11 State Measure - Proposed Constitutional Amendment State Measure - Referendum Measure Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. 8212 The legislature has proposed a constitutional Referendum Measure No.90 amendment on investment of public funds. This amendment would allow public money held in a The legislature passed Engrossed Substitute fund for long-term care services and supports to Senate Bill 5395 concerning comprehensive be invested by governments as authorized by sexual health education. This bill would require state law, including investments in private school districts to adopt or develop, consistent stocksFedera.l - Partisan Office State - Partisan Office Judicial - Nonpartisan Office with state standards, comprehensive ShouldFedera lthis - Part consisantitutional Office amendment be: State - Partisan Office Judicial - Nonpartisan Office age-appropriate sexual health education, as U.S. ReprApprovedesentative, Congressional District #5 Insurance Commissioner Whitman County Superior Court Judge defined, for all students, and excuse students if U.S. Representative, Congressional District #5 Insurance Commissioner Whitman County Superior Court Judge SAMPLEtheir parents request. 2 YearBALLOT TermVote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One Position #1 2 Year TermVote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One Position #1 2 YearRejecte TermVd ote for One 4 Year Term Vote for One 4 Year TermVote for One Should this bill be: Cathy McMorris Rodgers Mike Kreidler 4 Year TermVote for One Cathy(Prefers McMorris Republican Rodgers Party) Mike(Prefers Kreidler Democratic Party) Whitman County,(Prefers WashingtonRepublican Party) (Prefers Democratic Party) 11 Approved Dave Wilson Chirayu Avinash Patel Gary J. Libey Dave(Prefers Wils Democration c Party) Chirayu(Prefers RepAvinashublican Patel Party) Gary J. Libey (Prefers Democratic Party) (Prefers Republican Party) General Election,Rejected NovemberFederal - Partisan Office 3, 2020 UnitedState MeasurStates ePresident - Proposed and Const Viceit utionaPresidentl State Measures - Advisory Votes StateFederaAmendmen - Partisanl - Parttisan Of fOiceffice LegislativeState - Part isan-- Partisa Officen Office CityJudicial of Teko - Nonpara tisan Office State4 Year - Partisan TermV Office ote for One Legislative -- Partisan Office City of Tekoa AdvisoryState Me Voteasure No - Referendum. 32 Measure U.GovernorFederaS.Engrossed Reprl -esen Part Senateitative,san O fficCo Jointengressi Resolonautionl District No. 82#512 StateInsurance -Senator, Part isanComm DistrictOffissioice ne#9r SpecialWhitmanJudicial Election - NonparCounty tisan- SuperiorProposition Office Court #1 Judge GovernorJoseph R. Biden State Senator, District #9 Special Election - Proposition #1 Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5323 24 YearThe Yearand legislatureTer Term KamalamV has D. Harrisproposed a constiVoteote tufor fortion On Onalee 4 Year Term Vote for One Position #1 Referendum Measure No.90 U.4FederaS. amendmentYear Repr lTerm -esen Part itative,onsan investment O fficCoengressi of publiconaVotel Di funds. strictfor On This#5e 4InsuranceState Year - PartTerm isanComm Offissioice ner Vote for One ShallJudicialWhitman the -City NonparCo unof Tekoatytisan Superior Ofimposefice Court a sp ecJudgial e The legislature imposed, without a vote of the JayCathyDemocrati Insl McMorriseec Party NomineesRodgers MarkMike KreidlerG. Schoesler ShallPosition4 Year the Ter City #1mV of Tekoa impose a specoteial for One 2 YearamendmentJay Ter InslmVee would allow public moneyote heldfor On ine a 4 YearMark Term G. Schoesler Vote for One property tax levy upon taxabletaxable propproperty within peopleThe legislature, a retail sales passed tax Engrossedon pass-throug Substituh te (Prefers DemocratiRepublicanc PartPartyy)) (Prefers GOPDemocrat Party)ic Party) propertthe4 Year Cityy Ter oftax TekoamV levy upo in then taxable amount prop of $50,00ertyote within for0.00 One, U.S.fund Repr(PrefersCathyDonald foresen long-term McMorris DemocratiJ.tative, Trum care pCo Rodgersc Pangressi servicerty) onas andl Di suppostrict rt#5s to Insurance(PrefersMike Kreidler Co GOPmm Party)issioner theWhitman City of TekoaCounty in Superiorthe amount Court of $50,00 Judge0.00, chargesSenate retail Bill 5395 establishments concerning collectcomprehe for nsive be investedLoreDaven WilsCulp byon governments as authorized by JennChirayu Goulet Avinash Patel anPosition estimated #1 $1.60 per $1,000.00 of assessed specifiedsexual health carryout education. bags, costing This bill $32,000,000 would requ inire 2 YearLore(Prefersand Ter nMichaelmV Culp Republican R. Penc Partey) ote for One 4 YearJenn(Prefers Term Goulet Democratic Party) Vote for One anvaluation estimatedGary in J. 2020 Li$1.60be yfor per collection $1,000.00 in 2 of021, assessed for