AMERICA ' S FORGOTTEN VICTORY! OREANWAR TERANS ASSOCIATION THE GRAYBEARDS VOL 8 NO 3 JUNE. 1994 t, Korean War Veterans Association, Inc. BW<RA!E P.O. Box 127 u.s. f'()SlAGE Caruthers CA 93609 PAID , PERMIT NO. 328 MEilRIFIELD, VA FORWARDING AND ADDR.IlSS CORRllCl10N • TIJE GRAYBEARDS June. 1994 NATIONAL OFFICERS l'res.ideot: DICK ADAMS P.O. Box 127, Caruthers, CA 93609 (209-864-3196) (209-268-1869) 1st Vice President: NICHOLAS J. PAPPAS 209 Country Club Drive, Rehobolh Beach, DE 19971 (302-227-3675) 2nd Vice President: HARRY WAllACE Home--514 South Clinton Street; Baltimore, MD 21224 THE GI?AYBEAROS (410-327-4854) (FAX: 410-327-0619) Secretary-Treasurer: ROGER SCALF • 6040 Highbanks, Mascoutah, IL 62258 (618-566-8701) EDITOR - Sherman Pratt (FAX: 618-566-4658) (l.S00-843-5982/THE KWVA) lAYOUT· Nancy Monson, '~JWord Processing Founder and Post President: WILLIAM NORRIS PRINTER - David Park, Giant Printing Co., Inc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONTENTS •1991-1994• PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ....•..•• 1 LEONARD DUBE; 410 Fuostoll Ave.; Torriagton, Cf 06790-6223 EDITORIAL ....•.•.•••••••.•.• 2 (203·439.:)389) BllL COE; 59 ltaox Ave.; Cohots, NY 12047 BRONZE STAR/KOREAN VETS? .. 3 (518-235.0194) LETrERS .................... 4 LT. COL. l>ONALO M. 8Y£RS; 3475 Lyon P.ut 0 .; Woodbridge, FEATURE ARTICLES .•.......•• 5-11 VA 22192 (703-491-7120) (1994--Five Months) ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETC..... •.. 12-13 ED CRYC1£lt; 136 CeattaJ Avenue; S&ateo lslud, NY 10003 MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS 14-18 . (718·981-3630) KWVA CHAPTER NEWSLETTER .. 20 •1992-1995• SOME KWVA MEMBER OP!l'fiONS 21-22 EMME"IT BENJAMIN; 12431 S.W. 195 Tc:mec:; Miami, FL 33177 (305·255-6355) CHAPTER LISTS - . • . • _ . • . 24-25 HANSEL C. HALL; P.O. Box 14648; Uoiver1il)' Stat1oa; Miaaeap<>Jis., EDITORIAL lAMENT ....•....•. 26 MN 55414 (612·332·2685) KATIILEEN WYOSNICK; P.O. Box 3716; SmtoS>, CA 95010 A MOST TOUCHING MATTER .... 27 (408·253;3068) (FAX; 408-973-8449) KWVA REUNION . _........ •.. 30-33 BILLY R:SMITII; 116 ~l>cCory Dr., Ore..,, II.. 62554 ELECTION COMMENTS ........• 34-35 ,(217-468-2049) •19.93•1996• POINT 0 F VIEW • . • . • • • . • . 36 L. •sco6i:ER• BQRKE, Col (R<1); 9170 ukeview Drive; Foley, AL DISTINGUISHED MEMBER •.••... 38 . 61832 (20$·943·6826) 1995 KWVA REUNION INFO ..•... 39-40 KENNET~ B. COOK; Route N3, Box 573; Douville, II. 61832 (217446-9829) HARLEY J. COON; 2439 uotz Ro•d; Beavercreek. OH 45434 (513·421·9445) GRA l"BLtRDS!. tbe otfki.J 11twdelk't of die Kor~ Wu Vcccl*lll Nsoclid011, I.e. llll or.Jt.uily MAURICE "DICK" WAINWRIGHT; 9001 &>t Rosewood Sl.; Ttteson, p!lbl ~bc4 (our ti111u uaually i• Juu.wy, April, July ud Oet*t. Mlteriak Jullmitklll (or publk•li011 AZ 85710·2659 (602.298-1581) tbouW k rcccivc4 lllcaM 60 4&)"1 bcfor. P"bli~011 Mtos. Co11tn'tnlton' ...-;~or opioioo• ars 1101 11--.ily di-d GR.... YBe.tRl>S. IIOt doellk KWVA UMIDC..,. - pOIUibil<ly Of lialoitif)' II># clH: 1(('-lltao:y « ~leDI o( Maktial5 pubJJ..Moj by COIIIJikiOU. APPOINTMENTS OUR COVER ExccuUfe Assistant to the Prt<Sldenl: THOMAS R. MAINF.S, JR., Th~ official flag of the Korean War VetuOM Associ.athm is shown on our 1801 Saw Mill Run Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15210 cover of this i.uu~ at ArlingMn Cemet~ry on July 27, 19~ in fr<mt of lh~ (412-881-2010) (FAX 882-7111) Amphilheaur and tlu Tomb oflh~ Unkt1o ..vu on lh~ occasifm of t}t~ lkdicatiot~ Congruslonal Uakon: JOliN F.C- KENNEY, JR., 8602 Cypnts of the KWVA l>ench during th~ associatiQII'$ a1mual reu11Wn. Place, Alexandria, VA 22308 (703~780 ·7536) 17s ~ K'WVA bench, ca~d from Korean graniu, and preJented by Wo Judge Adnutc: EDWARD L. MAGilL; 7211 S.W. 62Dd Ave., #200; OreO/er Low;" is located along a walkway jUJf m)f'lh Qfth~ Amphitheater, a Miami, FL 33143 (305-622-9999) (FAX: 305-666.()907) short di.stm1~~ from the SPQt ""*~r~ lh~ aN~ was tohn. KWVA nu:m"rs CbaplaJn: VINCENT BODDIE~ 28 Le:nc Ave.; Montrose, NY 10584 visiting Arlingt(}tf Ccmc~ry ond lh~ Tomb oflh~ U'J"'owlfS ~ouldlocote tlrtir Editor: SHERMAN PRATT: 1512 S. 2Qcb Sr.; AriiQgtOfl, VA 22202 be11ch, pauu, ~st tMir M'l!'OI')' bones, sit for a s~/1 in reSifol m4ditotion and (703·521-7706) (FAX: Some) «mtemp/ote the signific-ance ofllt~ be11ch. IfClNlching is nHMd on that point, Mombcnhip Chairman: IIARRY WALLACE; P.O. Box 12205; one need but lo r~ad the bYOnu plaque 01 ffl4 bend for a.ujsranc-tt. S,Jtimon~, MD 21281 (Home: 410-327-4854) Our jlag i.s 'm<kn i<XJd to hav~ been designed by KWVA fc'lunding farher Bill • POW/MIA: HARLEY COON; '2439 LuiZ Rd.; Beaveraeek, Oli NturiJ and i.r Ning held by memMr Wt-Jt Worsham c'ln tlte right Glm.