Legal Department Lisa S. Foshee Senior Corporate Counsel - Regulatory BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. 150 South Monroe Street Room 400 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (404) 335-0754 February 5,2003 Mrs. Blanca S. Bay6 Director, Division of the Comm,sion Cler and Administrative Services Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850 RE: FPSC Docket No. 000121A-TP Dear Mrs. Bayo: Enclosed is BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.’ s Data Disclosure Report for February 2003 in the above-referenced docket. I enclose the original and 15 copies for filing, along with an extra copy of this letter which I would appreciate your stamping “Filed” and returning to me. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Lisa S. Foshee C &) Enclosures cc: All Parties of Record Marshall M. Criser I11 461879 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Docket No. 000121A-TP I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served via U. S. Mail this 5th day of February 2003 to the following: Jason K. Fudge Scott A. Sapperstein Tim Vaccaro lntermedia Communications, Inc. Staff Counsel One lntermedia Way Florida Public Service M.C. FLT-HQ3 Commission Tampa, Florida 33647-1752 Division of Legal Services Tel. No. (813) 8294093 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Fax. No. (813) 8294923 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850 Tel. No. (850) 413-6181 Fax. No. (850) 413-6250 Charles J. Pellegrini [email protected] Katz, Kutter, Haigler, Alderman, Bryant 8t Yon, P.A. AT&T 106 East College Avenue Virginia C. Tate Suite 1200 Senior Attorney Tallahassee, FL 32301 1200 Peachtree Street Counsel for Intermedia Suite 8100 Tel. No. (850) 577-6755 Atlanta, GA 30309 Fax No. (850) 222-0103 Tel. No. (404) 8104922 pel leg rin i@katzlaw. com vtatematt.com Counsel for lntermedia [email protected] Verizon, Inc. Kimberly Caswell Peter M. Dunbar, Esquire P.O. Box 1 IO, FLTC0007 Karen M. Camechis, Esquire Tampa, FL 33601-01 IO Pennington, Moore, Wilkinson, Tel. No. (813) 483-2617 Bell & Dunbar, P.A. Fax. No. (813) 2234888 Post Office Box 10095 (32302) [email protected] 215 South Monroe Street, 2nd Floor Tallahassee, FL 32301 Nanette Edwards (+) Tel. No. (850) 222-3533 Regulatory Attorney Fax. No. (850) 222-2126 1TC"DeltaCom [email protected] 4092 S. Memorial Parkway Huntsville, Alabama 35802 Tel. No. (256) 382-3856 Fax. No. (256) 382-3936 [email protected] Brian Chaiken William Weber, Senior Counsel Supra Telecommunications and Covad Communications Information Systems, Inc. 1230 Peachtree Street, NE. 2620 S. W. 27thAvenue 19th Floor, Promenade II Miami, FL 33133 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Tel. No. (305) 4764248 Tel. No. (404) 942-3494 Fax. No. (305) 443-1078 Fax. No. (508) 300-7749 [email protected] vweber@Eovad .com Michael A. Gross John Rubino Vice President, Regulatory Affairs George S. Ford & Regulatory Counsel 2-Tel Communications, Inc. Florida Cable Telecomm. Assoc. 