Diitrfbutfon Way - ra*. Ugb 22,700 dODdy tamorrow', aad*',' , Ugh In the Ms, See | 1 DIAL 741-dOJO VOL. 86. NO 57 »4 Buk OUtew. RED BANK, N. J, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Negroes Plan Protest March By HOOT, HARWELL Nair, 11, and Addie Mae Collins plored the bombing and doped the concerned about their children — BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)-Bir- arid Cynthia Wesley, both 14. perpetrators would be caught. it goes deeper than just downtown mingham Negroes incensed over Negro leaders here and around Rocks iVot the Answer They have not been caught. Birmingham — it affects every the bombing deaths of four' of the nation called for use of more BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — "I'm asking Negroes not Neither have the persons who phase of the business, social and their children plan to march on federal power in Birmingham, but to throw rocks," the Negro minister said, looking at his staged 21 other bombings in the civic life of the community." ! Montgomery to lay directly defore a government source in Washing- audience. past eight years. Another merchant said business Gov. George C. Wallace their feel- ton said there was no legal basis "No," they answered. FBI bomb experts continued to is about 80 per cent of normal. ing that he is to blame for the to put additional troops in the city "Rocks won't solve our problems," he continued. sift through evidence at the "There is a breakdown of law slayings. now. There are 300 federated "Amen." . dwell 'or clues. and order in Birmingham and we At their first gathering since the National Guardsmen on alert Non-violence was the theme running through the first Possible Interference need the power of the United Sunday morning, dynamite blast, here. massive Negro rally in several months, held last night sev- Another investigation is under States," said Shuttlesworth, an of- an estimated 1,200 Negroes took . Two Arrested eral blocks away from where a bomb blasted the 16th Street way by a federal grand jury, or- ficial of the Alabama . Christian a unanimous standing vote Mon- Sheriff Melvin Bailey said two Baptist Church and killed four Negro girls. - dered by U.S. Dist. Judge Clar- Movement for Human Rights, in day night to endorse a march on white teenagers were arrested on That was the church where Negroes met during their ence William Allgood to look into addressing the rally. the state house. an open charge in the slaying of demonstrations last spring. It now stands alone, inside a possible interference with federal Ask Federal Action Racial Tension one of two Negro boys shot to shambles. court school integration orders. The Rev.. Ralph Abernathy, Tlie vote came after three in-, death a few hours after the dyna- Last night th,ey met in the 6th Avenue Baptist Church. The city's first week of public treasurer of King's Southern tegra'tion leaders called for non- mite blast. • There was a tenseness in the air. school integration preceded the Christian Leadership Conference, violence and accused Wallace of City police said the other youth "I'm not afraid," the minister said,. "I'm staying right ohurch bombing and resulted in said at the meeting that "if the causing the racial tension that led was killed when they fired buck- here." , . boycotts and demonstrations by federal government had done Us to the dynamiting of the Sixteenth shot at fleeing Negroes after a "If the church goes up, we'll finish pur singing and some of the white students of the job, Gov. Wallace would be in jail Street Baptist Church. No date rock-throwing incident. broadcasting sorriewhere else." . three schools entered by five Ne- right now" and the church would for the march was set. In Washington, President Ken- As: he spoke—unknown to most of the. audience—state groes. Some adults also were not have been-bombed. An afternton funeral service for nedy expressed "a deep sense of troopers, city policemen and church guards searched through involved in the first demonstra- Another call for federal action Carol Robertson, 14, one of the outrage and grief" over the bomb- the basement of the church for a bomb which someone said tions. came from James B. Farmer, four girls killed by the blast, was ing and called on all Americans had been planted there. Birmingham citizens are re- national director of the Congress ' scheduled at St. John's African to put. aside prejudices and to "Those who are unafraid die for something. The more minded of the bombing by church of Racial Equality. From San Methodist Episcopal church. unite in working for justice and they bomb us, the more we open up," Rev. Fred Shuttles- bells tolling at noon each day this Francisco, he -wired President BEUTIVE LED AWAY —A grieving relative of on* of