DISTRICT Project Description BE 2018-19 D.I.KHAN DI15D00037-Construction /Development work / seatingsteps/WSS etc. of play ground of 42,322 GHS Yarik in Yarik D.I.KHAN DI15D00125-Provision of Laptops for Top (20) Twentyeach Position Holders (Male & 241,248 Female) at Secondary Level in High Schoolsin District DIKhan D.I.KHAN DI15D00126-Provision of 240 First Aid kits for High& Middle Schools (Male & Female) in 1,900 District DIKhan D.I.KHAN DI15D00127-Construction of approach/access road toGovt High School Giloti in Giloti 78,421 D.I.KHAN DI15D00128-Installation of 01 Nos Pressure Pumpwith 1UPS at Govt Girls High School Jhoke 28,183 Muazzam in Giloti D.I.KHAN DI15D00130-Construction of one additional Room atCD Gali Bagh Wali in City 5 116,392 D.I.KHAN DI15D00131-Solarization of PanyalaHospital inPanyala 5,480 D.I.KHAN DI15D00133-Repair/ Rehabilitation/ MissingFacilities of CD Mandran Kalan in Mandrah 2,249 Kalan D.I.KHAN DI15D00134-Repair/ Rehabilitation/ MissingFacilities of BHU Kirri Shamozai in Kirri 317,015 Shamozai D.I.KHAN DI15D00136-Repair/ Rehabilitation/ MissingFacilities of CD Miran in Miran 12,009 D.I.KHAN DI15D00137-Construction of Boundary Wall of CDGirsel in Kech 5,436 D.I.KHAN DI15D00138-Solarization/missing facilities at CDGirsel in Kech 2,727 D.I.KHAN DI15D00139-Construction of 02 Nos Group Latrinewith water tank at BHU Jabar wala in 5,684 Kech D.I.KHAN DI15D00140-Construction of Group Latrine with watertank at BHU Bhehari Colony in Lachra 69,116 D.I.KHAN DI15D00141-Repair/ Rehabilitation/missingfacilities BHU Kotla Lodian in Kotla Lodian 500,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00143-Repair/ Rehabilitation/missingfacilities BHU Lar in Lar 16,753 D.I.KHAN DI15D00144-Repair/ Rehabilitation/missingfacilities BHU mural including prayer hall in 252,783 Muryali D.I.KHAN DI15D00145-Construction of 1 Additional Room in BHUZafar Abad in Lachra 113,563 D.I.KHAN DI15D00147-Construction of Boundary Wall at CivilDispensary Bahadury in Giloti 250,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00148-Repair and Procurement of equipment inCD Yarik BHU bud in Yarik 4,585 D.I.KHAN DI15D00149-Installation of WSS/Renovation/Electrification/Missing facilities at THQ 7,833 Hospital Paroa inParoa D.I.KHAN DI15D00150-Installation of Solar System at THQHospital Paroa in Paroa 6,022 D.I.KHAN DI15D00151-Rehabilitation of BHU Mahra with waitingroom in Mahra 42,621 D.I.KHAN DI15D00152-Upgradation/Rehabilitation alongwithboundary wall at BHU Draban Khurd in 523 Lunda Sharif D.I.KHAN DI15D00154-Construction of additional room/ missingfacilities at sub health centre Buzdar 1,000,000 in Kirri Shamozai D.I.KHAN DI15D00155-Construction of one additional room /missing facilities at DHO office in District 21,969 DIKhan D.I.KHAN DI15D00157-Repair/ Rehabilitation/ missingfacilities at CD Kirri Khaisor in Kirri Khaisor 200,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00158-Repair/ Rehabilitation/ missingfacilities at BHU Malana in Malana 6,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00159-"Construction of 2 Nos OPD Rooms, PCCStreet and /Repair work at Civil 8,297 Hospital Chaudwan in Choudwan" D.I.KHAN DI15D00160-"Repair / Rehabilitation additionalroom, Boundary wall, renovation of CD Ratta 18,000 Kulachi in Ratta Kulachi" D.I.KHAN DI15D00161-Rehabilitation/ missing facilities ofCD Muslim Bazar in City 1 850,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00163-"Rehabilitation of OPD block, Boundarywall, missing facilities at Civil Hospital 1,717 Daraban in Daraban