CONTAINER NO. CONTENTS CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1970-74 1 Thank-You Letters [2/70-7/70] Thank-Yous--1970 C[oralJS[chmidJ--Thank You's--1971 C[oralJS[chmid] Thank Yous 1972 October 1970-February 1972 Stephanie Wilson [1 of 3J October 1970-February 1972 Stephanie wilson [2 of 3] October 1970-February 1972 Stephanie Wilson [3 of 3] ~tephan ie Carbons [February 1972-August 1972] [1 of 2] Stephan ie Carbons [February 1972-August 1972] [2 of 2] 2 October 1970-July 1972 TN, JNE, DOE [1 of 3] October 1970-July 1972 TN, JNE, DOE [2 of 3] October 1970-July 1972 TN, JNE, DOE [3 of 3] Carbons Alphabetically (9/1/72-Election) [1 of 6] Carbons Alphabetically (9/1/72-E1ection) [2 of 6] [A-C) Carbons Alphabetically (9/1/72-Election) [3 of 6] [D-H) Carbons Alphabetically (9/1/72-E1ection) [4 of 6] [ I-M] Carbons Alphabetically (9/1/72-E1ection) [5 of 6] [N-R] Carbons Alphabetically (9/1/72-Election) [6 of 6] [S-Z) Carbons Alphabetically (Election-Inauguration) [1 of 4] Carbons Alphabetically (Election-Inauguration) [2 of 4] [A- C) Carbons Alphabetically (Election-Inauguration) [3 of 4] [O- M] Carbons Alphabetically (Election-Inauguration) [4 of 4] [N- Z] 3 Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug .-6/1/73) A-M [1 of 5] [A-B) Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug. -6/1/73) A-C-t [2 of 5] [C-D] Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug .-6/1/73) A-M [3 of 5] [E-G] Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug. -6/1/73) A-I-t [4 of 5] [H-K] Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug .-6/1/73) A-M [5 of 5] [L-!wJ] Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug.-6/l/73) N-Z [1 of 3] [N-Q] Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug.-6/1/73) N-Z [2 of 3] [R-S] Carbons Alphabetically (Inaug .-6/1/73) l-l-Z [3 of 3] IT-Z 1 Memos, Anne Armstrong (& [Pam] Powell) Memos, Jim Cavanaugh Memos, Clem Conger Memos, r-1ike Farrell/Bob Genader 4 Memos, Barbara Flynn (& [Eliska] Hasek) Memos, Gift Unit ~emos, William Henkel Memos, Miscellaneous Memos, National Security Council Memos, David Parker (& [Terrence] O'Donnell) ~emos, Coral Schmid Memos, \'lilliam Timmons C[oral]S[chmid]--Reading File 1970 Travel Vouchers C[oral]S[chmid] 8 CONTAINER NO. CONTENTS 4 (cont.) Drafts (Form Letters] SUBJECT FILE, 1969-74 5 Advancemen Alcoholism American Volunteers Week Project Bicentennial Committee Bilingual Education Black Leadership Bubble project Cabinet Wives Program 1974 Chicago Postal Street Academy Meeting 2/25/71 Mrs. Nixon Christmas Gifts 1971 Junior Village 6 College Studen"ts College Volunteers Committee for the World Youth Assembly Community School Program Crime Drafts Ed Cox Editors Luncheon Education Eisenhower, David Eisenhower, Julie 7 Eisenhower Theatre October 18, 1971 JNE Elder Citizens Entertainment Environment [1 of 2] Environment [2 of 2] Evenings at White House Food and Nutrition [Franklin, Barbara--Fi1es] Girl Scouts Girl Scouts of USA Historical Homes Kenmore House visit Library--(Nixon) 8 Mental Retardation Military Bases--August 13, 1970 Mrs. Nixon Mrs. Nixon March 29, 30, 1973 California Mini-Trip Mrs. Nixon September 1973 Finland ~useum Tour Progra~ National Center for Vo1[untary] Action National Center for Voluntary Action (Private Sector) 9 CONTAINER NO. CONTENTS 9 National 4-H Club Foundation National Reading Council 9/11/70 New projects [News Summaries of Trips] Nixon, Tricia Nutrition Aides Program Department of Agriculture Pakistan Emergency Relief Committee 