Index The work of Provincial Tourism Board of Granada 2 What does tourism mean for Granada? 5 Granada, 100% sensation 7 Cultural and monumental tourism 10 Beach tourism 17 Rural tourism 20 Snow tourism 25 The conferences and incentives tourism 28 Gastronomie 30 Craftsmanship and festivities 35 Patio de los Leones, La Alhambra. DOSSIER DE PRENSA PRESS RELEASE DOSOSOSSIER DOSSIER POUR LA PRESSE PRESSEDOSSIER DOSSIER DI STAMPA oooooooooooooooooooooo DOSSIER DE IMPRENSA ooooooo DOSSIER DE PREMSA PRENTSA BILDUMA INFORME DE PRENSA DOSSIER DE PRENSA PRESS RELEASE DOSOSOSSIER DOSSIER POUR LA PRESSE PRESSEDOSSIER DOSSIER DI STAMPA ooooooooooooOoooooooooo DOSSIER DE IMPRENSA 0 | 1 1. The work of Provincial Tourism Board of Granada The Provincial Tourist Board Administration is also repre- motional activities are be- ges and districts. For this pur- Granada Tourist of Granada is a Provincial sented in these bodies, as the ing carried out to support pose, the Board offers: Council dependant body esta- Junta de Andalucía (The Re- this: Board structure blished in 1981. Currently it gional Administration), trade Statistical and market stu- The Provincial Tourism Board has three goals: unions, sindicates, the busi- Presence at the main natio- dies of Granada has the following ness community and financial nal and international tourism organisational structure: To promote the province’s bodies, town halls of the pro- fairs. Professional advice to new rich and diverse tourist poten- vince and other public and touristic companies • Presidency. tial and to consolidate Grana- private organisms related to It attends the main national • Vice-Presidency. da as a holiday destination, turistic aspects. and international symposia Viability plans for business • Management Board. • Management. both at home and abroad. organised by the State-owned and town halls • Administration Department. Since its setting-up, the Board Companies Turespaña and • Promotion Department. To stimulate province has not ceased to publicise Turismo Andaluz. Tourism courses • Planning and Development turistic development in order Granada’s range of tourism Department. to make turism a motor of its product to professional It organises its own promo- Legal support • Tourist Information Offices Province Net. economy and an important agents working in the sector tion in cities all over Spain resource of work and inco- and the media. At the same and European countries. Besides that, the Tourism In- mes. time, it has encouraged the formation Offices Province province’s business people It organises professional Net (OIT) offers the visitor any To create loyal tourists by and politicians to carry out trips for travel agents and kind of documentation and offering professional attention activities to stimulate impro- journalists to know in the ori- advice. and information to make their ving infrastructure, services ginal place the touristic pro- visit more pleasant and satis- and the tourist opportunities duct on offer. factory. on offer. It receives familiarized trips The board is chaired by the The Board’s final goal is to from travel agents and jour- leader the Provincial Council make the province’s nalists through Spanish of Granada and its work is tourism appeal known so Tourist Offices (OET) all over Pág. 3 arriba izquierda, Barranco de controlled by the General that the number of visitors, the word. Poqueira. Alpujarra. Pág. 3 arriba Council, the Consultative Body from a whole variety of derecha, Deportes acuáticos, Costa Tropical. Pág. 3 abajo, Alhambra, Vista and Territorial and Sectorial areas, should continue to Another aim is the touristic General. Bajo estas líneas, www.turgranada.es. Departments. The provincial increase. The following pro- development of towns, villa- www.turgranada.es | The Provincial Tourist Board has a webpage where complete information, village by village, can be found about the seven touristic districts of the province: History. cultural, monumental and environmental richness, touristic routes and activities, weather, food, festivals, accomodation, restaurants, activities companies… 2 | 3 2. What does tourism mean for Granada? Communication At this moment Granada has ving force over the last 25 among tourists visiting Gra- a special place among inter- years. nada. Department national destinations. This special place has been ear- This rosy picture has been This success is also based The Communication ned by the variety of what it achieved above all thanks to on the efforts made by local Department’s function is to has to offer and develop- improvements in destination administration and the busi- promote Granada’s presence ment of tourism, a sector quality as a whole, which has ness community over the last in the Spanish and internatio- which has been the lead to an increase in levels decade to improve infrastruc- nal media, as well as to wel- province’s true economic dri- of satisfaction and loyalty ture and diversify the product come journalists and profes- sionals from the sector when they visit the