University of Central Florida STARS UCF Patents Technology Transfer 4-8-2014 Solar metal sulfate-ammonia based thermochemical water splitting cycle for hydrogen production. Cunping Huang University of Central Florida Nazim Muradov University of Central Florida Ali Raissi University of Central Florida Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/patents University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Patent is brought to you for free and open access by the Technology Transfer at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in UCF Patents by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Huang, Cunping; Muradov, Nazim; and Raissi, Ali, "Solar metal sulfate-ammonia based thermochemical water splitting cycle for hydrogen production." (2014). UCF Patents. 525. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/patents/525 I lllll llllllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111 US008691068B 1 c12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,691,068 Bl Huang et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Apr. 8, 2014 (54) SOLAR METAL SULFATE-AMMONIA BASED 3,882,222 A * 5/1975 Deschamps et al. .......... 423/575 THERMOCHEMICAL WATER SPLITTING (Continued) CYCLE FOR HYDROGEN PRODUCTION (75) Inventors: Cunping Huang, Cocoa, FL (US); Ali FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS T-Raissi, Melbourne, FL (US); Nazim GB 1486140 * 9/1977 Muradov, Melbourne, FL (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: University of Central Florida Research Foundation, Inc., Orlando, FL (US) Licht, Solar Water Splitting to Generate Hydrogen Fuel: Photothermal Electrochemical Analysis, Journal of Physical Chem­ ( *) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis istry B, 2003, vol. 107, pp. 4253-4260.* patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 971 days. (Continued) This patent is subject to a terminal dis­ Primary Examiner - Harry D Wilkins, III claimer. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Brian S. Steinberger; (21) Appl. No.: 12/267,569 Phyllis K. Wood; Law Offices of Brian S. Steinberger, P.A. (22) Filed: Nov. 8, 2008 (57) ABSTRACT Two classes of hybrid/thermochemical water splitting pro­ Related U.S. Application Data cesses for the production of hydrogen and oxygen have been proposed based on (1) metal sulfate-ammonia cycles (2) (60) Provisional application No. 60/986,820, filed on Nov. metal pyrosulfate-ammonia cycles. Methods and systems for 9, 2007. a metal sulfate MS04 -NH3 cycle for producing H2 and 0 2 (51) Int. 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Khaselev, 0., Turner, J.A., A Monolithic Photovoltaic­ Brecher, L.E., Spewock, S., et al., Westinghouse Sulfur Cycle forthe Photoelectrochemical Device for Hydrogen Production via Water Thermochemical Decomposition of Water, Proceedings of the 1st Splitting, Science, 1998, pp. 425-427, vol. 280, No. 5362. World Hydrogen Energy Conf., 1976, pp. 1-16, 1 9A. Licht, S., Wang, B., Mukerji, S., Soga, T., Umeno, M., Tributsch, H., Over 18% Solar Energy Conversion for Generation of Hydrogen * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 1of9 US 8,691,068 Bl Direct Water Splitting TCWSPC (") I <I + N I <I + :f <I II 5: I <l Fig. 1 Water Fig. 2 U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 2of9 US 8,691,068 Bl Separation (~Hs) Water Circulation ( ~E) Fig. 3 ~ 00 Fig. 4 • ~ ~ Solar hv 1120 ~ ~ 25°c I Separator =~ l 1t HX H20 H20 2s 0 c 1 kmollh ~ 65°c :-: I L 1120+ (N~hS04 ~CIO ~~~~.~~~~~~~- H20 N 0.... .i;... HX H20+NH3 HX 02 1J1 ('D=­ ('D..... H20 (.H 0..... 65°c 0 2+S02 "° Oi+S02 12uo 0 c Oi+S02 + ZnO 1200°c d rJl. H20 00 H20+(NH4J2S03 H20+(NH4hS03 \C 0 2+S02 °""'"" 0--, =00 ="'"" U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 4of9 US 8,691,068 Bl U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 5of9 US 8,691,068 Bl U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 6of9 US 8,691,068 Bl U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 7of9 US 8,691,068 Bl U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 8of9 US 8,691,068 Bl U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 9of9 US 8,691,068 Bl US 8,691,068 Bl 1 2 SOLAR METAL SULFATE-AMMONIA BASED Khaselev and Turner reported that the hydrogen production THERMOCHEMICAL WATER SPLITTING efficiency of 12.4% for a monolithic photoelectrochemical­ CYCLE FOR HYDROGEN PRODUCTION photovoltaic device based on the short-circuit current and the lower heating value of hydrogen as described in Khaselev 0. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 and Turner J. A., "A Monolithic Photovoltaic-Photoelectro­ APPLICATIONS chemical Device for Hydrogen Production via Water Split­ ting," Science, 280(17), pp. 425-7, 1998. The electrolyte used This application claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Pro­ by Khaselev and Turner was 3 M sulfuric acid aqueous solu­ visional Application No. 60/986,820 filed on Nov. 9, 2007, tion and the high cell output could only be maintained for less the entire disclosure of which is incorporated by reference in 10 than 34 minutes after which the efficiency began to drop its' entirety. precipitously. According to Licht, S., Wang, B., Mukerji, S., Soga, T., Umeno, M. and Tributsch, H., "Over 18% Solar GOVERNMENT LICENSE RIGHTS Energy Conversion for Generation of Hydrogen Fuel; Theory and Experiment for Efficient Solar Water Splitting," Int. J. of This invention was made with Govermnent support under 15 Hydrogen Energy, 26, pp. 653-659, 2001, Licht and co-work­ National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) ers reported a solar to hydrogen energy conversion efficiency Glenn Research Center contract NAG3-2751 awarded by the of more than 18% using a multi-junction photoelectrode in National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration(NASA).
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