E-Auction Sale Notice

E-Auction Sale Notice

6s lndion Overseos Bonk Regionol Office 20-21, Kqmorojor Sqlqi, Koncheepurom-631 501, Tomil Nodu Phone no.O44-27225360, 27223165,27223131 , 2723481 1 Emqil I [email protected] (Sole through e-oucllon only) E.AUCIION SAIE NOIICE SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY MORTGAGED TO THE BANK UNDER THE SECURITISATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY INTEREST ACT, 2OO2 l. Whereos M/s. hos borrowed monies from Indion Overseos Bonk,...... Bronch ogoinst the mortgoge of the immovoble properties more fully described in the schedule hereunder ond on upon clossificolion of lhe occount os NPA, the Bonk hos issued o demond nolice under Section l3(2) of lhe SARFAESI Acl, 2002 (Act) on --------- colling upon the borrowers M/s.------ ond lhe guorontors & to poy the omount due lo lhe Bqnk, being Rs. (mention dues in words) os on------ (dote) poyoble together with further interest ot controctuol roles ond rests olong with costs, chorges etc till dote of repoyment wilhin 60 doys from the dote of receipt of the soid notice. 2. Whereos the borrowers & guorontors hoving foiled to poy the omount dues in full to lhe Bonk os colled for in the soid demond notice, the Bonk hos token possession of the secured ossels more fully described in the schedule hereunder on ------- -- under Section 13 (a) of the Acl with the righl to sell the some in "As is where is" ond "As is whot is" bosis under Sectionl3(4) of the Act reod with Rules 8 &9 of the Security interest (Enforcement) Rules,2002 for reolizotion of Bonk's dues. Ihe dues to the bonk os on the dote of toking possession wos intimoted os Rs. (mention dues ln words) os on---- (dote) poyoble together with further interest of controctuol rotes ond rests olong with costs, chorges elc till dote of repoyment, ofter reckoning repoyments, if ony, since the dote mentioned in the demond nolice. 3. The dues of the borrower os on ----(dole of sole notice) works oul lo Rs. (menlion dues in words) otler reckoning repoyments, if ony, omounting to Rs...... subsequent lo the Bonk issuing demond notice. ) 4. The undersigned in exercise of the powers conferred under Sec l3(4) of the soid Act proposes to reolize the Bonk's dues by sole of the under mentioned properties. 5. SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY(IES) with boundsries detoils:- Dote ond lime of e-ouclion 28.02.2020 between I I A M To I PM with outo extension of 05 minules eoch till sole is Completed. Reserve Price Rs Eornest Money Deposit Rs 10% of Reserve Price) EMD Remittonce Deposit through EFI/NEFT/ RTGS Tronsfer in fovour of " IOB-- Bronch" (full oddress of the Bronch lo be given) to lhe credit of A/C no.