2018 Catalog Music Dealer Wholesale Price List - 2018 Harris Musical Products, Inc. PO Box 91, Waltham, MA 02454 USA Phone 781-341-0776 Fax 781-341-0778 Toll Free 800-559-7425 EMAIL: [email protected] 1937 --- 2017 WEB: harrismusical.com US BLUES * Artist Quality Guitar Picks ToneWoods - FlexWoods - Exotics - Sculpted - Vegetable Ivory PT-72 GR-72 Wood Grip Collection Collection Trays of 72 Picks MODEL # MODEL DESCRIPTION Picks RETAIL COST Guitar Pick Display Trays (72 Picks Per Tray) JAZZ III TONEWOOD PICK PACKS (3 Picks) PT-72 ToneWood Collection 72 $ 360 $162.00 P3-JZEB JazzWood Ebony 3 $15.00 $6.75 GR-72 Grip Collection 72 $ 384 $173.00 P3-JZSN JazzWood Sonokeling 3 $15.00 $6.75 JZ-72 Jazz Collection 72 $ 384 $173.00 P3-JZTD JazzWood Tamarind 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-JZRS JazzWood Rosewood 3 $15.00 $6.75 EX-72 Exotic Collection 72 $ 432 $195.00 P3-JZPD JazzWood Padauk 3 $15.00 $6.75 Sculpted/Ivory Collection 72 $ 576 SI-72 $259.00 P3-JZMP JazzWood Maple 3 $15.00 $6.75 TR-72 Trillogy Collection 72 $ 384 $173.00 P3-JZTK JazzWood Teak 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-JZAC JazzWood Acacia 3 $15.00 $6.75 351 TONEWOOD PICK PACKS (3 Picks) P3-JZHM JazzWood Mango 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWEB ToneWood Ebony 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-JZBM JazzWood Bamboo 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWSN ToneWood Sonokeling 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWTD ToneWood Tamarind 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWRS ToneWood Rosewood 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWPD ToneWood Padauk 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWMP ToneWood Maple 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWTK ToneWood Teak 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWAC ToneWood Acacia 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWHM ToneWood Hawaiian Mango 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-TWBM ToneWood Bamboo 3 $15.00 $6.75 GRIP-SHAPED TONEWOOD PICK PACKS (3 Picks) P3-GREB GripWood Ebony 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-GRSN GripWood Sonokeling 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-GRTD GripWood Tamarind 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-GRRS GripWood Rosewood 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-GRPD GripWood Padauk 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-GRMP GripWood Maple 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-FXBC 3 $18.00 P3-GRTK GripWood Teak 3 $15.00 $6.75 FlexWood Brazilian Cherry $8.10 P3-GRAC GripWood Acacia 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-FXBB FlexWood Bubinga 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-GRHM GripWood Hawaiian Mango 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-FXRS FlexWood Rosewood 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-GRBM GripWood Bamboo 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-FXAH FlexWood American Hickory 3 $18.00 $8.10 Harris Musical Products, Inc. Phone 781-341-0776 Fax 781-341-0778 Toll Free 800-559-7425 EMAIL [email protected] WEB www.harrismusical.com EX-72 Exotic MODEL # MODEL DESCRIPTION Picks RETAIL COST Collection 351 PICKS: EXOTIC & VEGETABLE IVORY PACKS (3 Picks) P3-EXBN Exotic Buffalo Bone 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-EXBH Exotic Black Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-EXAH