THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24m FEBRUARY 19 2733 BA1NES, David Kenneth, Coach Driver,, residing at 16 others -as-TAXI-PROPRIETORS under the style of Park Edge Close, Wetherby Road, Leeds; 8, previously ."Park-Tajcis (Aberdeen)".at 32 Park Street and later at residing .at Station. House, Station Road, Nafferton, Roslin Street, Aberdeen, aforesaid. Court—LEEDS. No. Driffield and previously carrying on business at 32A ..of Matter-^-75 of 1975. Date of Order—4th November Main Street, Garforth, near Leeds, under!the style of 1980. Nature of- Order made—Bankrupt's discharge re- David York Display & Design and at 2 Queen Street, fused. • Scarborough, all in the county of York, under the style of Parsley Sage Rosemary Thyme, MANUFACTURER, PATTISON (Senior) Jack (described in the Receiving WHOLESALER and RETAILER of CLOTHING. Order as Jack Pattinson (Senior)), residing and carrying Court—LEEDS. No. of Matter—63 of 1975. Date of on business at 180 Queenshill Avenue, Leeds 17 in the Order—7th October 1980. Nature of Order made— county of York as a PAINTER and DECORATOR under Bankrupt's discharge refused. ' the style of Spot Decorators, previously carrying on busi- ness under the same style at 161 Bardon Chambers, In- BELL, Michael John, unemployed, now residing at 2A firmary Street, Lefeds, aforesaid. Court—LEEDS. No. of Armley Grange Avenue, Armley, Leeds 12, previously Matter—76 of 1975. Date of Order—4th November 1980. residing at 18 Salisbury View, Low Lane, Horsforth, Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. near Leeds, and previously carrying on business at 66 Town Street, Horsforth, near Leeds, 131 Stanningley ROBERTS, Ernest, the former proprietor of Gledhow Road, Leeds 12, 4, 5 and 6 Merrion Superstore, Merrion Property Maintenance (a firm) of 49 Roundhay Grove, Centre, Leeds 1, and 1 Ivegate, Yeadon, all in the Leeds 8 in the county of West Yorkshire, PROPERTY county of York under the style of Bell of Horsforth, as REPAIRER. Court—LEEDS. No. of Matter—46 of 1975. a CARPET RETAILER. Court—LEEDS. No. of Date of Order—4th November 1980. Nature of Order Matter—69 of 1975. Date of Order—7th October 1980. made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. ALLSOPP, Ronald Leslie (described in the Receiving Order BROWN, Bernard James, Hotel Manager (described in the as Ronald L. Allsopp) of Garden Cottage, Ashley House, Receiving Order as Mr. Brown), of Newlands Hotel, Mill Road, Ullesthorpe in the county of Leicester and 127 Hyde Park Road, Leeds 6 in the county of West carrying on business from 89 St. Peters Road, Leicester, Yorkshire, formerly residing at and carrying on business SECOND HAND FURNITURE DEALER. Court— . with another as LANDSCAPERS, under the style of LEICESTER. No. of Matter—88 of 1975. Date of Order "Sonic Builders Landscapes" from 69 Westdale Road, —4th December 1980. Nature of Order made—Discharge Pudsey, near Leeds aforesaid. Court—LEEDS. No. of refused. Matter—59 of 1975. Date of Order—4th November 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge BILLINGTON, John Henry Charles (described in the refused. Receiving Order as J. H. C. Billington (male)) of 190 East Park Roadi in the City of Leicester, NEWSAGENT DENNING, Gerald, unemployed, residing and lately CONFECTIONER and TOBACCONIST. Court—LEI- carrying on business at 53 Thome Grove, Rothwell, CESTER. No. of- Matter—107 of 1975. Date of Order Leeds, West Yorkshire, as a MILK ROUNDSMAN and —6th November 1980. Nature of Order made—Dis- POULTRY SALESMAN, and previously trading at The . charge refused. Scrap Yard adjoining a Garage in Westgate Hill, Bradford 4 aforesaid, as a SCRAP METAL DEALER. EARLS, Ronald Edward, (described in the Receiving Order Court—LEEDS (by transfer from High Court of Justice). as Ronald Edward Earles), residing