Whittier College Poet Commons The Rock Archives and Special Collections 10-1957 The Rock, October, 1957 (vol. 19, no. 3) Whittier College Follow this and additional works at: https://poetcommons.whittier.edu/rock archives' The Rock - Alumni Magazine 195 7 THE ALUMNI PUBLICATION OF WHITTIER COLLEGE "THE HOUSE THAT DREAMS BUILT" Spacious dining hail of the new Student Union-Campus Inn is viewed by Whittier College stu- dents (left to right) Ted Staples, Sandy Gordon, and Fran Preece. Covering 7000 square feet of floor space, the room will seat 550. The $650,000 structure, being built on the southwest corner of the campus facing Painter Ave- nue, will house a snack bar, book store, rumpus room, student of- fices and lounge, and several small dining rooms, in addition to the large dining room. IN THIS ISSUE OCTOBER Sports . Homecoming News . - New Faculty 1957 Fund Report . Campus Development . - . "1195 Club" Conference For Problems . Memorial Chapel An Open Letter to Alumni From Association President, Tom Wood "ZY/je Pre.4identj' Corner Dear Alumnus: A new year of college life and alumni work is upon us and again we face the whirl of Homecoming activi- TOM WOOD, '50 ties. You have received our letter detailing the events Alumni Association President of Homecoming Week and we cordially invite your full participation. This may well be the propitious time to invite, also, your consideration of the purposes of your Alumni Board and the publications of this Associa- tion. We are not alone concerned with putting out high-class, camouflaged fund raising brochures; printing the "Old Acquaintances"; or half-page pictures of alumni sitting around banquet tables with the college banner waving merrily in the background, although we will do these things. We want to tell the story of the institution we serve, its projects, ap- pointments, and problems. We want you to understand the problems, what's being done about them, and to answer the eternal "Why?". We want to be partners, junior partners perhaps, but partners serving as ed- ucational arms of the academic community, reaching out to carry forward as we can the basic function of Whittier College: Education. We cannot, of course, do as much, or as well as the administrative staff of the school, but we refuse to allow this limitation to affect our pur- pose or the effort we expend. We must take ourselves more seriously, broadening the view of our role, adding dignity and importance to our jobs, and opening our eyes to our tremendous potential as an Alumni Board serving a powerful Association. Will you accept our invitation, then, to service in the new year of 1957-1958? Sincerely, Tom Wood, '50 President, Whittier College Alumni Association Page 2 HOMECOMING NOVEMBER 9 THE ROCK Posters Help Promote Homecoming Homecoming Planning Committee members are shown displaying one of 200 posters that will be mounted on Whittier City light standards to advertise the 1957 festivities. From left to right, Ray Lentzsch, Director of Public Relations, Herb Adden, '49, Jean (Culp) Reese, '48, Dave Wicker, '49, Tom Wood, '50, and Bob O'Brien, '53. '53, is in charge of this activity. Reservations are limited and King And Queen To Reign should be made by mail not la- ter than November 6. Over /957 Homecoming The traditional football game will pit Whittier College against N THE FALL, AN ALUMNUS'S This year's traditional Home- Pomona-Claremont in what is I FANCY lightly turns to thoughts coming Parade, commencing at expected to be a thrill-a-minute of Homecoming. Consequently, 9:30 A.M., promises to be bigger contest. Game time is 2:15 p.m. many student and alumni plan- and better than ever. It features Registration will take place in ning committees are busily at such colorful entries as the 0.T. Mendenhall Building from work in an effort to make the North American Indian Dancers, 8:00 a.m. until game time. All 1957 Homecoming Day celebra- the San Diego Naval Training alumni are asked to register and tion the most successful in Whit- Center Drill Team, numerous pick up a name tag and Home- tier College history. high school and community coming ribbon. On Saturday, November 9, bands and drill teams, baton and majorette marching groups, a First activities of the day will hundreds of returning alumns be the Cap and Gown Alumnae will invade the Poet campus for dozen floats, equestrian units, sports cars, clowns and other en- Breakfast in the Campus Inn a day of fun and excitement and and the Women's Physical Edu- the chance to renew old acquaint- tertaining highlights. The Home- coming theme is "Pigskin Pano- cation Department Coffee Time ances. in the Women's Gym office. Both In addition to the traditional rama." events begin at 8:45 a.m. Homecoming Queen, Whittier A new feature in the schedule College will this year feature a of events for this year is the At 9:00 a.m., groundbreaking Homecoming