Exotic Amber Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-EXCO Exotic Coconut 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-IYNT Vegetable Ivory (Tagua Nut) 3 $24.00 $10.80 GRIP SHAPED EXOTIC PICK PACKS (3 Picks) P3-GRBN GripExotic Buffalo Bone 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-GRBH GripExotic Black Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-GRAH GripExotic Amber Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 TRILLOGY SAMPLER PACKS (3 Picks) P3-GRCO GripExotic Coconut 3 $18.00 $8.10 T3-Acoustic ToneWood Trillogy Acoustic 3 $15.00 $6.75 JAZZ III EXOTIC PICK PACKS (3 Picks) T3-Electric ToneWood Trillogy Electric 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-JZBN JazzExotic Buffalo Bone 3 $18.00 $8.10 T3-Ukulele ToneWood Trillogy Ukulele 3 $15.00 $6.75 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-JZBH JazzExotic Black Horn T3-GripAC GripWood Trillogy Acoustic 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-JZAH JazzExotic Amber Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 T3-GripEL GripWood Trillogy Electric 3 $15.00 $6.75 P3-JZCO JazzExotic Coconut 3 $18.00 $8.10 T3-GripUK GripWood Trillogy Ukulele 3 $15.00 $6.75 T3-JazzAC JazzWood Trillogy Acoustic 3 $15.00 $6.75 T3-JazzEL JazzWood Trillogy Electric 3 $15.00 $6.75 T3-JazzTR JazzWood Trillogy Tropical 3 $16.00 $6.75 T3-Exotic Exotic Trillogy Bone/Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 T3-GripEX GripExotic Trillogy Bone/Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 SCULPTED SERIES PACKS PACKS (3 PICKS/ Stone = 1) T3-JazzEX JazzExotic Trillogy Bone/Horn 3 $18.00 $8.10 P3-SCDR Sculpted Dark Rosewood 3 $24.00 $10.80 T3-SculptedWD Sculpted Trillogy Wood 3 $24.00 $10.80 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCRS Sculpted Rosewood T3-SculptedEX Sculpted Trillogy Exotic 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCWE Sculpted White Ebony 3 $24.00 $10.80 T3-HeartWD Sculpted Heart Trillogy Wood 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCLW Sculpted Lemonwood 3 $24.00 $10.80 T3-HeartEX Sculpted Heart Trillogy Exotic 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCTA Sculpted Turkish Argan 3 $24.00 $10.80 T3-Ivory Vegetable Ivory Trillogy 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCMA Sculpted Moroccan Argan 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCBN Sculpted Buffalo Bone 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCBH Sculpted Black Horn 3 $24.00 $10.80 BWC Metal Guitar Picks P3-SCAH Sculpted Amber Horn 3 $24.00 $10.80 Titanium, Copper, Brass, Steel, Aluminum & Mesh-Steel P3-SCSH Sculpted Striped Horn 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCCO Sculpted Coconut 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCHEB Sculpted Heart Ebony 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCHRS Sculpted Heart Rosewood 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCHPD Sculpted Heart Padauk 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCHMP Sculpted Heart Maple 3 $24.00 $10.80 Retail. $ 8.00/Pick >> Dealer Cost = $ 3.60 ea. P3-SCHBN Sculpted Heart Buffalo Bone 3 $24.00 $10.80 P3-SCHBH Sculpted Heart Black Horn 3 $24.00 $10.80 Retail • Tonewood Guitar Picks……..Retail $ 5.00-pick • Exotic Series Guitar Picks … Retail $ 6.00-pick P3-SCHAH Sculpted Heart Amber Horn 3 $24.00 $10.80 Prices • Flexwood Guitar Picks ...