NEWS: Departments Meet Phantom Singer Fraternity Rushing Weekly Gaucho Vol. XVII Z59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1938 No. 41 WORLD NEWS Necessary Action, B ut. .. Speakers Talk Before • This afternoon the publications board, which is the student • V IE N N A , A ustria, M a rc h , 1.—-- body committee appointed to determine all matters of policy All , Austria was severely disturbed concerning student publications and is constitutionally granted Department Meetings today as crisis between the -govern­ the final authority on all matters pertainig to such, will meet ment troops was threatening in the to. consider a recommendation of the finance committee that El Faculty Lecturers Use, ‘Macbeth,’ cities- ,o£ Craz and Vienna. Latest Gaucho be changed to a weekly paper as soon as possible. El " Lithographing and Credential hostilities have centered on Craz Gaucho has no way of knowing definitely that such an action where both sides are preparing for will be approyed, but with all the facts in the case being pre-, System for Subjects their show of strength. With the sented from the financial standpoint, there is little doubt that Nazis organizing strong troops, the the change will be made for the remainder of the semester. • Various departments of State college met yesterday morn­ The present setup is very poor in many aspects, to be sure. government is looking forward' to .va ing during second hour to consider business and plan activities more severe struggle than has al­ Firstly, it is expected to be self-supporting. That, alone, even for the spring semester. Department meetings are held once ready taken place. with the perfect advertising conditions, would be - almost an monthly on the regular stüdént calendar. impossibility. And to support this statement, a survey of stu­ • Meeting in room 42 for their reg­ ular monthly gathering, the mem­ • . EMALFI, Italy, March 1.—The dent publications of Other schools of our size and income show bers of the industrial education de­ event that the entire world is look­ that appropriation averaging around one thousand dollars yearly are given for the college papers. The question faced now is Who Is He? partment were entertained and. en­ ing forward to, the ^marriage of' whether we believe at Santa Barbara that the college paper is lightened with a talk on the creden- .Leopold Stokowski and Greta' Gar­ tialing system by E. E. Ericson, .head bo, came again into the news as the of enough value to warrant that large an expenditure. And if of the department. famous pair were, identified on their, it does, not, to revert to a second class publication, which the Publicity for the department was. visit to the Island of Capri. The proposed action will do temporarily.- . discussed. and a new plan for pub­ Mayor of Ravello was the man who Running on this assumption of financial self-sufficiency, El licity was passed, in which the chair- saw them together when he inspect­ Gaucho has turned in a deficit for two years previous. Last year -man, Jimmie. Stanley, will be as­ ed their passports. The two had when budgets were being considered, El Gaucho’s request was sisted by Ed McPhèe, William Wolt- denied all romance, but have been turned in to the finance committee, which refused to approve jes, and Cameron Sellar in keeping seen in steady connection since short­ the campus informed of the activities ly after Stokowskis wife received it, agreeing to underwrite the deficit for the coming year from of the department. her divorce decree in Reiio. surplus fundi. With nothing actually appropriated, but with this Clarence Mikulasek, social chair­ understanding, a semi-weekly has been issued with the paper man, discussed the coming social • TUSCON, Arizona, March 1 jgfe “going in the red” as had been expected. Now, with all good in­ functions, which consist o f a Assurance that General John J> tentions and good basis, that committee is recommending a re­ breakfast on Marçh 9, a few dances Pershing is making steady 'gains to­ versal of policy. El Gaucho thoroughly agrees that a change is and possibly a chbin trip in the wards recovery from the ailments necessary, but feels .that it was recommended by the finance near future. that recently brought him close to committee as a necesary backward step of a temporary nature nglish deartment death was issued by Dr. Roland Davi: The Phantom E son, who stated that the improve­ only. It is the continuence of this reversed policy of going hack English department members held ment in his condition which he had to a weekly paper that raises the question of whether we choose , their regular meeting yesterday dur­ made in the previous 24 hours was* at Santa Barbara State to run a paper, second in class to schools ing second'hour in Pine hall. Dr. held with neither gain nor loss at of our own size and type. Hidden Voice William Maxwell, State college, in­ 10:00 pitxui tonight. With every other activity growing and enlarging with the structor, was the guest speaker for college, our newspaper finds itself “groaning” for other diffi­ Stars Dance the meeting. * He used as the sub­ • N E W Y O RK , M arch 1.