The Durfee Record Senior Class PUBLISHED B Y B . M . C. Durfee Hígh School 1912 To Principal George F. Pope : This book isrespectfully dedicated , as a mark obymembersfteem thees of the class of 1912. Principal George F . Pope e Faculty GEORGE FREDERICK POPE, A . M . Principal . Mathematics. WILLARD HENRY POOLE, A . B . Vice-Principal Physics and Chemistry . HANNAH REBECCA ADAMS, English . DAVID EMERSON GREENAWAY, A . B . History and Civil Government EMILY ELLEN WINWARD , French . WILLIAM JOHN WOODS, S. B ., Mechanics DAVID YOUNG COMSTOCK, A . M ., Latin . and Drawing . SAMUEL N . F. SANFORD, Secretary an d Librarian . JAMES WALLIS, Commercial Department . CHARLES FREDERIC WELLINGTON , A . B . GERTRUDE MARY BAKER, English . Assistant Secretary . HARRIET ANTHONY MASON SMITH, French . HELEN HATHEWAY IRONS, B . L ., French . ASA ELDRIDGE GODDARD, A . M ., Mathe- LENA PEASE ABBE, A. B ., Algebra . matics, Astronomy and Geology . FLORENCE ESTHER LOCKE, A. B ., German . HARRIET TRACY MARVELL, A. B . , Physiography, Physiology, Reviews . HARRIET DAVIS PROCTOR, A. B ., German and English . HERBERT MIL LER CHACE SKINNER, S. B . Mechanics and Drawing . ANSEL SYLVESTER RICHARDS, A . M . , English . EUNICE ALMENA LYMAN, A . B ., History . SUSAN WILLIAMS STEVENS, German an d CHARLES ADAMS PERRY, Mechanics an d Mathematics . Drawing. ROBERT REMINGTON GOFF, A . B ., Mathe- CECIL THAYER DERRY, A . B ., A . M . matics . Greek and Latin . JOHN SMITH BURLEY, PH . B ., English. BLANCHE AVELINE VERDER, B . S ., English WILLIAM WILSON GARDNER, A . B., English and History. and Mathematics . ALICE GERTRUDE LANGFORD, A. B ., Lati n LINDA RICHARDSON, A . M ., History and and History. Latin . WILLIAM DUNNIGAN MORRISON, A. B., ALICE BOND DAMON, A. B ., Botany an d Mathematics . Zoology . English . CHARLES FRENCH HOWLAND, A . M . Com- MABELLE EDITH DAVIS, mercial Department . LYDIA ANN SLADE, PH . B ., German . Record Staff Editors LEON L . McGRADY ALBERT F. MUNROE Assístant Editors WINTHROP S. WARREN INEZ W. SHAW MARIAN EDDY CARLTON S. DURFEE EDWARD L . O'BRIEN ISABEL F. ADAMS Business Managers EARL T. WYATT HUMBERT W. ZIROLI Contents PAGES Class Pin 1 B. M . C . Durfee High School 2 Title Page . 3 Dedication 4 Principal George F . Pope 5 The Faculty 6 Record Staff . 8——7 9 Class Officers and Committees 1 1 Who's Who 12—1 3 Members of the Class 14—93 Editorials 94—9 5 In Memoriam 96 Delta Gamma Sigma Fraternity 97 "Statistics" 98 "The Princess Bulbul" 99—101 Premier Staff 102—103 Football 104—105 Basketball 106—107 Track .108—109 Baseball 110—11 1 Hall of Fame .112—11 3 Officers of Cadet Battalion 114 The Orchestra 11 5 The Forum 116—11 7 Jokes 118—11 9 Our Calendar 120 Class Day 121—129 Graduation . 130 Class Officers and Committee s LEON LEMPERTPresídent McGRAD Y Vice-President EVERETT HASKINS FRANCIS Secretary Treasurer LAURA VESTAL Mr . ASA E. GODDARD Class Play Committee LEON LEMPERT McGRADY, Chairman HELEN JULIA ARMSTRONG CARLTON SISSON DURFEE, Treas. MILDRED LILLIAN DUNHAM EVERETT HASKINS FRANCI S AUGUSTA LOUISE THOMPSON EVERETT GRANT SMITH HAZEL ADELE KIDD, Pianist Class Picture Committee ARTHUR HAROLD REED, Chairma n MARIE GEORGINA CHOUINARD LURENA PHILLIPS RICHARD McMILLAN THACKERY WARREN WILKINS NUTE e Committe Musíc HUMBERT WILLIAM ZIROLI, Chairman HAZEL ADELE KIDD LURENA PHILLIPS HELEN GOLDEN DOWER LIDA GERTRUDE GIFFORD Who's Who ISABEL F . ADAM S Assistant Editor of the "Record" . WALTER R. BRITLAN D Manager Football Team—1911 . EDWARD F. CAREY Manager Track Team 1910 . Manager Football Team 1910 . CARLTON S. DURFEE Assistant Editor of the "Record" . MARIAN EDD Y Assistant Editor of the "Record" . LEVI ESTES Vice-President of the Athletic Association 1911—12 . EVERETT H . FRANCI S Vice-President—Class of 1912 . Captain of Co . A., H . S. Cadets . DOROTHY GIFFOR D President of Girls' Athletic Association . Vice-President of the Forum. JOSEPH F. HALLORAN Captain of the Track Team-1911 -' 12 . CHARLES E . HATHAWA Y Second Lieutenant Company A ., H . S. Cadets. JOHN M . HENNESSY Secretary Athletic Association—1911—'12 . SOPHIE F. LOEFF Assistant Editor of the Premier . BERNARD. J . McDONAL D JR Manager Basketball Team-- 1911—12. Captain Baseball Team . President of the Class of 1912. LEON L. McGRADY Secretary of the Athletic Association-1910- ' 11 . Athletic Editor of the "Premier" . Editor of the "Record" . ALBERT F . MUNROE , Editor-in-Chief of the "Premier" . Editor of the "Record" . EDWARD L . O'BRIEN Assistant Editor of the "Record" . ARTHUR H . REE D Manager Baseball Team-- 1912. Secretary of the Forum--1910—11 . INEZ W . SHAW Assistant Editor of the "Record" . FREDERICK W . SHAY President Athletic Association --1911-12. EVERETT G. SMITH Major, High School Cadets. RICHARD M . THACKERAY First Lieut. Co. A., High School Cadets . A. LOUISE THOMPSO N Secretary Girls' Athletic Association . LAURA VESTAL Secretary of the Class of 1912 . WINTHROP S. WARRE N President of the Forum 1911—12. Assistant Editor of the "Record" . EARL T . WYATT Business Manager of the "Record" . HUMBERT W. ZIROLI Business Manager of the "Record" . 