King. He will be evening barbeque for alumni ceremonies will take place at the selected from among residents of who wish to have an informal Administrative Annex parking the Whittier area and will be the and relaxing get-together. An lot for the Whittier College citizen who has made the great- all-you-want to eat barbeque Memorial Chapel. City and Col- style meal will be served by lege officials will take part in est contribution to the commun- the program which launches a ity. Jack's catering at Greenleaf Ma- Each service club in Whittier sonic Temple, 748 W. Beverly project that has been 25 years has been invited by the College Blvd., Whittier, beginning at becoming a reality. to provide a nominee. Voting 7:30 p.m. Dancing and an inter- Co-chairmen Alison Riddle, for the outstanding citizen will esting program has also been '60, and Jack Gilbert, '50, are in be open to the public through planned. charge of the second Annual In- ballot boxes that will be placed The Candlewood Country Club dependent's Brunch. All alumns in stores throughout the com- (formerly Clock Country Club) not having a society affiliation munity. will be scene of the third Annu- are encouraged to attend. Ini- The symbolic unity of town al Homecoming Dinner-Dance. tiated last year, this activity met and college will be enacted in the Activities will commence at 7:30 with great success and provided Coronation ceremonies Tuesday, p.m. and alumni will dine on ex- many alumni the opportunity of November 5, in the Harris Am- cellent food and dance to enjoy- seeing old acquaintances. phitheatre when Homecoming able music. Homecoming and Student Homecoming Co- King escorts Homecoming Activities Commission Chair- chairmen are Judy Osborn, '60, Queen. man, Shirley (Garman) Mealer, and Bill Wilkins, '58. OCTOBER 1957 HOMECOMING NOVEMBER 9 Page 3 Homecoming Schedule Tuesday, November 5— CORONATION OF HOMECOMING QUEEN Herbert E. Harris Amphitheatre 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, November 6— "1195 Club Breakfast" Welch's, 307 E. Philadelphia 7:00 A.M. Saturday, November 9— REGISTRATION 0. T. Mendenhall Building All Day WOMEN'S P. E. DEPT. COFFEE TIME Women's Gym Office 8:45 A.M. CAP AND GOWN ALUMNAE BREAKFAST Campus Inn 8:45 A.M. MEMORIAL CHAPEL GROUNDBREAKING Annex Building Parking Lot 9:00 A.M. HOMECOMING PARADE Downtown Whittier to Campus 9:30 A.M. FLOATS ON CAMPUS Mendenhall Parking Lot All Day ALUMNI LUNCHEONS (See schedule below) 11:15 A.M. HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME Whittier vs. Pomona-Claremont 2:15 P.M. ALUMNI BAR-B-QUE DINNER Greenleaf Masonic Temple 7:30 P.M. 748 W. Beverly Blvd. HOMECOMING DINNER-DANCE Candlewood Country Club 7:30 P.M. 14000 E. Telegraph Road Alumni Luncheon Schedule 11:15 A.M. INDEPENDENT'S BRUNCH LANCER On Campus Greenleaf Masonic Lodge Whittier College 748 W. Beverly Blvd. PALMER Whittier Shangri-La Restaurant ATHENIAN 9604 E. Whittier Blvd. Sequoyah Pico ORTHOGONIAN 9023 E. Washington Blvd. Redroom Room, Rivera Candlewood Country Club THALIAN 14000 E. Telegraph Road Welch's Whittier Whittier IONIAN 307 E. Philadelphia Street Whittier Oak Room, Hoover Hotel SACHSEN 151 S. Greenleaf Avenue Hula Hut Whittier FRANKLIN 9314 E. Whittier Blvd. Pico XX Mitchell's Restaurant METAPHONIAN 11464 E. Whittier Blvd. Whittier Goldroom, WILLIAM PENN Candlewood Country Club Shangri-La Restaurant 14000 E. Telegraph Road 9604 E. Whittier Blvd. Whittier Pico Page 4 HOMECOMING NOVEMBER 9 THE ROCK "1195 Club" Features Breakfasts And Dinner ONTINUING THEIR POLICY OF Chelping promote the athletic program at Whittier College, the "1195 Club" is this year sponsoring four Football Break- fasts for alumni, townspeople, and interested football enthusi- asts. The first breakfast was held on October 9, 7:00. a.m., at Welch's Whittier. Succeeding breakfasts are scheduled at Welch's on October 30, Novem- ber 6 (Homecoming week), and November 27. A different master of cere- Dr. John Arcadi, director of the successful fund campaign to raise monies is in charge at each meet- $65,000 for construction of the Whittier College Memorial Chapel, points Out the building site to Ray Lentzsch, Director of Public Re- ing. Head Coach Don Coryell, lations at the College. along with some of his top play- ers, is always on hand to answer questions about the games and to show movies of previous con- Chapel Groundbreaking tests. All arrangements for these Set For Homecoming Day breakfasts have been handled by Newt Robinson and Clint Har- TN THE FOREFRONT OF campus money necessary for erecting ris. Iplanning and development is the building has been raised, Nearly 50 persons attended the construction of the new additional contributions are the first breakfast and all indi- Whittier College Memorial needed to cover expenses involv- cations point to an even larger Chapel.
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