E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 No. 49 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Right now, the Office of Refugee Re- sis. The illicit drugs, including deadly called to order by the Speaker pro tem- settlement shelters that house unac- methamphetamine, cocaine, and pore (Ms. TLAIB). companied migrant children are reach- fentanyl, that come across the porous f ing capacity. Our border agents are southern border are killing Pennsylva- being diverted from their posts to care nians in the streets of Altoona, Johns- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO for record numbers of teenagers and town, Bedford, Chambersburg, Gettys- TEMPORE children who are illegally crossing our burg, and Somerset, and throughout The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- border. my district. fore the House the following commu- This escalating crisis is rooted right Just this weekend, Border Patrol nication from the Speaker: here in Washington, D.C., more than agents apprehended two individuals at- WASHINGTON, DC, 1,700 miles away from that border. As tempting to smuggle nearly 8 pounds of March 16, 2021. we witness unprecedented groups of mi- methamphetamine across the border. I hereby appoint the Honorable RASHIDA grants reaching the United States, By preventing these drugs from reach- TLAIB to act as Speaker pro tempore on this there is no question that the Presi- ing American communities, we likely day. dent’s weak border security stance has saved lives. What would have happened NANCY PELOSI, heightened this so-called challenge. Speaker of the House of Representatives. if these suspects hadn’t been caught? By reversing the Trump administra- Clearly, we need more, and not less, f tion’s actions to bolster security on security on our southern border. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the southern border and halting con- As our Nation continues to combat struction of the border wall, the cur- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the COVID–19 pandemic, Congress can- rent administration is sending a clear ant to the order of the House of Janu- not afford to stand back and allow the message to the world that America’s border crisis to get even worse. We ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- border, unfortunately, is wide open. nize Members from lists submitted by Innocent people, and cartels and need safer, stronger, and more secure the majority and minority leaders for human traffickers who prey upon communities in Pennsylvania and morning-hour debate. them, pay attention to what we say across the country. The Chair will alternate recognition here in Washington. Words have con- Here is the truth: The border crisis between the parties, with time equally sequences. Rhetoric has ramifications. has consequences beyond the border. allocated between the parties and each What is happening on the southern Inaction is not the correct action. Bor- Member other than the majority and border is both a humanitarian and se- der security is national security. minority leaders and the minority curity crisis. It is simply inhumane for f whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no politicians to incentivize the dan- FAREWELL TO CONGRESS event shall debate continue beyond 1:50 gerous trek across Central America to p.m. the southern border. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f Those who attempt the journey face Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from New Mexico (Ms. HAALAND) for 5 min- FACING CATASTROPHE ON treacherous conditions, gang violence, and unthinkable danger. As my friend, utes. SOUTHERN BORDER Republican leader KEVIN MCCARTHY, Ms. HAALAND. Madam Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. The said at the border just yesterday, ‘‘This rise today to deliver my final remarks Chair recognizes the gentleman from is human heartbreak.’’ on the floor of the people’s House. Pennsylvania (Mr. JOYCE) for 5 min- As the situation worsens, the limited I am humbled to have spent the last utes. resources on the border are being 2 years in this Chamber, where I proud- Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam pulled away from protecting the Amer- ly served New Mexico, alongside my Speaker, despite what the Biden ad- ican people. The Biden administration colleagues past and present in the New ministration would like the American is prioritizing illegal immigrants over Mexico delegation. I am thankful to people to believe, our Nation is facing the American people. As U.S. Customs Senators MARTIN HEINRICH and BEN a catastrophe on the southern border. and Border Protection leadership shifts RAY LUJA´ N, in particular, for helping Last month alone, U.S. Border Pro- to caring for migrants, there are fewer to build support for my confirmation, tection officers encountered more than officers focusing on apprehending and to former Senator Tom Udall for 100,000 migrants attempting to cross threats. his years of friendship and mentorship. the border illegally. This is a 173 per- This is not only a human trafficking I love New Mexico. Not only is it my cent increase from last February. crisis; it is also a drug trafficking cri- home, where I raised my child, went to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1367 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:31 Mar 17, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16MR7.000 H16MRPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H1368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 16, 2021 college, started a small business, and To my colleagues in the Tri-Caucus, Schmitt for his dedication to educating started organizing, it is my ancestral thank you for embracing the issues fac- the students of northeast Florida and homeland. ing Native Americans and working to for his commitment to the success of As a 35th-generation New Mexican, address longstanding disparities in our his students and peers alike. and not unlike the other families with communities. CONGRATULATING ALI PRESSEL roots in our State, I have a deep con- I am proud that, with the support of Mr. RUTHERFORD. Madam Speaker, nection to the land, air, and water that my colleagues, several of my bills be- I rise today to congratulate Ms. Ali sustains our communities. My ances- came law: the Not Invisible Act; Rent Pressel for being named Teacher of the tors settled there because they were the Camo, a pilot program for pregnant Year in St. Johns County. drawn to the once-mighty Rio Grande servicemembers in the 2021 NDAA; the Ms. Pressel received this honor for and the sacred places that dot the PROGRESS for Indian Tribes Act; pro- her work teaching biology and agri- sandstone mesas and granite moun- visions from my Military Housing culture at Creekside High School. tains. Oversight and Servicemember Protec- As a teacher for more than 15 years, That is why I made the most of my tion Act in the 2020 NDAA; the Native Ms. Pressel worked tirelessly to help time in Congress. I spent every oppor- American Business Incubators Act; and bring exciting educational opportuni- tunity meeting with families, listening the Veterans Affairs Tribal Advisory ties in STEM to her students and to en- to small business owners, learning Committee Act. courage them to engage their curi- about our tech industry, connecting I thought I would have more time osity. with brave servicemembers and vet- here, but we are called to service in dif- The philosophy that guides Ms. erans, and working to deliver for the ferent ways. Pressel’s work is that all students people. Though I am excited to become the When I was a little girl, none of this first Native American Cabinet Sec- should have limitless opportunities to crossed my mind as a possibility for retary in history, I am also sad to make connections in their commu- me. I wasn’t one of the students picked leave this Chamber. As a twice-elected nities through exploration and dis- out to apply to college. In fact, I didn’t Member of Congress, it has been both a covery. apply to college until I was 28. I was pleasure and privilege to serve along- On behalf of the Fourth Congres- constantly struggling to make ends side you in our quest to improve the sional District of Florida, I thank Ms. meet, and I raised my child as a single lives of the American people. Pressel for her dedication to educating mom. I want each of you to know that I am the students of northeast Florida and Growing up, Native women rarely grateful for the knowledge you shared for her commitment to the success of held Federal leadership positions, and with me, the friendship, and the work her students and peers alike. now little girls everywhere will know we accomplished together, and I will CONGRATULATING KRISTAN CRONIN that they can run for Congress and win miss all of you dearly. Mr. RUTHERFORD. Madam Speaker, and that this country holds promise for I wouldn’t be here today without my I rise today to congratulate Ms. everyone. extraordinary staff in Albuquerque and Kristan Cronin for being named Teach- In fact, it is the unique experiences here at the Capitol, the Natural Re- er of the Year in Nassau County. and struggles that make good leaders sources Committee staff, and the House Ms. Cronin received this honor for and why I became an organizer in the Armed Services Committee staff. They her work teaching fourth grade math, first place.
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