601 South Harbour Island Blvd. 246 East 6th Avenue Tampa, Florida 33602 Tallahassee, FL 32303 Tel. No. (813) 2334630 Tel. No. (850) 681-1990 Fax. No. (813) 2334620 Fax. No. (850) 681-9676 [email protected] [email protected] Joseph A. McGlothlin Susan Masterton Vicki Gordon Kaufman Charles J. Rehwinkel McWhirter, Reeves, McGlothlin, Sprint Davidson, Decker, Kaufman, et. al Post Office Box 2214 117 South Gadsden Street MS: FLTLHOOlO7 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Tallahassee, Florida 32316-2214 Tel. No. (850) 222-2525 Tel. No. (850) 599-1560 Fax. No. (850) 222-5606 Fax. No. (850) 878-0777 jmalothlinhmac-law.com [email protected] vkaufmanhmac-law.com Represents KMC Telecom Donna Canzano McNulty (+) Represents Covad MCI WorldCom, lnc. Represents Mpower 325 John Knox Road The Atrium, Suite 105 Jonathan E. Canis Tallahassee, FL 32303 Michael B. Hauard Tel. No. (850) 422-1254 Kelley Drye &Warren, LLP Fax. No. (850) 422-2586 1200 19th Street, N.W., Fifth Floor donna. [email protected] Washington, DC 20036 Tel. No. (202) 955-9600 Brian Sulmonetti Fax. No. (202) 955-9792 MCI WorldCom, Inc. jacanishkellevd rve.com 6 Concourse Parkway, Suite 3200 mhauard @ kellevd rve. com Atlanta, GA 30328 Tel. No. (770) 284-5493 Fax. No. (770) 284-5488 brian [email protected] Tad J. (T.J.) Sauder Mr. David Woodsmall Manager, ILEC Performance Data Mpower Communications, Corp. Birch Telecom of the South, Inc. 175 Sully's Trail 2020 Baltimore Avenue Suite 300 Kansas City, MO 64108 Pittsford, NY 145344558 Tel. No. (816) 300-3202 Tel. No. (585) 218-8796 Fax. No. (816) 300-3350 Fax. No. (585) 218-0635 [email protected] John D. McLaughlin, Jr. KMC Telecom Suzanne F. Summerlin, Esq. 1755 North Brown Road 1311-6 Paul Russell Road Lawrence, Georgia 30043 Suite 201 Tel. No. (678) 985-6262 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Fax. No. (678) 985-6213 Tel. No. (850) 656-2288 [email protected] Fax. No. (850) 656-5589 summer1in anetta Ilv. com Andrew 0. lsar Miller Isar, Inc. Dulaney O'Roark 111 (+) 7901 Skansie Avenue WorldCom, Inc. Suite 240 Six Concourse Parkway Gig Harbor, WA 98335-8349 Suite 3200 Tel. No. (253) 851-6700 Atlanta, GA 30328 Fax. No. (253) 851-6474 Tel. No. (770) 284-5498 [email protected] De.ORoarkamci .com Richard D. Melson Claudia E. Davant Hopping Green Sams & Smith AT&T Post Office Box 6526 State President Legislative and Tallahassee, FL 32314 Regulatory Affairs Tel. No. (850) 222-7500 101 N. Monroe Street Fax. No. (850) 224-8551 Suite 700 rickmahnss.com Tallahassee, FL 32301 Tel. No. (850) 425-6360 Renee Terry, Esq. Fax. No. (850) 425-6361 e.spire Communications, Inc. [email protected] 7125 Columbia Gateway Drive Suite 200 Columbia, MD 21046 Tel. No. (301) 3614298 Fax. No. (301) 3614277 Wayne StavanjaIMark Buechele Ann Shelfer Supra Telecommunications 1311 Executive Center Drive Suite 200 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Tel. No. (850) 402-0510 Fax. No. (850) 402-0522 (+) Signed Protective Agreement #237366 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Bennetf L Ross Legal Department General Counsel - Georgia 1025 Lenox Park Boulevard Suite 6C01 404 986 1718 Atlanta, GA 30319-5309 Fax 404 986 1800 bennett.rossG3bellsauth.com February 3,2003 DELIVERED BY HAND Mr. Reece McAlister Executive Secretary Georgia Public Service Commission 244 Washington Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30334-5701 Re: Investigation Into Development ojElectronic Intedaces for BellSouth ’s Operations Support Systems; Docket 83544 Peformance Measuremenis.for Telecommunications Interconnection, Unbundling and Resale; Docket No. 7892-U Dear Mr. McAlister: Enclosed for tiling please find an original and eighteen (18) copies, as well as an electronic version, of BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. ’s Data Disclosure Report for February 2003. I would appreciate your returning the three (3) extra copies stamped “filed” in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelopes. