UNlVERSllY U BRARIJES w UNIVERSITY of WASHI NGTON Spe ial Colle tions 3821 Esther Stark Maltby papers Inventory Accession No: 3419-001 Special Collections Division University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 Seattle, Washington, 98195-2900 USA (206) 543-1929 This document forms part of the Preliminary Guide to the Esther Stark Maltby Papers. To find out more about the history, context, arrangement, availability and restrictions on this collection, click on the following link: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/permalink/MaltbyEstherStark3419/ Special Collections home page: http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/ Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search ESTHER ID.L TBI ¥ia-10B.l).L SCRAP BOOKS 1925 to 1959 Book #1 - 1925 - 1927 #2 - 1927 - 1929 #3 - 1930 - 1931 #4 - 1931 - 1934 #5 - 1935 - 1937 #6. - 1937 - 1938 #7 - 1939 - #8 - 1940 - 1941 #9 - 1941 - 1943 #10 - 1944 - 1945 #11 - 1945 - 1946 #12 - 1946 - 1947 #13 - 1947 - 1948 #14 - 1949 - 1950 #15 - 1950 - 1951 #'JA - 1952 - 1955 * #17 - 1956 - 1959 Note: Mrs. Maltby passed on June 15, 1960. She had be~ueathed each of her scr&p books to a different friend. #16 was bequeathed to a niece. When Mrs. Maltby' s estate was being settled, a letter was sent to each of the recipients by a committee from 3eattle Federation of ;fomen•s Clubs requesting that the scrap.books be donated to the Esther Maltby Merr.orial Library to be kept in the Federation Club House in a room which had been .dedicated to Mrs. Maltby in her memory. The Club House was sold in 1973, and the books kept in storage by a m~-nber of the Federation until 1982. * Scrap Book #16 - 1952 - 1955 had been bequeathed to a niece who refused to release it as it contained family infer.nation. These books are of considerable historical value and contain pictures and newspaper clip?ings of events as they happened, in city, State and Nation, over a period of 35 years. Esther Stark Haltby was a Daughter of the Pioneers of Washington State and took an active !)art in the develop:o.ent and welfare of our cowitry and State. ( - Irene B. Hippe 7').31/82 - Margaret A. Moyer I , , I , SEA'rrLE FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS 1922 - 1923 ( OFFICE.~S President ••••••••••••••••..• Mrs. H. E. Maltby First Vice-President••··•••• Mrs. Daniel Hagan Second Vice-President ••••••• Mrs. L. G. Foster Recording ~ecretary ••••••••• Mrs. Henry Bittman Corresponding Secretary ••••• Mrs. J.M. Cunningham Treasurer••••••·••···••···•• Mrs. J.E. MacPherson Auditc;..'9 ••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. Henr-J W. Lung Custodian ••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. N. J. Irvine CLUBS AND QFFIC;:RS· 1. ALPHA President: Mrs. Geo. H. Appleton 2. ALPASIA _ President: Mrs. J. W. Dorwart 3. BON MARCHE wmEM I s CLUB President: Miss Bessie L. Winsor 4. BUSINESS WOMEN'S ORGA.?UZATION President: Dr. Hattie Slaughter - 3143 N. Broadway S. CJJ.fi> FIRE GUAH.DIANS President: Miss Freda Libby 6. CLASSIC CULTURE President: Mrs. L.A. Gasaway- 7. CLIONI.AN President: Mrs. J. W. Hyneman 8. COTE:UE President: Mrs. H. A. M. Bomar 9. CURRENT CENTURY President: Mrs. H.F. Larimer 10. HOME ECONOMICS President: Miss Annette Hillis ll. IN MEDIA RE