200 Top Scientists in Indonesia based on their Google Scholar Citations Profiles* Sumber: http://webometrics.info/en/node/96/ This ranking has been funded by the Project ACUMEN (research‐acumen.eu), European Commission 7th Framework Programme, Capacities, Science in Society 2010, and the CSIC Intramural 201310E040 RANK NAME INSTITUTION H‐INDEX CITATIONS 1 Suharyo Sumowidagdo Indonesian Institute of Sciences 90 34861 2 L P Ligthart Universitas Indonesia; ITS 29 3647 Brawijaya University; ICRAF World 3 Hairiah Kurniatun 28 2298 Agroforestry Centre CGIAR 4 Ferry Iskandar Institut Teknologi Bandung 26 2861 5 Manabu D Yamanaka BPPT Indonesia; Kobe University 25 2111 Center for International Forestry 6 Christopher Martius Research; Bogor Agricultural 24 2333 University 7 Yon Pandu Institut Teknologi Bandung 24 2307 8 Azyumardi Azra Universias Islam Negeri Jakarta 23 1920 9 Djoko Iskandar Institut Teknologi Bandung 21 1650 10 Rizki Rm Universitas Malikussaleh 21 1536 11 Terry Mart Universitas Indonesia 20 2231 University of Maryland; Surya 12 R Dwi Susanto 20 1569 University 13 Fahmuddin Agus Indonesian Soil Research Institute 19 1271 14 Tommy Firman Institut Teknologi Bandung 19 989 15 Agustinus Agung Nugroho Institut Teknologi Bandung 18 1305 16 Iksan Arrahman STIH Muhammadiyah Bima 18 1138 17 Saptaning Ruju Paminto Universitas Suryakancana 17 994 18 Tezza Napitupulu Universitas Indonesia 17 974 19 Bambang Eka Purnama Universitas Surakarta 17 962 20 Mudrajad Kuncoro Universitas Gadjah Mada 16 1966 Eijkman‐Oxford Clinical Research Unit 21 Iqbal Elyazar 16 1746 Indonesia 22 Ivandini Tribidasari A Universitas Indonesia 16 1032 23 Steenie E Wallah Sam Ratulangi University 16 1006 University of Queensland; Universitas 23 Tian Po Oei 16 1006 Indonesia 25 Bambang Kuswandi Universitas Jember 16 919 26 Bruno Locatelli CIRAD; CIFOR; CATIE 16 892 27 Budi Santoso Papua University 16 590 28 Achmad Widodo Universitas Diponegoro 15 1382 29 Djwantoro Hardjito Petra Christian University 15 1170 Brawijaya University; Advanced 30 Akhmad Sabarudin System and Material Technology 15 674 Group Muhammad Danang 31 Sampoerna University 15 558 Birowosuto 32 Deddy Mulyana Universitas Padjadjaran 14 2132 33 Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 14 729 34 Suharnomo Suharnomo Universitas Diponegoro 14 685 35 Cece Sumantri Bogor Agricultural University 14 617 36 Ruli Manurung Universitas Indonesia 14 520 37 Imam Ghozali Universitas Diponegoro 13 7772 38 Togar M Simatupang Bandung Institute of Technology 13 2057 39 Heru Susanto 2 Universitas Diponegoro 13 1003 40 I Setiawan Universitas Padjadjaran 13 934 41 Jito Sugardjito Universitas Nasional 13 797 Diponegoro University; Dr Kariadi 42 M H Gasem 13 637 Hospital RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter 43 Satria Zulkarnaen Bisri 13 506 Science; Institut Teknologi Bandung 44 Sri Juari Santosa # Universitas Gadjah Mada 13 478 45 Pringati Singarimbun Universitas Diponegoro 13 446 46 Wh Utomo Universitas Brawijaya 12 931 47 Cardiyan His Sulaksana Watinsa Indonesia 12 748 48 Niclas Adler Innovation and Entreprenurship i3L 12 744 49 T Haryono Universitas Gadjah Mada 12 611 50 Dyah Perwitasari Farajallah Bogor Agricultural University 12 511 51 Slamin Universitas Jember 12 495 52 Akbar Tahir Universitas Hasanuddin 12 456 