UNIVERSITY OF KALYANI NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade Directorate of Open & Distance Learning Kalyani: 741235, Dist: Nadia West Bengal, India Phone: (033) 2502-2212/2502-2213 Admission Notice: 2018-19 The Directorate of Open and Distance Learning (DODL), University of Kalyani invites applications for admission to the following 2 year semester wise Post Graduate courses under the distance mode for the academic session 2018-2019: Sl. Courses Eligibility Criteria Programme Schedule No. 1 M.A. in Bengali Admission starts on 06.10.2018 2 M.A. in English Hons. / Spl. Hons. / through SB Collect General Graduate 3 M.A. in History (10+2+3) with qualifying Admission ends on marks in the subject 20.10.2018 4 M.A. in Education through SB Collect concerned carrying a 5 M.Sc. in Zoology total no. of at least 300 marks/ Pass Graduate 6 M.Sc. in Botany (10+2+2) with one- year Commencement of bridge course in relevant 01.12.2018 7 M.A./M.Sc. in Geography PCP subject. 8 M.Sc. in Mathematics Note: 1. A candidate with M.A subject is eligible to get admission in M.A in any other subject (other than M.A in Education) offered through Distance Education Mode irrespective of whether or not that subject was offered by him/her at the degree stage. But the candidates with M.A in any professional subject like Music, Drama, Flim Studies, Physical Education (M.P.Ed), General Education (M.Ed.) etc. will not be eligible to avail the provision. 2. In case of M.A in Education, Graduates or Post Graduates with B.Ed. or equivalent degrees are also eligible besides those who meet the above mentioned eligibility conditions. For M.A. courses, students can be admitted in the Head Quarter (KU Main Campus) along with approved 25 Study Centers. For M.Sc Courses, students can be admitted only in the (Head Quarter) KU Main Campus. Admission Process: 1) Applicants are advise to visit DODL website http:// dodl.klyuniv.ac.in/ for downloading Application and Enrolment forms and payment of course fee on and from 6th October,2018 to 20th October,2018. 2) For downloading Application and Enrolment forms, click “DODL: M.A/M.Sc. Part-I Admission, 2018-19” Application Form (consisting 2 pages) Enrolment (consisting 1 page) 3) Payment of Course fees: Online through “SBI Collect” (Steps are available at the DODL website: http:// dodl.klyuniv.ac.in from 06th October,2018). 4) After successful of online payment of Course Fee, duly filled in Application Form and Enrolment Form accompanied by 02 (two) Passport size colored photograph of the applicant, 02 (two) photocopies of e-receipt of payment of SBI Collect and other testimonials as mentioned in the Application Form are to be submitted to the DODL office or relevant approved study centers where he/she is being admitted. 5) Students are required to preserve Bank payment confirmation e-receipt carefully for future reference. Fees Structure: Information Total Sl. Admission Exam Enrolment Certificate Subjects Year Brochure Course No. Fees Fees Fees Fees Fees Fees 1st year 4,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 5,250.00 MA in 1 Bengali 2nd Year 4,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 5,050.00 1st year 4,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 5,250.00 M.A in 2 English 2nd Year 4,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 5,050.00 1st year 4,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 5,250.00 M.A in 3 History 2nd Year 4,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 5,050.00 1st year 4,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 5,250.00 M.A in 4 Education 2nd Year 4,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 5,050.00 1st year 19,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 20,250.00 M.Sc. in 5 Zoology 2nd Year 19,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 20,050.00 1st year 19,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 20,250.00 M.Sc. in 6 Botany 2nd Year 19,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 20,050.00 M.A/ M.Sc 1st year 19,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 20,250.00 7 in Geography 2nd Year 19,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 20,050.00 1st year 7,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 __ 8,250.00 M.Sc in 8 Mathematics 2nd Year 7,000.00 1,000.00 __ __ 50.00 8,050.00 a) Partly course fee (non refundable ) has to be deposited into the DODL, University of Kalyani A/c SB Collect through online SB Collect