EARLIEST REPORTED POSTMARK (ERP) LISTING FOR THE POSTAL STATIONERY OF CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND a BNAPS Postal Stationery Study Group project coordinated by William C. Walton Published by the Postal Stationery Study Group of the British North America Philatelic Society, and Issued as Postal Stationery Notes, Special Issue No. 4. - June 1994 - Postal Stationer: Notes Special Issue No. 4 - June 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS Canada Regular Issue Envelopes .............................. ..... 1 Reeistered Envelope ..................................... 13 Private Order Envelopes .................................. 14 Regular Issue Letter Sheets ................................ 20 Private Order Letter Sheets ................................ 20 Private Order Multiple Forms .............................. 20 Post Bands and Wrappers ................................. 21 Precancelled Post Bands , Standard Precancels ................... 25 Private Order Post Bands ................................. 25 Air Letter Sheets ....................................... 26 Letter Cards ..................................... .... 29 Regular Issue Post Cards ................................. 31 Post Cards with Standard Prccancels ......................... 46 Miscellaneous Private Order Post Cards ....................... 47 Railway Advice Flimsies .................................. 49 Ontario Hydro Cards ....................... .... 50 Post Cards with Private Perforations or Roulettes ................. 51 Railway & Steamship Pictorial Post Cards ..................... 53 Official Stationery - Envelopes ............................. 69 Address Labels ......................... 70 Post Bands ............................ 70 P o st Ca rd s ..................... ...... 71 Election Envelopes ...................... 71 Newfoundland Envelopes ....................................... 75 Post Bands ................................. ... 75 Reply Letter Card ................................. 75 Post Cards ............................... .. 75 Registered Envelope Formulas ........................ 76 ERP Listing for the Postal Stationery of Canada and Newfoundland Postal Stationery Notes Special Issue No. 4 - June 1994 PREFACE The present list of Earliest Reported Postmarks (ERPs) was begun using dates provided by Bill Walton, who has coordinated the project. The first ERPs were listed on pane I of the First issue of Postal Stationery Notes, and hundreds of dates had been moved back by the time a preliminary list was distributed to Study Group members two years later. Through the 1980s, a large percentage of the members of the study group contributed new dates. Since the preliminary list was published in 1983, dates have been added for other stationery, including the special order envelopes, railway view cards and official stationery. Earlier dates for many other items have also been reported. It is anticipated the results of this project will soon be published as a handbook. Before that, however, it stems useful that all study group members have another chance to compare their dated material with the ERPs on the current list. It is hoped all members who have not recently checked their collections will do so. In some eras. more than 50% of the original target dates published more than ten years ago have not been changed! That said, more than ten earlier dates (on stationery ranging from the Victorian period to the Elizabethan) were recently found in the stock of a single dealer. Significant early dates have been found even in very small collections. If you have an ERP, please send a clear photocopy of the front and the back of the item either directly to Bill Walton (125 Turtleback Rd., Califon, NJ 07830, U.SA.), or c/o the editor of Postal Stationery Notes (Robert Lemirc, Box 2124 Deep River, ON, KOJ IPO, Canada). Please try to obtain photocopies that show the postmark clearly, and are adequate to avoid ambiguities as to the identity of the item (knife, die type etc.). To minimize confusion, ERPs for post cards on "soft thick stock" and for other paper varieties will usually not be changed unless the item is examined by Bill Walton. The list is printed in Webb Catalogue order. One section, the dates for the flimsy stock freight advice cards, remains to be addressed. A preliminary list will appear in PSN later this year. Earliest dates for these items (RKP series in Webb's) are requested. There may be some cases where reports of earlier dates have been submitted by members, but these dates do not appear in the list. There are several possible reasons for this. The photocopy may not have been adequate to allow absolute identification of the item. This has been a particular problem for