HAWAII WORLD HAWAII FATHER RON ROLHEISER Mercy and beauty shine Death penalty is Three religous Developing a healthy amid life’s challenges, say ‘contrary to the Gospel,’ congregations celebrate and unhealthy conference keynoters pope says anniversary milestones fear of the Lord Page 3 Page 10 Page 12-13 Page 21 HVOLUME 80,awaii NUMBER 21 CatholicFRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2017 Herald$1 CNS photo/Paul Haring A girl holds a doll represent- ing new Spanish St. Faustino Miguez before the canoniza- tion Mass of new saints in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Christian life is a love story with God, Oct. 15. Pope Francis canon- ized groups of martyrs from Mexico and Brazil, an Italian Capuchin priest and a Span- says pope, proclaiming 35 new saints ish priest. By Junno Arocho Esteves Mexico’s first native converts and were ship based on dialogue, trust and for- Catholic News Service killed for refusing to renounce the giveness.” faith. However, he continued, Jesus also VATICAN CITY — Like the Catholic Tapestries hung from the facade of warns that “the invitation can be re- Church’s newest saints, Christians are St. Peter’s Basilica bearing images of the fused” as it was by those who “made called to live their faith as a love story martyrs as well as pictures of Sts. An- light” of the invitation or were too with God who wants a relationship that gelo da Acri, an Italian Capuchin priest caught up in their own affairs to con- is “more than that of devoted subjects known for his defense of the poor, and sider attending the banquet. with their king,” Pope Francis said. Faustino Miguez, a Spanish priest who “This is how love grows cold, not out Without a loving relationship with started an advanced school for girls at a of malice but out of preference for what God, Christian life can become empty time when such education was limited is our own: our security, our self-affir- and “an impossible ethic, a collection of almost exclusively to boys. mation, our comfort,” the pope said. rules and laws to obey for no good rea- An estimated 35,000 pilgrims — Despite constant rejection and indif- son,” the pope said during Mass Oct. 15 many of them from the new saints’ ference, God does not cancel the wed- in St. Peter’s Square. countries of origin — attended the ding feast but continues to invite Chris- “This is the danger: a Christian life Mass, the Vatican said Oct. 15. tians to overcome “the whims of our that becomes routine, content with ‘nor- In his homily, Pope Francis reflected peevish and lazy selves” and to imitate mality,’ without drive or enthusiasm, on the day’s Gospel reading from St. the church’s new saints who, he said, and with a short memory,” he said dur- Matthew in which Jesus recounts the not only said yes to God’s invitation, but ing the Mass. parable of the wedding feast. wore “the wedding garment” of God’s At the beginning of the Mass, Pope Noting Jesus’ emphasis on the wed- love. Francis proclaimed 35 new saints, in- ding guests, the pope said that God “The saints who were canonized to- cluding: the “Martyrs of Natal,” Brazil, “wants us, he goes out to seek us and he day, and especially the many martyrs, a group of 30 priests, laymen, women invites us” to celebrate with him. point the way,” Pope Francis said. “The and children who were killed in 1645 “For him, it is not enough that we robe they wore daily was the love of Je- during a wave of anti-Catholic perse- should do our duty and obey his laws,” sus, that ‘mad’ love that loved us to the cution; and the “Child Martyrs of Tlax- Pope Francis said. “He desires a true end and offered his forgiveness and his cala,” three children who were among communion of life with us, a relation- robe to those who crucified him.” 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • OCTOBER 20, 2017 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Published every other Friday Bishop’s page PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 [email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes (808) 585-3317 [email protected] Bishop REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz Larry Silva (808) 585-3320 WITNESS TO JESUS [email protected] ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz (808) 585-3328 A new lease on life [email protected] CIRCULATION Donna Aquino This is the text of Bishop Larry what the master wants them to take away, our challenge is to learn to live gracefully (808) 585-3321 Silva’s homily for the 27th Sunday in yet instead they are beaten and their spir- through the sufferings of life, accepting [email protected] Ordinary Time, delivered Oct. 7 and 8 its are killed. Of course we need to ex- them with hope and with joy, just as Je- HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, amine ourselves to see if we are engag- sus did, so that we can witness to our (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage Papaikou, and St. Anthony Church, ing in this kind of destructive behavior fellow servants that there is no need to paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the Papaaloa. ourselves, but even if we are not, is there anesthetize ourselves and thus ultimately Roman Catholic Church in the State of something we can do to remedy the situ- put ourselves to death, but we can live Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI new lease on life! ation? Can we make it a point to affirm with the sufferings and make them bear 96813. That is a phrase we use to de- these young people who receive so little good fruit. ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES scribe a change for the better in affirmation at home? Can we reach out to We are followers of the Son who was Hawaii: $24 Mainland: $26 our lives, usually after they have their parents to help carry their burdens; sent into the vineyard of the Lord to col- Mainland 1st class: $40 Abeen through some crisis or recovered to listen to them when they need to vent, lect what was due to God, so that he could Foreign: $30 from some accident or illness. It indicates so that they do not take their frustrations shower his blessing even further upon his POSTMASTER that we finally realize that life does not out on their children; or to sensitively beloved children. Yet we know that even Send address changes to: ultimately belong to us, that it belongs to teach them a more constructive way of today this Son is beaten by a very preva- Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop God, and that this newfound discovery dealing with their children? lent philosophy that declares oneself the Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. is actually freeing. We recognize that we OFFICE I also spoke recently to someone who owner of the vineyard, without regard to Hawaii Catholic Herald are tenants and not owners of what the works with the homeless, and the one who truly owns it. 1184 Bishop St. Lord has entrusted to us. I asked, “What are the causes We beat up the Son of Honolulu, HI 96813 As we reflect on this parable of Jesus, of homelessness?” There We beat up God when we insist that we PHONE we need to ask if we are being the good are many different causes, the Son of God are our own gods. We decide (808) 585-3300 stewards who give back to the owner of but among them are addic- when life should begin and FAX the vineyard what is rightfully his, or if tions to drugs or alcohol. I when we insist when it will end. We decide (808) 585-3381 we beat up and kill off his servants who then reflected on some who what gender we choose to WEBSITE www.hawaiicatholicherald.com come to collect the share of the produce want our state legislature to that we are our be. We decide what truth is E-MAIL that belongs to the master. legalize recreational mari- and what it is not, without [email protected] Recently I was speaking to a woman own gods juana, and on the epidemic reference to the one who is NEWS DEADLINES who works with what we sometimes call of people who are addicted Truth itself. We put the Son Nine days before publication date. “at risk youth.” These are young people to prescription drugs. I then wonder why of God to death because we think he is ADVERTISING DEADLINES who are failing in school or who are it is that so many in our society feel com- competition. Or sometimes we can be Nine days before publication date. breaking the law or engaging in some be- pelled to anesthetize themselves from the more subtle about it, putting Jesus to ADVERTISING INFORMATION havior that is self-destructive or destruc- burdens of life. These brothers and sisters death by smothering him in this church, For a rate card or other information, call tive of others. She said that she has found are sent into the vineyard to collect the thinking that we worship him only here Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- that these youth often grow up in an en- good things their master wants them to where it is safe to do so, rather than ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” vironment in which they are continually have, yet their sufferings beat them up bearing fruit for him in our homes, our “PASS IT ON” POLICY put down, often by their own parents.
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