DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WATER-SUPPL"¥ AND IRRIGATION PAPERS OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 52 OPERATIONS A'D RIVER STATIONS, 1900.-PART VI WASHINGTON GOVERNMEN'l' PRJNTING OFFIOK 1901 IRRIGATION REPORTS. The following list contains titles ar;d brief descriptions of the principal reports relating to water supply and irrigation, prepared by the United States Geologica.! Survey since 1890: 1890. First Annual Report of the United States Irrigation Survey, 1890; octavo, 123 pp. Printed as Part II, Irrigat.ion, of the Tenth Annual Report" of the United States Geolog· ical Survey, 1888-89. Contains a statement of the origin of the Irrigation Survey, a pre­ liminary report on the organization and pl·osecution of the survey of the arid lands for purposes of irrigation, and report of work done during 1890. 1S91. Second Annual Report ?f the United States Irrigation Survey, 1891; octavo, 395 pp. Publi~hed as Part II Irrigation, of the Eleventh Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1889-90. Contains a description of the hydrogt aphy of the ~rid region and of the engineerin~ operations carried on by the Irrigation Survey during 1890; also the statement of the uirector of the SurveY' to the House Committee on Irrigation, and other papers, including a bibliography of irrigation literature. Illustrated by 29 plates and 4 figures. Third Annual Report of the United States Irrigation Survey, 1891; octavo, 576 pp. Printed as Part II of the Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geqlogical Sur· vey, 189().91. Contains" Report upon the location and survey of reservoir sites during tho fiscal year ended June 30 1891," by A. H. Thompson; "Hldrography of the arid regions," by F. H. Newell;, "Irrigation in India," by Herbert M. W1lson. Tilustratcd by 91>platesand 190 figures. Bulletins of the Eleventh Census of the United States upon irrigation, prepared by F. H. Ne\'l'ell; quarto. No. ll5, Irrigation in Arizona; No. 60, Irrigation in New Mexico; No. 85, Irrigation in Utah; No. 107, Irrigation in Wyoming; No. 153, Irrigation in Montana; No. 157, Irrigation in Idaho; No. Hill, Irrigation in Nevada; No. 178, Irrigation in Oregon; No. 193, Artesian wells for irrigation; No. 198, Irriga· tion in Washington. 1S9~. Irrigation of western United States, by F. H. Ne ell; extra census bulletin No. 23, September 9, 1892; quarto, 22 pp. Contains tabulations showing the total number, average size, etc., of irrigated holdings, the total urea and average size of irrigated farms in the subhumid regions, the percentage of number of farms irrigated, character of crops, value of il'l'igated lands, tho average cost of irrigation, the investment and profits, together with a resume of the water supply and a description of irrigation by artesian wells. Tilustratcd by colored maps showmg the location and relative extent of the irrigated areas. 1893. Thirteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, Part III, Irrigation, 1893; octavo, 486 pp_. Consists of -three papers: "Water supply for irrigation," by F. H. Newell; "American irrigation engineering" and "Engineermg results of the Irrigation Survey," by Herbert M. Wilsonl· "Construction of topographic maps and selection and survey of reservoir sites," by . H. Thompson. Tilustrated by 77 plates and 119 figures. A geological reconnaissance in central Washington, by Israel Cook Russoll, 1893; octavo, 108 pp., 15 plates. Bulletin No. 108 of the United States Geological Survey; price, 15 cents. Contains a description of the examination of the geologic structure in and adjacent to the drainage basin of Yakima River and the great plains of the Columbia to the east of this area, with special reference to the occurrence of artesian waters. 1S94. Report on agriculture by irrigation in the western part of the United States at the Eleventh Census, 1890, by F. H. Newell, 1894; quarto, 283 pp. Consists of a general-description of the condition of irrigation in the United States, the area irrigated, cost of works, their value and profits; also describes the water supply, the value of watflr, of -artesian wells, reservoirs, and other details; then takes up each State and Territory in order, giving a general description or the condition of agriculture by irri· gation, and discusses the physical conditions and local peculiarities in each county. Fourteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1892-93, in two parts; Part II, Accompanying papers, 1894; octavo, 597 pp. Contains papers on "Potable waters of the eastern United States," by W J JlfcGee; "Natural mineral waters of the United States," by A. C. Peale; "Results of stream mea~~m·emeuts," by F. H. Newell. Illustrated by maps and diagrams. (Continued en third page of cover.) lRR 52--2 DEPAHT:NIENT OF THE INTEHIOR ''TATER-SUPPLY AND IRRIGATION PAPERS OF THE UXITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 52 ... il ••. ~ ;.