Brief Therapy: Myths, Methods and Metaphors the fourth international congress on Ericksonlan Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy SyUabUS December 7-11, 1988 San Francisco Hilton on Hilton Square Keynote Speakers: Jay Haley, Arnold Lazarus and Cloe' Madanes ) SM Featured speakers: Daniel Araoz, joseph Barber, joel Bergman, Simon Budman, Gianfranco Cecchin, Nicholas Cummings, Steve de Shazer, Albert Ellis, Richard Fisch, Stephen Gilligan, David Gordon, Mary Goulding, james Gustafson, Carol Lankton, Stephen Lankton, Herbert Lustig, Ruth McClendon, William O'Hanlon, Peggy Papp, Erving Polster, Sidney Rosen, Ernest Rossi, Peter Sifneos, Hans Strupp, Kay Thompson, Paul Watzlawick, john Weakland, Michael Yapko, Jeffrey Zeig and members of the Erickson family. Sponsored by The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona Co-sponsored by The Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, The Veterans Administration Medical Center, Martinez, California and The Department of Family Practice, University of California at Davis Organizer: Jeffrey K. Zeig Executive Director: Linda Carr McThrall '' Each person is a unique Individual. Hence, psychotherapy should be for., mutated to meet the uniqueness of the ' individual's needs, rather than tailoring the person to fit the Procrustean bed of a hypothetical theory of human behavior. '' Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Table of Contents 1988 International Congress Schedule Wednesday. 2 Thursday. 4 Friday. 6 Saturday .......... .. ~ ....................... : . 7 Sunday ................................................... 10 Congress Faculty . 12 The Fourth International Congress . 14 The Milton H. Erickson Foundation . 1 6 Milton H. Erickson Institutes . 18 Abstracts and Educational Objectives of Presentations Wednesday ................................................ 21 Thursday .................................................. 28 Friday ................................... .· ................ 38 Saturday .................................................. 41 Sunday ................................................... 49 Exhibitors and Advertisers . 57 Continuing Education Forms . 74 Needs Assessment Survey . 91 Personal Schedule . 9 5 Maps ......................................................... 96 BRIEF THE~PY CONFERENCE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1988 6:00 P.M. • 9:00 P.M. REGISTRATION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1988 6:30 • 8:00 A.M. REGISTRATION 8:1 5 • 8:45 A.M. CONVOCATION - Grand Ballroom B Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D.- Kristina K. Erickson, M.D.- Stephen lankton, A.C.S.W. -Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D.- Linda Carr McThrall -Michael S. Liebman, M.C. 9:00 • 11:30 A.M. INVITED ADDRESSES WEDNESDAY A.M. Session 1 - Hilton Ballroom BRIEF THERAPY: MODELS AND METHODS Moderator: Sally Franek, Ph.D. William O'Hanlon, M.S. A Grand Unified Theory for Brief Therapy: Putting Problems in Context Session 4 - Continental Ballroom 5 Roxanna Erickson Klein, R.N., M.S. APPROACHES TO BRIEF THERAPY I * Pain Control Interventions of Milton H. Erickson Moderator: Dorothy Miller, Ph.D. Michael Vancura, Ph.C. Carol lankton, M.A. *Crisis Intervention of Psychotic Patients * Ecological Therapy Mary Goulding, M.S.W. Session 2 - Grand Ballroom B *Getting the Important Work Done Fast: Contract Plus Redecision SPECIAL ISSUES IN BRIEF THERAPY Moderator: Nancy Czech, M.A. Hans Strupp, Ph.D. *Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy: Development and Implementa­ Ernest Rossi, Ph.D. tion of a Training Program From Mind to Molecule: More than a Metaphor Richard Fisch, M.D. Session 5 - Grand Ballroom A * "To thine own self be true ..." - Ethical Issues in Strategic Therapy UTILIZATION Helen Erickson, R.N., Ph.D. Moderator: Wolfgang Lenk, Ph.D. *Modeling and Role-Modeling with Psychophysiological Problems Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D. Session 3 - Imperial Ballroom Co-Evolution of Primary Process in Brief Therapy TECHNIQUES OF BRIEF THERAPY I David Gordon, M.A. Moderator: Brita Martiny, M.A. Reference Experiences: Guardians of Coherence and Instigators of Kay Thompson, D.D.S. Change Metaphor: A Myth with a Method Sidney Rosen, M.D. Erving Polster, Ph.D. Concretizing of Symptoms and Their Manipulation Tight Therapeutic Sequences Jeffrey K. Zelg, i'h.D. Seeding 11:30 A.M.