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. BLR:nvd Enclosures cc: Mr. Leon Bowles (w/enclosure) (via electronic mail) Mr. Patrick Reinhardt (w/enclosure) (via electronic mail) Parties of Record (w/enclosure) (via electronic mail) 4776291478012 DATA DISCLOSURE REPORT - FEBRUARY, 2003 0-9 (FOC Timeliness) PARTIES OF RECORD 8m-ui7a92-u Kristy R. Holley, Division Director Newton M. Galloway Consumers’ Utility Counsel Smith, Galloway, Lyndall & Fuchs 47 Trinity Avenue, S.W. Suite 400 First Union Bank Tower 4th Floor 100 South Hill Street Atlanta, GA 30334-4600 Griffin, GA 30229 404-656-3982 (0) 770-233-6230 (0) kristv. hollev@,cuc.oca.na.us nnallowavG2sdf-1aw.com Suzanne W. Ocklebeny Walt Sapronov AT&T Gerry & Sapronov, LLP 1200 Peachtree Street, NE Three Ravinia Drive Suite 8 100 Suite 1455 Atlanta, GA 30309 Atlanta, GA 30346-2 13 1 404-810-7175 (0) 770-395-9100 (0) sockleberrv@,att.com info@i)Pstelecomlaw.com Charles V. Gerkin Jr. Frank B. Strickland Attorney at Law Strickland Brockington & Lewis Suite 610 - PMB 307 [Counsel for e.spire] 4 135 LaVista Road Midtown Proscenium - Suite 2000 Tucker, GA 30085-5003 1 170 Peachtree Street. N.E. 770-414-4206 (0) Atlanta, GA 30309 Charles.gerkin@,attbi.com 404-885-5741 (0) fbsG2sbllaw.net Jeremy D. Marcus William Bradley Carver Blumenfeld & Cohen Alston & Bird LLP [Co-Counsel for Rhythm, aka ACI Corp.] One Atlantic Center 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. 120 I West Peachtree Street Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30309-3424 Washington, DC 20036 404-881-7000 (0) 202-955-6300 (0) bcarver@,alston.com- jeremv(i?>,technoloavlaw.com John P. Silk Daniel S. Walsh Georgia Telephone Association Attorney General Office 1900 Century Boulevard, Suite 8 Department of Law-State of Georgia Suite 8 40 Capitol Square, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30345 Atlanta, GA 30334- 1330 404-32 1-5368 (0) 404-657-2204 (0) j silk(ir>.gta.org dan.walsh(ii,law.state.aa.us 1 Eric J. Branfinan Harris R. Anthony Swidler & Berlin BellSouth Long Distance 3000 K Street, N.W. 400 Perimeter Center Terrace Suite 300 Suite 350 - North Terraces Washington, DC 20007 Atlanta, GA 30346 202-945-6940 (0) (770) 352-3 1 16 (0) [email protected] [email protected] Stephen S. Melnikoff Charles F. Palmer General Attomey - Regulatory Law Office Troutman Sanders LLP U. S. Army Legal Services Agency 5200 NationsBank Plaza Department of the Army 600 Peachtree Street, NE 901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 700 Atlanta, GA 30308-22 16 Arlington, VA 22203-1837 404-885-3402 (0) 703-696-1643 (0) [email protected] [email protected] Peter C. Canfield Nanette S. Edwards Dow Lohnes & Albertson Regulatory Attomey One Ravinia Drive, Suite 1600 1TC"DeltaCom Atlanta, GA 30346 4092 S. Memorial Parkway 770-901-8800 (0) Huntsville, AL 35802 [email protected] 256-382-3856 (0) nedwardsO,itcdeltacom.com Anne E. Franklin William R. Atkinson Amall Golden & Gregory, LLP Sprint Communications Company L.P. [Counsel for Broadslate, NorthPointe] 3065 Cumberland Boulevard 2800 One Atlantic Center Mailstop GAATLD0602 1201 West Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30339 Atlanta, GA 30309 404-649-4882 (0) 404-873-8536 (0) bill.atkinsonO,mail.sprint.com anne.franklin@,aw .com D.
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