I at CENTER »TnR>\ THE SHOPFTHG Tf^v J.K tst I White Petticoats Corset Coirers, Daintily Trim- II 00 and $1.19 med I, Special, 59c I . - le Muslin Petticoat* with em- Of sheer in nscloth and batiste The lacA I .a'.$.1; and beautiflert w ith rib- broidery flounce an d protecting "drop.'' At $1.19 embroidery trlmmlngi B iSuym Hie White Sateen I with ruffle bona. Some wit!i ribbon stiouldei straps. Won- B A ofAll 1918 II' WLili A T.T.ftfFD 'ettiooat*, pleated .to derful values at 59c. Ilaricain llimrmrat, B tleventh and C Streets are d Ranrmrai. only if Clearing E1677 JUL Both extra %oo values. Ranrnln DresseseducedPrices I * r; GARMENTS OF 1UNUSUAL BEAUTY I | 5 At $2, Ureat Januatry Salles Now in :1P $15, 3.50, $47.75 arkable Reductions At $47<:75.At this choose from the price I 5rices on AH Our - resscs our All - / i-. \ Finest D from regular stocks. at I an in ss F| crepe. Each exclusiveMostGeorgette Readines for Our Gre* d not to be duplicated in Washington. U" oys' Suits prices were up to S85. Tomorrow, ^4 [ Overcoats 75.Charming models assembled hat? large racks. Shown in sizes for worn- nisses. Fashioned of de chines, crepe fjovs> $j0.00 Mackinaws, sizes 8 to 12, Silk 5 e crepe and combinations. Colors are reduced tr $6.95 .......mary lues and black. Former prices were up L___ Tomorrow, $23.75. Boys' $12.50 to $15.00 Mackinaws, sizes 8 /"V f \ £~ to 14, reduc ed to$8-95 TO -41 to $20 Value Mackinaws sizes nl/» f FI a Im#II 00.A lot of ^ " \ )0 Worth Silks splendid pleated 8 toT/* re" iced to $11.95 Brand-New Chine Dresses, in navy, taupe, brown, Boy*' $10.00 Value Norfolk Suits, with A _ ^*#1 . That Makes This Ever i One-of-a-kind models in sizes lined knick ers. sizes 7 to 18. reduced Exposition and Sale Extrctordinary gray. ' $6.95 en : the of the Palais and misses. Former prices were Bovs' $1250 Value Norfolk Suits, sizes One of the Most Important in History Royc= $29.50. Tomorrow, $15. 7 to 18, rediiced to $8.45 \ i \ I Little B01 $10 to $1250 Overcoat., sizes W c have made extentiive preparations for this initial There is this to be said about this wiinclfitus show- JM iced to new vear ar of are the best V .... ^,qs sale of the id again demonstrate that the ing authentic spring styles: They ort Plush at II Little cs' $4.95 to $5.95 Grade Novelty , r , Coats, $29.50 Bo;ion and Ii.nior Norfolk styles. W3V tO TCSUltS; is to their oi the American silk 10orris. This is a Jfl lionable Coats of Salt's Peco in Suits, in K aCCOmpllSh attempt products truly Plush, with straig lit lined pants, sizes 3 to 5. ic- niCllt. reams COl he written about the wonderful of new silks t hat will in _ | black^ liitied with Sol satin, have shawl collar of Though accomplishedbeauty showing' repay you i^H 7\ coney fi ir. Belted-all-around models, in sizes 16 and unusual value of the se silks, the facts herewith set countless ways to attend. The m<ist important silk sale \ I1 S to 38. IJnusual value at $29.50 LittIe B(oys' $5.95 to $7.95 Suits, 3 forth will more demonstrate the Palais we have ever held. Start the ne year right by to 5, redu< siz^s~cd to clearly Royal 1 title as the Premier Silk !Store of Washington. chasing your silks at the Palais Ri puroval. $75 and $85 Cloth Coats $45, $49 and $60 Cloth Coats >5 Sweaters, reduced to $1-95 [Handsome models of crystal ^ All very unusual values. -> Boya' $3.95 Sweaters, reduced to $2.95 f| cord, suede, velour and Shown in plain or fur-trimmed Boya' $4.1>5 and $5.95 Sweaters, re- A silverjg styles. Made of silvertone, a _ _ duced to tone; full silk lined and * ' wool re- 1 $^0 velour or Normandie JO Boys' $6.1>5 and $7.95 Sweaters, "\9 Plain iSilks i trimmed Yards of ir warmly interlined; cloth; half and full *JtJ to $<.95 I «jj lined; duced Rich with large collars of Hudson loose back or full belted Boya' $53>5 Rainv-day Outfits, Coat and A . t Fi seal fur. Extra special at styles, in all sizes and colors. Hat, reduce d to$j.