Vol. 40, No 9 www.arlingtondemocrats.org September 2015 Should the J-J be re-cast? There is a growing discussion among Demo- crats across the country about changing the name of the party’s annual fund-raising gala to something other than the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. In fact, it’s more than just a discussion in some states. Five state parties have already decided to drop the name, which goes back almost two centu- cans who once dismised him now widely hailing DON BEYER ries. him as one of the country’s greatest presidents. COMES TO Missouri is the sole state to have chosen a new The state parties in Iowa, Georgia, Connecti- name. The Missouri party held its first Harry S cut and Maine have all decided to drop the ARLINGTON TO Truman Dinner Saturday night in St. Louis. That Jefferson-Jackson moniker, but have yet to choose EAT CRICKETS! was a fairly easy switch as Truman is the sole Mis- a new name. REALLY! sourian to have served as president and has enjoyed Serious discussions of change are reported a renaissance in recent decades, with even Republi- continued on page seven SEE DONKEY EARS ON PAGE FOUR. The Gold Card: ACDC Trifecta The first of ACDC’s annual trifecta of cam- about losing or misplacing yet another card. paign Gold Card events will be held Labor Day as Here are this year’s three Gold Card events. usual, but at a new location. 1. Labor Day Chili Cook-off The first Gold Card event is always the Chili Monday, September 7, 4-7 p.m. Cookoff. It’s always held on Labor Day. And it’s Sample chili from more than a dozen Arlington always held at the Lyon Park Community House. Democratic kitchens. Vote on the Best Democratic But not this year. The Lyon Park Community Chili in Arlington and support Democratic candi- House is undergoing renovation, so the Chili dates to boot. Chilis range from four-alarm fire to RICHMOND Cookoff has been moved to the Barcroft Commu- super-mild. nity House at the corner of 8th and Buchanan Streets 2. A Toast to Richard and Jean Barton South. Sunday, September 20, 5-7 p.m. A Gold Card entitles you to admission to all Come to 4025 40th St N, the home of Joe and Eloise three of the campaign season social events. And Pelton, and join us in honoring the many decades of your purchase of a Gold Card helps fund the annual hard work, talent, and service the Bartons have de- Joint Campaign. Together, the Gold Card and Dol- voted to Arlington County and ACDC. Hear inspir- GIANT lars for Democrats are the main ways we fund the ing stories from the past while helping protect the Joint Campaign each year. future. The Pelton home is in far, far north Arling- KERFUFFLE The Gold Card for all three events costs $150 ton, just a few dozen feet from the Fairfax County TURNS each. It is $140 for Roosevelt Society members and line. RICHMOND $60 for YDs. 3. Golden Gala You can purchase Gold Cards online or the old Friday, October 9, 7-10 p.m. UPSIDE DOWN! fashioned way. Enjoy the sparkle of the final Joint Campaign event REALLY! Mail payments to: before heading to the polls Nov. 3. Join us at the P.O. Box 7132, Arlington, VA 22207 Arlington Arts Center, 3550 Wilson Blvd, near the SEE PAGE NINE. Pay online at: intersection with Monroe Street. You can indulge www.arlingtondemocrats.org/goldcard in fine art, great food, and good libations. First class Your Gold Card purchase will help elect all 15 nibbles are provided each year by the ACDC Kitchen of our Democratic candidates on the ballot this year. Crew. In between bites, enjoy the best political con- By the way, there is no physical Gold Card any versation in Northern Virginia. Stay tuned via more. You sign up and your name will be on the ACDC’s online calendar and Facebook page to find check-in list at the door. You don’t need to worry out our special guest speaker! ACDC Voice, September 2015, Page 2 Report from Chairman Kip Malinosky Senator Warner, support the Iran deal President Obama, Secretary of State Street Journal acknowledged that war was the A letter from 29 leading nuclear experts John Kerry and Secretary of Energy Ernest only alternative to negotiations. attests that this deal will make it much easier Moniz, with a coalition of other global lead- Many have proposed a “better deal,” but to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear ers, have forged a deal with remarkably rig- no one can explain how they would get that power and should be used as an example for orous and invasive inspections to prevent Iran “better deal” when none of the allies who future agreements. from gaining a nuclear weapon. While all joined us in drafting