■\ *'\ SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 194« ATcrag* Dafly Circulation Tkfl Wnatker t a g e foxxetbbm iSImtrliPBtrr Eufttiug HeralD Poreeaat ot C. S. Weather •nrana Per the Month et May. ItM Pair and continued warm 6a- I produce that la not readily aale- China Relief 9,065 alght; Wednesday hot aad sultry I able on t ^ l r stahds in order to Fir.'sl I*ohI-W a r of MphiImts of (ireni Family Herr with afteraooa thunder showers 'g e t even the minimum of their Member of the Audit Rkely. About Town Heard Along Main Slreet frankfurt orders. r lEu^utttg Ifcralb Head Coining ^ Buiean ef Clrealatleaa Meat dealers have been inform­ N Manchester— ‘A City of VHinge Charm SunMt CircU. P ««t ed that even the old slanuby I And on Some of Manchc$ter*$ Side Streets. Too I luncheon meat will soon start to | Oruda, w ll hoJd their annual pic­ Rotary CluB to Hear Dr« nic ntat Monday night at the I disapi>ear from the ('ounters iin- : JIaaUflod Advertising on Page !•) .MANCHESTER; CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS drivers It <e>talnly cannot be VOL. LXV„ NO. 228 Bronke cotUge on An<^ver We believe that somewhere In I less the beef shortage lets iiJ). IMcConaughy at Meet­ crediteil to the parents of children The hoateaaca '*■*•*** ,*^*^" the town’s confusing array of by­ Hummer parties will have ’’to who allow their youngsters to romp Oranda fhaline D. PenUand, I^ttic laws, ordinances and special acts I take on the old Mississippi Kish ing on Tuesday and play, unwalched, in the Cummings. Maybel D<wd M a ir there is a provision that the Se­ ' Fry if they are to survive this Vinaoii Takea Oath aa Chief Juatiee Fish. Ada Gordon. Emily Klaaman. lectmen must hold one public streets. I season. Maybe a good old chowdei , i James L. McConaughy, former Mary Smith and Florence Taylor. This situation seems to be espe­ i party would give the affairs a meeting a month and that IT must Lieutenant Govemo'- of Connecti­ Australia Offers Believes Truman Will EnterUlnment will be plann^ by be advertised s<i that the public cially domiuant In the newer sec­ nuich needed shot in the arm. Past Noble Granda Grace Hatch will know when the meeting Is to tions of the town The excuse of Then there is always dolistei .salad cut and foi-mer President of Wes­ ■nd «m lly Klaaman. be hehl. It’s been years .since we the parents Is that they cannot al­ If you can get the mayonnai.se and i leyan. will be ^h e guest speaker have seen any notice of a public low the children to play In a newly afford the lobster, that is. at Tuesday evening’s meeting of planted garden or a recently- .seed- Plan to Reconcile Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Perry and meeting of the Selectmen through the Rotary Club st the Sheridan family, of 20» Henry street, are a paid advertisement. <•(1 lawn It would .seeniUha^ they 'I'his mliimn comes in contact ■ irstaurant. Dr. McConaughy Is Approve Compromise planning to upend the summer irr The only w’ay the public know.s would prefer losing a goocl-lcsiking with all cla.sses from the atis- now President of the United China St. Cloud. Mtnrt. Mrs. ■ of a meelmg T; through the ne,is • Irfwn tc^ losing a .son - Yr"n tocrats to the bums. One of the Relief and during the past year mother Uvea In St. Cloud. The columns of 'the press._ - rwtAM.Often­ Uii#But s«vi<ltf>nt)vevidently n<»t.not. ThTrThe rhlliln*nchildren latter c la.ss w as telling us about , and a’ half has made two trips to Atomic Programs trip will be made by automobile. times there Is no advance mention cannoicannot bene bianied.uinoic. Only laxity....... cif- i„his « recentrec ent sojourn at incthe icuf'cninty m y i China, suneylng the relief needs Mr Perry la teacher of mathema­ of a meeting If there is no out­ the parents ran account foi c hild- , .Sevms street in Hactford. of that country. A tics in the Manche.«iter High standing busine.ss to come before ren running on the streets of town there is work Icy^o foi An enthusiastic Rotarlan and^ Worked Out on OPA school---- the session. In some caites if thowing atones at passing cars and mrnates and It kpeps them Past President of the Middletown' Would Set Up Global Atomic « f A ll business is to be transacted such making...niriric, them.selveathemselves a generalEeneral nuimil- : busy during th«the .la,.day. RWi it seems Rotai-y Club, he visited the clubs Mrs. Emerson Bos\yoi;th y f „itpration of building lines sauce. PerhaJis the inevitable fat.”!!