state(Prefers(PrefersRe law,publican including RepRepDemocrati Partublicany investmentsNoc PartPamineesrtyy)) in private (Prefers(Prefers DemocratDemocratRepublicanicic Partyrty)rty)) valuation4 Year Ter in mV2020 for collection in 2021,ote for for One itsschool first ten distric years,ts to for adopt govern or medevelop,nt spendi consistentng. stocks(PrefersDaveCathy. Wils McMorris Reponublican Rodgers Party) (PrefersChirayuMike Kreidler Democrat Avinashic Patel Party) ongoinGaryg oili J.ng Li ofbe gravelgravely streets,streets, chip sealing with state standards, comprehensive (Prefers RepDemocratiublicanc PartPartyy)) (Prefers RepDemocratublicanic Party)rty) ongoinroads andg oili repairingng of gravel and streets, replacing chip sidewalks? sealing This tax increase should be: ShouldJo Jorgensen this constitutional amendment be: roads and repairing and replacing sidewalks? age-appropriate sexual health education, as Daveand Jeremy Wilson "Spike" Cohen Chirayu Avinash Patel defined,Repealed for all students, and excuse students if LieutenantApproved Governor State Representative, District #9, Position #1 Gary J. Libey LieutenantState(PrefersLi - bePartisanrtarian Governor Democrati Pa Ofrtyfice Nomineesc Party) StateLegislative Representative,(Prefers -- Rep Partisaublicann District Offic Party)e #9, Position #1 City Yeof sTekoa their parents request. 4 Year Term Vote for One 2 Year Term Vote for One Yes Maintained 4 YearRejecte Term d Vote for One 2 Year Term Vote for One GovernorStateHowie - Partisan Hawkins Office StateLegislative Senator, -- Partisa Districtn Offic #9 e SpecialCity of Teko Electiona - Proposition #1 Should this bill be: Denny Heck Mary Dye No Advisory Vote No.33 4 YearDenny(Prefersand Term Angela Heck Democrati Walkerc Party) Vote for One 4 YearMary(Prefers Term Dy Repe ublican Party) Vote for One No Substitute Senate Bill 5628 StateGovernor(PrefersGreen - Partisan Pa Democratirty OfNomineesficec Party) LegislativeState(Prefers Senator, -- Rep Partisa Districtublicann Offic Pa #9rty)e ShallSpecialCity ofthe Teko Election Citya of Tekoa - Proposition impose a #1 special Approved Jay Inslee Mark G. Schoesler 4 YearMarko Term Liias Vote for One 4 YearBrett Term Borden Vote for One propertTekoa Parky tax &lev Recreationy upon taxable District prop #6erty within The legislature imposed, without a vote of the Marko(Prefers Liias Democratic Party) Brett(Prefers Borden LiGOPbertaria Party)n Party) ShallTeko athe Park City & ofRecreation Tekoa impose District a sp#6ecial Governor(PrefersJayGloria Insl La Democratiee Riva c Party) State(PrefersMark Senator, G. Li Schobe Districtrtariaeslen Par #9rty) Specialthe City ofElection Tekoa in- Proposition the amount of#1 $50,000.00, people, a tax on heavy equipment rentals to Fedeandral Sunil- Partis Freemanan Office Specialanpropert estimatedy Electiontax lev $1.60y upo - Propositionpern taxable $1,000.00 prop #1 oferty assessed within Rejected 4 Year(PrefersLore Termn Culp Democratic Party) Vote for One 4 Year(PrefersJenn Term Goulet GOP Party) Vote for One Specialthe City ofElection Tekoa in- Proposition the amount of#1 $50,000.00, consumers by heavy equipment rental property (PrefersSocialis mRep anublicand Liberation Party) Party Nominees (Prefers Democratic Party) SpecialShallvaluation the Election Cityin 2020 of Tekoa for- Proposition collection impose ina #1 sp2021,ecial for dealers, costing $103,000,000 in its first ten JayLore Insln Culpee MarkJenn GouletG. Schoesler Shallongoinan estimated theg oili Tekoang $1.60 of Parks gravel per an $1,000.00streets,d Recreation chip of sealingassessed District State Measures - Advisory Votes SecretaUnitedry States of Stat Presidente and Vice President State Representative, District #9, Position #2 Shallvaluationpropert they tax Tekoain 2020levy Parks upofor collectionn antaxabled Recreation propin 2021,erty District withinfor years, for government spending. Secreta(PrefersAlysonry of KennedyDemocratiRep Statublicane c PartPartyy)) State Representative,(Prefers GOPDemocrat Party) icDistrict Party) #9, Position #2 No.theroads City6 oneand of yerepairingTekoaar levy in atheand maintenance amount replacing of sidewalks?$50,00 and 0.00, 4 4Year Year Term TermVVoteote for for One One2 Year TermVote for One No.ongoin 6 oneg oili yengar of levy gravel a maintenance streets, chip and sealing This tax increase should be: 4 YearLoreand Term nMalcolm Culp M. Jarrett Vote for One 2 YearJenn TermV Goulet ote for One operationsan estimated levy $1.60 in thth pere am $1,000.00ount of $200,00 of assessed0. AnAn Advisory Vote No. 32 LieutenantSocialis tGovernor Workers Party Nominees State Representative, District #9, Position #1 operationsestimatedroads and $1.04repairinglevy in per th e andone am replacingothousandunt of $200,00 sidewalks?dollars0.
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