
3 sm «uuy Creativity * in the 8 ^ pamps—p.5 PacifilKtotkjfwl Pifckxjtlon of me JapanowCitizen Amwtoin ca#2ens iBogu^ (75C Poitpcxa NMHiand. 2»C L CaeMeMKII *2687,'Vom5. No. 16 ISSN: 0030-8579 701 Eost 3rd Street. Suite 201. Los Anqelci, CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 Frido,r tJcvembei 13 1992 Election update How some Asian Americans What fared in politics #y HARRY K. HONDA Editor emeritus can we In the Nov. 3 general election, Asian Americansgaineda U.S.congre8idona] seat (41st District) with the election of the first Kqrean-bom congressman from (^lifbmia. Diamond Bar Mayor and Republican Jay C. Kim, and expect? possibly a Yonsei congressman The pre-election rhetoric from California, S 1 • V e a r -o1 d is over. Bill Clinton is president­ teacher Marie Takano (D*43rd elect. Americans will soon be District)of River­ side, who had ini­ expecting change ond move­ tially claimed vic­ ment. So will Japanese Ameri­ tory but is in a recount battle, TAKA8UQI cans. Pacific Citizen asked and at press time three JACL leaders for their was losing to op­ ponent Ken (Cal­ views on how Clinton and his vert following a count of a been tee ddministrotion will affect Nikkei ballots. However, provisional bal- lives. Here ore their answers... loU were also be­ ing counted at that time and Takanomayhave TAKANO an ou tsi de chan ee of victory yet. Kim joins Reps. Robert T. Matsui (D-5th District) of Sacramento, 69% U51,S58); Norman Y. Mineta (D-15th District) of San Jose. 64% (157.146); 5eeELECTION(page4 A ls.t in INciv I'lexico Miyagishima gets m, commissioner post LAS CRUCES, NJd.-College in­ ULUAN KIMURA ■KAREN NARASAKJ structor Ken Miyagishima, 29, ran JACL Washington. D.C., representative unopposed in the Nov. 3 general elec­ JACL national president DENNIS HAYASHI tion as Dona Ana county commis- JACL national director rioner *4 here. 'Die local newspapers taggi^him toH^ the Lillian Kimura Dennis Hayasht and first rease of women American and minority mmtbers in Congress will hope­ The issues Karen Narasaki _j of Japa­ fullymean mere sensitivitytoJapanese Ameri­ Her* are the questions With the change in the administration and in nese de- can issues. We re a non-p^nn ormisation, icent to Pacific Citiaen asked Congress. JACL ond other civil righu organiia- so we can't be too enthunastie. All mree candi- tionsnshave aireaayalready oegunbegun loto tmnathinkasmiiaboutmovinisn»wr\g hold public datas made healing ittatemtnU after the elec­ JACL leadma rwrerding IVesdent-elect Clinton's dvilrigil rijAtsissues’ forward rather than wonyirtg offioeinthe tion. Bush was very presidential. Perot was state since leadership: aboutMt Ihaving _ to fi^t to defend existing civil vetyCOTdia]. hts protecdona The CHinton administration statehood issue ofpreperetiMi for the next admin­ rights protectiona 1 •What does the Clinton and most of the r>ew women and minority mem­ inl912. He istration is more of a staff issue. But certainly, won his vlciory and increase tn bers are expected to be much more supportive of we need to let them know what our issues are. wamenandminoritymem- civil ri^ts. IfCongressrepassee even afraetion Mat with a Prom hate crimes to JapM bashing and US. bers in Congress mean for of the 37 bills that President Bush vetoed in the 60% major­ Japan issues, these are issues that affect our ity in the Japanese Americans? last congressiCHTal session, there will be a sig­ MYAQISHIMA community. On the specific issue of Wards ' • What idvould or what nificant change in direction. June 2 pri- Cove, I think Clinton's response in the P.C. is JACL doing to prepare The election of Jay Kim (R-Calif.) and the marieeovertwQ)io^ercandidates.lhelil . (Oct. 30 issue) shows his stance and commit- for a new administrauon? potential addition of Mark Takano (D-Calif) Missisappi-bor^apaneoe American ment. , ^ • What will Clinton do would almost double the number of Asian Pa­ has been in N^ t^ico since 1968. Should Clinton appoint a justioe to the Su­ fcM* AsianAmericans,J^Mb- cific American votingmembers in the House of Dona Ana CoiMtyvsituated widi preme Court, I think that Supreme (^urtJus­ neae Americans in particu­ Representative-This increase isimportantbe- the Rio Grande ^rsing through.the tice will be more human rights oriented than cause they will be able to add to dte efforu of the center, faces Texu at El Paso and the ones previously selected. lar? •What do you think will existing Asian Pacific American members in Republic of Mexico. It is the second I don't know what we can expect CHinton to do educating other members of (Don^ss about for happen to key legislative largest county in the state. (County Asian Americans, Japanese Americans in leeueseuchae WardsOive, Asian Pacific American concerns. Mr. Kim is commissioners are comparable to particular, except be sensitive to issues. We hate crime, and US.