53 K H Kurniawan 12 426 54 Tatas Brotosudarmo Universitas Ma Chung 12 424 55 Bambang Suryobroto Bogor Agriculture University 12 398 Eijkman Institute for Molecular 56 Puji Bs Asih 12 384 Biology 57 Nasrullah Idris # Universitas Syiah Kuala 12 349 58 Nandy Putra University of Indonesia 11 2878 59 L T Handoko Indonesian Institute of Sciences 11 1352 60 Mien A Rifai Indonesian Academy of Sciences 11 1295 61 Damayanti Buchori Bogor Agricultural University 11 1016 62 Antonius Suwanto Bogor Agricultural University 11 764 63 Hidayat Marmin Universitas Pepabri Makassar 11 660 Center for Research and Development 64 Edvin Aldrian 11 603 Jakarta 65 Arief Anshory Yusuf Padjadjaran University 11 500 66 Wisnu Jatmiko Universitas Indonesia 11 459 67 Andrian Andaya Lestari # Surya University 11 453 Center for International Forestry 68 Herry Purnomo Research; Bogor Agricultural 11 451 University World Agroforestry Centre CGIAR; 69 Subekti Rahayu 11 409 Bogor Agricultural University 70 Fathul Wahid Universitas Islam Indonesia 11 397 71 Gono Semiadi Indonesian Institute of Sciences 11 377 72 Nashi Widodo Brawijaya University 11 354 Bambang Risdiono Indonesia Research Institute for 73 11 293 Prawiradiputra Animal Production Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma 74 L Lukas 10 2230 Jaya 75 Anto Tri Sugiarto Indonesian Institute of Sciences 10 708 76 Hendra Gunawan Bandung Institute of Technology 10 614 77 Nyoman Pujawan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 10 587 78 Rosari Saleh Universitas Indonesia 10 487 79 Sultana Faradz # Universitas Diponegoro 10 459 80 Agus Haryono Indonesian Institute of Sciences 10 457 Universitas Muhammadiyah 81 Agus Setyo Muntohar 10 427 Yogyakarta 82 Salprima Yudha S Universitas Bengkulu 10 423 83 Oekan S Abdoellah Universitas Padjadjaran 10 375 84 Yudistira Asnar Institut Teknologi Bandung 10 366 85 I Istadi # Universitas Diponegoro 10 357 86 Muh Aris Marfai Universitas Gadjah Mada 10 347 87 Iwan Triyuwono Universitas Brawijaya 10 335 88 Henri Uranus Universitas Pelita Harapan 10 333 89 Dupri I James # Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 10 298 90 Hendra Kusuma Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 9 4499 91 Augusty Tae Ferdinand Universitas Diponegoro 9 1501 92 Benyamin Lakitan # Sriwijaya University 9 1109 93 Sigit P Santosa Institut Teknologi Bandung 9 755 94 Djamaludin Ancok Universitas Gadjah Mada 9 626 95 Budi Santosa Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 9 460 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember; 96 Mochamad Ashari 9 440 Telkom University 97 Suraya Afiff University of Indonesia 9 422 98 Heru Santoso Indonesian Institute of Sciences 9 414 University of Sydney; Universitas 99 Christiana Titaley 9 410 Indonesia 100 Mauridhi Hery Purnomo Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 9 378 101 Khairurrijal Khairurrijal Institut Teknologi Bandung 9 376 102 Iman Santoso Universitas Gadjah Mada 9 372 103 Adila Krisnadhi Universitas Indonesia 9 299 104 Tole Sutikno Universitas Ahmad Dahlan 9 295 105 Srihadi Agungpriyono Bogor Agricultural University 9 287 106 Sulaeman Yusuf Indonesian Institute of Sciences 9 202 107 Hengki Wijaya Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray 8 557 Indonesian Agency for Agricultural 108 Ismeth Inounu 8 