LP/Ev/8c Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) Sites Bracknell Forest Berkshire Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) Ref: R1989/a August 2018 1 Diesel House, Honey Hill, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 3BL Telephone: 0118 3271810 Mobile: 07979 403099 E-mail: [email protected] www.wenman-ecology.co.uk John Wenman Ecological Consultancy LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC339057. Registered office: 100 New Wokingham Road, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6JP where you may look at a list of members’ names. 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 3 APPENDIX 1 – BINFIELD PARISH .......................................................................................... 4 APPENDIX 2 – WARFIELD PARISH ...................................................................................... 56 John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 2 - 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 This report is an addendum to the Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment – Phase 1 Ecological Survey (Ref: R1562/a September 2017 and CLP/Ev/8a). For ‘how to use this report’, the planning context and the survey methodology, please refer to Sections 1-3 in the main report. This report sets out the findings of Phase 1 ecological surveys for a further five SHELAA sites (BIN16, BIN17, BIN18, BIN19 and WAR25). 1.1.2 The information can be used to guide development to the most suitable sites, and within sites, to the most suitable parts of the site but these surveys were carried out during late summer in dry conditions only; the actual survey date for each site is recorded in Figure 1. Surveys are subject to seasonal and access constraints and represent a snapshot of the sites at the time of the survey, because the ecology of a site will change over time and as a result in changes in land management. John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 3 - APPENDIX 1 – BINFIELD PARISH BIN16 Figure 1. Phase 1 Habitat Map of BIN16. Site Name BIN16 – 3M Cain Road/Turnpike Road © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 100019488 John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 4 - Table 1. Target notes for Phase 1 habitat map. Target Note Notes N/A N/A Table 2a. Table of plant and fauna species recorded for each habitat type. Habitat Habitat and Plant/Fauna Species Recorded Photograph (Area in ha) Grasslands AM1 Amenity grassland (0.15) Grassland mown short and dominated by grass species with some herbaceous species present typical of lawn environments. Large amounts of goose droppings on the grassland. Flora Agrostis stolonifera (Creeping Bent) - DAFOR: Dominant Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) - DAFOR: Occasional Cerastium fontanum (Common Mouse-ear) - DAFOR: Occasional Leucanthemum vulgare (Ox-Eye Daisy) - DAFOR: Occasional Picris echioides (Bristly Ox-tongue) - DAFOR: Occasional Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain) - DAFOR: Occasional Poa spp. (Meadow Grasses) - DAFOR: Occasional Potentilla reptans (Creeping Cinquefoil) - DAFOR: Occasional Prunella vulgaris (Selfheal) - DAFOR: Occasional Senecio jacobaea (Common Ragwort) - DAFOR: Occasional Trifolium campestre (Hop Trefoil) - DAFOR: Occasional Woodland and scrub BW2 Semi-natural broadleaved woodland (0.18) Patch of woodland with a range of broadleaved species and a dense understory. Flora Hedera helix (Ivy) - DAFOR: Dominant Acer campestre (Field Maple) - DAFOR: Frequent Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) - DAFOR: Frequent Cornus sanguinea (Dogwood) - DAFOR: Frequent Ilex aquifolium (Holly) - DAFOR: Frequent Ulmus procera (English Elm) - DAFOR: Frequent Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) - DAFOR: Occasional Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) - DAFOR: Occasional Populus tremula (Aspen) - DAFOR: Occasional Prunus sp.