at 75 Braunstone Close No. of Matter—75A of 1975. Date of Order—4th . in the city of Leicester, DRIVER and formerly carrying November 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt on business under the name or style of "Earls Con- discharged. struction" from 22 Claybrook- Avenue in the city of Leicester, BUILDER. Court—LEICESTER. No. of DEPLEDGE, John William, unemployed, residing at 19 Matter—111 of 1975. Date of Order—4th December The Crescent, East Garforth in the county of West 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. Yorkshire, and previously residing at and carrying on business at 29 Britannia Avenue, Dartmouth in the HULL, Mark Edward, of 11, Speer Road, Hew Parks county of Devon, LANDSCAPE GARDENER. Court Estate in the city of Leicester, previously residing at —LEEDS. No. of Matter—67 of 1975. Date of Order 18 Dominion Road, Glenfield in the county of Leicester, —7th October 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's 21 Sylvan Street, Newfoundpool and 21 Welbeck discharge refused. Avenue, Leicester aforesaid and lately carrying on busi- ness under the name or style of " Melford Street HAIGH, James William, WAREHOUSEMAN, now resid- Garage" at 1 Melford Street, Leicester aforesaid, ing at 66 Bancroft Drive, Leeds 14 in 'the county of GARAGE PROPRIETOR. Court—LEICESTER. No. West Yorkshire. Court—LEEDS. No. of Matter— of Matter—118 of 1975. Date of Order—23rd October 70 of 1975. Date of Order—7th October 1980. Nature 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. KENNEY, Sidney Geoffrey, residing at and formerly carry- HALLIS, Noel Wilburn George (described in the Receiv- ing on business from 61 Ruby Street, in the city of ing Order as Noel Hallis) unemployed and previously Leicester, PLUMBER. Court—LEICESTER. No. of carrying on business under the style of Noel W. Hallis Matter—112 of 1975. Date of Order—27th November PAINTER and DECORATOR at 15A Grange Terrace, 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. Leeds in the county of York. Court—LEEDS. No. of Matter—41 of 1975. Date of Order—16th September 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged sub- MARTIN, Steven, of 1 Gleneagles Walk in the city of ject to consent to Judgment for £500, plus. £1'50 costs, Leicester lately residing at 83 Gipsy Lane, Leicester payable at £20 per month. aforesaid, VAN DRIVER. Court—LEICESTER. No. of Matter—87 of 1975. Date of Order—23rd October LISTER, Trevor, residing and carrying on business at 1980. Nature of Order made—Discharge granted. 136 Stanningley Road, Leeds 12, FISH FRYER. Court— LEEDS. No. of Matter—72 of 1975. Date of Order— MEHTA, Haridas Purshotam, (described in the Receiving 4th November 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's Order as Haridas P. Mehta), residing at 5 Saxon Street, discharge suspended for one year. - in the city of Leicester and carrying on business from 36 Tudor Road aforesaid under the name or style of MACEY, Alan, of 44A Wellington Street, Leeds I. Court "Friends Grocers", GROCER. Court—LEICESTER. LEEDS. No. of Matter—24 of 1974. Date of Order— No. of Matter—103 of 1975. Date of Order—6th 7th October 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's November 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharge refused. discharged. MELVILLE, Alexander Keith, now residing at 41 Bawn O'LEARY, Terence, of 89.Martin Street in the city of Avenue, Famley, Leeds 12 in the.county of West York- Leicester, LORRY DRIVER. Court—LEICESTER. shire, COACH DRIVER and previously residing at 32 No;, of Matter—126 of 1975. .Date of Order—27th Tollohill Square, Kincorth, Aberdeen, Scotland, formerly .- November 1980. Nature of Order made—Discharge carrying on business and later in partnership with refused. D2.
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