FRANK T. MARTINEZ :•ITV OF Los ANGELe.4' Office of the City Clerk CALIFORNIA CITY CLERK Council and Public Services KAREN E. KALFAYAN Room 395, City Hall · Executh·e Officer Los Angeles, CA 90012 Council File Information - (213) 978-1043 General Information - (213) 978-1133 When making inquiries Fax: (213) 978-1040 relati\'e to this matter refer to File No. HELEN GINSBURG JAMES K. HAHN Chief, Council and Public Senices Division MAYOR 01-2163 PLACE IN FILES JUN 1 0 2005 June 9, 2005 DEPUTY o/ City Administrative Officer Controller, Room 300 Attn: City Attorney Analyst Accounting Division, F&A Liability Claims/Budget Group Disbursement Division Room 1260, CHE Office of Finance City Attorney, Treasurer cc: Jennifer Krieger Councilmember Miscikowski cc: Business Office Councilmember Cardenas cc: Budget & Finance Division Los Angeles Police Department RE: SETTLEMENT OF CASE ENTITLED NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD, ET AL., V. CITY OF LOS ANGELES, ET AL., UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CASE NO. CV 01-06877 FMC (CWX) At the meeting of the Council held May 25, 2005, the following action was taken: Attached report adopted ........................................ ______ Attached motion (Miscikowski - Cardenas) adopted in open session ........ ····~~~~X=----~~- Attached resolution adopted .................................... ______ Ordinance adopted ............................................. ·~~~~~~- Motion adopted to approve attached report ...................... ______ Motion adopted to approve attached communication ........... ····~~~~~~- To the Mayor FORTHWITH ...................................... ... ____;.x=----- Mayor concurred ............................................... ·~--'6=-----=-0-=l'----'0::....:5:::;....__ Findings adopted ............................................... ______ Generally exempt ............................................... ______ Agreement mentioned therein is/are No. of contracts ................................................ ·~~~~~~- City Clerk dng AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER • - City Mc:W°cffe s Q!Fil1\RE f}~1t1VJo R RtCEIVEO · 2005 MAY 27 AM 8: SO CIT y OF LOS ANGELES FORTHWITH 0 rn -0 C ~ SUBJECT TO MAYOR'S APPROVAL COUNCIL FILE NO. 01-2163 COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE MAY 25, 2005 RE: SETTLEMENT IN THE CASE ENTITLED NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD, ET AL., V. CITY OF LOS ANGELES, ET AL., UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CASE NO. CV 01- 06877 FMC (CWx) JUN O6 2005 LAST DAY FOR MAYOR TO ACT (10 Day Charter requirement as per Charter Section 341) TE BELOW THIS LINE - FOR MAYOR OFFICE USE ONLY *DISAPPROVED *Transmit objections in writing pursuant to Chall$er Section 341 :-< ~ ~ f"? JUN 1 2005 Q ~ ~ DATE OF MAYOR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL o :;! £ii P=o I r n r·n 1'J :.:0 C) ;~rr, :i er3~ -F:: :not9 0 :0 ·~. \A F;?' MAY JUN O7 2005 steno/012163 ~\L--f§ e· CF 01-2163 May 25, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO FILE The City Council held a Closed Session on Wednesday, May 25, 2005, pursuant to authority provided in California Government Code Section 54956. 9( a), to confer with its legal counsel relative to case entitled National Lawyers Guild, et al., v. City of Los Angeles. et al., United States District Court Case No. CV 01-06877 FMC (CWx). (Plaintiff alleges a violation of civil rights and false arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department; Budget and Finance Committee the above matter on May 24, 2005). The purpose of this memorandum is to note for the record that following discussion of the above matter in Closed Session, the City Council adopted the Motion (Miscikowski - Cardenas) in Open Session and instructed the City Clerk to transmit the file to the Mayor forthwith. ~ tzb~~{ ......co __c_ MARIA KOSTRENCICH Council Clerk Attachment O:\Docs\Council Agendas\mk\01-2163b.mem. wpd - VERBAL MOTION I HEREBY MOVE that Council ADOPT the following recommendations of the City Attorney in order to effect settlement in the case entitled National Lawyers Guild, et al., v. City of Los Angeles, et al., United States District Court Case No. CV 01-06877 FMC (CWx). (Plaintiff alleges a violation of civil rights and false arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department.), SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: 1. AUTHORIZE the City Attorney to expend $705,000 in settlement of the case entitled National Lawyers Guild, et al., v. City of Los Angeles. et al., United States District Court Case No. CV 01-06877 FMC (Cwx), from the Liability Claims Account No. 9770, Fund 100, Department 59. 2. AUTHORIZE the City Attorney to draw a demand thereon in said amount and made payable as follows: a. $250,000 to NABCO Assignments Ltd. to fund periodic payments for the benefit of Carol A. Sobel, the lead counsel for plaintiffs. b. $455,000 to the Law Offices of Carol A. Sobel Client Trust Account. This matter was approved by the Budget and Finance Committee (Miscikowski - Cardenas - Garcetti "yes;n Smith "non) at its meeting of May 24, 2005, in Closed Session as permitted by Government Code Section 54956.9(a). PRESENTED BY ----------- CINDY MISCIKOWSKI Councilmember, 11th District SECONDED BY~.