1988 6irl §[OUt Wall [alendar & Po[ket Planner " Ready for the Future" Girl Scouting's new, exciting theme captured In 32 page wall calendar, from cover to cover! • front cover features a lively outdoor photograph of Girl Soouts of all age levels • color photographs throughout the calendar Illustrate activities that help Girl Scouts develop and practice decision-making Plus ... • a full page of 1988 key holidays • an area code and time zone map • mini calendar versions of the years 1988 and 1989 Companion pocket planner- \v \\ handy for pocket or purse with ... ") • a full page of 1988 key holidays ,~ • mini calendar versions of the years 1988 and 1989 \1 )h • 2 full pages for names, addresses and phone ,; ,, numbers ~.la -:,"1 • an area code and time zone map •' '"' •,\ -- ~ t ) \ •l ·a QUANTITIES AND PRJCES .-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 • WALL CALENDAR - 100 PER CARTON I WALL CALENDAR & Gir1 Scout Calendar Cat No Minimum order 2 cartons POCKET PLANNER Gir1 Scout Pocket Plannef Cat No 30-188- 200 to 1,400 copies ..................... 43c each Allow 4 weeks for delivery Council Junsd1ctJon Nu:nber _ _____ ___ 1,500 to 2.500 copies .................... 42c each Send Orders To Gir1 Scouts of the U.S.A. Counal 2,600 to 5,000 copies. .. 40c each National Equipment ServiCe G If Charge •------ 5,100 to 15,000 copies . ...•.......... 38c each 830 Third Avenue, New Vorl<. N.Y. 10022 15,100 to 30,000 copies ........ .......... 37e each Oroor# _______ _________ 30,100 to 75,000 copies ...... •.. ..•..... 35e each 75,100 to 150,000 copies .. ... .... ...... 331!: each Customer Order#_ _________ _ 150,100 copies and over . ............. 32e each (DO NOT WRITE IN "'HIS SPACE) L88 Outside the continental U.S.A. including Alaska and Hawaii .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44¢ each Please ship ___ c:opteS of the 1988 Girl Scoot Wall Calendar @ _ _ ______ each International addresses .................. 47e each Please ship ___ copies of the 1988 Girt Scout Pocket Planner @ ________ each POCKET PLANNER-200 PER CARTON to arrive by (circle one) the (15th), the (30th) of or (ASAP) 200 to 1,400 copies ......... ............ 35¢ each ~ 0 1have permission from my council to hold a 1988 Calendar Sale 1,600 to 5,000 copies ......•............ ~each .., (Council Name>- - --------- ------------- 5,200 to 15,000 copies............... 31c each ~ 0 I have permission from my lone troop committee to hold a 1988 Caiendar Sale 15,200 to 30,000 copies .......... ...... 28c each (Name of lone troop committee cha,rman)•------------- --- 30,200 copies and over ............. ..... 27e each 6 Outside the continental U.S.A. including Alaska and 0 FULL PAYMENT IS ENCLOSED $ Make checK or money order payable to Hawaii . ........ ............... ....... 36e each ii Girt Scouts of the U.S.A. Do not send partial payment. Do not send cash. International addresses . .......... 38e each a 0 Btll me. Our sale will end on (date) I will remit the ORDERING INFORMATION ~ full amount30days later. Afforoors mexcess of $250.00 mustbesubmined tnrough the Council office Check with your council. If your council is having a 0 Approved by calendar sale, orders must be placed with your council Name Title Council office. Orders for this ad will be accepted only from Bill to: Name (print) ___________ Signature _____ _______ lone troop leaders and leaders in councils which are not having a calendar sale; please fiUin council name. NO&Str 0~------------- USA Girt Scouts Overseas, APO. FPO and Interna­ State'---------County__ ______Zip _____ _ tional addresses must include full remittance with this order. Draw checks on U.S. banks only. Calendars will Ship to: be ready to ship June 15th. Order now! We will ship Name (Please print)---------------- ----- ---- any time you specify after June 15th. We will fill orders Street (No box# please),____ _ ________________ _ as long as the supply of calendars lasts. Shipping charges prepaid on all calendar orders. Wall Calen­ C~-------------Coun~------------- dars are packed 100 per carton. Minimum order 2 (dO not abbr8VIate) cartons. Order in carton lots only. Pocket Planners State'------- --- ------ ---- ZiP---- -- are packed 200 per carton. Minimum order 1 car· Date•---------------Daytime Phone Number____ ___ _ ton. Order In carton lots only. Unsold calendars may not be returned. Residents of CA, MD and GA add GSUSA!NES 4187 the appropriate sales tax. Add $1.00 per carton. PAL Clear all ~mlng plans with your Council Finance Committee or Lone Troop Committee charge, for all overseas delivenes. Girl Scout SUMMER 1987 24 FEATURES ~ 8 Our 75th Anniversary-A Glorious Celebration GIRL SCOUTS 10 Choosing the Bonds of Kinship President Betty F. Pllsbury NatlonaJ Executive Director 12 A f'amily of Movers and Shakers Frances Hesselbein Director, Communications 13 A Girl Scout