— Five culties than the financial problem. The second of these past ject of his' talk thq forthcoming hundred tailors gathered in the Cus- play, "Macbeth,” which will be- pre­ i tom Cutter’s club today and decided difficulties has been the lack of a cooperating publicity bureau. Glamour Ghost Gives Gross sented: by the - Players club in the ' that people made too much trouble This year saw the beginning of such a department, which even . Clarification by Writer near future. Dr, Maxwëll reviewed for themselves by using their poc­ in its newness, was of much aid to El Gaucho. The current plan, to Misinform Readers the development and changes in the kets for every conceivable purpose. to set up an advertising-publicity bureau Under one head will Shakespearean plays and thé charac­ The untidy condition that resulted do away with much this trouble, and will in addition benefit the • From the realms of the supernat­ ters as Shakespeare originally intend­ ed them. alarmed the tailors so much that income side of our ledger. Thirdly Ei Gaucho has felt the need ural Game the voice of , mystery——the thej* issued a. decree th a t from now for reporters trained in the arts of college newswriting to sup­ Phantom singer—last Saturday night on there would be less pockets. ELEMENTARY DEPARTMENT f- port an editorial staff, allowing it to do editorial work rather at the- Rockwood George Washing­ Election. of a new social chair­ than the actual collecien of news. Sigma Alpha Kappa ton semi-formal dance. man featured the elementary depart­ Sudents may well see, then, that the present staff and es- - Addressing a song of love to the ment meeting. Mabel Forsythe was pecially the print shop has been doing double duty to keep a appointed to take the place of Sher­ %Entertains 21 at ■coeds of the campus and a song of Last Rush Event semi-weekly paper going to press. The proposed change will man Logan, who transferred to the thus aid that problem, yet whether the conditions warrant the leisure to the men the Question mark junior high department. change or not, the action is. a process of going backward. We of of the; "Roadrunner Revue” began Reports on , publication of El Visi- • Climaxing thè fraternity rushing a campaign of sublety which marks (Continued on Page 2, Column 3) season, thè Sigma Alpha Kappa op­ the staff know better than anyone that conditions warrant a the beginnings of a prize contest en house was held last Monday night change for the present. We also realize that El Gaucho is sliding to be culminated in the unmasking Gamma Sigs Dance at the home of Dr.~Harry Girvetz, downhill while the majority of our activities are growing. The of the vocalist by the person pro­ 1933 NJission Ridge road from 8:00 results of . a weekly at present will thus be two-fold: a-student ducing positive proof of his identi­ at Open House, to 12:00 o’clock. body less informed on the happenings of the campus, and an fication to a committee"'' or jurists, Anniversary Twenty-one prospective pledges easier task for our staff bringing a iporg. finished newspaper. not yet elected. attended the stag social as guests of "The voice belongs to a newcom­ • Gamma Sigma Pi celebrated their the fraternity. Progressive rummy Let it-not be said that we oppose flatly the action recom­ er, more or: less, to the : campus first y anniversary and entertained was played during the first part of mended by the^ finance committee. We agree with it, but only whose voCal abilities are known to prospective pledges at an open house the evening with Frank Ellings and as a temporary necessity which will' lead to"'actioh bringing El only a' few enrolled. His hair is held hi La Hacienda last Friday Howard Joham winning the prizes. Gaucho back to top ranking next year. To this end we believe wavey, the color is indiscernable. He evening from 9 to- 12 p.m. Guests The members and guests divided up certain steps should be taken. (1) El Gaucho should be alloted a is of medium stature, closely ap­ of The evening included faculty mto three teams To play the fun game student appropriation in next year’s budget. (2) The proposed proaching the average. members and alumni as well as the called 'charades*.
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