· 1:00 P.M. WNCH 1:00 · 3:00 P.M. WORKSHOPS #1 • 13 WEDNESDAY P.M. Workshop 1 - Imperial Ballroom B Workshop 3 - Continental Parlor 1 Workshop 5 - Continental Ballroom 4 *BRIEF AND STRATEGIC APPROACHES TO *HELPING PSYCHOTHERAPY CASUALTIES SYMPTOM DISRUPTION AND CLIENT PERSONALITY DISORDERS John H. frykman, Ph.D. MOTIVATION John Beahrs, M.D. Co-faculty: Kimberly Stoll Barrett, M.S. Stephen lankton, A.C.S.W. Cheryl Arnold, M.A. Clients need to relinquish their focus on the Strategic approaches minimize regressive Almost every psychotherapist has encountered limitation of a problem and turn attention and · dependency and promote definitive personali­ clients who have been mistreated or abused by action toward building new relational patterns. ty change by using a format that (1) reinforces other therapists. Many clients have serious prob­ This workshop will illustrate, discuss, and prac­ patients' and therapists' boundaries, (2) defines lems as a result of their experience in psycho­ tice several methods and rationales for symp­ appropriate safeguards, (3) contextually defines therapy. We will examine these issues and pro­ tom disruption. The larger framework for the the patients' issues to imply maximum health. pose strategies for helping these clients and for workshop is designing. new behavioral Self-therapy reframes problematic aspects of per­ preventing these types of injuries. assignments and in-session motivations using sonal identity and puts them under control. metaphorical interventions. Level: Advanced Workshop 4 - Imperial Ballroom A Level: Intermediate and Advanced Workshop 2 - Continental Parlor 2 *DEMONSTRATION OF SHORT - TERM REDECISION GROUP THERAPY Workshop 6 - Hilton Ballroom B WHAT CAN WE TRUST THE UNCONSCIOUS Mary Goulding, M.S.W. *THE USE OF PARADOX IN FAMILY THERAPY FOR? Camillo l.orledo, M.D. Philip Booth, M.A. (Oxon) Four members of the audience will form a one­ hour group in which contracts will be made, Some misconceptions about paradox are ex­ This workshop will explore, experientially and redecision-type work done, and follow-up amined and new perspectives about its use in theoretically, the wcrys in which the unconscious assignments illustrated. Afterward the principles family therapy are illustrated. Different types of is appealed to in hypnotherapy, with particular and format will be discussed with the audience. paradox with their indications and counterin­ reference to the use ·of a broad range of Level: Intermediate and Advanced dications are presented. The process of building ideomotor signals. Questions to be answered paradoxical interventions in different phases of include: What is legitimate to ask the un­ family therapy and with different types of conscious? When can its replies be trusted? Can families is described. The use of paradox is it really know what is best for the individual? viewed not merely as a technique but as part Level: Intermediate and Advanced of a more general philosophy of the therapist. Limited to 50 participants . Level: Intermediate and Advanced *HYPNOSIS EDUCATION CREDIT FOR CALIFORNIA MFCCs IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ATTENDANCE AT THIS SESSION. 2 ~orkshop 7 - Continental Ballroom 5 Workshop 10 - Continental Parlor 7 Workshop 11 - Hilton Ballroom A NATURALISTIC APPROACHES TO DEEP BEFRIENDING DEMONS: HEALING ACROSS DEMONSTRAliONS I TRANCE WORK CULTURES *Erving Polster, Ph.D. Ernest Rossi, Ph.D. Terry Tafoya, Ph.D. Noelle Poncelet, Ph.D. An exploration of the use of minimal cues and This workshop explores how primary and sec­ These clinical demonstrations allow registrants heightened sensory-perceptual sensitivity in ondary world views of clients/patients enhance to actually observe the different styles of therapy utilizing our natural psychobiological rhythms or impede health care and treatment com­ conducted by faculty. This workshop consists to facilitate healing. pliance. Utilizing Ericksonian and Native of two separate one-hour demonstrations. The American explanatory models, participants will presenters and topics are as follows: Erving Norkshop 8 -Continental Parlors 8 and 9 review elements of healing common in various Polster, Ph.D., "Gestalt Therapy: Fleshing Out *TIME-LIMITED DYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY cultures and how to incorporate these elements the Story Line:' and Noelle Poncelet, Ph.D., (TLDP) into their own practice. "The Alignment of Body/Mind/Spirit in Hyp­ Hans Strupp, Ph.D. · Level: Intermediate and Advanced notherapeutic Resolution." The purpose of this workshop is to acquaint the Limited to 50 participants audience with basic principles and techniques Workshop 13 -4th Floor Meeting Rooms of Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy Workshop 1 1 - Continental Ballroom 6 SMALL GROUP PRACTICUM SESSION (TLDP). Videotapes of actual interviews will il­ RESISTANCE REDEFINED: BUILDING FRAMES HYPNOTIC INDUCTION METHODS lustrate an Initial Assessment Interview (IAI) and OF REFERENCE These two-hour workshops are offered for those provide vignettes from selected psychotherapy Michael Yapko, Ph.D. who desire small group experiential training. sessions. What traditional psychotherapists have con­ Each group will consist of a maximum of 12 Limited to 65 participants sidered to be resistance is often only a reflec­ participants. Practicum sessions cover either tion of the client's lack of frame of reference specific techniques of Ericksonian
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