Glossary Rhoda Pauley Managing Editor Carolyn Caggine 14 Is Anybody Listening? Graphics and Design Director Michael Chanwick Sentor Editor ~larlanne llaw 15 Looking and feeling Your Best (centerfold) A550date Editors Deborah Craven. Janet Lombardi Contributing Editor Patricia Stoddard 19 The Value of Majnstreaming Edltortat Assistants Colleen Floyd, Marie Kary Circulation Assistant Millie Freeman 20 Helping Them Find the Right Path 01r1 Scou t Leilder tiSS~ 0017·057i Is published 22 Putting the Child Back in Childhood quart~l) by Oirt Scouts of the U.S.A. 830 Third Avenue, l'l~ York. l'I.Y 10022. C 1987 by Oirl Scouts of the United States of America. All rights resel\'ed. This pub­ lication may not be reproduced, stored In a retrieval 24 Family-Style Hospitality system, or transmitted 10 whole or In part, in any form, or by any means, electronic. mechanical, photocopy· lng. recording. or otherwise without the prior written permission of Oirl Scouts of the United States or Arner· 28 GSUSA's Annual Report lea Send stamped, self-addressed en\'elope "'·lth un· sotkl1ed manuscripts, photos, or art. Olrt Scout Leader cannot be responsible for such material In its oflk:es or In transit. Thlrd<tass postage pakt at 'ew York City and 30 Index to 1986 Issues additional mailing ofllce.s. SubKifptlons. $4 yearly (4 Issues); $6. .50 for all de.s· IInations outside u.S.A. and po5$esslons; $1 Senior Olrl Scouts. Change of address: Wr1te01rl :SCout Leader, 830 Third Avenue, New York. N.Y. 10022. Include old and new address, as well as coundl. troop, and identiOta· tlon number. Allow 8 "'eeks for change. Vol. 64, No. 2, SUmmer 1987. DEPARTMENTS Cover. Girl Scout volunteers enjoy the view and the conversation on the deck at Edith President's Message 6 In the News Macy Conference Center, a serene setting 4 for study and relaxation In Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. Photographed by Bartay for GSUSA. 2 7 Near and Far 29 Leader's Exchange ·. ·~ · edge that, wherever we went, J'd find a new and special Girl Scout family. That was very important to me, as I know it has been to many of you. Girl Scouting gives us what author-states­ President's man John Gardner calls: "a necessary, nongeographic sense of community," and, in our mobile society, that's a very positive point to keep in mind in re­ Message cruiting new volunteers. The fact is: Whether we're new­ comers or long-time residents of a suburban or rural township, or a big city neighborhood, we automatically emember when "family" in­ acquire a heightened sense of com­ cluded cousins, aunts, uncles, munity when we're part of an organi­ grandparents, all within easy As a Girl Scout volunteer, zation as well-known and well-re­ R spected as the Girl Scouts. We become visiting distance? It was a nice, secure you're "wired in" to a feeling to know we could really "reach valuable network of lively, more knowledgeable and concerned out and touch" a whole lot of some­ about those facets of the community ones, all tied to us by bonds of kin­ caring, involved that affect all its citizens. What's more, ship. Yet today, many of us are looking citizens . .. we're in a position to join our Girl Scout for new support systems in our com­ colleagues in effective, shared efforts munities to replace. In some sense, the to improve and upgrade the quality of cozy comfort of the close-by, extended life in our neighborhoods and com­ family. councils have taken me to every part munities. We also acquire a group of Since the theme of this issue is of the U.S.A. Yet, wherever I go, I find caring, like-minded friends, who'll ex­ "family," maybe It's a good time to re­ myself immediately at home, in the tend a helping hand when we need it. mind ourselves (and our potential vol­ company of welcoming new members As a Girl Scout volunteer, you're "wired unteers) of how well the sense of be­ of my Girl Scout ''extended family." And in" to a valuable network of lively, car­ longing that Girl Scouting provides can that's a warm and lovely feeling! ing, involved citizens who, like an ex­ replicate that comfortable feeling of Of course, I experienced that same tended family, share your values and "family." feeling of instant belonging, many goals. That's one important message First of all, our Girl Scout "family" times, in my early years as a Girl Scout I hope we'll all communicate in our knows no local, national, or even volunteer. My husband's business ne­ volunteer recruitment efforts next fall, international boundaries, as I've hap­ cessitated a number of family moves, and in the years ahead. pily rediscovered in my past 2 V2 years from south to north, and all points east. Nave a happy summer. See you in as National President. My visits to Yet. I was always secure in the know!- the fall! Until then, -8~~p~ Betty F.
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