(Cherry sp.) - DAFOR: Occasional Quercus robur (Pedunculate Oak) - DAFOR: Occasional Anthriscus sylvestris (Cow Parsley) - DAFOR: Rare Corylus avellana (Hazel) - DAFOR: Rare Epilobium hirsutum (Great Willowherb) - DAFOR: Rare Other Habitat Features BG1 Bare ground - (0.22) Tarmac and paved footpaths. BG2 Bare ground - (0.02) Tarmac footpath John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 5 - OH1 Bare ground (0.16) Tennis courts OH2 Other habitat (0.02) Train carriage and platform IS1 Introduced shrubs (0.2) Planted shrubs on the north western edge of the amenity grassland. Flora Cupressus × leylandii (Leyland Cypress) - DAFOR: Frequent Choisya sp. - DAFOR: Occasional Cotoneaster sp. (Cotoneaster sp.) - DAFOR: Occasional Pyracantha sp. (Firethorn) - DAFOR: Occasional Rubus fruticosus agg. (Bramble) - DAFOR: Occasional Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) - DAFOR: Rare John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 6 - IS2 Introduced shrubs (0.01) Planted shrubs around the northern side of a corrugated storage shed and hard standing, dominated by Cotoneaster. Flora Cotoneaster sternianus - DAFOR: Dominant Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) - DAFOR: Rare Cornus sanguinea (Dogwood) - DAFOR: Rare IS3 Introduced shrubs (0.1) Planted shrubs on the the north eastern edge of the tennis courts. Flora Cornus sanguinea (Dogwood) - DAFOR: Frequent Cotoneaster spp. (Cotoneaster spp.) - DAFOR: Frequent Cotoneaster sternianus - DAFOR: Frequent Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) - DAFOR: Frequent Acer campestre (Field Maple) - DAFOR: Occasional Buddliea davidii (Butterfly-bush) - DAFOR: Occasional Ilex aquifolium (Holly) - DAFOR: Occasional Built structures B1 Building (0.05) Brick-built building with interlocking roof tiles and wooden vents present in the roof. Lead flashing was present around a weather vane and occasional visible gaps offered bat roosting potential. John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 7 - B2 Building (0.01) A corrugated storage shed with negligible bat roosting potential. John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 8 - Table 2b. Table of plant and fauna species recorded for each linear feature recorded . Habitat Habitat and Plant/Fauna Species Recorded Photograph (Length in m) BW1 Semi-natural broadleaved woodland (29) A strip of trees in the south eastern corner of the site, which was part of a woodland patch just offsite. Flora Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore) - DAFOR: Occasional Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) - DAFOR: Occasional Ilex aquifolium (Holly) - DAFOR: Occasional Prunus sp.(Cherry sp.) - DAFOR: Occasional Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) - DAFOR: Occasional Rosa canina (Dog-rose) - DAFOR: Occasional Taxus baccata (Yew) - DAFOR: Occasional PH1 Intact hedge – species-poor (151) Managed dense hedgerow running along the north eastern boundary of the site dominated by conifer and occasional broadleaved trees. Flora Conifer sp. - DAFOR: Dominant Cornus sanguinea (Dogwood) - DAFOR: Frequent Acer campestre (Field Maple) - DAFOR: Occasional Cotoneaster spp. (Cotoneaster sp.) - DAFOR: Occasional Epilobium hirsutum (Great Willowherb) - DAFOR: Occasional Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) - DAFOR: Occasional Hypericum androsaemum (Tutsan) - DAFOR: Occasional Quercus robur (Pedunculate Oak) - DAFOR: Occasional Rosa spp. (Rose sp.) - DAFOR: Occasional Rubus fruticosus agg. (Bramble) - DAFOR: Occasional John Wenman Ecological Consultancy Bracknell Forest Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - Phase 1 Ecological Survey (2nd Addendum) - 9 - PH2 Intact hedge – species-poor (32) Managed dense hedgerow along the south western edge of the tennis courts dominated by Pyracantha. Flora Pyracantha sp. (Firethorn).- DAFOR: Dominant Cotoneaster spp. (Cotoneaster sp.) - DAFOR: Frequent Acer campestre (Field Maple) - DAFOR: Occasional Cornus sanguinea (Dogwood) - DAFOR: Occasional Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) - DAFOR: Occasional Populus tremula (Aspen) - DAFOR: Occasional Symphoricarpos albus (Snowberry) - DAFOR: Occasional Table 3a. All protected/notable species recorded within 250 metres of the centre of the site (Source: TVERC, BSBBG and BBG). Common Scientific Abundance Date Grid reference Location Level of name name (maximum) (most protection recent) Amphibians Common Frog Rana Adults 1998 SU850697 Farley Copse HabDir-A5, temporaria (1998) WACA-Sch5- s9.5a/s9.5b Birds Kestrel Falco 1 Adult 29-11-11 SU852692 Land at Cain Bird-Amber tinnunculus Road,Bracknell Higher plants - flowering plants Bluebell Hyacinthoides 01-05-84 SU852692 Woodland near WACA-Sch8 non-scripta Popeswood Wild Service- Sorbus 01-05-84 SU852692 Woodland near BF-LBAP tree torminalis Popeswood Bluebell Hyacinthoides 02-03-15 SU849696 Farley Copse WACA-Sch8 non-scripta Wild Service- Sorbus 02-06-94 SU849696 Farley Copse BF-LBAP tree torminalis Reptiles Slow-worm Anguis fragilis Adults 06-06-95 SU850697 Amen Corner WACA-Sch5- s9.1k/s9.5a/s9.5 b, NERC-S41 Table 3b. Protected/notable species recorded
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