of the PBCL and NLMC download packs available on TRUD were notified about the consultation by email. Awareness was also raised by articles placed on professional body journals during the consultation period. The questions were developed within the HSCIC Diagnostics Data Service and were based upon areas highlighted in previous feedback, stakeholder engagement and business analysis. The consultation was also reviewed by HSCIC communications experts to ensure it conformed to HSCIC guidelines. 6 Results There were 83 respondents to the consultation in total though not all questions were answered by every respondent. Respondents were given the opportunity to provide contact details if they wished to receive further communications on the consultation outcomes. 92% of respondents provided their name and 93% provided their email address The responses per question are summarised below. Page 6 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 6.1 About You 6.1.1 Question: What is your organisation? (optional) 90% of respondents provided their organisation type which separated out as noted be 16% Primary Care 40% Secondary Care Supplier Other 21% 6% Key Option Total Percent of Responses A Primary Care 36 40% B Secondary Care 5 6% C Supplier 19 21% D Other 14 16% The full list of organisations is in Appendix B. Page 7 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 6.1.2 Question: Which of the following best describes your role (Please tick all that apply) 5% 6% 5% 39% 5% GP IT system supplier LIMS supplier Middleware supplier Trust IT Manager Lab manager - Lab IT Other (please specify below): 40% Key Option Total Percent of Responses A GP IT system 4 5% supplier B LIMS supplier 5 6% C Middleware supplier 4 5% D Trust IT Manager 4 5% E Lab manager - Lab 32 40% IT F Other (please specify 32 39% below): The majority of the respondents (53%) were from individuals whose current role was in Laboratory Medicine. The full list of roles (including those respondents provided in the ‘other’ category) is in Appendix C. Page 8 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 6.2 Previews to Releases 6.2.1 Question: Would you be interested in participating in an open online discussion forum about draft pathology data standards? Key Option Total Percent of Responses A Yes 37 82% B No 8 18% Of the 45 respondents to this question 82% were interested in participating in an open online discussion forum Page 9 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 6.2.2 Question: Would you be interested in participating in a national expert working group for projects such as primary care pathology data standards? Key Option Total Percent of Responses A Yes 32 71% B No 13 29% Of the 45 respondents to this question 71% were interested in participating in a national expert working group Page 10 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 Key Option Total Percent of Responses A Face to face 11 18.6% B Telephone 18 30.5% conferencing C WebEx (Desk-top 21 35.6% sharing) D No Preference 8 13.6% E Other (please specify 1 1.7% below): Respondents were able to provide more than one answer to this question. 66% of respondents preferred remote communications using technology with 36 % preferring desk top sharing and 30% telephone conferencing facilities. Email circulation was suggested as another working group format Page 11 of 36 Copyright ©2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre Pathology Bound Code List and its replacement User Consultation V1.1 22/12/2015 6.3 Release Format 6.3.1 Question: Are there any other publication formats, for each pathology data standards release, that you would find useful? Key Option Total Percent of All A XML & XSD (XMI 42 27.5% with Schema) B CSV / spreadsheet 59 38.6% C Web Service 12 7.8% subscription (ATOM / RSS feed) D Browseable HTML 39 25.5% (available online) E Other (please specify 1 <1% below): More than one response was allowed for this question.
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