~~~~~------~~~- TONY CARDENAS Councilmember, 6th District . (\,\.,~ May 25, 2005 ADOPTED CF 01-2163 MAY 2 5 2005 .:--- 0~ ~~~ LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL TO THE :MAYOR FORTHWnll O:\Docs\Council Agendas\mk\01-2163b.mot. wpd MAYOR WITH FILE • COUNCIL VOTE May 25, 2005 11:43:39 AM, #20 ITEM NO. (1) Voting on Item(s): 1 Roll Call CARDENAS Yes GARCETTI Yes GREUEL Yes HAHN Yes LABONGE Absent LUDLOW Yes MISCIKOWSKI Yes PARKS Absent PERRY Yes REYES Absent SMITH No VILLARAIGOSA Yes WEISS Yes ZINE No *PADILLA Yes Present: 12, Yes: 10 No: 2 • Los Angeles City Council Agenda, Special Council Meeting Wednesday, May 25, 2005 John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall - 10:30 am --- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING --- 10:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the Council Recesses its Regular Meeting ROLL CALL Closed Sessions - Items 1-6 IJ.EM:NQ:--c- (1) -.MEETING- HELD--- - MOTION-·--- ADOPTED__ IN ... ____ OPEN SESSION--· The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), to confer with its legal counsel relative to settlement in case entitled National Lawyers Guild. et al.. v. City of Los Angeles. et al., United States District Court (USDC) Case No. CV 01-06877 FMC (CWx). (Plaintiff alleges a violation of civil rights and false arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department.) (Budget and Finance Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on May 24, 2005) ITEM NO. (2) - MEETING HELD - MOTION ADOPTED IN OPEN SESSION 05-0990 The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), to confer with its legal counsel relative to settlement in case entitled Shearwood Fleming v. City of Los Angeles. et al., Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC) Case No. BC 173269. (Plaintiff alleges a violation of civil rights and false arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department.) (Budget and Finance Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on May 24. 2005) WEDNESDAY 05-25-05 PAGE3 - BUDGET AND• FINANCE COMMITTEE, CORRECTED AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2005 ROOM 1010, CITY HALL- 3 PM 200 NORTH SPRING STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 MEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBER BERNARD C. PARKS, CHAIR COUNCILMEMBER CINDY MISCIKOWSKI COUNCILMEMBER TONY CARDENAS COUNCILMEMBER GREIG SMITH COUNCILMEMBER ERIC GARCETTI (Lauraine Braithwaite - Legislative Assistant - 213-978-1075 or email - [email protected]) Note: For information regarding the Committee and its operations, please contact the Committee Legislative Assistant at the phone number and/or email address listed above. The Legislative Assistant may answer questions, provide materials, and provide notice of matters scheduled before the City Council. Assistive listening devices are available at the meeting; upon 72 hour advance notice, other accommodations, such as sign language interpretation, and translation services will be provided. Contact the Legislative Assistant listed above forthe needed services. TDD available at (213) 978-1055. FILE NO. SUBJECT CLOSED SESSION (THE COMMITTEE WILL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION ON ITEMS 1 - 12) City Attorney requests Closed Session pursuantto Government Code Sections 54956.9( a) and/or (b) to allow the Committee to confer with its legal counsel on the following matters: 01-2163 GD City Attorney report relative to settlement in the case entitled National Lawyers Guild. et al.. v. City of Los Angeles. et al., United States District Court (USDC) Case No. CV 01-06877 FMC (CWx). (Plaintiff alleges a violation of civil rights and false arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department.) DISPOSITION ___-'-------------------- (2) 05-0990 City Attorney report relative to settlement in the case entitled Shearwood Fleming v. City of Los Angeles. et al., Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC) Case No. BC 173269. (Plaintiff alleges a violation of civil rights and false arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department.) DISPOSITION _____________________ Budget and Finance Committee, Corrected Agenda Tuesday - May 24, 2005 Page 1 • Item No.: / (o CITY OF LOS ANGELES • CLAIMS BOARD RECOMMENDATION OF THE CLAIMS BOARD FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE CITY COUNCIL The·Honorable City Council of the City of Los Angeles Room 395, City Hall 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Honorable Members: At its meeting of ~ q ,2005, the Clainis Board of the City of Los Angeles considered Report No. (3(15;-0/ fo 3 of the City Attorney in the matter of: • · Yl c..lI,n.,., l -Jo,,,..,1 ~ G' u..J__J ' v C.vt\ · and voted () -0 ) that your Honorable
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