14 THE DURFEE RECOR D Leon Lempert McGrad y LIAS "Mac" has been the most hustlin g President of any class in our school history ! A —Naturally! A medium sized fellow wit h a large cranium holding a still larger brain he coul d do no less . Large cranium does not mean exag- gerated ego or in simpler language "Iism" . In fact he is the personification of modesty yet possess - ing withal sufficient self confidence to tide him ove r the waves of adversity . Beantown being the hom e of brainy men it was quite proper that Leon Mc - Grady should be born there, which event occure d August, 1893 . When at the age of ten years, dressed in short trousers, a lovely little Lord Faunteleroy blous e and "postage stamp cap" he entered the Highland School, he continued to demonstrate his precocity . Upon receiving his parchment he set sail on th e tempestuous seas of a high school career . The year 1911 saw him elected president of the class . H e set to work at once unifying the members . His accomplishments in 1912 require no enumeration here . Electrical engineering will be his life work, in preparation for which he will enter M . I . T., Leon Lempert we wis h you well ! Everett H. Francis popular officer of our Cadet battalion is Captain Everett Francis of Co . A. He A is an absolute necessity at all social function s connected with the school . A candidate for president of our class, h e gave our present illustrious official, Mr . McGrady a close run for the honor, and was elected vice - president, in which capacity he has served th e class admirably . Everett is a Technical student with aspira- tions toward Worcester Polytechnic Institute, an d there is little doubt that he will succeed as notabl y there in his studies as he has here at Durfee, wher e he is generally known as a persevering student. It would seem that his particular little weak- ness is "sitting out" dances, and to judge fro m numerous comments he is remarkably expert at it . Everett is a very attractive appearing officer , and excites much admiration when drilling his company . The class will extend to him only th e best wishes for success in the new school which he expects to attend. THE DURFEE RECORD 1 5 Laura Vestal L AURA first opened her serious peepers i n Fall River on February 6, 1894 . High - land grammar school was responsible fo r her efficient preparation for Durfee. Laura is a naturally good student and is equally active in the social life of the school . In her junior year she was elected class secretary . In the class oper- etta she took the part of a house-maid . Her sunn y smile is always in evidence . Perhaps this smile and her winning dimple are partly accountable for her popularity among her fellow classmates . Laura is very fond of music and reading, and muc h of her spare time is spent in the pursuance of thes e two pleasures. No doubt more of her time will be devoted to the study of music after graduation . Everett Grant Smith EVERETT Grant Smith was heralded int o this world on May 28, 1894 amid grea t cheering for he was to he the Major o f the cadets in the B. M . C. Durfee High school . Military images and tin soldiers were his play- things in youth, and he has acquired after much drilling, a magnificent and commanding voice . He received his diploma from the Davenpor t grammar school and joined our soldiers when h e entered Durfee. He has the honor of being th e bravest man in the class . As a soldier? Well, per- haps, but we refer to his social bravery . We can say on good authority that he was the first in th e class to sport a dress-suit, and numerous socia l marks have shown us his courage . He has made a great success of the Cadet Battalion this year . As a member of the Class Play Committee he wa s a valuable asset . We wish the Major success i n his military career . 16 THE DURFEE RECOR D Albert Foster Munroe T would seem almost impossible for Durfee to d o without Albert . He is the source of many I marvelous ideas, sometimes they materialize , other times they do not . From experience we have learned that he i s rather too optimistic. As Editor in Chief of th e Premier he has made himself famous . He is a typical newspaper man with a generous supply o f nerve. This faculty he sometimes used in schoo l hours, engaging in discussions which often amused his listeners. At the Highland School, Albert wa s noted for absent-mindedness and even now he ha s lapses of his old delinquency .
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