1 Uncorrected/Not for publication - 09.08.2010 PB-MP/1a/11.00 The House met at eleven of the clock, MR. CHAIRMAN in the Chair. ----- REFERENCE TO VICTIMS OF CLOUDBURSTS IN LEH AND LADAKH MR. CHAIRMAN: Hon. Members, as you are aware, unprecedented cloudbursts triggering torrential rains, flash floods and mud slides struck Leh town and its surrounding villages in Ladakh on the 6th August, 2010 leading to extensive loss of lives and massive destruction of property and infrastructure. More than 145 persons have reportedly lost their lives and more than 300 have been injured. Several persons are still reported to be missing. Many houses were washed away and important buildings including hospitals were badly damaged. The loss of so many precious and innocent lives is very tragic and unfortunate. The loss suffered by the kith and kin of the deceased is irreparable. Relief and rehabilitation measures have already been taken up on a war footing and efforts are being made to restore normalcy in the ravaged Leh town and its surrounding villages. I am sure the whole House will join me in expressing our heartfelt sympathy and concern for the families of those who lost their near and dear ones and pray for the speedy recovery of those who were injured. I request Members to rise in their places and observe silence as a mark of respect to the memory of those who lost their lives in this unfortunate calamity. (Hon. Members then stood in silence for one minute) (Ends) 2 Uncorrected/Not for publication - 09.08.2010 MR. CHAIRMAN: Question No. 201. ...(Interruptions)... DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: Sir, I had given a notice for suspension of Question Hour because I wanted to raise the Maharashtra-Karnataka border issue. ...(Interruptions)... MR. CHAIRMAN: I think that is a matter which is sub judice. That is what I am given to understand. DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: Sir, I have received a letter from your office stating that the discussion on this issue has been accepted as a Short Duration Discussion. The letter was received on 2nd. I received another letter on 6th where it is said that this discussion is not permitted. Sir, at least, somebody could have called me and spoken to me. Is it the way that one letter comes to you which says that the discussion is accepted and another letter says that it is not permitted? I think there are some people behind this who do not want that I should raise this discussion in the House. Sir, the border issue is very serious. The people are agitated. The entire State of Maharashtra is agitated. ी सभापित : नहीं, आप जो कह रहे ह ...(यवधान).... DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: All political parties are together on this issue. Why can't we have a debate on this issue? ...(Interruptions)... ी सभापित : नहीं, आपको पोिजशन in detail समझा दी जाएगी। We have taken advice from competent people and we have been told that this matter is sub judice. DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: Sir, I know it. If the discussion is not hampering the Judiciary, the sub judice matter can also be discussed. ...(Interruptions)... 3 Uncorrected/Not for publication - 09.08.2010 MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, I think, we have a well established practice in this House not to discuss the sub judice matters. ...(Interruptions)... DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: Sir, it is not that in this House the sub judice matters are not discussed. ...(Interruptions)... ी सभापित : आप बहुत अच्छी तरह जानते ह, म आपसे क्या कहूं? ...(यवधान).... डा. मनोहर जोशी : म जानता हूं िक sub judice matters with certain limitations can be discussed in the House. ...(Interruptions)... ी संजय राउत : सर, लेिकन चचार् तो हो सकती है। ...(यवधान)... इस पर चचार् हो सकती है। MR. CHAIRMAN: Please. डा. मनोहर जोशी : सर, चचार् तो होनी चािहए। ...(यवधान)... यह एक ऐसा िवषय है, िजस पर पूरा महाराटर् agitate कर रहा है और उस िवषय पर चचार् इस सदन म न हो, तो म समझता हूं िक क दर् सरकार नहीं चाहती है िक वह इस िवषय म कु छ करे। सर, अभी-अभी ... MR. CHAIRMAN: May I suggest a way out? After the Question Hour, let us talk about it and see if there is a way out. ी संजय राउत : सर, 50 साल से इस कार के आवासन िदए गए ह। 