UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page Date 14/06/2006 Time 9:23:28 AM S-0899-0009-03-00001 Expanded Number S-0899-0009-03-00001 ™e Items-in-Middle East - country files - Jordan Date Created 23/02/1979 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0899-0009: Peacekeeping - Middle East 1945-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit sr Room No. — No de bureau Extension - Poste Date *" \\ ^— — 17 Dec. 1980 . FOR ACTION POUR SUITE A DONNER FOR APPROVAL X POUR APPROBATION FOR SIGNATURE X POUR SIGNATURE FOR COMMENTS POUR OBSERVATIONS MAY WE DISCUSS? POURRIONS-NOUS EN PARLER ? YOUR ATTENTION VOTRE ATTENTION AS DISCUSSED COMME CONVENU AS REQUESTED SUITE A VOTRE DEMANDE NOTE AND RETURN NOTER ET RETOURNER FOR INFORMATION POUR INFORMATION COM.6 (a-7B) THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 19 December 1980 Excellency, I wish to refer to your lette^" of 11 December 1980 and to your statement in riom: of reply in the plenary on 16 December concerning your objections to certain recent press releases/Issued by the Department of Public Information. In accordance with assurance given through the President of the Genera I have had both instances thoroughly restigated by Mr. Yasushi Akashi, Under-Secreta -General for Public Information, I have been informe the results of this investigation, and Mr. Akashi hasywritten to you in detail of his findings, As Mr. Akashi has already told you, these inaccuracies arose from inadvertent mistakes and the necessary steps have been taken to prevent their repetition. I sincerely hope that the? matter has therefore been clarified to your full satisfaction and I very much regret the trouble and inconvenience these unfortunate occurrences have caused you. Lease accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Kurt Waldheim His Excellency Dr. Hazem Nuseibeh Permanent Representative of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations New York THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 17 December 1980 Sir, I have the honour to refer to your objections to certain press releases issued by the Department of Public Information as conveyed in your letter of 11 December 1980, and your statement in right of reply in the plenary on 16 December. In accordance with ray assurance through the President of the General Assembly, I have had both instances thoroughly investigated by Mr. Y. Akashi, Under-Secretary-General for Public Information. I have been informed of the results of this investi- gation, and Mr. Akashi has written to you in some detail of his findings. Based on the conclusion of the inquiry, I would like to unequivocally reassure you that these unfor- tunate instances arose from inadvertent mistakes, and that there was no attempt whatsoever by any members of the Secretariat staff to deliberately distort the reporting in the press releases in question. Never- theless, corrective action is being taken with regard to the individuals concerned. I hope that the explanations provided to you will prove satisfactory, and I offer my personal apologies for the trouble this has caused. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. Kurt Waldheim His Excellency Dr. Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations New York PERMANENT MISSION OF THE B66 UNITED NATIONS PLAZA HASHEMITE KINGDOM DF JORDAN NEW YORK, N. Y. 1DD17 TO THE UNITED NATIONS TELEPHONE: PL 2-Q135-S December 11, 1980 Excellency: I wish to draw your attention to press release GA/6356 of 10 December 1980 containing excerpts from a statement made by Ambassador Blum of Israel in exercise of his right of reply in the course of the debate on Item 26 on "The Situation in the Middle East. " To my very big amazement, the press release stated presumably quoting some of the statement of the Israeli representative that "I had even quoted from the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion1, a spurious text put together in Czarist Russia. If the Assembly were to stop playing as 'mock Parliament' such virulent calumnies would have been ruled out of order." I was not present at the meeting and therefore, in no position to verify whether this distortion had actually been made by the representative of Israel or whether it had originated in the authors of the said press release. My statement on the Situation in the Middle East is available verbatim in the records of the United Nations and nowhere in my statement did I ever mention or refer to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" , If the representative of Israel had actually fabricated such an allegation then it is within his | jurisdiction and his habitual behaviour to disseminate blatant lies to which I shall have occasion to give the appropriate reply. If the representative of Israel had not stated that I had quoted the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" then, a very serious responsibility devol.es_uporL^^ the __ ' ~~ whom one would~expect as international