…. Retail $ 6.00-pick P3-SCCR Sculpted Stone - Crystal 1 $24.99 $11.25 • Sculpted Series (Wd + Ex.) ..Retail $ 8.00-pick P3-SCAG Sculpted Stone - Agate 1 $24.99 $11.25 P3-SCJP Sculpted Stone - Jasper 1 $24.99 $11.25 More Picks Coming in 2018 Harris Musical Products, Inc. Phone 781-341-0776 Fax 781-341-0778 Toll Free 800-559-7425 Harris Musical Products, Inc. Music Dealer Price List USA - 2018 49 Rose St. Stoughton, MA 02072 USA Phone (781) 341-0776 Fax (781) 341-0778 Number Harris Musical Products, Inc. 2018 Retail Dealer $ Picks by the Pound ® HPP-1000 The Original Pound of Picks (800++) $ 200.00 $ 49.99 HPP-100 Picks by the Pound ® - 100 Pack $ 20.00 $ 8.99 HPP-250 Picks by the Pound ®- 1/4 Pounder $ 50.00 $ 14.99 HPP-250DX Deluxe Quarter Pound of Picks $ 75.00 $ 22.49 HPP-1000DX Deluxe Pound of Picks $ 299.00 $ 79.99 Number Harris Musical Products, Inc. / 2018 Retail Dealer $ Picks by the Pound® DISPLAYS HPP-NB1 The Nashville Boot Countertop Display $ 300.00 $ 74.99 HPP-3000 Triple Pounder Countertop Display $ 600.00 $149.99 HPP-D1 Counter Pounder $ 250.00 $ 59.99 HPP-DX1 Deluxe Counter Display = 1000 PICKS $ 375.00 $ 99.99 Famous # 351 - Guitar Strings Retail Dealer $ SB-351-45 Bass Guitar String Set (Medium) w/ Bonus Pick in each Set $ 22.50 $ 6.75 SE-351-9 Electric Guitar String Set (Light) w/ Bonus Pick in each Set $ 6.65 $ 1.99 SE-351-10 Electric Guitar String Set (Reg) w/ Bonus Pick in each Set $ 6.65 $ 1.99 SA-351-12 Acoustic Guitar String Set (Light) w/ Bonus Pick in each Set $ 6.65 $ 1.99 SC-351-SP Classical String Set-Silver wound w/ clear trebles $ 6.65 $ 1.99 Feel no Fret - Guitar Capos & Pickups HF-6C Guitar Capo - Chrome $ 12.99 $ 4.99 HF-P60B Acoustic Guitar Pickup BLACK $ 39.99 $ 15.99 Smart Parts - Guitar Parts Retail Dealer $ HSP-BS25 Bone Composite Acoustic Saddles $ 2.99 $ 1.35 HSP-BSN25 Bone Composite Guitar Strat Nuts $ 3.99 $ 1.80 HSP-BN25 Bone Composite Acoustic Nuts $ 4.99 $ 2.25 HSP-GS25 Graphite Composite Guitar Saddles $ 3.99 $ 1.80 HSP-GSN25 Graphite Composite Strat Nuts $ 4.99 $ 2.25 HSP-GN25 Graphite Composite Guitar Nut $ 5.99 $ 2.70 Music Gifts MPAD ST ST Style Guitar Mouse Pad $ 9.99 $ 3.99 MPAD TL TL Style Guitar Mouse Pad $ 9.99 $ 3.99 HCK-G1 Guitar Alarm Clock $ 30.00 $ 15.00 HCK-V1 Violin Alarm Clock $ 30.00 $ 15.00 HGS-2020 Guitar Sunglasses (Black or Gold) $ 19.99 $ 10.00 RUG4x6 4’ x 6’ Guitar Area Rug **buy 5 get 1 FREE * $ 60.00 $ 30.00 Harris Musical Products, Inc. www.harrismusical.com Music Dealer Price List USA - 2018 800-559-PICK (7425) Oak Sticks by the Pound ® - OAK Retail Dealer STP Drumsticks Oak - Wood Tip $ 5.50 $ 1.79 STP-N Drumsticks OAK - Nylon Tip $ 6.00 $ 1.99 Maple Sticks by the Pound ® - Maple STPM Drumsticks 5A/Maple - Wood Tip $ 4.50 $ 1.49 STPM-N Drumsticks 5A/Maple - Nylon Tip $ 5.00 $ 1.69 STP-BK5A "BLACKJACKS" - 5A Rubber Handle Drumsticks $ 11.99 $ 3.99 Percussion STP-M1 Percussion Mallets $ 19.99 $ 7.50 STP-SSW Spaghetti Sticks w/ Wooden Handle $ 19.99 $ 7.50 Buckaroo Pro Percussion B-200 Buckaroo Cymbal Cleaner $ 14.99 $ 6.75 Harris Reeds & Recorders N-AS2 Narragansett Alto Saxophone Reeds (5-Pack)SIZE 2 $ 12.99 $ 5.85 N-AS25 Narragansett Alto Saxophone Reeds (5-Pack)SIZE 2.5 $ 12.99 $ 5.85 N-CR2 Narragansett Clarinet Reeds (5-Pack)SIZE 2 $ 9.99 $ 4.49 N-CR25 Narragansett Clarinet Reeds (5-Pack)SIZE 2.5 $ 9.99 $ 4.49 NR-8CL Narragansett Translucent Soprano Recorders $ 4.45 $ 1.99 RED=NR-8CL-R .PURPLE=NR-8CL-PP.BLUE=NR-8CL-BL.GREEN=NR-8CL-GR.
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