Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXVII, NO. 5 STORRS, CONNECTICUT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1963 'h Shaped Room' Opens Senate Passes Portion College Theater's Season The opening of 'The L Shaped in Winstead, Connecticut. Before his Of New Constitution Room" at the College Theater to- experience in Winstead, Mr. Scanlon night marks what the manager, Mr. was in Torrington and in Bristol, John Scanlon, has termed the "the- managing the theaters (here. ater-warming" for the new group of Women Of The World Senate Will Choose Wallace Successor In University students and residents of In response to a question regard- the Storrs area. ing the reaction of the community Two Weeks; USA Holds Solid Majority 'The L Shaped Room" has been to the latest picture he has run, acclaimed by critics everywhere. "Women of the World", Mr. Scan- Corner caucauses, table-whisperings, and strong party separation was the setting of this year's The New York Times called it "A lon stated that so far he has had stunning performance! . Leslie no real comments."He said they first meeting of the student senate last night, as several controversial propositions were brought up. Caron imbues it with tremendous "accepted it with the grace of an Two actions were the main events of the evening, one of primary concern to the two political compassion and harm!" Time Mag- parties, and the other of great concern to all students of the University. azine said "A beautiful and re- freshing film. A masterpiece of Party Rule candor and sensitivity." Newsweek Babbidge Talks The acceptance of the resignation President of the ISO party. Rich- has acclaimed it as "a bittersweet of former vice-president Fred Wat- ard Morgen. said that his party did extravaganza of emotionalism . lace led the way for a precedent- not have a specific replacement in endlessly suggestive." On Increase forming move by President Schach- mind, but that Senator James Gada- ter to wait one or two weeks before Key Personnel Fee increases will be the subject rowski was being considered. Sena- electing Wallace's successor. The tor Gadarowski admitted that he Mr. Scanlon of the theatre has of a discussion by Dr. Homer D. stated that the key personnel and move came as a surprise to several would be interested in the post. Babbidge tonight on "Viewpoint" at members of the USA party who had staff of UConn has been invited to Constitution 7 on WHUS. The Dr. Babbidge in- previously met to choose Senator If party politics was the rule of this re-opening of the college the- terview on tape is with Mr. Jack Joel Hirschhorn (USA) as their can- ater. the first part of the meeting, party Carlson, Executive Editor of the didate for the replacement. It is hope that Dr. Babbidge, Mr. cooperation was the rule of the sec- Daily Campus, who is the author ond. Evans, and other administralors and originator of the "Viewpoint" will be able to attend. WHUS radio Both parties worked together to series, pass the initial part of what may station will be on hand to interview originator of the "Viewpoint" series. the guests, presenting a live broad- prove to be the most important ac- cast from the opening. Tonight's half hour spot will tion of the student senate this year; In commenting upon the "L delve into some of the problems the constitution of the ASG. Shaped Room" himself, Mr Scan- which caused the Board of Trustees The preamble, Article One lon stated that he was happy to be to raise the fees for the Fall Se- (Name), and Article Two (Pur- able to present a picture of this mester 1964. The President will also pose), were passed with relatively calaber to the residents and stu- answer questions as to the positive little difficulty. Some opposition be- JAMES GADAROWSKI improvements which are to be ef- gan with the next article on mem- dents in the area for the opening. bership concerning the make-up of Satisfy Community * ' fected this year. which time he set it on top of his the executive branch of the govern- He further stated that he hoped In the past, "Viewpoint" has dealt newly formed "President's Priority ment. This article was referred to Program." to be able to satisfy the community with such controversial topics as the committee with his programming. He ex- Fraternity Rush System which was The importance of working on the The Senate is expected to con- pressed a willingness to fill re- established last fall and the student constitution was emphasized and tinue working on the constitution quests and only hopes that students senate policies. President Victor Schachter's open- until it is ready to be submitted to and residents will feel free to come Mr. Carlson has urged all sty- ing report to the Senate, during the Board of