( your 45434 (513·426·9645) neK'fletter staff believt$, the Iau and {()undJ'ng nr.~mbcr Kenn~th Borchard~. of Historian: VJCI'OR C. GERST, JR.; 7 Wilson Rd.; PiaebiJI, NJ FairftJX County, Virginia. on the left. In tlt~ left bot:Jtgr()und can be u~n the 08021 (609·783-8628) nta.tt of the Uni.ud Stale$ Baul~ship MaiM duu wa.t b/o ....., up in the Havana For Information on starting a Chapter, write: Secrtra.ry KWVA; H(Jl'bor (Hf. Fdwuary J5, 1898, an •~nt which l•d to the /Hgi,m;,,g ()/ 6040 HJg.bbar~b Road, Muooubh, ll 62258 (1..SOO..s43-5982) hostililifs thot resulted in du~ Spoltish·Americtvt War. Liaison for VFW and Amtrk>o L<gion: ROBERT WACKER; 634 Just t.o llr~ right oftlte walkway;., lrx:at.ed the graws of the Mlronauts who Colfa)[ Ave.; Ken ilworlh, NJ 07033 died ;, nridair seconds after ll14 launchi11g of U.eir missile at Cope x.,.,.dy Liaison for Canada: BILL COF.; 59 Lenox Avc.j Cohcs, NY 12047 in th~ fat~ /980.r. About $0 feet to the left of the flag is located lh~ graw site (518·235-0194) of th~ famed Audi'e Murphy, the most tkccrotcd trooper of WQr/d War Jl, a Natk>ml VAVS Rtprtsentat.lvt: DIU.. CAR; 124 Oat Me.adows, wuggle ;,, -..,o/,~h n1011y KQrttofl WDT v-ets also sc!V4d.. M;Usboro, DE 19966 (302-945·2901) THE GRAYBEARDS 1 June 1994 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The times continue President Dick Wainwright and his reunion to be quite critical for committee have been working long and diligently on us in KWVA. an exciting and worthwhile program. The schedule We have navigated of events, and registration and reservation forms through some most were in the last issue of our newsletter. I urge you treacherous waters of to use them so that I can look forward to seeing the late, but I think we are largest turnout ever in Tempe for this exceptional • emerging from· the meeting. more troublesome shoal We should take advantage of reunion infested areas and now DICK ADAMS opportunities now as they occur. Some will not have have plenty of reasons for looking ahead with another chance. For sure we will find each year confidence. I predict that we can sail on and hereafter more difficult as we advance further in successfully reach our goals without further age. mishaps. By now most of you will have received the first .. its also election time ! ! of our new issues of the upgraded newsletter. We hope you will agree it, and this issue, constitutes a In this issue you will find your ballot for the huge leap forward. upcoming election for a full slate of officers. I urge Ahead on the immediate horizon are two matters all members to cast their ballots. This is certainly that I think merit your close study, attention, and one of our most critical elections and its outcome careful consideration. could well determine the future of our organization, or at least its direction for years to come. We are fortunate in having no shortage of ... it's annual meeting time! qualified and dedicated candidates for office. Hard working Dick Wainwright and his nominating Our reunion this year as all should well know by committee have done their work well. I do not see now it well to the west - in Tempe, Arizona. any candidate that I consider to be other than a As with most veterans organizations, the great and patriotic American, a hard working and selection of reunion sites is always a major and conscientious KWVA member, and an individual challenging problem. Everyone, quite naturally, with a proven background of heavy commitment of wants the meeting in their own localities for time and effort to the well being of the Association. minimum travel expenses and inconvenience. As But some candidates may well have different we age, retire with less incomes, and for other approaches to getting things done and, for sure, reasons, many are less able to travel far away to there are variances in personalities. Just now, we attend meetings. are in the strongest need for leadership that will be In deference to the wishes of some western and cohesive, effective and reliable, and that will inspire central members, we changed our meeting places a confidence and credibility. I would urge voting • few years ago from Washington on the east coast to KWVA members to weigh these consideration with locations westward. This year, again, we meet at a the utmost care to see which candidates best meet place more convenient to those in the west. Next this test and can guide us smoothly ahead to reach year we will once more meet in the east in the the far shore without grounding.
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