ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY VOLUME 25 * JUNE 1984 NUMBER 6 Leon H. Schmidt, Editor in Chief (1985) George A. Jacoby, Jr., Editor (1985) University ofAlabama in Birmingham Massachusetts General Hospital Birmingham Boston Herbert L. Ennis, Editor (1987) Robert C. Moellering, Jr., Editor (1987) Roche Institute ofMolecular Biology New England Deaconess Hospital Nutley, New Jersey Boston, Massachusetts Robert L. Hamill, Editor (1985) John A. Washington II, Editor (1986) Eli Lilly & Company, Inc. Mayo Clinic Indianapolis, Indiana Rochester, Minnesota Peter G. Welling, Editor (1988) Warner-Lambert Co. Ann Arbor, Michigan EDITORIAL BOARD Norris Allen (1986) Robert J. Fass (1985) Stuart B. Vincent T. Andriole (1984) Stuart Feldman Levy (1986) Merle Sande (1985) John P. Anhalt (1984) (1985) Friedrich C. Luft (1984) Christine C. Sanders (1984) Bascom F. Anthony (1985) Sydney Finegold (1985) Joan Lusk (1986) W. Eugene Sanders (1984) Robert J. Fitzgerald (1986) R. Luthy (1986) W. Michael George R. Aronoff (1986) Martin Forbes (1986) Francis L. Scheld (1986) Robert Austrian (1986) Dale Macrina (1985) Jerome J. Schentag (1985) Richard N. Gerding (1985) Gerald L. (1986) Raymond F. Schinazi H. Baltz (1984) David Gilbert (1984) R. MatzkeMandell (1986) Rashmi H. Barbhaiya (1986) J. Glazko Gary (1986) Fritz D. Schoenknecht (1986) Arthur L. Barry (1986) Anthony (1984) George H. McCracken (1984) F. C. Sciavolino (1985) Irving H. Goldberg (1985) Gerald Medoff (1986) William John D. Bartlett (1984) Richard H. Gustafson (1984) Michael M. Shannon (1986) Michael Barza (1985) Jack Miller (1984) Charles Shipman, Jr. (1985) John E. Bennett (1984) Gwaltney (1986) Barbara Minshew (1985) Robert W. Sidwell (1984) Scott M. Hammer (1986) Bernard Moss (1984) P. Frederick Richard F. Bergstrom (1985) W. Lee Hand (1986) Thomas P. Sparling (1984) Gerald P. Bodey (1986) H. Hunter Moyer (1986) Harold Standiford (1985) Lawrence E. Bryan (1985) Handsfield (1986) Barbara E. Murray (1984) David A. Stevens (1986) Maurice W. Harmon (1984) John D. Nelson (1986) R. Sutherland Ward Bullock (1984) Joseph Hawkins, Jr. (1985) Harold C. (1985) Tsun Chang (1986) Michael Neu (1986) Vera L. Sutter (1984) Anthony Chow (1985) Higgins (1986) James T. Park (1985) Morton N. Swartz (1985) C. Richard Hornick (1986) James E. Pennington (1986) Richard B. Sykes Glenn Cobbs (1986) George Gee Jackson (1986) T. J. Perun (1985) Paul S. Cohen (1986) James H. (1986) Francis P. Tally (1984) William A. Jorgensen (1984) Lance R. Peterson (1985) Alexander Tomasz Craig (1984) William J. Jusko (1986) Burton M. Pogell (1984) (1985) Naomi Datta (1984) A. W. Karchmer (1985) Michael Ralph Tompsett (1985) Lawrence E. Day (1986) Donald Rein (1986) Francis L. S. Tse (1986) William E. Dismukes (1984) Kaye (1985) W. H. G. Richards (1986) Michael Waring (1984) R. George S. Kobayashi (1985) Richard Roberts (1985) Bernard Gordon Douglas, Jr. (1986) Donald J. Krogstad (1986) Ian M. Weisbium (1985) John C. Drach (1984) Felix Rollo (1985) Richard M. Welch (1986) Theodore Leitner (1986) Richard Root (1986) Richard Wise Eickhoff (1985) Stephen A. Lerner (1986) John P. Rosazza (1986) Gertrude B. Elion (1984) Matthew E. Levison (1986) Lowell Young (1985) Arthur English (1986) (1984) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1985) Pauline K. W. Yu (1985) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Linda M. Illig, Peter III, Director ofPublications Managing Editor, Journals Deborah J. Shuman, Production Editor Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ISSN 1913 I St., NW, 0066-4804), an interdisciplinary publication of the American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all aspects of anticancer agents and chemotherapy. Instructions to authors are published in antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and editors and the Publications Department. the January issue each year; reprints are available from the into two Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $157 per year; single copies are divided (foreign, $41 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. $21. 