- that there have liei-n inore guests 'o f Kunming and Chungking while CommiUrr lo Draft gtephens street was elected treas-I ity or two which must come, will than Jobs cif late and the cell oi - I in China. Before as.suming the’ Houfie Banking Commit* urerof the Hartfcmd Alumpaer^ub I public awaken local paienta. presidency of Wesleyan he was Plans for Conlrol; W eaiJOllS RaCC ciipant.s Just alt around amusing More Pickets Lie Asserts tee CJiairman Calls Of Kappa Alpha Theta at the an ^ r ^ the Select men are themselves as best they can. * President of Knox College. Galcs- Opposes Russian Pro- o * Tk •! 1 nual outing of the I meeting. One baseball tan upon reading I According to Jail roglilation an burfe. Illinois, and a member of Bill ‘WorkaBle’ After 16 at Elizabeth park. Hartford. „„ly „ the .season hatting averages,and 'inmate's eye glasses are taken the Galesburg Rotary Club where posal to Create Two S c C l l F o S S l B l c Put at Main Charter Not -----------------------* ~ voter or property owner who has statistics of Manchester High's from him upon entering. Therefore I he achieved the unique honor of ^>eparate Coniiiiiltees Measure Given Ap­ ; some business to bring before the baseball team dining the past sea­ he cannot amu.se himself by read­ i becoming Governor of the Rotai-y I ’ ^ WASHING MACHINKS ' Board Is to go to the Municipal son wanted to know if all I be ing. But. cmr friend from across iDlatiirt which embraces Centrsl Perfect One proval By Conference Threat of United Na V Gate Today s REPAIRED - AM. MAKES i building and inquire from George plavers listed were pitchers. the tracks tells us. the Jail com- I Illinois, without having sen ed in New York, June 25.— (/P)— niUtaary w ill sell the inmate's pac ks ;any official capacitJ In his home Committee; Renewal 10 Teors’ Experience! i Waddell, clerk of the Board, when The reason was the anemic Australia put forward today! tiona Deadloek Foi ^ 0 f / of cards .so they can pl'Sy soli- ' flub. Renaonsbie Rales! I the next meeting Is to be held. team hatting mark of .193 in l.’i Secretary General 4p* O f Power Far Short of games. Only one regular wa.s.ytaire! During April, Mr. McConaughy a proposal to set up one mas­ Iowa Ruaaia'a ‘Do-Il Strikers at Nile«*Be* We_____ believe_____ It Would be much 1 made a speaking tour through the ter committee to draft plans | better if the Board held a public over .300. In fart Hie team n.sed r: peals to Critics to Re­ I Administrutuln Goal A. BREWER ment • Pond Extend four pitchers during the cour.sr'ol Whenever we meet Marc el Donzr '200th Rotary District which com- Our - Wav' S t a n d Telephnae S-0M6 or S-O’flB meeting fince a month and insert­ for atomic energy control and i I ed an advertisement in the press the season and the c ombinecK hat- , in our strolls around the tc«k n he i prises the towns and cities In the reconcile, if possible, the bit- Lines as Federal member *We Are Crea­ Wa.shington, June 25.— (A*) in that effeet. We re not looking ting marks of the quarto^ was usually has a new invention that southern pint of the state and 'Washingtan. June 25 - liP)— The he's seeking a patent for. We al- terl.v contested points of di­ tures of Necessity' — Chairman Spence (D., K y) ■for the little two Inch advertise­ .174, only 19 points under, the team .Rhode Island, and Is now speck­ threat of a United Nations dead­ Hearing Continued ways refer him to a patent attor ment revenue. It wouldn’t keep mark. -1 ing to club.s in the 199th Dbtrlct vergence in the separate pro­ of the IIouRe Banking com­ ney in Washington, and we always ^ lock over atomic energy’ control Although not labeled the "hlt- ' of which Manchester is s member. grams proposed by the Unit­ West Hartford, June 25— (/P)— New Haven, June 25.—(Ab— Dr. mittee today-expressed belief Cattlr ami Horses I the editorial room In cigarettes for refrain from piircha-sing any .shares ; followed by a global arms race ' a single clay, but It’s the principle leaa womlers ” during the ac^ason. This Is his second appt'srance ed States and Russia. t r u c k e d ANYWIir.RE in hia Inventions. The other day he before the local Rotary Club as Striking CIO workers- at Pratt and Trygve Lie, secretary general ot that President Truman will 1 of the thing. the season averi^e shows that It Leans Toward BaTuch Plan stirred Cong’ress today as the re­ a n t t i m e : would have beep's fitting nartii*; told m he had perfected a 30- he delivci'ed the main addi'css al The Australian plan .
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