10 Parks to People Project ••••••• 197l [1 of 2] Parks to People Project ••••••• 197l [2 of 2] Photos PN & Energy Conserva[tion] Program PN Pending President t.axon Projects projects--Julie Eisenhower [1 of 3) Projects--Julie Eisenhower [2 of 3) 11 projects--Julie Eisenhower [3 of 3) Republican Campaign Republican Convention Right to Read Special Projects Special Tours Teen Corps of America [Teen Corps of ~~erica--Julie Robinson Material) Volunteering General [1 of 2) Volunteering General [2 of 2) 12 Volunteers Luncheon Winterthur Trip Washington National Symphony t'lest Haven, Conn [ecticut) White House Fellows White House Library Committee Youth [1 of 2] Youth [2 of 2] Youth Concerts EVENTS, 1969-74 13 Alabama Alaska [Empty] Arizona Arkansas [Empty) California [1 of 2) California [2 of 2] [Part I) California [2 of 2) [Part II) Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia 10 CONTAINER NO. CONTENTS 13 (cont.) Florida Georg ia [Empty] Hawai i [Empty] Idaho [Empty] 14 Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine [Empty] Maryland Massachusetts Michigan [1 of 2] Michigan [2 of" 2] Minnesota [1 of 2] Minnesota [2 of 2] ~ississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire [Empty] New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota [Empty] Ohio Oklahoma Oregon [1 of 2] Oregon [2 of 2] 15 Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota [Empty) Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont [Empty] Virginia [1 of 2) Virginia [2 of 2] Washington West Virginia ~lisconsin \-Jyoming 11 CONTAINER NO. CONTENTS SCHEDULING & ACTIVITIES, 1969-74 16 Mrs. Nixon's Activities April 1970-August 1972 [1 of 4-- April-December 1970] Mrs. Nixon's Activities April 1970-August 1972 [2 of 4-- January-June 1971] ~rs. Nixon's Activities April 1970-August 1972 [3 of 4-- August-December 1971] ~rs. Nixon's Activities April 1970-August 1972 [4 of 4-- January-July 1972] Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1972-Aug. 1973 [1 of 4-- September-December 1972] Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1972-Aug. 1973 [2 of 4-- January-March 1973] Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1972-Aug. 1973 [3 of 4-- April-May 1973] Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1972-Aug. 1973 [4 of 4--June- August 1973] 17 Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1973-March 1974 [1 of 4-- September-October 1973] Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1973-March 1974 [2 of 4-- November-December 1973] Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1973-March 1974 [3 of 4-- January-February 1974] Mrs. Nixon's Activities Sept. 1973-March 1974 [4 of 4-- March 1974] ~rs. Nixon's Activities April 1974-August 1974 [1 of 3-- April 1974] Mrs. Nixon's Activities April 1974-August 1974 [2 of 3-- May 1974] Mrs. Nixon's Activities April 1974-August 1974 [3 of 3-- June-August 1974] 18 Julie and David [Eisenhower] Tricia and Ed [Cox] Activities Sept. 1972-Dec. 1973 [1 of 4--September-December 1972] Julie and David [Eisenhower] Tricia and Ed [Cox] Activities Sept. 1972-Dec. 1973 [2 of 4--January-May 1973] Julie and David [Eisenhower] Tricia and Ed [Cox] Activities Sept. 1972-Dec. 1973 [3 of 4--June-August 1973] Julie and David [Eisenhower] Tricia and Ed (Cox) Activities Sept. 1972-Dec. 1973 [4 of 4--September-December 1973] Julie and David [Eisenhower] Tricia and Ed (Cox) Activities Jan. 1974-Aug. 1974 (i.e. January-June 1974] 19 Su~ary of First Family Activities 1969-1972 [1 of 2] Summary of First