Kalan" D.I.KHAN DI15D00164-Rehabilitation/ missing facilities ofCD Kath Garh in Kath Garh 4,496 D.I.KHAN DI15D00165-Construction/renovation of additionalrooms at MCH Kulachi in Kulachi-2 500,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00171-Installation of Pressure Pump andmissing facilities at RHC Kot Jai in Kot Jai 5,741 D.I.KHAN DI15D00172-Repair/ Rehabilitation of CD at Dinpurin DD 1 17,500 D.I.KHAN DI15D00173-Repair/ Rehabilitation of BHU Potah inChehkan 10,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00177-Procurement of Equipment (Surgical &Medical) medicines /Vaccines & 15,079 including First aid for Health units BHUsexempt in District DIKhan District in District DIKhan D.I.KHAN DI15D00179-Strengthening of Vocational TrainingCenter Paharpur District DIKhan in 200,000 Paharpur D.I.KHAN DI15D00180-Strengthening of Vocational TrainingCenter Islamia Colony District DIKhan in 300,000 City 2 D.I.KHAN DI15D00181-Strengthening of Vocational TrainingCenter Chaman Chowk District DIKhan in 200,000 City 4 D.I.KHAN DI15D00182-Strengthening of Missing Facilities inVocational Training Center Raheem Bazar 200,000 District DIKhan in City 1 D.I.KHAN DI15D00183-Strengthening of Vocational TrainingCenter winsome housing scheme District 200,000 DIKhan in Muryali D.I.KHAN DI15D00184-"Equipment for PWDs (hearing aid, whitecane, Wheel Chair/ Tri-Cycle) in 1,450,000 District DIKhan" D.I.KHAN DI15D00186-"Strengthening of Govt. institute forBlinds (Music Instruments, Brail, computer 1,500,000 etc.) in Social WelfareOffice" D.I.KHAN DI15D00209-Strengthening of Protection band/MoghaJat at Village Amir Shah in Begwani 95 Shumali D.I.KHAN DI15D00212-"Strengthening of through improvedequipment in CVD Muryali, Naivila, 39 Bagwani, Chehkan, Mosa Zai Sharif inMuryali, Naivela, Bagwani, Chehkan, Mosazai Shareef,DIKhan etc" D.I.KHAN DI15D00213-Strengthening of veternary institutionsthrough improved medicine in All 701 Wards D.I.KHAN DI15D00214-Strengthening of veternary institutionsthrough improved vaccines in All Wards 90 D.I.KHAN DI15D00215-Installation of Solar System forexisting Irrigation Department Tube well for 266 Agriculture Purpose atVillage Kech near Chasma road in Kech D.I.KHAN DI15D00216-Installation of 01 Nos Solar System forExisting Irrigation Department Tube well 267 No. RD3000 53-2 for AgriculturePurpose at Amer Shah Minor Chah Mandran Wala in Begwani D.I.KHAN DI15D00217-Installation of 01 Nos Solar System forExisting Irrigation Department Tube well 267 No. RD 16000 54-2 forAgriculture Purpose at Kamboh Sharif in Paharpur D.I.KHAN DI15D00340-Rehabilitation/improvement of BTR atHaideri Masjid to chah Mughal in 205,115 Dewala D.I.KHAN DI15D00342-Rehabilitation of street/drain fromKifayat House to Ibrahim House in Dewala - D.I.KHAN DI15D00382-Rehabilitation/Improvement of BTR roadfrom Azar Khan House to Mohallah 700,000 Malana in Panyala D.I.KHAN DI15D00389-Construction of PCC Road at main BazarKulachi in Kulachi-2 133,773 D.I.KHAN DI15D00397-Rehabilitation/surfacing of Road atvillage Thathal in Dhap Shumali 228,922 D.I.KHAN DI15D00414-Construction of compacted Shingle roadat Billey Wala to CCAD Drain to 566,537 Rangpur Ward Dhap Shumali in DhapShumali D.I.KHAN DI15D00415-"Construction of compacted shingle roadfrom Namdari road to Hakim Sagu 601,400 Basti, Sadra Shareef in Yarik" D.I.KHAN DI15D00444-Construction of PCC Street at GaliJamal Abdul Nasir Islamiya Colony in City 2 100,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00457-construction of PCC main street/drain atAdil Sipra ward