servants rcise utmost integrity and honesty in reporting. Since I do not look upon this fabrication lightly, I would respectfully ask Your Excellency to direct that a thorough investigation be carried out to ascertain the""tru~tn~~or~~TfFie~ matter" I~f the editor of~tHe said press release had been responsbile for quoting the said fabrication, then I request that an ^investigation be carried out by the appropriate authorities artnfhe ~~ secretarlaTr~and that those responsbile should be brought to account for such serious libel. December 11, 1980 Page 2 I also expect that an official corregendum and apo_logy^_be sent__to__ine_ by those responsib~l^"fox this^reprehen^Tble act. Please accept, Excellency, .the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration. Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, New York Press Section United Nations, New Thirty-fifth General Assembly GA/6356/Corr.l 89th Plenary Meeting 17 December I960 AM SUMMARY ASSEMBLY ACTS OH UHIFIL FINAHCIMG, STAMP SPECIAL ISSUE SETS MARCH/APRIL 1981 FOR KEXT IAW OF SEA COHFEREHCE SESSION CORRECTION In Take 10 of Press Release GA/6J56 issued Wednesday, 10 December, the fifth and sixth sentences of the first paragraph, summarizing a right of reply by the representative of Israel, should read: "The crudest anti-Semitic slanders were uttered by the representative of .the Pales tin"ia'n~ Arab State of Jordan. This, of course,, is by no means the first time that Mr, Nuseibeh has revealed his warped mentality and embarassed this Assembly by drawing almost word for word from such /notoriously anti-Semitic works 35 the so-called"Protocols of the Elders of Zionj, a scurrilous fabrication published in Tsarist Russia at' the turn of the century^" *** * For information media - not an official recorc Thirty-fifth General Assembly GA./6366/Corr.2 96th Plenary Meeting 16 December 1980 EM SUMMARY GEEERAL ASSEMBLY CONCLUDES CONSIDERATION OF QUESTION OF FAIESTUtE CORRECTION In Take 7 of Press Release GA/6366 issued yesterday,, 15 December, the first sentence of the first paragraph should read: "HA.ZEM NUSEIEEH (Jordan), exercising his right of reply, said that he wished to know what it was that the representative of the United States had objgcted to in Jordan's morning_statement^ *3t* * For information media - not an official record r r, —.••~w—r~ .:.•! PERMANENT MISSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS PLAZA HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN NEW YORK. N, V. IDQIV TO THE UNITED NATIONS TELEPHONE: pu 2.Q13S-6 ME7/1405 - t " :~" February 2, 1981 Excellency: . I have the honour to convey a message which I received from the General Islamic Congress for Beitul- Maqdis (Jerusalem) at its latest meeting in Amman. This very ominous message is a further proof, if any is needed, of the occupying powers' unbridled and shameless transgressions against Islamic sanctuaries and leaders in the occupied West Bank including Jerusalem. The message reads as follows: "The General Islamic Congress for Beitul-Maqdis (Jerusalem) in Amman condemns the Zionist aggressions against the citizens of the occupied West Bank. Fur- ther to the deportation of the religious leader of Hebron and the two mayors of Hebron and Halhhoul, the Zionist occupying authorities arrested three Muslim religious preachers in Nablus and Toulkarm, accusing them of violating laws of Zionism in their own homeland. These acts were intensified lately to include the arrest of twenty (20) religious leaders and preachers of Muslims throughout the West Bank, including the Islamic Higher Council in Jerusalem. There is no explanation for these aggressions except deep-rooted hatred and racism practiced by Zionism and Zionist authorities against other faiths, peoples, humanity as a whole, as well as the curtail- ment of the religious freedom of other faiths. The Islamic Congress urges Your Excellency to use your good offices to stop the racial Zionist aggression against the Muslim religious leaders and to take appropriate steps with a view to ensuring their immediate release. Thank you for your positive cooperation and .concern. (SIGNED) THE GENERAL ISLAMIC CONGRESS FOR BEITUL- MAQDIS (JERUSALEM) AMMAN" February 2, 1981 Page 2 I request Your Excellency to initiate prompt measures to redeem this untenable and totally unjustified actions by the Israeli occupying power in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the norms of descent civilize behavior. I also request Your Excellency to circulate this message as an official document of the General Assembly under item 57 of the Provisional Agenda and of the Security Council. Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration. //. Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, New York 10017 smsK^fntavuMt^mmi" ww.wirirr"'??"''^^ t. PERMANENT MISSION DF THE UNITED NATIONS PLAZA HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN NEW YORK, N.
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