50 साल हो गए ह, कोई भी सुनता नहीं है। DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: No, Sir. I am sorry. I want an assurance from the Chair that this discussion will be permitted. If you give it, then only it is possible to wait. Otherwise, the people will say, 'what is the use of sending Members to Rajya Sabha, if an important issue of a State cannot be raised there?' Therefore, my request is, ... ...(Interruptions)... MR. CHAIRMAN: Let us not start a discussion. 4 Uncorrected/Not for publication - 09.08.2010 ी काश जावडेकर : सर, जो sub judice matter है, वह अलग है, लेिकन जो issue है, वह बाकी discuss कर सकते ह। पृथ्वीराज जी महाराटर् से ह, इनको भी पता है। इनके इलाके म सबसे ज्यादा भावना है। (Followed by 1b/SKC) 1b/11.05/skc-sc MR. CHAIRMAN: I would request the senior Members and party leaders to sit together and work out the parameters of what is sub judice and what is not, so that we do not have this kind of confusion. There are many issues which keep coming up on which the view is that they are sub judice and, therefore, will not be discussed. So, I would suggest that hon. Leader of the Opposition and other Members sit down and make a set of suggestions to the Chair as to what is the meaning and ambit of sub judice matters. DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: Sir, this has been amply made clear a number of times. ी संजय राउत : सर, sub judice की बात नहीं है। मुझे लगता है िक ये लोग चचार् करना ही नहीं चाहते।..(यवधान)... ी सभापित : एक दो िदन की बात है, इसम क्या ॉलम है? DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: Sir, can a sub judice matter not be discussed in the House? SHRI BALAVANT ALIAS BAL APTE: Sir, does any matter that goes to the court becomes sub judice and cannot be discussed? (Interruptions) MR. CHAIRMAN: I do not have training in law and so, I cannot pronounce on it. But I would be happy to be guided on this subject. 5 Uncorrected/Not for publication - 09.08.2010 SHRI BALAVANT ALIAS BAL APTE: Sir, you may not have training in law, but you have training in politics. What is a sub judice matter? They want to avoid discussion. (Interruptions) MR. CHAIRMAN: This is a technical matter. The Chair is requesting for informed advice on the matter. (Interruptions) DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: If it was sub judice, they could have informed me at the time they sent me a letter in the affirmative. (Interruptions) MR. CHAIRMAN: Possibly, the final view of the Secretariat and of the Chair has been taken after obtaining advice from the competent agency of the Government. SHRI BALAVANT ALIAS BAL APTE: Does that mean that the Chair did not take the decision and that somebody else has taken the decision? ी राजीव शु : सर, क्यिक यह sub judice matter है..(यवधान).. हमारे मबर भी इस मामले को उठाना चाहते ह। आपका सजेशन बेहतर है िक Leader of Opposition और सारी पाटीर्ज़ के लीडसर् बठकरै तय कर ल, उसके बाद िनणयर् हो जाएगा। वरना हमारे मबस र् भी इसे उठाना चाहते ह।..(यवधान).. क्यिक यह sub judice मामला है, इसिलए हम नहीं बोल रहे ह।..(यवधान).. ी सभापित : देिखए, इससे क्या फायदा है? न क्वचरे ऑवर हो रहा है और न आपकी िडसकशन हो रही है। ..(यवधान).. DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: We only want a discussion on the issue to take place. Let it be in any manner. MR. CHAIRMAN: As I said, I would like to be guided by competent advice on this. My mind is very open. There are lawyers on all sides in the House. 6 Uncorrected/Not for publication - 09.08.2010 SHRI Y.P. TRIVEDI: Sir, if a matter is sub judice, it does not mean that it cannot be discussed? We may not arrive at a decision, but we can take up the matter for discussion. (Interruptions) MR. CHAIRMAN: You can do this exercise today and advise me by tomorrow morning. There is no difficulty about it. (Interruptions) SHRI BALAVANT ALIAS BAL APTE: Sir, this shows that the decision is not taken by you but by somebody else. (Interruptions) MR. CHAIRMAN: There are certain decisions which are taken on advice. (Interruptions) DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: Sir, on political matters the decision is yours. I am only asking for a debate; nothing more than that. I am not asking for...(Interruptions)... ी संजय राउत : वहां पर हम लोग पर अत्याचार हो रहा है। उसकी िजमेदारी कौन लेगा? ..(यवधान).. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI PRITHVIRAJ CHAVAN): The Chairman has said that he would like to be advised on the matter. How can you say that...(Interruptions)... DR. MANOHAR JOSHI: The points on which the matter is sub judice need not be taken up, but...(Interruptions)..
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