APPENDICES Appendix-I 1. QUESTIONNAIRE - FOR PACS “An Analytical Study of Non- viable Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) in the drought prone area of Maharashtra (with special reference to Ahmednagar district)” 1. General information: a. Name of the PACS; b. Address; c. Phone No.; d. Registration number and date; 2. Information regarding Board of Directors, Members and Employees? a. Category wise classification of member. S.N Category 2000 2001 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 2006 2007 2008 1 General 2 Scheduled caste 3 Scheduled tribe Other backward 4 Class Total b. Details of Board of Directors as on 31/ 3/2008 S .N . Category M ale Female Total 1 General 2 Scheduled caste 3 Scheduled tribe 4 Other backward Class Total c. Education Profile of Board of Directors; N a m e of Primary Secondary Higher-Sec PG& S.N. Illiterate Graduation Total PACS (1-7) (8-10) (11-12) Higher 1 166 d. Details of employee S.N. Designation SeX Education N um ber o f years o f service in P A C 1 Secretary 2 Manager 3 Cashier 4 Cleric 5 Peon 6 Watcliman 3. Information regarding income, expenditure and profitability: a. Income details: Amount in Rs. ‘000 S. 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- Particulars N. 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Interest received 1 on loans and advances Interest received 2 on investments Commission 3 received M em ber 4 Subscriptions Dividend 5 received 6. Other Income 7. Total b. Expenditure details: Amount in Rs. ‘000 S. 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- Particulars N. 2000 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 08 I Investment Salary & 2 allowances Establishment 3 EXpenses Traveling 4 EXpenses 5 Depreciations 6. Other EXpenses 7. Profit or loss Total 167 4. Statement showing financial position of the P A CS: Amount in Rs. ‘000 S. 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- Particulars N. 2000 01 02 OS 04 05 06 07 08 1 Members in ‘000 2 Share capital 3 O w n fund 4 Deposits 5 Borrowing 6 W orking capital 7 Investment 8 Loan advanced 9 Loan outstanding 10 Loan over dues Percentage of 11 overdue 12 Dividend declared 13 % o f recovery 14 Profit/loss 15 Audit class Credit/deposited 16 ratio 17 Total assets 18 Other 5. Loans accounts of PACS: (disbursement) Amount in Rs. ‘000 S. 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- Particulars N 2000 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 OS 1 Members in ‘000 2 Crop Loan Tractor & 3 Agriculture- Equipments Seeds/ 4 fertilizers/pesticides Land Developments (Land-leveling, Pipe-line, Lift, 5 Well/tube well. Farm Pond, Micro­ irrigation) Building Construction (Farm 6 house, Animal house) 7 Animal Husbandry 8 Allied Activities 9 Others Services 168 6. Loans accounts of PACS: (recovery) Amount in Rs. ‘000 S. 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- Particulars N 2000 01 02 OS 04 05 06 07 08 1 Members in ‘000 2 Crop Loan Tractor & 3 Agriculture- Equipments Seeds/ 4 fertilizers/pesticides Land Developments (Land-leveling, Pipe-line, Lift, 5 Well/tube well. Farm Pond, Micro­ irrigation) Building Construction (Farm 6 house. Animal house) 7 Animal Husbandry 8 Allied Activities 9 Others Services 7. Reason of over-dues? a. -------------------- b. -------------------- c. ----------- d. -------------------- 8. Does your co-operative society (PACS) supply following inputs (cash/kind)? Mark V if Yes S. 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- Particulars N. 2000 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 08 Improved/ Hybrid 1 seeds Chemical 2 Fertilizers 3 Bio-Fertilizers 4 Compost 5 Pressed Mud 6 Vermi-compost Chemical 7 Pesticides 8 Bio-Pesticides 9 Tractors 10 Agriculture 169 Implements (plough, harrow, seed-dri Hers) Electric 11 Motors/Pumps 12 Oil-Engines 13 Pipes Micro-irrigation 14 systems (drip/sprinklers) Building /construction 15 (House. Animal House) Well/Tube-well/ 16 Farm-pond 17 Dairy Farm 18 Poultry 19 Sheeps/ Goats 20 Other Specify 9. Does your Society provide loan for following purposes? Mark V S. N. Particulars Yes No 1 Marriage 2 Medical/Hospital 3 Education 4 Functions & Festivals 5 I.abour wages 6 Purchase of Vehicle 7. Others 10. Are PACs Implementing Integrated Insurance Scheme (Crop, Market, Weather etc.)? Yes/No 11. if yes give details? 12. Kisan Credit Card Scheme: Implementation Yes/No 13. Does your society provide loan to SlIGs? Yes/No 14. If yes, give details? 15. Percentage of recovery of Loan of SHGs 170 16. Does your society borrow funds from other agencies than DCC Banks? Yes/No. 17. If yes, give details? 18. Does your society invest funds? Yes/No. 19. If yes, give details? 20. Does your society provide any debt relief to members? Yes/No 21. If yes, give details? 