President: Mrs. Jane Johnston 12. KIUG COUNTY GRAiJUATE NUR.3ES President: Miss Mays. Loomis 13. Ladies• Auxiliary to the Pacific Imnrove~ent Club ( President: Mrs. D. P. Pence .. • 14. Ladies• Benefit Club President: Mrs. Hazel N. Chestnut 2 SEATTLE FEDERATION OF W01'1EN 1 3 CLUBS 1922 - 1923 15. Ladies I Grotto,.Club ( President: Mrs. &Ima G. Davis 16. Ladies• Literary and Musical President: Mrs. Wm. G. Clark 17. Leanie of Executive and Administrative School Women President: Mrs. Ellen Dabney 1g. Manus Dramatus President: Miss Mildred MacDonald 20. Marilla Hutchins President: Mrs. M. E. Storey 21. Medical Women's President: Dr. Ada Collison 22. Musical Arts Society President: Miss Minnie Widmer 23. North Fnd Progressive President: Mrs. J.E. Austin 24. Pennsylvania Study President: Mrs. H.F. Sheldon 25. Philomus President Mrs. Verne i1,rer 26. Progressive Thou~ht President: Mrs. W. D. Benson 27. Q!iee."1 Arme Study President: Mrs. Ira B. Ford 28. Rainier Beach Woman's President: Mrs. M. E. Pearl 29. Seattle Civic Imnrove~ent President: i"'ll's. James B. Coughlin 30. Seattle Grade Teachers• President: Mrs. Dora s. Herren 31. Seattle Osteonathic ~io~en' s Club President: Dr. Leanora Grant 32. Seattle Woman's President: Mrs. J. G. Baker 33. Seward Social a..~d Literary ( President: Mrs. C. E. McCo;y 34. Sorosis· · · ·-- --· . _·-·· ··--·- . • President: Mrs. W. M. Livengood 35. Sunset Hei~hts Literel"J President: l•!rs. Loulie Miller SEATn.E FEDERATION OF wm~•s CLU33 1922- 1923 36. West Seattle Art _ ( President: Mrs. Dana Bro-wn 37. West Side Women's IMnrovement Mrs. Samuel $chneider 38. Wo.,ian I s Century President: ~1rs. Geo. D. Schofield 39. Wo.'1len 1 s Civic President: Mrs. \.i1ementine z. Pearson 40. Women's Educational President: l•1rs. W. R. Smart Trustee: Mrs. R. J. Reekie 41: Woman I s Tuesdav President: Mrs. W. S. Griswold 42. Washington State Dental H.vgienist Association President: Miss Helen Flint , ( ~- -:'\... - -·.. \ ESTHER M.ALT3Y :rr10:::n,1. LIBRARY Scrap Book il - 1925-27 ( A -! Armstro:r,g ~i ...~tures ------------------ I Mrs. Francis J. Armstrong, Seattle Fine ~rts5ociety i .. Mrs. J. Herbert Ames- Drama Chm. - W.S.F.\~1.c. ---- 42 Drama Week in Seattle B -Board Meeting at Kelso - WSF'l-,'C - JaN. 11, 12, 1927 •••• 40 Convention at Port Angeles - StGte Federation ••••• 8 - 9 Cl:-: Civic Affairs - \'-Torld Court, Schools. ii.esouz-ces, Fair • 11 - 12 Club Visits - Mrs. :4altby • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15- 16 Conservation - Forest Project. ~ve Trees .••••• 16 - .20 Convention at Everett - 30th Annual Conve::-ition WSFWC • 26 - 30 - Convention of P.E.0. at Seattle - State Chapter - 43 ?icture of Mrs. Alice Sco:.t of Wichita - Supre:t:.e Pres. 43 - Coolidge Cabinet - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 - Congresswomen - January 28. 1928 •••••• •••• 6 D 1- Doll - Mrs. Narcissa ?rentice Wnitm.an - exhibit at Sesquicentennial 34 j - Mrs. Clarence Dill - Bride of U.S. Senator Dill - in Spokane 37 E- - Editorials- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 - Esther Stark Maltby (Mrs. Harold E.) - Pres. W.3FWC - • • • 10 - 11 G- - General Federation of Women's Clubs in Atlantic tity N.J. 24- 25 - Miss Grace Patton Gillett, State Supervisior of Home Econo::iics 37 WSF\'iC - History of Gavel - Belle Colver •• . 