THE WEATHER ! 1959 OCTOBER 1959 ! S M T W T F S . CLOUDING; SHOW LKS 1 3 Mainly Minns today, cloud- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 in.ç over this evening; rain 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 beginning tonight turning to showers early Saturday and 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 ending during the afternoon. 125 26 27 30 28 29 31 Slicrbi'cioki.'IMii liccoi'd Low-high Saturday 40 and 52. THE PAPER OF THE EASTERS TOWNSHIPS f Established 1897. Price 5 Cents SHERBROOKE. QUEBEC. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16. I9i9 Sixty-Third Year Carried Nuclear Arms Sitratofort Collides With Tanker Provinces Come Out On Short EndExplosion Seen 150 Miles Big Federal Deficit Tell Steel Leaders New Four Dead, Four Missing HARD1NSBURC. K> — A nucleai armed B >2 boinbei and ils refuelling iet tanker Rules Out Increase Bargain Not Haggle' collided 1 hursday night in a fiery hlasl which 111 the -<L\ lot I ’O miles OTTAWA — (CP) — The provinces came out or w WIINGTON (AP) - Steel The paper reports that the I l our member* ot the B-Ô2 crew were unhurt oi suffered onl; minoi iniurir- I hey the short end I hursday in three conference-table issues with smkc negotiators headed back union circulated its strike-ending Voice parachuted to safety alter the two plane* came together during the refuelling operation Finance Minister Fleming. 1 he; were these: jnto direct peace talks today proposal among industry offi- and burst into Marnes. 1. The provinces wanted a bigger share of the feder- under instructions from govern- cials Thursday: A total package lour others were reported dead and lour were missing. al money pool in the remaining two years of the current tax- ment fact-finders to quit haggling wage improvement worth 21V looked like the whole world — the whole sk\ was on 111 e, said Mi s. I .li/ sharing deal. Impossible at the moment, said Mr. Fleming, and so some real bargaining. cents an hour over the two-year Heard With the government strapped by a big deficit, there is ho A new proposal by the steel [ period-8 fa cents an hour below r workers offering a cut in their the previous demands — alon; OTTAW A h !M The voice of pare cash to distribute Quebec, and its tone in dealing 2. As longInner ICas this frnacijrvtreasury ’ inppsinces also vmiP'hlsought, trvto rAVmPrevise thpthe money demands for a two-year with limited cost • of • living in contract will be on the bargaining | creases with federal-provincial issues, has situation lasts, he added, there : current 'agreements. ,, , 3. The provinces urged that. table, the New \ork Times says, : The package would specify in- changed. is “nothing to be gained'', in cal­ The province's new premier, federal hospital insurance plan creased penston, insurance and ling the early hcads-of-govern- other benefits the first year with Paul Same, made this statement ment meeting, which the prov- contributions be extended to no wage raise and a lO'i-ccnt I *t an hour-long press conference mental and tuberculosis institu- New Plot hourly increase all in wages after Thursday's -cssion of the the second year. two-day federal provincial fiscal NO INDUSTRY OFFER conference. To Kill 1 No offer was made on indus- But he stressed that the late Approve Premier Duplessis, whom he sue I try’s demand for greater freedom ? , VW ! to decide on work practices in ceeded a month ago, echoed the sentiments of Quebec people in Kassem plants, The Times adds. «iÜÉfc, Algeria BEIRUT, Lebanon (Reuters)- In sending the antagonists back taking his no deal stand on fed­ Baghdad Radio claims Iraq s jn)0 negotiations to end the 94- eral-provincial taxation issues. B 5? STRATOFORT gavernment has discovered a ^ay stoppage before Monday, “1 wish I could put across the idea that what Mr. Duplessis Proposal new plot to kill Premier Abdul chairman George W. Taylor of Robeilson, who watched the I wo bIicihH <»ieeu toward (hr catlh ; Kassem, now in hospital al ter be- president Eisenhower’s inquiry said on fiscal problems reflects I hr air lou r would nol sav whal typr nuclear weapon the B >2 earned. But it PARIS (AP) — President rlc : ing wounded in an assassination panc| sa{() re timing of steel pro- very dearly the feelings and Gaulle's peace plan for rebellious attempt in Baghdad nine days c|Uctjon j.s more important than sentiments of the people of Que­ said ihrrr was no dangn of an explosion and no need In evaruata thr arra. bec.” Algeria won overwhelming parlia­ ago. how it is done. WARN TROOPERS The radio said the new plot was REPORTS TO PRESS mentary approval early today ; Taylor’s three - man inquiry However, slalr police ladin* warned trooper* to hr awnir of a nucleai warhead, after