on and from 06th October, 2018 to 20th October, 2018 for 1st year Admission. Detail of which is furnished below: Partly course fee is to be deposited at Sl.No. Courses the time admission (06.10.2018 to 20.10.2018) 1 MA in Bengali 2,000.00 2 M.A in English 2,000.00 3 M.A in History 2,000.00 4 M.A in Education 2,000.00 5 M.Sc. in Zoology 5,000.00 6 M.Sc. in Botany 5,000.00 7 M.A/ M.Sc. in Geography 5,000.00 8 M.Sc. in Mathematics 3,000.00 b) Rest amount of course fee for 1st year has to be deposited into the DODL, University of Kalyani A/c SB Collect through online SB Collect on and from 05th November, 2018 to 25th Novemver,2018. Detail of which is furbished below: Rest amount of course fee is to be deposited on and Sl.No. Courses from 05.11.2018 to 25.11.2018 1 MA in Bengali 3,250.00 2 M.A in English 3,250.00 3 M.A in History 3,250.00 4 M.A in Education 3,250.00 5 M.Sc. in Zoology 15,250.00 6 M.Sc. in Botany 15,250.00 7 M.A/ M.Sc. in Geography 15,250.00 8 M.Sc. in Mathematics 5,250.00 Note: Rest amount of course fee is to be deposited into DODL,KU A/c SB Collect on schedule time, otherwise admission will be treated as cancelled. List of Recognized Study Centers of the DODL and Courses Offered: Name & addresses of Study Code Sl. No. Courses Offered Centres No. 1. M.A. in Bengali 2.M.A. in English KU MAIN CAMPUS (HQ) DODL BUILDING, 3. M.A. in History UNIVERSITY OF KALYANI POST- KALYANI 4. M.A. in Education 1 KU DIST- NADIA PIN- 741235 PHONE- 033- 5. M.Sc. in Zoology 25022212 6. M.Sc. in Botany 7. M.A. /M.Sc in Geography 8. M.Sc. in Mathematics DWIJENDRALAL COLLEGE, KRISHNANAGAR DIST. NADIA. PIN CODE: M.A in Bengali, English, History, 02 01 741101, PH. NO. 03472-642599 MOBILE: and Education 9434245262 HARINGHATA MAHABIDYALAYA, SUBARNAPUR, DIST. NADIA, PIN CODE: M.A in Bengali, English, History, 03 02 741249 PHONE: 03473 – 233318 and Education MOBILE:9433390180 SRIKRISHNA COLLEGE, BAGULA, DIST. M.A in Bengali, English, History, 04 NADIA, PIN CODE: 741502. PHONE: 03 and Education 03473-273812; MOBILE: 9564512976 SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE CENTENARY COLLEGE, LALBAG, DIST. MURSHIDABAD, M.A in Bengali, English, History, 05 04 PIN CODE: 742149. PHONE: 03482- and Education 270643/271272 DR. B. R. AMBEDKAR COLLEGE, BETAI, M.A in Bengali, English, History, 06 DIST. NADIA, PIN CODE: 741163. PH. 08 and Education NO. 03471 – 254110/254207 KANCHRAPARA COLLEGE, KANCHRAPARA, DIST. NORTH 24PGS. PIN CODE: 743145. M.A in Bengali, English, History, 07 10 PHONE: 2585-8790/5159; 8013228192, and Education 8981935785 S. R. FATEPURIA COLLEGE, BELDANGA, M.A in Bengali, English, History, 08 MURSHIDABAD--742133, PHONE: 03482- 11 and Education 264040/264240 NABADWIP VIDYASAGAR COLLEGE, M.A in Bengali, English, PUCATOLA ROAD, NABADWIP, DIST. 09 14 and History NADIA, PIN CODE: 741302. PHONE: 03472-240014; MOBILE: 9475148168 BERHAMPUR COLLEGE, 20, C. R. DAS M.A in Bengali, English, 10 ROAD, MURSHIDABAD-742101, PHONE: 16 and History (03482) 252545 SRIPAT SINGH COLLEGE, JIAGANJ, DIST. M.A in Bengali, English, History, 11 MURSHIDABAD, PIN CODE: 742123. 19 and Education PHONE: 03483-255351. PROF. S. NURUL HASAN COLLEGE, P.O. FARAKKA BARRAGE, DIST. M.A in Bengali, English, History, 12 22 MURSHIDABAD, PIN CODE: 742212 and Education PHONE: 9800255312 DUMKAL COLLEGE, P.O. BASANTAPUR DIST. MURSHIDABAD, PIN CODE: 742406 M.A in Bengali, English, History, 13 24 PHONE: 03481 230770; MOB: and Education 9733810820 SANTIPUR COLLEGE, P.O. SANTIPUR, DIST. NADIA. PIN CODE: 741404. M.A in Bengali, English, History, 14 26 PHONE: 03472-278028; MOB: and Education 9830307994 RANAGHAT COLLEGE, P.O. RANAGHAT, M.A in Bengali, English, History, 15 DIST. NADIA. PIN CODE: 741201. 27 and Education PHONE: 03473-215685 BETHUADAHARI COLLEGE, BETHUADAHARI, DIST. NADIA. PIN M.A in Bengali, English, History, 16 29 CODE: 741126. PHONE: 03474 255401; and Education MOB: 9477589473 PRITILATA WADDEDAR MAHAVIDYALAYA, PANIKHALI, P.O. DALUABARI, DIST. M.A in Bengali, English, History, 17 30 NADIA. PIN CODE: 741504. MOB: and Education 9477155133 / 9732154317 CHAPRA BANGALJHI MAHAVIDYALAYA, M.A in Bengali, English, History, 18 P.O. BANGALJHI, DIST. NADIA, PIN 32 and Education CODE: 741123. PHONE: 03474-271108 JATINDRA RAJENDRA MAHAVIDYALAYA, P.O. AMTALA, DIST. MURSHIDABAD. PIN M.A in Bengali, English, History, 19 33 CODE: 742121. PHONE: 03482-247244 / and Education 247107 RANI DHANYA KUMARI COLLEGE, P.O.
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