42 H - - Gladys Hall (l.frs. John D.) president of 5orosis e1ub - picture 21 - Gov. Hartley (picture and articles) •••••••••••••• 22 - 23 - Hotels (Maltby & Thurston) •••••••••••••••••• 36 - Horseless Carriage - (first automobile in Whatcom County) Maltby 36 - Reba J. Hurn - Spokane's First Woman 3enator - picture •••• 42 - Mrs. Horsley (Do!"Illitory at Ellensburg) •••••••••••• 45 J - Jack Elsbree, sugar beet contest - 1926 •••• • • • • • • • • 21 L - Lincoln - The Man of the People - Edwin Markham . l - Mrs. Landes - Mayou Candidate - picture ••••••••••• 21 - Mrs. Bertha Knight :&andes, Mayor of Seattle ••••••••• 43 - Mrs. W. C. Lip~incott, ;:;xecutive picture - •••••••• 21 - Col. Charles A. Lindberg - (reception in Seattle 9/13/27 •• 45 2 Esther Mii.ltby Memorial Library - Book #1 Pa~e M -l - The Merrilie - New Cruiser yacht - built for the Maltb:r' s ••••••• 33 ( Cristened by Mrs. I"1al.tby - onj of most complete vessels for her size ever bu~lt in ~eattle. (July 1926) - Honore Willsie Morro"'! - historian - of Northwest................ 35 - .Aimee McPherson!-s Temple - picture --------------- 36 P - Prohibition - articles (Church & Liquor 12/5/33) •••••• 2 - Pictures of .:3eattle • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 - Puyallup Fair - Crowning the Jerby • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • • 33 - Pageant - Forest Trails (10,000 school children take part) ••• 37 - Plans for Seattle Federation Clubhouse (45 groups) ••••••• 32 -!i-i:-if- (Architect Carl Siebrand) (architect's drawing) - Reviewing 1926 in Cartoon ••••••••••••••••••• 35 - Queen Marie visits Seattle - (Mrs. :Maltby a hostess) ••••• 38-39 Mrs. Drik Rhynsburger, chm.drama Div. SFWC - Drama Week •••• 42 S - Seattle Federation Lawn Fete - picture Sept. 6, 1925. • • • • l at "spacious and velvety lawns at home of Mrs. Eliza Ferry Leary" ( (Seattle Times liotographure Pictorial ~ection) - Mrs. Alice Scott, ~upreme president of P.E.O. -May 29, 19'Zl ••• 43 U -V - Mrs. William H. Utter (Ethel C.) (Woman's City Club) •••••• 35 (running for City Council) (picture) W-- Wives of Presidents of U.S.A. .· . 4, 5,6 - Marion Southard Weiss - picture ••••••••••••••••• 21 - Narcissa Whitman (doll sent t'J Sesquicentennial) •••••••• 34 - Mrs. E. G. :!aldron (Picture), President 1,,;oJian 1 s City Club ••• 43 Willapa Harbor Federation - Dist. organized •••••••••• 44 ( • ESTHER V.ALT3Y l£MO:tHL LIBa,:.RY Scrap Book #2 - 1927-1929 Page ( A- - "After Sunset" ( poe:n) ---------------- 29 B- - Bou1der Dam (Project approv~d) picture and article 49 - Bowling Green ( Park :doard Plans to Lay Out a Green) - 6 C- - Clubwomen Edit "Times" (April 25, 1928) -------- 15 - ·"Clay Paint Factory", Bill I s - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 - City Planner's Report (Jan. 15, 192S) --------- 20 - City Planners Elect Woman - Mrs. El.:uer G. ilaldron --- 20 - Christmas Trees, Living (1927) --------- - 20 - Clarence Clark - Radio 28 -"Commercialism in Clubland" --------------- 37 - Sereno Clark - Dr. Clark, professor at Drury eollege -- 40 ( Cascade Tunnel Officially Opened (Jan. 13, 1929 --- -- 50 Collect Histor-J - Federation Honors V!ary Stewart
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