Trustees. to him with their suggestions. dents to tune in to WHUS if they Prior to his appointment as man- have any questions regarding the JOEL HIRSCHHORN ager here at the Stanley Warner recent decision by the Board of Theater in Storrs, Mr. Scanlon had Trustees to increase the fees at the A USA senate majority of twelve over the ISO eight senate member- his own lease in the Strand Theater University of Connecticut. ship has all but insured his election. Accident - Route 32 Senator Walter Twachtrrtan PETE KIERYS scene report from one of the esti- (USA), who had previously been considered for the vice-presidential Special to the Daily Campus. State mated 100 onlookers, "the vehicle Series Of Ten Lectures post, said that he fully agreed with Police are investigating an accident skidded around the corner, approxi- Hirschhorn as the party choice. in which two Rockville youths were mately one-quarter mile from its fi- A series of 10 public lectures de- Howard W. Butler, a professor at Twachtman said that he was not hospitalized after the car they were nal resting place, going out of con- signed primarily for graduate en- Rensselaer Polytetchnic Institute. sorry that he. himself, did not re- gineers will be offered this fall at riding in turned over on Route 32 trol and flipping onto its side. Gas Dr. Butler will discuss "Principle of ceive the party support as he pre- approximately two miles from an the University of Connecticut. the Minimum Rate of Production viously indicated a desire to, and began to pour out of the vehicle and Helping to launch the 1963 En- of Entropy." said, "Now I would be able to use intersection with Route 44A at 7:42 I thought it was going to explode." gineering Colloquim. which will be last night. In the ensuing weeks the follow- my time and energy to strengthen Sgt. John Watson of the Stafford held at 4 p.m. in Room 207, Engi- Aristide Rey. 18, operator of the the post of majority leader which i| Springs barracks of the State Police, neering I, starting Oct. 2, is Dr. Continued on page 6 column 5) now in its infant stages.' vehicle, and Thomas Curley. 25, a later reported that the vehicle was passenger, both of Rockville. were travelling south on Route 32 and for taken in critical condition to Wind- some unknown reason was thrown ham Community Memorial Hos- out of control. He said that the ve- pital in the Eagleville Fire Depart- hicle was totally demolished. ment Ambulance. Both north and south bound traf- Later reports indicated that Cur- fic on Route 32 was halted by the ley was in "satisfactory" condition, investigating officers to enable while Rey was reported as "fair." Eagleville fire department rescue According to an unofficial on-the- squad and ambulance workers to remove the two men from the wreck- age. Gas. shattered glass, and con- U.S.A. tents of the vehicles were strewn over the highway, making the on- Executive Board flow of traffic impossible. The U.S.A. Executive Board will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 303 of the Student Union. It is highly important that all mem- Attention bers attend 4n order that plans lor the coming year might be consolidated. All Connecticut Daily Consideration shall be given to II parry membership sales, and a Campus Staff Members general re-designation of specific duties. Are Requested To Report Any U.S.A. party member, in- terested in serving as party Sec- To Their Editors "EVERYWHERE I GO. THERE'S A LINE ! ! " Its the same old story. Lines to register, lines to eat. lines retary, please contact Bob Col- to buy books, lines to register cars. One line eliminated this year is the line at the Student Bank. But there der—Lambda Chi Alpha—429- Today! are others to take its place. The only line we haven't seen yet is the line to use those books we're buying! 4201. PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1963 Connecticut LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BLEAK OUTLOOK arms, grimacing his countenance, whose lives were dominated by fear, and constructing in his two by four insecurity, meaningless religious To the Editors: mind that most obnoxious of last habits, intellectual doubts and ques- Daily Campus It's .10 comforting to receive statis- sentences that promises more mur- tions, and lack of purpose. He dared tics in the first week ofschool that ders in Birmingham. to claim that He could meet these half of us lowly freshmen will not Gross does not offer one concrete needs in individuals who committed gradual* from this institution. solution nor action to this shame themselves to Him. College students THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1963 1 Your column "Off the Deep End ' we all must bear.
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