<5 ^ Actual Values $2 to $3 yard. Thiis Remarkable Assortment Compirises: ^ Boya' $73>5 Rainv-dav Outfits, Coat and \ § g*§\ t'hiffo>n Taffeta.Offered in the folic shades: Cadet, blue bird, mint, new 1 I Palais Iloyal.Third Floor. to $4.45 nil :>wing $ ||a^ reduce :d , tan. f?Q 1'nlnln Rnynl.Third Floor JL Vt/ IOI CSt, J)Iljm, light blue, old rose, lilac, piiik. light gray, Copenhagen, putty, brown, I l/tr ] navigato r blue, navy, ivory and black. Also included are: 1918 ierwear Changeable Taffet o «« C omkln atinnc nf Shower=Proof of Nations Muslin Un< 40=in Crepe de Chil COPEN AND TAN. I'URPLE AND CHARTREUSE. Foulards 'ifl Sale for di An always popular fabric I1* 40 Inches Wide.Extra H J d|waists,J etc. An excellent quality mate- AND BLUE. C"OPEN AND CERISE. Special 10,000 Articles That Dressmakers r BROWN g at riCcS* * rja; Wxt.h rich crepy appearance and and Women Who Sew Will Find Greatly Reduce BLACK AND BLUE. C"ERISE AND GREEN Made ,>y the fore- ] » g Many Wonderful Values Are Offered on ! and The following shades are offeired: BLUE AND GREEN. F ETC. most toyilard fer an Opportunity to Save Money On.Of_ Styles Qualities I I H~C., facturers the Unitedman']in States. The designs That Cannot Be Excelled Anywher e at the Prices , ^ Prices Are for J ender. Cell. Orchid. Taffeta reme in black j are ail e:nclusive with \ O OA * These Every effort is being ma de to clean out our entire stock Sup t h p Ph. lais Royal. i:...., Piaque. Peach, Tan, Old j- W/J*# Monday Only.Remember1 MP# of 1918 goods before placing the new season s line in stock, Rose. Plum. Castor, £ * An excellent wearing grade, beautifully finished. Shown m ostly in dark hence we have made si reductions in price. Silver Copen. I grounds. with con- f 1 many harp Gray, < patterns. A each 39c sa IS of " Satin in unusual * leteor 50c and Nicrhto-nwns *" Handsome cXcuIn Sanitary Aprons, iN V V JLM1U1 29c Envelope Chemii "©"""O V> IMrt.il M-, cl , ait Bird's-Eye Sanitary Napkins, MlA;wonderful assortmei of dainty un-1 dor Blue. Marine. BEIGE. KING'S BLlJE. LIGHT GRAY. 25c Hickory Corset Garters, pair, 19c made of finest na and batiste. ry' ^inB s Blue, Cream, I jS.f / dergarments, dl 1 f\0 Ivoinsook GREEN. 10c and 12c English Pin Sheet. 200 count, 9c A/ Hn / in P'nk and white; some hav e silk yokes, hand J- m I UA| White. Foliage Green, BEAVER. RUSSIAN G EMPIRE meritiREEN.An m* Pin black and white, each, 9c /s\lVI ft /|f /r,embroidered;/ others elaborately trimmed with * V V Black. Taupe. Havana BROWN. 4U=inich Satin Dansant 12c Cubes, Brown.Iff COPEN. STEEL GR."iY. SEAL {M Best Machine 7c 4ace and embroidery. Rare va at $1.98 each.' Jueg A Beautiful Assortment of Colors i A 10c Quality Oil, /,1\ t,]/ Jjj TP) 'hHB RESEDA. PEKIN BLlJE. WISTARIA. 19c Machine Straps, each, 15c 69c for *£ 10c Quality Snap Fasteners, 7c /yn77rrtr\ / / Underwear at $1.50 Boudoir Caps, Beautiful Wash Satiins, TAUPE. GOLDEN BJiOWN. PLUM. Desirattie dance t , Superior I Vs^ . or AT,y f unctions that attractive collection Odd lot of Dainty Laps, a, j d», n r fl 5c Superior Quality Thimbles, 2 for 8c I \ «J tI t If I si de IVORY. NAVY. BLACK. require the ultra in 3c 1 I In H \l S\ Ms comprising gowns, skirts and made ot lace, net. crepe Ipl.Oy 311(1 Jpl.79 VaT d ; 5c 60-inch Tape Measures, each, enve'°Pe chemise. Excellentl> *' <>*' »« «» »« <« « >ard ihades. gr 15c Irons, with wooden handle, 11c l \/l II V .-\"'V" U made of quality ' "ruf'sati possessingBeaun. Curling \\l 1 '/ V \ / \ good SX* IS "«,. Other Fashionsible Silks Included: the glow of moonlight 10c Lingerie Tape, fast colors, 7c I' \\ A I \e/ fl terials, ValuesI.e. We are '^"T (A OA H- 6c Mercerized 2 9c ma\t-g »o"'R WASH SATIN in flesh arid SATIN DE LUXE in Wedge- upon the water. Shown y *r < J W ft" w| Darning Cotton, spools, ta* I W Corset Covers, 69c wood 'ascin ating shades, t/ » 35c Boys' Knee Caps, pair, 19c Jst) TSa Smart Smocks, $1.98 rXusX*Vih%"«n white, blue, rild rose, ^ S 5-5. 6-4 2 8c J I / -J\» Also Good Quality .flesh and white f « SATIN IMPERIAL in nav y SATIN SUBLIME in navy pink. '.p 5e 1-4, Shoelaces, pairs, -fly velope Chemise, made of soflEn/ Attractive styles in smocks Beautiful finishes that j «P I /?/J j cyh ba,Bu(J libsienna, ' char- 10c Dutch Linen 2 for 15c . ' IT «» in white and colors; neat f * Mnr#eiUa ise, B Tape, nainsook, prettily trimmed1 will remain after se- < OJ blue, . t a rrrr a \ in colors, sizes 10 i-. i I /-dcd'c TAFFETA in navy treuse, silver gray. L7c Tubular Corset Laces, 2 pairs, lie II a I w'th lace and embroidery smocks t.hhini_ on,pnfiM bAlliM uutncssc in ivory, CREPE Silk Corset assorted 29c ratals Royal.
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