Premier Michael Debre ex­ disclosed Thursday night by board is due to file its report on During the press conleroncc- I hr eight-jet Stralegii Air Command bomber, based al Columbus, Miss., earned pressed confidence that France Maj. Gen. Ahmed Saleh Abdi, the strike issues with the White Mr. Same's introduction to the a crew of eight. I he lour tri KC I H tanker fiom the same base had lour men aboard. will not let go cf the North Afri­ Iraq military governor-general. House Monday, provided there is predominantly English • speak- can territory for generations to No further details were immidi- no settlement. Taylor has said a ing Ottawa press corps -the pre- 1 hey were on a routine training flight, the KC I 31) is tire military vrisio nol the Boring come. ately available. peace pact by then would be a mier also said: 707 Airlinri. Winding up a bitter three-day DONALD FLEMING Baghdad Radio also accused major miracle, but that he still 1. He hopes to mecl Prime The collision occurred al so, debate in the national assembly, the United Arab Republic of con- has hopes. Minister Diefenbaker before Hie ban'w“i'101îcn'! mot,lèe San De'orc countered right-wing cries lions. On that, point, Mr. Flem- centrating an army brigade on COULD ORDER INJUNCTION dose of the conference today to “^ Answer Housewives that de Gaulle was giving away ing simply reiterated Prime Syria’s frontier with Iraq, but the On receipt of the report, Eisen- outline a proposal to break the miles northeast at Cincinnati. Algeria by declaring that any Al- ^ Minister Diefenbakers 1957 rest of this statement was hower could order the justice de­ Ottawa-Quebec stalemate on fed Ohio. II also was seen at Louis­ gerian move to secede from | stand: if added hospital aid is jammed. partment to apply for a court in- eral grants to universities. Que­ ville, 80 miles northeast and France would be beaaten 'once wanted, the federal government Kassem suttcrecisuffered handnana anuand arm j „ ,0 st Uie strlke for 8n bec universities have rejected Bowling Green, 50 miles south in Russians To Produce and for all.” won't be able to help the prov- i wounds from bullets fired at hts Td Kentucky. car in one of Baghdad’s main A threatened revolt against the jnces jn other ways, Both the union and the steel The B-52 came down in pieces streets last week. His driver was on a farm about 12 miles south j government failed to materialise. DISAPPOINTED companies have presented their More Consumer Goods killed. BULLETIN The national assembly in the Today, in the second and final versions oit the tangled dispute of here and three miles north of Kassem returned the would-be OTTAWA— UP) —Premier where the tanker crashed on an | MOSCOW ---- (Reutrr*) — Siberian housewives re­ early morning hours voted 4-11 to to the fact-finders. Four days of day of the conference—a contin­ assassin’s fire, wounding one of Sauve of Quebec announced to­ other farm. The fuselage of (he j ceived a »wi(t response to complaints about (be lack of con­ 23 to give de Gaulle a free hand testimony wound up Thursday. uation of a meeting that them. Baghdad Radio Wednes­ day he has outlined to Finance to end the five-year rebellion d |ast M _ the capita, Taylor then proposed arbitra­ B-52 crashed 200 yards from a sumer goods made to Nikita Khrushchev himself last week. day said the wounds have healed Minister Firming a proposal to Eighty-five members abstained.,1^___ . tion. Both sides rejected this sug­ house, and one motor plunged A government decree published thursday night set the borrowing issue is expected to completely andt hat he will leave break the long Ottawa-Qucbee or were not present. hold sway. The provinces arci., . , gestion. So the chairman called into the earth 75 yards from the pattern for more production of television sels, washing ma­ , . , . , . the hospital soon. deadlock on federal grants to SOME BOYCOTT SESSION for resumed negotiations before house. chines, refrigerators and othei labor saving device*. Those who voted ...ins, the "Tew *•"— * universities. Agreement had a final open session with the STILL BURNING The plan lo hoosl consumer | the military governor - general been reached that officials of government included 10 Commu- -The problem affects all levels panel Sunday morning. The B-52, its wreckage scat­ goods production may have been said the connection between the the federal and provincial fin nists and several non • party 0f government.” Mr. Fleming The union had asked for 15 tered over a wide area, was still laid down weeks ago, though the i hospital plot and the shooting was ante departments should meet Nationalists deputies, among them former n0Ul reporters Thursday.
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