------- Bronch Code:--- IFSC Code--------- Bid Multiplier Rs.50,000/- (the omount in multiples of which the bid is to be increosed) lnspeclion of property 12.02.2020 lo 27.02.2020 from I 0 AM to 5 PM Submission of online 12.02.2020 onwords opplicotion for bid with EMD storts (dote of poper publicotion is on 11.02.2020) Losl dote for submission of 27.02.2020 online opplicotion for BID with [ot Ieost I doy(s)l prior to the dote of e- EMD ouclion) Known Encumbronce if ony NIL/NOT KNOWN *Outstonding dues Rs........... of NIL/NOT KNOWN Locol Self Government(Property Tox, Woter seweroge, Electricity Bills etc) *Bonk's dues hove priorily over the stotutory dues. ^A^ lndian Overseas Bank AZ\ REGIONAL OFFICE: 20,21 Kamarajar Street, Kancheepuram - 631501 VV Ph: 2722 5360, 2722 3165, 2722 31 31. Email lD: [email protected] E aucllon Sale llotlce ior Sale of Secured Asct! unde, Securlttsatlo[ and R.conitruction ot Flnanclat A:sets and Eniottenent of Securlty lntcrert Act, 2002 read wltt provlso to Rutc E(6) of the $ecurlty lntGrclt (cniorcetttent) Rulca 2002. BrrEft E d E PROPERTY TYPE: LANDE D & BUILDINGD sdsmihE l. tail/u trxrrl' ft,rEo rt:rt &75 Ia DllE$i ruIAR lh. &tmrly& & 34,40 TA wb.EKhM. a8 0n m!ffi Repridoa SM. lrdrs{ai.s 02102000001230, 28, GST Rdd, d ,6. SSI Ro.d Eryth. 06.02.2020 AdurtDd4 t0BA00002la t(edE E,m 603301. lod!+,m6m1. Dii'id 4 tlr! 06ta UrX.t .Kd!ftnD (Ld!). A[ fBt d@ and p6@l of bnd ad HIdh! drpd&d h S.tao.196r{8, m@ffig e oml d t0.30 24,00 z.fi ilT.KARTHICK Mr.K.M,KrhhEn s/o. S/o. A@ 0.07 c6E. 6lon0 vlfi Bul&E hdu, Siuabd d No.!80, &emtEn vllbg., S.ld.p.t esm 350702000005001 0600ll2lll 9170, Arbcdld 9l70, Taluk dd B@ndld o h€ Ndh bf lN.\&rrd.6lAf! L.nd, Sdfr bf GargalMl Dhrkr Ldd. , Moln t .ln E66l bf Kri8h@ tsd, Wbst b!4 NeEl.ipunl6 Ldd. {Eyrnbo$c [email protected] 31.12.2019 to840003597 pl@ p6@l 3. cHEl{o lPEIi ?lu 2742G371 ffi. V Lok il@ AI f10 .nd ol bnd .nd hIldho ms.uing r Ml ffit ot 759 sqt mpdstd in OE T.s. Xa lYltf,l No.53, rsndEtgrom tlo794l sd 795/3 to!.tE wih r bo[ding t ffi ![u!td h Xe$s SM, Big N.fBm, Chdtdpdu la70 25.4 2J,4 M. S Sd &E iikll.l,lwLogabcn AWARsffi M.in RB4 Big N.t@ TM bEdE Dd NoJSA sd rtlM tr R4kmdo Srbosuid ol Jdnt{l OrogEF.0 d \ffia 450 73515 FlD'bE)sro.lts)ie CLng*d' 64001 Rqkoeio OMU ot ChoClFd, Mdlng h h! ll@ oa t,tv.Llx.ffi. gdil.d o $. Ndlh 0362020000007000 , 9t,975 ilo53,l(,dBm Lh R!d, Ela 31.01.2t20 tS tu d MiSJ.rffi, ffi by: hs d Ur.E.Stul tu ry K$& ffi. ftd byi thm.qaet hl68&l lffir Sld (rymbolcPMh) 1o8 0000352 tL Ftrrr!