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Copyright © 1984, American Society for ii All Rights Reserved. Microbiology. H*: 14ltS* e ;11wl* ( Fl4u. The code at the top of the first page of an made for article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, may be per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 however, that the copier pay the stated 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. distribution, for Author Index Ackerman, Bruce H., 785 Gotoh, Akira, 754 Malewicz, B., 772 Stachowski, Michael, 778 Actor, Paul, 694 Grappel, Sarah F., 694 Momsen, M., 772 Strikas, Raymond, 778 Apolloni, E., 760 Grossman, Dena M., 690 Morrison, Joan O., 725 Sun, Chong-Son, 729 Arosio, E., 760 Guymon, L. F., 767 Myers, William F., 690 Tannenbaum, Charles S., 673 Baron, Ellen J., 781 Hastie, Annette T., 673 Neu, Harold C., 687 Thornsberry, Clyde, 710 Barry, Arthur L., 710, 775 Higgins, Michael L., 673 Neut, C., 764 Tofte, Robert W., 785 Bayer, Arnold S., 725 Hindler, Janet A., 781 Bedows, Elliott, 719 Benoni, G., 760 Jakas, Dalia R., 694 Parr, Thomas R., Jr., 747 Ubukata, Kimiko, 754 Borowski, E., 772 James, Philip R., 735 Parrillo, Patricia, 778 Bryan, L. E., 747 Jenkin, H. M., 772 Passarella, E., 760 Vaara, M., 701 Jones, Ronald N., 710, 775 Penn, Robert L., 770 Velo, G. P., 760 Campos, Jose, 706 Phillips, Lillian, 694 Verbist, Ludo, 783 Catlin, B. Wesley, 676 King, John W., 770 Pitkin, Donald, 694 Verpooten, Gert A., 783 Chin, Nai-Xun, 687 Knight, Paul R., 719 Pollet, Dirk E., 783 Viljarten, P., 701 Knight, Vernon, 729 Vosbeck, Klaus, 735 Davidson, Bruce A., 719 Kobasa, William D., 683 Raimondi, M. G., 760 Romond, C., 764 De Broe, Marc E., 783 Konno, Masatoshi, 754 Weinbaum, George, 673 Devos, J., 764 Kramer, Michael J., 729 Ross, Janette, 785 Rotschafer, John C., 785 Wilson, Samuel Z., 729 Dubreuil, L., 764 Kueppers, Friedrich, 673 Wisseman, Charles L., Jr., 690 Dunn, George L., 694 Wyde, Philip R., 729 Labthavikul, Pornpen, 687 Sakuma, Takashi, 742 Eisenstadt, Rosalee, 725 Lechi, A., 760 Sanfeliu, Isabel, 706 Lentino, Joseph R., 778 Scharpe, Simon L., 783 Yamashita, Naoko, 754 Garcia-Tornel, Santiago, 706 Levison, Matthew E., 683 Shafer, W. M., 767 Giuliano, Ruben A., 783 Lind, I., 767 Sparling, P. F., 767 Zimmermann, Willy, 735 AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 25 Ackerman, Bruce H., 785 Bongaerts, Ger P. A., 234 Dotzlaf, Joe E., 216 Glasser, Lynne A., 510 Ackers, Irene, 579 Borner, K., 105 Dromer, Francoise, 168 Glette, Johan, 354 Actor, P., 373 Borobio, M. Victoria, 342 Dubois, Catherine, 168 Gnarpe, H'akan, 179 Actor, Paul, 694 Borowski, E., 772 Dubreuil, L., 764 Godefroy, Isabelle, 168 Adejuyigbe, Olusanya, 497 Borsa, F., 638 Dunn, George L., 694 Godfrey, A. J., 382 Adkinson, N. Franklin, Jr., 93 Bosso, John A., 630 Dworzack, David L., 494 Goessens, Wil H. F., 575 Ahmed, S. Masud, 643 Boutwell, M. E., 650 Dylewski, Joe S., 25 Goldman, Peter, 65 Akhter, S. Q., 643 Bouzos, John, 534 Gombert, Myles E., 510 Albritton, William L., 187, 296 Bright, Gene M., 113 East, Donald S., 83 Gooch, W. Manford, III, 502 Alford, Robert H., 405 Brion, Nils, 168 Eby, George A., 20 Goodman, Larry J., 504 Anderson, Burt, 296 Brook, Itzhak, 71 Echols, Roger M., 336 Gootz, Thomas D., 591 Andreana, Augusto, 182 Brown, Daniel R., 422 Egbert, Peter R., 25 Gordon, Y. Jerold, 522 Andrews, J. M., 612 Brown, Douglas, 286 Eisenstadt, Rosalee, 725 Goto, Sachiko, 98 Andritz, Mary H., 33 Brown, Timothy H., 405 Elion, Gertrude B., 507 Gotoh, Akira, 754 Angehrn, Peter, 607 Brumfitt, W., 276 Eliopoulos, G. M., 331, 401 Goueffon, Y., 463 Apolloni, E., 760 Bryan, C. S., 37 Eliopoulos, George M., 398 Grappel, Sarah F., 694 Arbeter, A. M., 417 Bryan, L. E., 382, 747 Elvers, A., 105 Greenman, Richard L., 16 Arceneaux, Jean E. L., 650 Buesing, Mary A., 283 Ene, Mokelu D., 1 Griffin, Paul E., 33 Arcey, Sergio M., 16 Butler, Thomas, 643 Eng, Robert H. K., 510 Gropen, Toby I., 522 Arndt, Kenneth A., 553 Buu-Hoi, Annie, 289 English, A. R., 118 Grossman, Dena M., 690 Aronoff, George R., 513 Byers, B. R., 650 English, Arthur R., 113, 226, 599 Gruft, Howard, 137 Aronoff, Stephen C., 279 Eppstein, Deborah A., 563 Guay, David R., 306 Arosio, E., 760 Cabezudo, Ignacio, 4 Guenthner, Sharon H., 4 Asahi, Yoshinari, 131 Cable, Douglas C., 258 Fadl-Allah, Nora, 375 Guerrant, Richard L., 653 Ash, Ronald J., 443 Campbell, Gwendolyn S., 205 Fainstein, V., 387 Gutterman, Deborah A., 16 Assael, Baroukh M., 395 Campos, Jose, 706 Falkinham, Joseph O., III, 137 Guymon, L.
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