-Ja- the Korean American to be elected to Con­ county supervi sors in the state of Cali- have also have a responsitnlity in turn to com- gress and will be able to provide a special municate to him our concerns It's like what pan trade relations? fomia.] • What Asian Ameri­ perspective. Miyagishima can be readied et his John F. Kennedy said. 'Ask not what y<wr cans do you think will hold What Will Clinton do for omce,^E.Idaho.Ste.S.LasCruces. country can do for you.’ I think, like Kennedy, poeitionin hisadministra- Clinton has also said something to that effect. NM 88006, (606/526-4465). tion? Aslan Pacific Americans i^pointees—Bob Matsui. although he wm Throughout his campaign, (jOv. Clinton con­ just reelected to Congrees; certainly Melinda sistently stresvd his commitment to having an tIORE ELECTION COVERAGE: Who Yee, Clinton advieor on Asian Pacific American administration that reflecU the diversity of the won what in Hawaii, dty .elections ... affairs; March Fong Eu, Secretary of State UB. Asian Pacific Americanscan expect to have pages 4 and 6- from California. arole in his administration. Gov. Clinton is also Weexpect things tochange. Wain JACLhave Sm CUNTON/pftga « to bo alert to hrip facilitate beneficial diange. 2—PadSc Citizen, Friday, November 13,1992 . t.- ’vS.. No. 2.667 Calendar Sunday. Dee. 6-The Nieei WMowad i^etuKi^ftuuU* (*roup% Christmas psdM/id monthly Hotel; Los Angelos. 8 p.m. Faahiring: Join the group meeting, at bte home of Yuri Moriwaki. The Stonebridgt Bandand tha ShMea. Philadelphia 2 p.m. Pobuck and gift exchange. New Cost: $25. fnfoiTnation: 714/ SSS-IOOT. ^ce^ACfUic t<y Of^obv-NatensiAicNveS'MdAilWT- members welcome. Informabon; Elsie Saturday, Nov. 28-Nawraan Commu­ tic Regie's Tha Insamment of Japa­ Uyeda Chung. 415/ 2216268; or Ydi nity Canter Assn.'s Itl armual '^to'oub M o« lb* newt and faoluros from across m« country nese Americans. Photographs by Moriwdu. 510/482-3280. Lahui Fesbval.* Carson Community DonMhea Lange.* Lobby WUam Penn Center. 801 E. Canon St. Carson, 10 you Wish to subscribe or have moved Post Office Annex, 9lh and Market San Jose a m. riekass: $10. Informatioo; Clarioe •Sreets, Mon-Sat.. 6a.m.-6 pm intor- Friday. Dec. ll-Yu-Ai KaTs Christ­ W. Nufb 310649-5573 or Randy K. (Altow t WMki K> rapoit oddrMS Chong* wim k>M on tiont po^) mas party. Yu-At Kai office. 56^. Fifth mation: 215/597-3000. Chm 310/788-3032. EnKnv«dat«_ Si. San Jose. 7 p.m . Cookie exohanga, Sun^.Oae.S-RadoUITokyo'sdOti ^Uotufetr entertainmem end surprises. RSVP by amivarawycsiebrabon. New WonKok. Pleas* send the Pacific Citizen for Dec. 10. Information: 408/ 294-2505. 2411 N. Broadway. Los Angalat. noon. __lyr/$25 ___^2yrs/$4«___^3yrs/$71 Reno Cost: $25. ricketi avaUbla at: Radio Sunday, Nov. 22—Reno Chapter. Fresno Nome;______ i______________ Friday. Nov. 20—CSU Fresno and U1Tokyo.S20E.2ndSL.Sta.3i3. LA. JACL't potiuok and mochi making. CA. 90012. lnlormalion;213/628-4688 Address / Fresno JACL sponsors The Japettese Knights of Pythias Hdl. 980 Nevada SL. between 10 a.m. to noon. Mon.-Fri. American Experience; Immigration. City, State, Zip- Reno, naaajttms to bring; 3 lbs. mocN Sunday. Dee. 6-The Nikkei Widowed Community. World War II IntemmenL Al &jbscrlpttora poyabi« In acTvonce. Foreign: US S 13.X extra per yeor. gome (sodSd overnight artd drained Group's Christmas par^/. New Olani with cold water); com starch, wax pa- Recovery and Resolution.* CSUF So­ Checks poyable to: Pacific Citizen. 701 £. 3rd 5i.. Los Ar>geles. CA 90013 cial Science Bldg. Rm. 104 and Fresno Hotel. Cost; $23. breostoIcNcken, salad EXPIfUnONNOTCE: ROteMtawdioM ontteHplneerM«<Mi«eOMdtaMCVB2.»«a04^' -per. rags, mop. and broom. Inlormation: Metropditan Museum. 4 p.m. Tuition: and dessert'. Send checks to: Tak VI* IW taiN lor Not«n«w. lose. IJ4CL menbenNp hM b**>V«n«Md and Jooe Sun. 702/857- 3388. Shbuya. beasutar. 12432AinSL. LA. B» p«»r BIBO*. (teM noifyjiAO. N $38.1 unit of credit Inlormation; Bisa Kamknoto. evenings. 209/ 2S5-4501. CA 90066. as soon as posubla. Infor­ Through Sunday, Nov. 22—Frasno mation; Karl Oike. 310/ 637-7662'; or Seattle’^ Meuopoiiun Museum's ‘Country Jime khinose. 618/ 288-7169 8aturday,Nov.21—1 ithannuai Ayame Voices: Three Generabons of Japa­ Thura, Dae. 3-Sun. Dac,6-Nobuko Kai HoMay Craft Fair. Seattle Buddhist nese American Farming.* 1^ Van Miyamoto premieres *A Grain of Sand.* Highways Performance Space. 1651 Pacific Cifizen Church. 1427 S. Main St . 10a.m. Ben­ Ness Ave. at Calaveras, Downtown- ,18th SL. Santa Monica. 830 p.m; Tek- efits Seattle Keiro Nursing Home. Inior- Fresno. Mon.-Sun.: 11 a.m Admissiori: mation: 206/323-7100. Vts: $20.
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