{ tasl oa h. d i.Mh,iIMApDdEb. & Sr{o. ffi 27.72 A.N 2AO Ii l,Rt LIAR N rfilJr Ed e{ca6D?0 PftFbld irr.Arrwgm, Nd Sl'lo. 86?fl, ilslFBm Ro.d, 0200200@00596, E67llE2, Old S.No,8571, t eupdd€n il{t+.ldsn VLo! A 8.122019 U.h Paeylt, E.c d b toB 0000260 P6Ebi) p.adty a EilXUrnrETrEEl h27235315 relPLfil irdEd{ Al fft Ft sd p.rt d hd dAru 240 rqn ri0r hrErO dtErd d Ots Slo.l{o, L.Vil(^rESVt RlI l.16r, S.No.l4lrt2, No200, Pld ib.10a S!H. Amd hdla ilao*, 40.92 95.34 953 lhP.thu ll*68i. V{h KPedEbq Ds t{orm. Ed i5.102. Gorni Od Gdi Kdrsl(!9.ir \iIag6. Krdrbum Tet* eru Ohnd gouddd: Ndih bf Ph No.11l. Sd0r Gdl as on 637t2 99?09 Dd ilo2m, PU Xol02, Gd S.E, Sabl, AdrC ln(ra NaCJ. * t3tE02000001266 l(qrEiqD.[ l(rdilgh Sd.l, Ed b)f PH No.tol, Wd bf Hor NolO3. (SFbolc Pd$dd) / hnd hdm N.!4 KmdlopDm, 06.o22t20 r)EA000t3l8 i(adtFrm Pd. Sl 5O2 Pd. Eti 502 n 0udrvrilcllBrYl Pfu 27i451050 kJ(Ramih Vo. fuBEnry, A! hd pd rrd pa@l of ho@ lnd Cdnd rt Odhlu Vrseq Chsyyu T*Jh Ke.notoum Dilnid 79.79 7.98 t..IrHUU tbaNo. Od Xo.l06, tlo.62. O$l$rr 6rp.i!d in Od gmy No.160t2gl, Nfl Swy No.tgg2B'lAlA1 b En del ol50 ffi ri0l.j3dne 13.,1,, M[ag.. Choyyur Tl( bulding tBe rifin h! Sob RlCrtd,s Oi6ldr, o{ Ch.yyur Sbndhg h til lEm of MrJ(Romch t0562i0805 (uNnry 38 0n 27,19020000001 Et , Sdnm& lcndEFid O (Glffi). srd Dd No.l06, il0.62. dhgr Vi[sgc, OrDrf, Tk, f€ndrc.Fr.n Ot 12.11.2019 toB40002749 Priltohn. R.dHls, (Eynbdh PG.siil) p.n peEr{., ?, OUUn AICIRnYI ftt 27,L105o iI6.P.S.lmtH A Al h€ dd lre d. ilth hldi4 ffi ad medry ed d 60s N sq.i d bnd kP.GophS, h TS k,13lz8 ffi UdduD ru mruif aSO 3Ct h G.ild Floc d 2,00 in Eil 3229 36.OO 3.60 ,l.fllrHULA ryU qd {n ffi rddhg d e.252D, ,bd ffi Doo. No2srIO, rfd OG tlo.6525m PrdddGl \hacsny SEt, Ayn ffi Eqo, t05G2 r0E06 52, PE dr0dM.852512D. PBMbr - PrEr.iue*lm T.Uc &nd@ Eic{ lHhg h [r ll@ d M6.S.6x[dty TS. asd 27002000000188, Bbd( k.r5, P!d*d ib.lltzl F( Ed tt: 5 * tl m EEgr TS}{o.lUrl pt l|6l bf Srb.roi bd T.SS. 12.',11.2019 to8A000?49 \tdsny S!..t, Ay.mrm, lulpa(sffiPdl MBAlrlshd. Ot6@ - 60COZI 4I2, R{@nld@n SM, Nd PilnglHur. Cbd - 60mdl gli c. OUurVlltCllElIYt Ptr 2ril6l050 Sh,l RMd- Al frd d@ fid per6l of \hd LEnd llodE sffi hilelo ru$tE a cM d q hGl ol S/o. T Rathh.m laa d d 173 6qi lle of hrd, ffiFhd dd gffirrdrd Slfr.y ilo.grD pnt Pe No.372 3.24 37,OO 3.70 Xs.f,tntuL^ Shd R.Motun, No3, VadEhtl 6 F pae SuNy 1,10.9123 ?ld grEy Nog{234 Ctutu d tlos, Grrduhddry \r[.Cq Pln 10806 S. T Rrd*m Cdoy esffi 80562 Gudlrrdrrny. Pifr 603202. 60:l:101 Chdg+tu Tat r, Xlndr*9oM Ufrld rttin Bglffiidi d*id d Sc.fi Ordrt{ &d 274S120000001 88 , No.3, \r.d'ftrl Cdony, 26.11.2019 Rod$lio St b Ra0lsHdr Oistid oa Gud@ndrany. Eended o tE Nmh bF R Xn6tns L.d.

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