22. Does your society provide subsidy? yes/No 23. If yes, give details 24. Problem (List of problems of PACS) a. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ d. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e. 25. Suggestions? a. --------- b. --------- c. --------- d. ---- e. Signature Name of respondent (PACS-representation) Designation 171 2. QUESTIONNAIRE- FOR PACS MEMBER/FARMER “An Analytical Study of Non- viable Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) in the drought prone area of Maharashtra (with special reference to Ahmednagar district)” 1. Personal information of Farmer/ Member of PAC? a. Name: b. Address: c. Education: d. Occupation: e. Age: f. Annual income (Rs.): g. Name of PACS: Details of Family Members: Family Size: ■ Total: ■ Male: ■ Female: Annual income Rs. Seconda N a m e of M e m b Main Seconda s Educati ry Main family SeX A g e relation er of occupati ry N on occupati occupati members PAC on occupati on on on 1 2 3 4 5 3. Details of Land, Cropping Pattern & Irrigation (member only) ■ Total Land Holding: ■ Cultivable Land (Acres): Irrigated:________ Un-irrigated:_ ■ Un-cultivable Land (Acres); 172 Details of Cultivable Land: N a m e of Source of Irrigation Season Area (Ac) Production Income Rs. Crops (well/tube, tanic, rain-fed) Kharif Rabbi Sum m er 4. Do you use tractor for farm operation? Yes/No 5. Do you install Micro-irrigation system? Yes/No 6. Do you use Organic/ Bio- fertilizers? Yes/No 7. Do you use Organic/ Bio- Pesticides? Yes/No 8. Do you have other allied Activity? Yes/ No 9. If Yes, Specify 10. Do you employ daily wage labours? Yes/No. 11. If Yes, How many days? 12. Do you take loan from PACs? Yes/No 173 13. If Yes, for which purposes? Please Mark V a. Crop Loan b. Tractor & Agriculture-Equipments c. Seeds/ fertilizers/pesticides d. Land Developments (Land-leveling, Pipe-line, Lift, Well/tube well, Farm Pond, Micro-irrigation) e. Building Construction (Farm house. Animal house) f. Animal Husbandry g. Allied Activities 14. Do you have taken following inputs from your Society (PACS)? (cash/kind) S. Tick Cost of Through PACs N a m e of Inputs Through Cash N. appropriate Input Loan 1. Improved/ Hybrid seeds 2. Chemical Fertilizers 3. Bio-Fertilizers 4. Compost 5. Pressed Mud 6. Vermi-compost 7. Chemical Pesticides 8. Bio-Pesticides 9. Tractors 10 Agriculture Implements (plough, harrow, seed-drillers) 11. Electric Motors/Pumps 12. Oil-Engines 13. Pipes 14 Micro-irrigation systems (drip/sprinkers) 15. Building /construction (House, Animal House) 16 Well/Tube-well/ Farm-pond 17. Dairy Farm 18 Poultry 19 Sheeps/ Goats 21. Other Specify/ services 15. Have they charge more than the current market rate? Yes/No. 16. If yes, How much? 17. Is the PAG does partiality in distributing inputs? Yes/No 174 18. If yes, state the reason. 19. Do they supply sufficient inputs? Yes/ No 20. If No, state the reason. 21. Do they supply unwanted inputs? Yes/No 22. If yes, give details. 23. Do you use your loan for following purposes? Please Mark V i. Marriage ii. Medical/Hospital iii. Education iv. Functions & Festivals V. Labour wages vi. Purchase of Vehicle 24. Did you get sufficient amount of Loan from PACs? Yes/No 25. Are you making repayment of loan timely? Yes/No 26. If, No, give reasons 27. Is there any crop failure? Yes/No Please Mark V i. Drought ii. Diseases & pests iii. Weather iv. Market 28. Are PACS Implementing Integrated Insurance Scheme (Crop, Market, Weather etc.)? Yes/No 29. Whether the compensation covers the losses? Yes/ No. 30. Have you received cooperation from PACs management? Yes/No 175 31. Do you feel PAC management discriminate while advancing loan? Yes/No. 32. If yes, give details. 33. Do you feel PAC management discriminate while recovery of Loan? Yes/No 34. Have you avail any debt relief scheme? Yes/No 35. If yes, mention with amount? 36. Have you got any subsidy for the loan? Yes/No 37. If yes, mention with amount 38. Do you know Kisan Credit Card Scheme? Yes/No. 39. Do you using it for cash credit of PACS? Yes/No 40. Do you borrow loan from other agencies? Yes/No (Please Mark V) a. DCC-Bank b. Nationalized Bank c. Co-operative/Scheduled Banks d. Rural credit Societies e. Urban Credit Societies f. Other Co-operative Societies g. Bhishi (Groups of people) h. SHGs i. Money Lenders 41. Do you feel any difference to get loan from PAC & other agencies? Yes/No 42. If yes, give details 43. Are you member of SHGs? Yes/No 44. Are you avail loan from SHG? Yes/No 176 45. If yes, purpose of Loan? 46. Percentage of recovery of Loan of SHGs 47. Do you feel recovery of loan will improve if loan disbursed through SHGs? Yes/No 48.
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