•- ·--=-- ---· / . 'l'emple ·Beth-El / 688 Broad St. · Providence, R. ·r. At t n : M. iss Pi~cu s · ~nly Anglo-Jewish Servi~ 35,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode Island The Jewish Herald VOL. XXXVI, No. 27 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1951 PROVIDENCE; .R I. SIXTEEN PAGES 10 C~NTS THE COPY - GJC ·campaign Starts Tuesday Women's Initial , - Gifts First Event An overflow c1:owd is expected , - to hear Franklin Delano Roose­ velt Jr. speak at the lurrcheon to be held by the Initial Gifts Sec­ tion of the Women's Division of the General Jewish Committee.' The luncheon is to be held at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel on T~es­ day, September 11, • at 1,2 noon. Mr. Roosevelt is making one of his first appearances in the East. and will tell of the first hand .im­ pressions he received wh.en, on a recent tour of Israel, he observed 'the strides alread:1 taken and the MRS. ALVIN A. SOPKIN, vice desperate needs still to be over­ chairman, Women's Divi~ion, GJC, come by tl\e valiant people strug­ and co-ordi1_1ator of Vital Gifts. gling to establish· a new nation. This appeafance of Mr. Roosevelt is considered to be of so much Roosevelt to the womeu of Provi­ importance and to have so much dence and of Blackstone Valley." . --- -"'_.;;:r - - ---- -;:-- ~ • As ·center and War V-eteran delegates discuss a South Providence pro,:;ram,- F.i_rst ro.w, left to. significance that, for the first Mrs. Nathan Sam·ors, chairma!l .. ,right, Mrs. Leo Borenst1_,in, David Baratz 'an'd Esmond Borod. Second row, George- Weisfuse, Ralph time, the Blackstone Valley U.J.A. of Initial Gifts, said, "We expect Kolodney, Abe Swerling1 Mannie Cohen, Mrs. Ben Lewis, William Boslovitz and Edmund Wexler.' Women's Division with Mrs. Mit­ a capacity · audience t9 hear Mr. chell Glick. general chairman Roosevelt." ' ' and Mrs. Leo Marks, their chl}ir­ The one act play. ''Queen For Delegates Agree on Need of ma n of Initia l Gifts, will join A Day." will again be presented. Schneider New with the Providence Women to It was written by Mrs. Myles Al­ hear- him. per, and directed by Mrs. Charles City Manager Program; Ask Use of Post Home Mrs. Archie Fain,· chairman of Reitman. · ' the Women's Division, said, "It Hostesses fol· the luncheon have For Israel B,onds Deleg·ates of the Jewish Com- c;:hairman of the evening. is an honor and a distinct achieve­ been announced by Mrs. Arthur munity Center and the J ewish "The interest of the Center," ment to be able to present Mr. _(Continued on Page 5) Murray Schneider has anived Wa r Veterans. of Post 23. met re- said Edmund Wexler of the Cen- in Providence to- be City Manager cently a t the Post's home on Nia- ter boa rd of · directors, "was to YA D' L.·, ~ 1· R d J t J d for the Bonds for Israel, it was gara Street, to discuss a South provide a program of children's a pee S eco r urnou ues av rev.ealed this week by Milton C. Providence program. David Ba- social group activities in South ·t Sapinsley, general chairman of ratz. Commander of the Post, was ·!Continued on· Page 5) F D R T ''T'. B the local committee. Mr. Schnei0 - ---.-----"--:"---'-,...----- -, . JI. .LO e- proved encouraging judgi~ from ,. l der replaces Louis Simonson who / . the reports brought in by the in­ opened the Bond office .at 32 Cus­ Officials of BV UJA Women's Division dividua l captains. Mr. Mann said, tom House Street last Spring. Gues_t Speaker "If the response to the. Initial Mr. Schneider has had many Gifts Dinnj!r is any indicatiqn of yea rs of fund-ra ising experience. According to a statement re­ the general success of the drive, He was affiliated with the United leased earlier this week by Harold this year should go over the top. Jewish Appeal. nationally and Ratush, overall chairman of the My co-chairmen have done· a with the New York office, and GJC Young Adult Division, a wonderful job and we are en­ with the Palestine Economic record turn1;mt is expected at the visioning an even larger turnout Corporation. YAD Initial Gifts Dinner. The than in previous years." The A graduate of Columbia Uni­ dinner is being held on Tuesday initial gifts captains for the 1951 versity School of Journa lism and evening, September 11, at 6 :30 YAD Campaign are: Robert Bake!', of New York Universfty in Public ' o'clock at the Shera ton-Biltmore Milton .Brier, Maynard Burt, Relations, he was a correspondent Hotel Ballroom with Representa- Joseph Chusmir, Leona rd Chus­ for Reuters in Europe, later open ­ tive Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. as mir, Dr. Richard Deutch, Herbert ing his own firm of public rela­ guest speaker . Field, Irwin Gal~ n. Stanley tions and fund raising. Mr. Ratush had high praise for G o I d s m i th , Julian Holland, his co-chairman. Martin J acob­ Howard Lewis, Albert Lieberman, son, Rona.Id Sopkin, honorary William Mayer, Norman· Robin- To Receive Bids chairman, Leon· Mann, chairman (Continued. on Page 3) of Initial Gifts, Leonard Blazar For Cronst.on Center and Burton Fain, co-chairmen of Initial Gifts, and Louis Rosen, in The buifding committee of the cha rge of publicity. Ra.tush sta ted THE Cranston J ewish Community Club "I am highly pleased and deeply will receive bids for the new grateful for the· job of organiza­ HOME NEWS Cra nston Jewish Center Building MRS. LEO MARKS MRS. ARTHUR NEWMAN tion these men have done. es- on September 10, whir.h will b,e pecially in tpe recruiting of severa-1 containing news and bullt on Its property now owned Mrs. Mnrks and Mrs. Newman are chairman and co-chairman, new workers, who have injected comment about the and located on Park Avenue, respectively, of the Initial Gifts Committee of the Women's Division the additional enthusiasm which Jewish Home for the Aged, Cra nston. of the Blackstone Valley United Jewish Appeal which will hold i~ an­ the young adult dr)ve needs to The building will house an audi­ nual affair this T uesday noon, September 11, at the Sheraton-Biltmore make it. a success." , in this issue torium with a seating capacity Hotel in conjunction with the Women's Division of the General Jewish The Initial Gifts captains meet- 1 ON PAGE 15 (Continued on Page 3) Committee, Franklin D, ltoosevelt, Jr.. will be the guest speaker. Ing this· past Wednesday evening ,_____________ --! ~ "1 -they Want ed to Get Into the ~i ctu_re - r ... ....,., ..: i:i:l f;i;1 / ; f;i;1 E,,( ll, f;i;1 rn ~ < ..Q ~ --Q ~ I i:i:l f;i;1 = ..=rn ~ ...Ill . I [;i;J I 0z f;i;1 ..Q ~ 0 i:i:l ~ f;i;1 =~ .. ~ · On Fred Kelman's a nnual vii.it to the Pier, the above group ' followed Fr.ed around the beach. Anotlier segmen t of the crowd will be fo_und on Page 7. P hote_· by Fred Kelman ~ ard of Thanks . The unvelllng of a monument in I W e, the f amily of the late Benjamin 1·• memory of the late HENRY LIEBER· Dubinsky Jr. wish to thank all our MAN will take place Sunday, Septem- relatives and friends for the kind ex- ber 9 at 3 o'clock, at Lincoln Park BETH DAVID SISTERH(?OD September, 11 at_ 2 P. M. at the pressions . of sympathy extended us Cemetery. Relatives and friends are d.urlng ou r r ecent bere.avement. Invited to attend. The Sisterhood of Congregation synagogue • on Oakland Avenue; ---------- ------~ MRS. ROSE (SEIGEL) DUBINSKY • Beth David will hold its first meet­ Mrs. Benjamin Resnick, preside!lt, MR. MIL TON DUBINSKY The unveiling of a monument in BENJAMIN DUBINSKY, JR. M ISS CHARL OTTE DUBINSKY memory of the late MR. ISADORE ing of the season on Tuesday. announced this week, MR. NAT DU BINSKY SCHWARTZ wil , take place Sunday, MRS. PETER Y OSINOFF September 16 at 11 A. M. at Lincoln Funeral services for Benjamin M R. ancl M RS. BENJAMIN DUBINSKY Park Cemetery. Friends are invited Dubinsky, husband of Rose (Sie­ M R. SIDN EY DUBINSKY · to attend. 9.14 M R. F RA NK ' DUBINSKY gel) Dubinsky; of 112 Gordon M RS. ED ITH COOPER MRS. LOUIS KRASNOW The unveiling of, a monument in Avenue, who died August. 29 in memory of the late SAMUEL ("PAT") Rhode Island Hospital after a DOMAN will take place Sunday, Sep­ tember 9, at 1 P. M. at Lincoln Park .. short illness, were held the next In Memori am, Cemetery. Relatives and friends are me~orial in lhe new day at the Max. Sugarman Funeral MRS. SADIE PRIMACK invited to attend. 1950 • 1951 . Home. B1.1rial was in Lincoln W hen days are. dark and friends The unveiling of a monument in Park Cem,etery. are few, 1t1emory of the late MRS. ROSE (WAL­ m iriam·_Jj o~pitat ....... , .. ,~nther how w,e think of you, ... LICK) BERSTEIN will take place on Mr. Dubinsky came to Provi­ Thoughts retu rn to scenes long past; Sunday, September 9, at. 2 o'clock at Y ears roll on, but memories last. Lincoln Park Cemetery. Relatives and . ~iff 3er11~ a3 a dence 55 years ago. Born in Daughter, friends are Invited to attend, fa3li~g re;,,e~branc~ Russia, he was the 'son of Ben-, MRS. JAMES TOPIL The unveiling of a .monument in jainin and Anna <Rakatansky) U 'I' N • memory of tlie late MRS.
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