items differing only slightly in colour, and for some paper and die varieties. The postmark on the photocopy may not have been clear enough to allow it to be recorded, or the postmark might have been open to interpretation as a later date. The photocopy may have been mislaid - over a period of more than ten years, it is very likely this has occurred in at least a few instances. Finally, an even earlier date may have been ascribed to the item in error. When an error is discovered, the ERP on the list reverts to the earliest date currently available to the compiler. Before the error ERP Listing for the Postal Stationer, of Canada and Newfoundland is discovered , photocopies bearinc postmark dates later than the error date may well be discarded . If your ERP is not listed, and you received no explanation , please try aeain. We thank Jean Walton for typing the list and incorporating the seemingly endless revisions. Postal Stationery Notes Special Issue No. 4 - June 1994 REGULAR ISSUE El(YELOPES OUEE8 YICTORIA 1860 The Nesbitt Issue EN1 e red, 1860 flap Feb 14, 1860 a 5C red , 1865 flap Sep 15. 1865 EN2 105 dark brown, 1860 flap Mar 22, 1860 1877 The First Dorinion Issue (18mm. batonne lines) EN3 1C blue, 5 1/2 x 3 1/8 (140x80) Dec 13, 1877 a as EN3, tongued flap May 18. 1878 EN4 35 red, 5 1/2 x 3 1/8 (140x80) Jan 12, 1878 a as EN4, tongued flap Dec 12, 1877 h 31 red, 5 7/8 x 3 3/8 (150x86) Nov 19, 1877 c as EN4b, torqued flap Dec 21, 1877 18.87-18967 The Second Dominion Issue (24-27mm. batonne lines) ENS 1C blue, 5 1 / 2 x 3 1/8 (140x80 ) Feb 1, 1888 a as ENS, wove paper Nov 20, 1896 b as ENS, laid . wmkd. Berkshire Dec 27, 1884 EN6 3C red, 5 1/2 x 3 1/ 8 (140x80 ) Oct 25, 18821 a as E86, wove paper Aug 18, 18922 e as EN6, laid , wmkd. Berkshire Jun 26. 1885 b 35 red, 5 7/8 x 3 3/8 (150x86 ) Aug 6, 18881 c as EN6b, wove paper (thin) Nov 13, 18932 as EN6b, wove paper (thick) Jan 23, 1895 f as EN6b, laid, wmkd. CPCo Jul 24, 1894 9 as EN6h, thick paper ? A cut square of either EN6 or EN6b Is known dated Sep 3, 1887. 2 A cut square of either EN6a or EN6c Is known dated Apr 28, 1892. ERP Listing for the Postal Stationery of Canada and Newfoundland 2 REGULAR ISSUE ERYELOPES , Cont'd OVEN VICTORIA, cont'd 1895 The Patriotic Oueen Issue EN9 2t blue green Jul 6, 1895 1898 The Widowed Queen Issue EN10 3t red Apr 29, 1898 a as EN10 , return notice Apr 16, 1898 1898-1903 The Toung Queen Issue EN11 It green, S 3/4 x 3 1/2 (146x88), cream Sep 1, 1898 as EN11, white Mar 16, 1901 a It green, 6 x 3 1/2 (152x88) Sep 1, 1904 EN12 24 violet Jan 5, 1899 CH13 21 red, 5 3/4 x 3 1/2 (146x88) Jan 23, 1899 a as EH13 , return notice Jun 22, 1899 h 24 red, 6 x 3 1/2 (152x88) Jul 8, 1903 1899 The 1899 Revalued Issue EN14 2( on 3? (EN4) Sep 8, 1899 1 2( on 3( (EH4a) b 21! on 3t (EH4b) Jan 19, 1903 c 2( on 3( (EH6) Mar 7, 1899 h 2t on 3t (EH4), capital C d 2( on 3t (EN6b) Mar 13, 1899 e 2t on 31 (EH6c) k 21 on 3t (EH6g) EN1S 2l on 3l (EH10) Mar 15, 1899 a 2l on 3( (EN10), capital C Sep 16. 1899 b 24 on 31 (EN10a) Feb 9, 1899 c 2t on 31! (EN10a), capital C Postal Stationery Notes Special Issue No. 4 - June 1994 3 REGULAR ISSUE EMYELOPES, Cont'd K1MG EDWARD Vll 1905 The Edward Issue EN16 1( green Apr 1, 1905 EN17 2( red Jan 13, 1905 KING GEORGE Y 1916-1921 The First George Y Oral Issue EN18 1( green Jan 9, 1917 EN19 It orange Dec 9, 1921 EN20 2t red Jul 20, 1916 EN21 2t green Jan 19, 1922 EN22 3t brown, thin flat loops Apr 22, 1921 a 3( brown, more rounded loops Dec 19, 1921 1923 The Typographed George Y Oral Issue ( 110 seams) EN23 I( orange Apr 21, 1923 EN24 2t green Dec 18, 1923 EN25 3t brown Feb 10, 1923 a 3t dark olive brown 1923-31 The Recet George Y Issue EN26 It orange 18 Dec 24, 1923 a It orange 110 Apr 10, 1924 EN27 It green 18 Feb 9, 1931 (Nov 17, 1930) a It green /10 Apr 9, 1931 •)Hon 17. 1930) EN28 2t green 18 Jan 24, 1924 b 2( green 18 English return notice Nov 18, 1926 c 2t green 18 French return notice Aug 9, 1927 a 2t green 110 Feb 21. 1927 ERP Listing for the Postal Stationery of Canada and Newfoundland 4 REGULAR ISSUE ENYELOPES , Cont'd KING GEORGE Y, cont'd 1923-31 The Recut George Y Issue , cont'd EN29 2d red /8 Nov 21 , 1930 '(Oct 24, 1930) a 2d red 110 Jan 24 , 1931 '(Nov 17, 1930) EN30 2( brown 1 8 Sep 21 , 1931 *(Jun 26. 1931) EN31 3d brown / 8 Nov 3, 1923 a 3d brown / 10 Dec 3, 1924 EN32 3d red / 8 May 22. 1924 a 3d carmine 18 Feb 20. 1924 c 3d red 18, bottom line 27 dots Mar 18, 1925 f 3d red 18, hottom line 36 dots Oct 9. 1924 d 3d red 110 Jun 24, 1925 Privately prepared postmarked examples with typewritten "first day' notations exist for these items, prepared by several individuals either In or with apparent connec- tions to the Post Office in Ottawa.
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