=:: ~ .·. ~ \Y ASHINGTON GOVER~l\IENT PRINTING OFFICE 1901 ;1.~!\ I ~ • .f .• .• . •. ... ........ .. .. ~ .. .. .. ·:1 • " • " •• . ~ . ... .. ·. .. .. "•... .. ... :. ~ .. : =··~ wO . .. .. .. .. • • " • 1.) • . .... .:·: • # •• .. ~ .. .. .... ... .,. ..... .. "" .. : ... ~.. ~· . ...t, • t • - UNITED ST.1\_TES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CH"UlLES 11. \YALCOTT, DIRECTOR OPERATIONS AT RI,1ER STATIONS, 1900 A REPORT OF THE DIVISION OF HYDROGRAPHY OF THE lJ:KITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PART VI \YASHINGTON GOVERXl\IEKT PRIX'l'ING OFFICE 1901 COKTENTS. Page. Precipitation on mountains in southern California .. ___ . ______ . _.. __ .. __ .. - 495 Construction of wells in southern California . _... ___ . _ .. __ . _ ·- __ . ____ . _ __ _ 497 Irrigation in Utah Valley, Utah . __ _ _. _. __ . __ . _.. ___ .. ___ . _ .. __ . ____ . __ . __ . 498 Rating tables._._.. __ .. ____ .... _____ ... _. _.... __ ..... ___ . ____ . _______ . _. _. 510 Drainage areas ___ . _. __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ . _____ . __ . _____ . ____ .... ___________ . _ 524 Index to Papers Nos. 47 to 52 _______________ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 549 493 PRECIPl'l'A'riON 0~ l\IOU~'l'AI~8 IN SOUTHERN CALIFOR~IA. In order to obtain rainfall data bearing upon river discharge, a number of rainfall gages have been est,ablished at various points in the mountainous regions of California,. Results obtained at these localities during 1900, together with a few figures from other sources, are given in the following tables. The first table gives the location of the rainfall stations; the second table gives the depth of rainfall, in inches, for each month of the year. Similar figures for 1896 are given on page ±lS of the Eighteenth Annual Report, Part IV; for 1897, on page 530 of the ~ineteenth ..Annual Report, Patt IV; for 1898, on page 560 of the Twentieth Annual Report, Part IV; and for 1899, on page 437 of \Vater-Supply PaperNo. 39. Rainfall stations h1- southern California. Station. Count". I Post-office. Lati- I Longi- Eleva- J tude. tude. tion. I ---- 1 Delta.------______________________~~~o;~t1ii·-~: =~ :~= ~ ~~~~~=~~~~~~ =~~ _Shasta_------~~~~j~~~ - ~==~ ~ ______________~::J~~~~~~~=~ .,::::___ ------===~== __ .-~~- _____________-~d --~~~- ·---_~~- _______-~~~~~~ _ ii:~gf~g, ===~=~-_:::::-_:::: ·rr8il~~a=~===~ -:ReCibiufi:::::::~: -1~- ·a~4 Jacinto ____________________________::: :::: Glenn------ __________________________:::: ---------40· _____________________--i22- ·2o- ---- _ ;¥cirioe;~~a~~:::~::::::~=:::::::::: ¥~~1tininE;::: :::: -s~r101-a:: ~ ::: ,~: ::::1-- ·as· -(,o· 1--i26 ·-16. I---1:824 Second Garrotte ______________ .. _____ do. _____ ------ Groveland_------~ 37 +9 I 120 12 I 2, 900 Crockers. _____________________________ do.___________ S,equoia _ _____ ____ 37 48 119 53 I 4, 453 Yosemite ------------- ___ __ _ ______ Mariposa.---- ____ Yosemite ---- ____ 3j' 45 I 119 35 I 4, 063 f.!t;i~;-~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ J~1WJ: ~~~~~~~~~~~ f.!t;~~l~~~~~~ ~~~~ ·-- -~r ·1r -- u~- -~~- i- ·-r mJg Taylor's ranch------·----·------ _____ do ____________ Weldon---------- 36 20 118 17 I 2,640 Mount Breckenridge _________________ do-···-------- Bakersfield------ 35 25 118 35, 6, 750 ~~!in;~1~~~~~~==:~~~~:~===~:=~==Frazier mine ____________________ ::::J~::::=:=:::::Ventura _________ f~~~~~~~~~~==::::Neenach --------- ---~f-h~-34 49 --Hf-kfi118 58 3,0001:~g La Liebre _______ ------------- ____ Los Angeles. _________ do------------ 34 4G 118 40 3,170 Sneddens ________________________ Ventura _________ Griffin-------____ 34 H 119 03 4,900 Smith'sranch ________________________ do ____________ Gorman__________ :34 H 118 47 4,850 Palmdaleheadworks ____________ LosAngeles _____ Palmdale--------, 34 25 118 03 3,299 :Mutah Flat---------------------- Ventura _________ Griffin _____ ------1 34 38 11!! 03 4,850 l\IagicHill. ______________________ LosAngeles ____ Burbank _________ : 34 23 118 22 2,820 1 Continued from ·water-Supply and Irrigation PaperNo. 51. 495 [:\"0. 5:~. 4~6 OPERATIONS AT RI'n~R STATIONS 1 1900.-PART YI. Rainfall stations {n southern Calzfornia-Continued. __s_t_a_t_io_n_·-----1 County. Po,t-oftice. I l;~J~ • ~~WI,;. I~I~~~~- [ a ' ~--0 --,- Feet. Colhy's camp.------ _____________ 1 Los Angeles _____ Pasadena .... ________ ------ ......... .! 3,875 1 1 Mount Sister Elsie __________________1 .do------ ...... Monte'l,"ista _----i 34 17 [ 118 14 5, 021 1 Mount Lowe ...... ---------------:---- .do------------' Echo l\Iountain .. 1 34 15 118 07 3.:?00 Follows's camp ...... -----------·· ____ .do_, . ___ . ____ Azusa ........ _____ : 34 14 ~ 117 48 1. 800 Glenn ranch _______ J ____________ _i San Bernardino_ Cajon ___________
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