Lunda sharif in Lunda 487,000 Sharif D.I.KHAN DI15D00462-Installation of Solar lights at Aqibtown and Hassa Kachi Paind Khan District 200,000 DIKhan in DD 1 D.I.KHAN DI15D00481-Construction of street/compacted shingleat Nazir s/O Haji Shahnawaz village 300,000 zandani in Zandani D.I.KHAN DI15D00488-Installation of Hand pumps at HaroonAbad in Lachra 37,500 D.I.KHAN DI15D00496-Construction of street Rehmatullah Nazimwalai shorkot in Shore Kot 250,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00499-Construction of drain mohallaharainewala in Shore Kot 200,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00521-Installation of of Pressure pumps atGhulam Koti and Basti Awan Abad in 150,000 Lunda Sharif D.I.KHAN DI15D00531-Construction of PPC street from BastiMochi Wali to Basti Machi Wali in Kath 250,000 Garh D.I.KHAN DI15D00574-Construction of PCC Street at Kucha Lalaabdur Rehman in Gillani Town in City 5 100,675 D.I.KHAN DI15D00577-Repair/ Renovation of Circuit HouseDistrict DIKhan in City 4 1,000,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00611-Installation of missing facilities/structure repair at Govt. High School No.6 - Ward City 3 D.I.KHAN DI15D00612-Construction of Additional room/G/L/Strucure repair at Govt. High School No. - 5 D.I.Khan Ward City 4 D.I.KHAN DI15D00613-Construction of water supply/electrification etc. in GHS No.1 & 2 Kulachi Ward - Kulachi Urban 2 D.I.KHAN DI15D00692-Installation of 01 Nos Submersible/Pressure Pump /Solar Panel and missing 800,000 facilities in GGMS Giloti WardGiloti D.I.KHAN DI15D00698-Construction of Group Latrine/SolarPanel at GGMS Kala Gore Ward Lar 535,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00700-Construction of surface water storagetank/WSS for irrigation and water course 4,638 / Barbed wire at land of MalikAbid UC Malana D.I.KHAN DI15D00701-Construction of surface water storagetank/WSS for irrigation and water course 132 / Barbed wire at village Talgiat Haji Gul Sarwar Land for Irrigation purpose UC Wanda Khan D.I.KHAN DI15D00702-Provision of funds forsports/culturalactivities in village yarik 1,000,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00703-Provision of funds for land laveling i.egrass cutter, pitch roller etc at General 300,000 Ghulam Ahmad Sports Complex D.I.KHAN DI15D00704-Construction of water supply anddressing and leveling at GHS Bahadri. 550,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00705-Water supply and dressing/leveling andstructure repair at GHS Band Kurai. 1,550,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00706-Structure repair and dressing/levelingat GHS Kachi Kath Garh. 400,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00707-Dressing/leveling at GHS Maddikhel. 400,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00708-Structure repair and dressing/levelingat GHS MandhraSaidan. 500,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00709-Raising of Boundary wall and structurerepair at GMS Band Kurai. 600,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00710-Construction of Group Latrine andRaising of Boundary wall and 660,000 dressing/leveling at GMS Dhawa. D.I.KHAN DI15D00711-Dressing/leveling at GMS KotKundian. 400,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00712-Dressing & leveling at GHS Jatta 400,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00713-Dressing/leveling at GMS RangpurJanubi. 250,000 D.I.KHAN DI15D00714-Electrification and dressing/leveling atGMS Sardaraywala.
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