Family Activities 1969-1972 (2 of 2] Summary of First Family Activities 1973-1974 [Official Calendars, Activities and Honorary Affiliations, 1969-1974] [1 of 4--1-1rs. Nixon] [Official Calendars, Activities and Honorary Affiliations, 1969-1974) (2 of 4--Julie and David Eisenhower] 12 CONTAINER NO. CONTENTS 19 (cont.) [Official Calendars, Activities and Honorary Affiliations, 1969-1974J [3 of 4--Tricia and Edward CoxJ [Official Calendars, Activities and Honorary Affiliations, 1969-1974] [4 of 4--List of Mrs. Nixon's Staff, August 1974] 20 Activities of Mrs. Nixon, Tricia Cox, David and Julie Eisenhower1973-1974 [Card File] 21 Honorary Affiliations [Card File] 22 [First Family Activities and Affiliations--Accepted and Reg ret ted, 1970] [Card Fi Ie] [A-L] 23 [First Fam.i1y Activities and Affi1iations--Accepted and Regretted, 1970] [Card File] [M-Z] 24 [Mrs. Nixon Events, 1973-74) [Mrs. Nixon Pending, 1974) JNE Events [1973-74) [1 of 4, February-June 1973] JNE Events [1973-74) [2 of 4, July-December 1973] JNE Events [1973-74) [3 of 4, January-March 1974] JNE Events [1973-74] [4 of 4, April-July 1974] JNE Pending [1973-74] DOE pending [1973-74] 25 PN Action Memos [1973-74) JNE/DDE Action Memos [1973-74] TNC/EFC Action Memos [Empty] JNE & DOE Scenarios, First Term [1970-73] TNC & EFC Scenarios, First Term [1970-72] PN Scenarios [1971, 1973-74] JNE Scenarios [1973-74] TNC Scenarios [Empty] First Term Activities PN, TNC, JNE (1969-1972] Second Term Activities PN, TNC, JNE[, DOE] [1973-l974J Summary of 1969 Activities Summary of 1970 Activities Summary of 1973 Activities [1969-74] 26 1969-1972 Calendars for PN, JNE, TNC, EC[, DOE] [Calendars and Schedules for RN, PN, JNE, TNC] [1 of 4 Mrs. Nixon, 1969-70] [Calendars and Schedules for RN, PN, JNE, TNC] [2 of 4 Julie and David Eisenhower, 1969-70] [Calendars and Schedules for RN, PN, JNE, TNC] [3 of 4 Tricia Cox, 1969-70] [Calendars and Schedules for RN, PN, JNE, TNC] [4 of 4 President Nixon, July-November 1969] 1972 Calendars 13 CONTAINER NO. CONTENTS 27 Commencement/Honorary Degree Ltrs. [April 1973J Honorary Memberships--Sponsors--Chairman, Etc.--1969 PN Honorary Chairmanships & Membershp. [1972-74J JNE Honorary Chairmanships & Membershp. [1973-74] TNC Honorary Chairmanships & Membership [1969, 1970, 1973J Honorary Affiliations, First Term (PN, TNC, JNE) Honorary Affiliations, Second Term (PN, TNC, JNE) INVITATIONS, 1969-74 28 [Invitations-1969J [1 of 5--Recording of Invitations, Part I--February-Ju1y 1969] [Invitations-1969] [2 of 5--Recording of Invitations, Part II--Ju1y 1969-January 1970] [Invitations-1969] [3 of 5--Invitation Regrets, Part 1-­ January-June 1969] [Invitations-1969] (4 of 5--Invitations Regrets, Part II-­ July 1969-January 1970] [Invitations-1969] [5 of 5--Invitation Acceptances-- February-December 1969] Invitations--March 1969 Invitations--May 1969 Invitations--June 1969 Invitations--Ju1y 1969 Invitations--August 1969 Invitations--September 1969 Invitations--October 1969 Invitations--November 1969 Invitations--December 1969 December, 1969 Regrets 29 Invitations--1970 Acceptances 1970 January 1970 Regrets February 1970 Regrets March 1970 Regrets April 1970 Regrets May 1970 Regrets Regrets June 1970 30 Regrets July 1970 Regrets August 1970 Regrets September 1970 Regrets October 1970 Regrets November 1970 Regrets December 1970 31 Acceptances 1971 Regrets January, 1971 Regrets February 1971 Regrets March 1971 Regrets April 1971 14 CONTAINER NO.
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