Draft Addendum Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL), and Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL-RPL) Project Number: 50156-001 January 2015 INO: Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Project Prepared by PT Greencap NAA Indonesia for PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (PT SEML) This addendum to the environmental impact assessment, environmental management plan, and environmental monitoring plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Term of Use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. AD DENDUM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS (ANDAL), AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN (RKL-RPL) Geothermal Development Activities for 250 MW Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW) at Solok Selatan District, West Sumatra Province Januari, 2015 ADENDUM Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL), and Environmental Management Plan – Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL-RPL) Geothermal Development Activities for 250 MW Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW) at Solok Selatan District, West Sumatra Province January, 2015 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW HEAD OF SOLOK SELATAN DISTRICT WEST SUMATRA PROVINCE DECREE OF THE HEAD OOF SOLOK SELATAN DISTRICT NUMBER : 660.26.2015 ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEASIBILITY OF THE PLAN FOR THE AMENDMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS (ANDAL), ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN (RKL-RPL) OF GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES FOR 250 MW MUARA LABUH GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT (PLTP MUARA LABOH 250 MW) IN SOLOK SELATAN DISTRICT, WEST SUMATRA PROVINCE BY PT. SUPREME ENERGY MUARA LABOH THE HEAD OF SOLOK SELATAN DISTRICT, Considering : a. that according to Article 50 of Government Regulation Number 27 of 2012 on the Environmental Permit, in respect of the plan for the changes of activities of PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh it is necessary to formulate a document on the Environmental Impact 1 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW Analysis (ANDAL), Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) on the activities of Geothermal Development for 250 MW (Mega Watt) Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP Muara Laboh 250 Mega Watt (MW)) in Solok Selatan District , West Sumatra Province. b. that the documents of the amendment to the ANDAL, RKL and RPL for Geothermal Development activities for 250 MW Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP Muara Labuh 250 MW) in Solok Selatan District, West Sumatra Province by PT. Supreme Energy Muara Laboh is a part of Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) Study. c. that pursuant to Government Regulation Number 27 of 2012 on the Environmental Permit, any activities and/or business required to have AMDAL must obtain [approval under] a Decree on Environmental Feasibility based on the Environmental Feasibility 2 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW Recommendation and the result of the assessment by AMDAL Assessment Committee of Solok Selatan District; d. that based on the considerations as referred to in letter a, b and c, it is necessary to establish a Decree of the Head of the District; In view of : 1. Law Number 5 of 1990 on the Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and its Ecosystem (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1990 Number 49, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3419); 2. Law Number 38 of 2003 on the Establishment of Dharmasraya District, Solok Selatan District and West Pesaman District in West Sumatra Province (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2003 Number 153, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4348); 3. Law Number 32 of 2004 on Regional Government (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2004 Number 125, 3 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4437)(as amended by Law Number 12 of 2008 on the Second Amendment to Law Number 32 of 2004 on Regional Government(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2003 Number 59, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4844); 4. Law Number 26 of 2007 on Spatial Layout Management (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2007 Number 68, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4725); 5. Law Number 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2009 Number 140, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5059); 6. Law Number 12 of 2011 on the Establishment of Laws and Regulations (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2011 Number 53, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of 4 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW Indonesia Number 4389); 7. Government Regulation Number 38 of 2007 on Division of Government Affairs Between Government, Provincial Regional and District/Municipality Regional Government(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2007 Number 82, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4953); 8. Government Regulation Number 27 of 2012 on Environmental Permit (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2008 Number 48, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5285); 9. Regulation of the State Minister for the Environment Number 05 of 2012 on the Type of Planned Business and/or Activities Requiring AMDAL ; 10. Regulation of the State Minister for the Environment Number 16 of 2012 on Guidelines for Preparation of Environmental Documents; 11. Regional Regulation of Solok Selatan 5 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW District Number 6 of 2008 on the Organizational Structure and Working Procedure of the Agency/Service Office/Office and Inspectorate of Solok Selatan District; 12 Regional Regulation of Solok Selatan District Number 13 of 2008 on Environmental Management. HAS DECIDED To establish: FIRST : Decree on Environmental Feasibility issued to : Company Name : PT. Supreme Energy Muara Laboh Person in charge : Priyandaru Effendi Position : VP Relations & SHE Office Address : Equity Tower, 18th Floor, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) Lot 9 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53 6 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW Jakarta 12190, Indonesia Activity : Geothermal Development for PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW in Solok Selatan District, West Sumatra Province. Location : Pauh Duo District in Kenagarian Alam Pauh Duo (Jorong Kampung Baru, Jorong Taratak Tinggi, Jorong Pekonina) and Kenagarian Pauh Duo Non Batigo (Jorong Pinang Awan). Total Land Area : 62,300 Hectares Coordinates : According to Decree of the Head of Solok Selatan District Number 540-94-2013 of 2013 on the Amendment to Decree of the Head of the District of Solok Selatan Number 7 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW 540/02/DESDM/BUP-2010 on the Geothermal Mining Business License at Liki Pinang Awan for PT. Supreme Energy Muara Laboh. Production Capacity : 250 MW SECOND : Plan for the change of activities of Geothermal Development for PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW in Solok Selatan District, West Sumatra Province includes: 1. The plan for manpower recruitment: Manpower to be recruited during the construction and operation for the drilling of 7 (seven) wellpads and their operation. Hiring of 2000-2500 workers that includes both permanent and non- permanent workers, 15% of which are local workers living around the activity location. 2. The plan to have additional new Wellpads. 8 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW In the ANDAL, RKL and RPL amendment documents there are 7 (seven) additional wellpads with the following coordinates: Code UTM Coordinates Wellpad ID Easting Northing ML-F 736705 9819340 ML-1 736410 9819270 ML-J 736405 9819005 ML-06 737780 9819050 ML-07 738260 9818940 ML-08 737610 9821545 ML-09 736420 9823780 3. The PLTP Construction with 70 MW capacity This development system of 70 MW capacity shall use a dual flash steam cycle technology, where this 70 MW capacity is originated from wellpad ML- A that produces HP steam and wellpad ML-H that produces HP Steam and LP Steam, and it is estimated capable to 9 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW produce 60 MW from HP Steam and LP Steam 10 MW system. 4. Construction of Switchyard and electricity connection with the State Electricity Company (PLN) transmission network at a voltage of 150 KV to PLN Sub-station in Sungai Rumbai. 5. Construction of Steam Gathering System. Steam Gathering System or SGS consists of a piping network from wellpads, separators and piping network towards the PLTP. The 2-phase steam originating from each production well is separated in the Separator so that dry steam is formed and the remainder is in the form of brine liquid. The dry steam produced is then delivered through the piping network to the PLTP, while the brines are returned to the reservoir through an injection well. a. Two phase liquid piping network system from wellpads. Hot steam currently is originating from wellpad ML-A and wellpad ML-H. 10 Adendum ANDAL dan RKL-RPL Kegiatan Pengusahaan Panas Bumi untuk PLTP Muara Laboh 250 MW The plan is to add 3 (three) production wells at the location of wellpad ML-A and 3 (three) production wells at the location of wellpad ML-H in order to achieve the capacity of 70 MW .
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