The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth peace. worth said. The audience cheered. week. Kennedy to send federal marshals ; the bombing victims at the 16th Street Baptist Church told the rally that mass services "Words and actions" of Wallace Businessmen had another re- to protect Birmingham residents. for the other three victims will and the segregation system minder of the racial climate — "We have no confidence in the It led away after telling officers that some of his fam- be held Wednesday afternoon at caused the Sunday deaths, Dr. himself to defy the law of the The governor declined comment slipping sales throughout the state marshals," he said. "They ily was in the section heavily damaged in the Birming- the Sixth Avenue South Baptist Martin Luther King Jr. said at land and to deal with Negro citi- on the proposed march on the area. showed their stripes before." ham, Ala., blast. Man just in back of him is holding • Church-where the rally was the rally. , , ' zens in Alabama as if they didn't state capitol and on King's accu- "People put off shopping trips," A fire bomb was tossed from a held. The three were Denise Mc- " He said Wallace' "had allowed live in the state." sation. He had "said earlier he de- (See MARCH, Page 2) shoe found iu the debris. (AP Wirephoto) brie businessmansaid, "They are Rt. 35 Crash fiiscordRevealedKMs Mother Thousands Of Three In Asbury Park MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Two men were released in bail yester- Flee Cindy's day following an automobile ac- cident which took the life . o Firelnvestigation Mrs. Marlene B. Szafransky, 31 of 16 Riverdale Dr., Rjver Gar A5BURY PARK-Discord in in- occurred last Wednesday, the gas dens, Cliffwood. vestigations of the city's $2 mil company obtained a temporary Police said the two drivers Hon in fire tosses at the beach' restraining order Friday night have been charged with causing fiiont this summer was revealed from Superior- Court Judge Leor death by auto. They are Frank PORT ARTHUR, Tex. (AP) - While there were no casual* yesterday, Leonard at Freehold. A. Devino, 39, of 8 Ocean Ave., Hurricane Cindy veered slightly ties reported immediately, at A spokesman for the New Jer- The order directed Mr. Lee t released in $500 bail, and Francis to the west early today. Th» least three persons were -report-•' sey Natural Gas Co., which owns allow authorized representatives S. Hunnewell, 21, of Bridgewater, Weather Bureau said its latest ed missing; Two were aboard a a four-inch gas line under the to have access to the area under Mass. target was the Texas Coast be- boat on a lake in the swampy boardwalk-, confirmed that the the boardwalk, at least until rhii The bail was set by Magistrate tween Port Arthur and Galves- coastal area between Lake company obtained a court order Friday when a show cause ordei Harold A. Sherman, police re- ton. Charles and Cameron. The third forcing City Manager Kendall H. will be argued before Judge Leon- ported, with Municipal Court Both Texas and Louisiana missing man- was reported Lee to let company representa- ard. hearing slated-for Sept. 24. were braced for the brutal, pun- (See CINDY, Page 2) tives ..examine its pipe line. Actually, the upcoming court The accident took place at 11:20 ishing hurricane winds. • Thou- Fires 6ft Aug. 6 and Sept. 11 argument will be academic. The a.m. on Rt. 35 at Riverdale Dr. sands rushed inland while Cindy devoured^ 1,400 feet of boardwalk company representatives- founi . Struck twice still growled'through the Golf of To Enforce and wrecked the Sunset and As- out what they wanted to know Police said Mrs. Szafransky, Mexico, ..•• ... bury Ave. Pavilions six blocks in their examinations over "the who was pronounced dead on ar- "The hurricane hits become •part, .. weekend. rival at Rlverview Hospital, was somewhat disorganized," said the Curfew fii In .statements about the fires, Company spokesmen declined turning her car from • Rt. 3S Galveston Weather Bureau, "Its. M[. fcje'h'as. frequently mentioned comment on the outcome. How- center is poorly defined and the! west into Riverdale Dr. when il FATHER VIEWS ONE OF THE QUINTS—Andrew Fischer pe«ts' through glass of fownship existence of the 'gas'line but has ever, other sources said inves- was struck in the rear by Mr. squalls' have kind of separated." pointed out'that, so far, insur- tigators had identified the source Devino's car. A few seconds nursery in St. Luke's Hospital in Aberdeen, S. D., and views one of the •five babies Cindy aimed her 80-mile-an- MATAWAN-TOWNSHIP — On ance company investigators have of the Sept. 11 fire as a storage later, her auto was struck his wife gave birth to on Sept. .14.
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