province and to give them all the help they may need. To do this the Com- munication Department faci- litates the following to the media: Information about the province’s tourist destinations written in several languages. A full photo archive. Professional format promo videos. An extensive database of press articles about Granada. Statistical data about the evolution of the touristic sec- Pág. 4 arriba, Barrio del Albaicín. tor. Granada. Pág. 4 centro, Sierra Nevada. Pág. 4 abajo, turismo activo. Pág. 5 izquierda, Alcaicería. Granada. Pág. 5 centro, Playa de Almuñécar. Pág. 5 derecha, Tajos de Alhama de Granada. Some importat figures | Tourism is the economic sector which generates most wealth and employment in the province of Granada. Over the last few years the number of visitors has increased non-stop above the Spanish national average, going beyond 6.000.000 million tourists per year. Tourism accounts for around 14% of the province’s local Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The sector directly 4 | 5 generates 15% of employment. Annual income is over 2,200 million euros. ting the provincial capital and underground living, wich is vélez, Cádiar, Órgiva and all about thirty settlements in the origin of touristic acco- those settled around the the metropolitan area, inclu- modation in caverns. green and fertile Valle de ding Alfacar, Víznar, Fuente Lecrín are also worth men- Vaqueros, La Zubia, Las Ga- Baza-Huéscar: The Alti- tioning. bias and Alhendín. This area’s plano: This contrasting dis- main segments are cultural trict, set in the North West The Tropical Coast: The and historical monument of the province, sits at over province of Granada has al- tourism, conferences and in- 1,000 metres above sea le- most 80 kilometres of coast- centives, as well as rural tu- vel. Its central area, with line, which has an enviable the Marquesado and the Alti- rism. some impressive desert subtropical microclimate gi- plano, show an incredible con- landscapes, is hemmed in ving places like Almuñécar, trast between almost moon- Granada Poniente: on the by a ring of green mountain Motril, Salobreña and Castell like desert landscapes and province’s Western side, its ranges. Archaeological digs de Ferro amazing crops and the leafy vegetation of the main towns are Loja, Alhama have shown that it was po- pleasant temperatures all year surrounding hills. de Granada, Montefrío, Íllora pulated more than a million round. The beaches have and Moclín. It has an immense years ago. The Lady of Baza, thick sands with clean, tem- Moorish legacy, which can be chief among Iberian re- perate water. The 7 tourist districts seen in every street and in mains, was also found here. In 1994 Granada Provincial the many fortresses built du- Baza, Galera, Cúllar, Puebla Sierra Nevada: The Sierra Tourist Board formulated the ring the reign of the Nasrid de don Fadrique, Huéscar Nevada Ski Resort is just 32 Markes Plan, a project concei- dynasty. and Castril are some of the kilometres away from the ved to make optimal use of main settlements. city of Granada. Its 84 kilo- Granada as a tourism product, Guadix and El Marquesa- metres of pistes and its mag- and to maximise the efficien- do: Located to the East of The Alpujarras and Valle nificent tourism infrastructu- cy of promoting the tourism Granada and made up of de Lecrín: An almost uns- re and sports facilities make resources of the different Guadix and surrounding vi- poilt district, lying between it the best winter resort in areas within the province. The llages, this district has great the Sierra Nevada and the Spain. It nestles inside the plan divides up the province’s conditions for historical mo- Mediterranean sea, ideal for Sierra Nevada National Park. 168 municipal areas into se- nument, rural and active rural tourism and adventure At 3,478 metres high, Mul- Arriba, Montefrío. Poniente. En el ven well defined tourism dis- tourism. It shares with Baza- sports. The Poqueira ravine, hacén is the highest peak in centro, Típicas chimeneas de la tricts or macro-areas: Huéscar: El Altiplano, semi- with its whitewashed villa- the Iberian peninsula. Alpujarra. Abajo, La Dama de Baza. Pag. 9, arriba izquierda, Catedral de desert landscape, a valious ges, has earned great pres- Guadix. Pag. 9, arriba derecha, Playa The city of Granada and archaeological and historical tige as a tourist destination. de la Costa Tropical. Pag. 9, abajo, Sierra Nevada. surrounding area: Incorpora- area with the tradition of The towns of Lanjarón, Tre- Granada was the third destiny after Venice and Prague, and the Alhambra got the fith place after Petra, Machu Pichu, the Great Wall and Taj Mahal. A similar survey in El País (2004) showed that the readers chose the Alhambra as their favourite Spanish monument (17,62% of votes) and Granada as the second Spanish city more desired after Barcelona. 8 | 9 4. Cultural and monumental tourism The long history of its towns identity and its main touris- more than just the Alhambra.
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