Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Spring 4-15-2005 Volume 40 - Issue 23 - Friday, April 15, 2005 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, library@rose-hulman.edu Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 40 - Issue 23 - Friday, April 15, 2005" (2005). The Rose Thorn Archive. 243. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/243 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY T ERRE HAUTE, INDIANA Friday, April 15, 2005 Volume 40, Issue 23 News Briefs Another day at the fair Bridget Mayer fore this career fair by students RA selection Staff Writer who had submitted resumes to companies through the Ca- fi nalized Employers at Wednesday’s reer Services’ online eRecruit- career fair had just one thing ing program. in mind — hiring for summer While students were excited RAs have been chosen for the 2005- positions that had yet to be to have another chance to 2006 school year. Turn to page 3 for a fi lled. The fair was a boon for speak with employers, many complete listing of next years RAs. many Rose-Hulman students of the recruiters at the fair were who were seeking employment quite pleased to be able to visit for this summer, as well as for Rose-Hulman one more time. graduating seniors in need of “This career fair is much bet- MPAA Files Lawsuits a job. The spring career fair, ter than the one we just came although smaller than the fall from at IUPUI,” commented Against College Students and winter fairs, is designed Acterna recruiter Jenny Prac- especially to bring companies sel. “The school treats people and students in this situation well, and we really like all the On Wednesday, April 13, the Motion Andrea Brown/ Layout Manager together. space we get.” Recruiters were Picture Association of America Students network with company recruiters at the Spring Career Fair With fi fty-two companies in Wednesday. also impressed with the stu- fi led lawsuits agains students at 12 attendance, this year’s spring dents in attendance. U.S. universities for alleged illegal fair fi lled the upper level of for full-time positions. graduating seniors because of “We’ve seen many good downloads of copyrighted materials. the Hulman Union. Although “Most of the companies its late date; she added that re- applicants already today, al- Most of the suits, which revolve around there were many companies were looking for full-time po- cently many companies have though the turnout has been a the use of an Internet2 application in a limited amount of space, sitions because it was mainly been waiting longer to fi ll their little slower than we expected,” called I2Hub, will target individuals by several employers sent more for the seniors I think,” com- job needs, and as a result the commented one recruiter. offending I.P. address. than one representative to talk mented sophomore chemical recruiters are fairly serious Ford had some advice for These lawsuits follow in the wake with students; this allowed for engineer Jennifer Kotsybar, about hiring students at this students for this and future ca- of similar actions by the Recording short lines and opportunities “but there were some good fair. “In a lot of cases, various reer fairs: “Prepare ahead — be for extended conversations companies there and it was a divisions in companies will get ready to sell yourself, express Industry Association of America, which with the representatives. While good opportunity to get my re- funding approval at the last enthusiasm about the compa- recently fi led over 400 lawsuits against some companies were focused sume out again.” minute, which allows them to ny. If a company knows you’re students at 18 universities. on fi lling last-minute summer Jan Ford, Associate Direc- hire a few more interns,” said really interested in working for openings in their internship tor of Career Services, noted Ford. She also noted that the them, a lot of times that puts By Angela Smiley programs, others were more that in the past, the spring fair interview schedule for Thurs- a student at the top of their concerned with hiring seniors has been directed mostly at day had been fi lled even be- list.” Laptop use poses risks Seniors to the fore: Civil Engineering to skeletal health Andrew Twarek city of Greencastle. The proj- Doctors and physical therapists Staff Writer ect will create public aware- across the country are worried that as ness for stormwater quality laptop use becomes more and more The senior civil engineer- by providing a constructed widespread, thousands will suffer ing majors have been work- wetlands area and a rain gar- chronic back, shoulder, wrist, and ing hard since the second den. day of school last August The CE senior design pro- neck aches. and are finally beginning to gram was overhauled in “When you use a laptop, you can bring their design projects to 1988. After listening to Lee make your head and neck comfort- completion. This marks the Harrisburger of the Univer- able, or you can make your hands 16th year of the client-based sity of Alabama discuss the and arms comfortable, but it’s impos- senior capstone project, benefits of client-based proj- sible to do both,” says Tom Albin where teams of seniors cre- ects, Robert Houghtalen, a of Human Factors and Ergonomics ate actual projects for out- new CE faculty member at Society, which has issued a standards side clients. that time, decided to imple- report on ergonomics of computer “It’s the most realistic proj- ment the idea. ect I’ve ever done at school,” Houghtalen said the de- workstations. The awkward positions said senior Scott Tourville. partment “had to ‘beat the laptops require for use are causing “It is great real-world experi- bushes’ to get projects for the Kevin Sutterer/ Rose Hulman upper-extremity disorders to occur in ence.” Tourville is a member fi rst few years,” calling upon younger and younger people. Travis McKittrick (left), Philip Griffi th, David Pirnia, Andrew of the design team working alumni to supply work for the Twarek, and David Honan presented their design for the Covered on a new offi ce building for seniors. Soon, the depart- Bridge Gateway Trail at the ASCE Indiana Section Annual Meeting By Alex Clerc Baker Architects. The design ment received projects from in South Bend last February. will gracefully span a ravine government and quasi-gov- and incorporate innovative ernment agencies as well as ing on seven projects in all, Dam Safety Study. materials to create a creative individuals, churches, and mostly in teams of four stu- The projects were assigned and exciting offi ce space for homeowners associations dents. In addition to the during the fi rst week of class- Friday the local architecture fi rm. — and from locations as far- two mentioned above, other es last autumn. From a list Sunny 69 Hi / 40 Lo Andrea Mailloux agrees. “I reaching as South Dakota, projects include: 13th and of a dozen potential projects, Saturday appreciate the fact that it ap- New York, and North Caro- Hulman Brownfi eld Rede- students picked the most ap- Sunny 71 Hi / 47 Lo plies to what I’ll be doing af- lina. Visits to distant sites velopment; Covered Bridge pealing and were grouped ter graduation.” She is work- are diffi cult, but “we have Gateway Trail; Deming Park according to project prefer- Provided by www.weather.com ing with three other seniors more local projects this year,” Larrison Pavilion; Greencas- ence. on a Stormwater Quality En- Houghtalen pointed out. tle Fire Department Training hancement Program for the The class of 2005 is work- Tower; and Hawthorne Park Continued on page 3... News Entertainment Opinions Sports Flipside 2005 Class Sin City & Wonderfalls That’s “cookie monster” Softball wins division Priority Queue. Agents Named with a capital C. championship. You suck. Page 3 Pages 4 & 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 2 CLASSIFIEDS The Rose Thorn Classifi eds 2-6 Bedroom Houses Now renting 2-6 bedroom houses for the 2005-2006 school year. Great neighborhoods, clean, good condition and close to campus. All appliances provided, central air, hook-up for washer & dryer, fenced yard and lawn maintenance provided. Call 234-5680. 3 Bedroom Home For 2-4 persons. Central air, washer and dryer, fridge, range, and dishwasher. 24/7 maintenance. At location. Available after August 1st. Very nice. 812-478-9286. Apartment for Rent 4 bedroom, 2 bath, dishwasher, central air. $200 per student. East location has full basement with washer and dryer. 1 block off Wabash. 812-232-0372.
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