515 Research and Development 109 Agustino Zulys Universitas Indonesia 8 492 110 Media Peternakan # Bogor Agricultural University 8 474 111 Bambang Triatmodjo Universitas Gadjah Mada 8 472 112 Erry Purnomo 8 464 113 Aris Tri Wahyudi Bogor Agricultural University 8 403 114 Ratih Pangestuti Indonesian Institute of Sciences 8 386 115 Murdani Abdullah Universitas Indonesia 8 362 116 Budi Widianarko Soegijapranata Catholic University 8 345 117 Widyawan Universitas Gadjah Mada 8 316 118 Ence Darmo Jaya Supena Bogor Agricultural University 8 309 119 Nurul Indarti Universitas Gadjah Mada 8 301 120 Eddy Afrianto Universitas Padjadjaran 8 292 121 Enade Perdana Istyastono Universitas Sanata Dharma 8 284 122 Anuraga Jayanegara Bogor Agricultural University 8 270 123 Sitti Wahyuni Hasanuddin Universitas 8 260 124 Satriyas Ilyas Bogor Agricultural University 8 254 125 Akhmad Sudrajat Universitas Kuningan 8 211 Center for Information & 126 Anto Satriyo Nugroho 8 207 Communication Technology 127 Hadi Susilo Arifin Bogor Agricultural University 8 149 128 Rahmat Wibowo University of Indonesia 7 1141 129 Rachmat Kriyantono Universitas Brawijaya 7 1046 130 Eduardus Tandelilin Universitas Gadjah Mada 7 911 131 Junaidi Khotib Airlangga University; Hoshi University 7 524 132 Sanggono Adisasmito Institut Teknologi Bandung 7 514 133 Sholeh Ma'Mun Surya University 7 495 134 Akhmad Herman Yuwono Universitas Indonesia 7 462 Politeknik Muhammadiyah 135 Aslam Fatkhudin 7 458 Pekalongan 136 Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi Universitas Indonesia 7 441 137 Sony Suharsono Bogor Agricultural University 7 434 138 The Jin Ai Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta 7 397 139 Adang Suherman # Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 7 385 140 Dadan Ramdani Geospatial Information Agency 7 383 141 Herry Purnama Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 7 377 Agency for the Assessment and 142 Widjo Kongko 7 355 Application of Technology 142 Fernando Gurning University of Sumatera Utara 7 355 144 Bambang H Saharjo Bogor Agricultural University 7 322 145 Edy Meiyanto # Universitas Gadjah Mada 7 285 RIHS Ministry of Public Works 146 Andreas Wibowo 7 267 Indonesia 146 Evi Liviawaty Universitas Padjadjaran 7 267 148 Indra Jaya Bogor Agricultural University 7 241 149 Rosichon Ubaidillah Ubaidillah Indonesian Institute of Sciences 7 184 150 Yudi Rosandi Universitas Padjadjaran 7 168 151 Nur Hidayat 2 Universitas Brawijaya 7 164 152 Okky S Dharmaputra Bogor Agricultural University 7 162 153 Yuni K Krisnandi Universitas Indonesia 7 161 154 Nur Hidayat 1 Universitas Islam Negeri 7 156 154 Putu Anom Mahadwartha Universitas Surabaya 7 156 156 Amir Hamidy Indonesian Institute of Sciences 7 150 Indonesian Institute of Sciences; 157 Heru Susanto 1 University of Brunei; King Saud 7 149 University 158 Ono Suparno Bogor Agricultural University 7 130 159 Iskandar Z Siregar Bogor Agricultural University 7 124 160 Achmad Farajallah Bogor Agricultural University 7 119 160 Ade Asmi Abdul Azis Universitas Bakrie 7 119 162 Nita Aryanti Universitas Diponegoro 7 116 163 Noer Azam Achsani Bogor Agricultural University 7 110 164 Irfan Syamsuddin Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang 7 107 165 Novriyandi
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