this one has any interest A letter from 36 retired generals and ad- parties in the negotiations have agreed, there in returning to the negotiating table. mirals argues from a national security per- is still one major obstacle for implementation: Many have argued that Iran may cheat. spective that this deal is our best option, far the US Congress. It may well do so. But it can’t cheat enough better than a military option. It could vote to reject the Iran deal, which to build a bomb. The deal imposes inspec- A letter from 60 national security experts rejection the President could then veto. It will tors 24/7 at every installation in Iran’s mas- says this deal achieves our objectives in the take 34 votes in the Senate to sustain an sive industrial fuel cycle, starting at its ura- Middle East, assuring that Iran’s nuclear pro- Obama veto. According to The Washington nium mines. To build a bomb, Iran would gram will be for peaceful purposes. Post’s whip count, every Republican is likely have to build a dozen huge plants in secret, A letter from more than 100 former US to vote against the deal and there are 31 Demo- something it was unable to do the first time ambassadors concludes this deal is a landmark cratic senators on record to vote for it (as of around and certainly cannot now do with the agreement and should be approved. Sunday), including Senator Tim Kaine. There entire world watching. And the head of the anti-deal group are 13 Democratic senators who remain un- Consider these groups and their reasons United Against a Nuclear Iran, Gary Samore, decided, including Senator Mark Warner. for supporting this deal: studied the agreement and decided to support I write today to urge Senator Warner and The UN Security Council unanimously it and leave the group he was once leading. others to support the Joint Comprehensive passed a resolution in support of the deal, Back in 2004, James Fallows, in a cover Plan of Action, as the Iran nuclear deal is for- which will enable rigorous and constant moni- story for the Atlantic, examined simulated, mally titled. The United States cannot afford toring of Iran’s nuclear capabilities in return war game military strikes on Iran and con- another war. And let’s be clear, that’s the only for lifting of the sanctions. The UN believes cluded that this approach would lead to an alternative if we want to keep Iran from ob- the deal contributes greatly to non-prolifera- incredibly costly and unsuccessful war. Un- taining a nuclear weapon. Even The Wall tion of nuclear weapons. successful in that even war would not stop Iran from getting the bomb, while costing thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. Senator Warner, we have tried the go-it- alone, ignore-world-opinion, and use-the- Jerry Botland military-option-first in Iraq. It was such a fail- ure that now even Jeb Bush says it was a mis- Computer Consulting take, a mistake that cost us 4,500 lives. And, Troubleshoot and resolve computer and according to an estimate by a Nobel Prize computer related problems. winning economist, it cost us more than $3 trillion. We have tried near unilateral war be- Perform upgrades, set-up wireless routers and print servers. fore; it’s time to give diplomacy a chance. We Transfer old files, address book and emails can’t afford not to. from an old computer to a new one. Please vote in favor of the Iran deal. Phone: (703) 933-0558 — [email protected] Favola, Lopez Published monthly by the for breakfast Arlington County Democratic Committee The Second Saturday Breakfast this 2001 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite #604, Arlington VA 22202 month will hear from State Senator Barbara Mailing address: P.O. Box 7132, Arlington VA 22207 Favola and Delegate Alfonso Lopez. Tel: (703) 528-8588 Fax: (703) 528-2321 It will be held, as per usual, starting at http://www.arlingtondemocrats.org 8:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of the Chair: Kip Malinosky — [email protected] month, which will fall on September 12, Editor-in-Chief: Warren L. Nelson —(703) 243-7867 (h), [email protected] which just happens to be the anniversary of Deputy Editor: Eric Wiener — (703) 524-6899 (h), [email protected] the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE. Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the ACDC So run quickly to the Busboys and Poets unless expressly approved by an appropriate committee resolution in Shirlington so you don’t miss a minute of Copyright ©2014, ACDC, All Rights Reserved the September Second Saturday Breakfast.
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