Wertlier V; • Bain ending during the day; fa the Red Baak putt* let* J ^** high In the 5fa. Cloudy to- nlgbt; tow in the 40s. Partly after 6 p. ro- Wednesday*.awl ' J«-, - cloudy tomorrow; Ugh In the Friday*, Bed Bank'*'two ibop. 50s. See page 2. ping nights. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership 4^ Since 1878 Y C A R R PAGE 0NE VOLUME 82, NO. 164 Inued Dally. Mandiy through Friday, entered as Second Class Mailer RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1960 7c PER COPY ' 3fo p E R WEE K at the Post Otl!c« at Red Bank. N. J.. under the Act ol March 3. 1810. Four Year Estimate Offer Regional On Matawan School To Avoid Triple Sessions, Using School Remedy Auditorium, Cafeteria: Dolan May Prevent AF Plane MATAWAN - "It will be at least four years before Matawan Separation has additional school'facilities," It's Official: stated Harold J. Dolan, presi- Ditched, dent of the Board of Education, In Matawan in a progress report to the Cit- School Head izens Council for Better Schools FREEHOLD — "This so- at a meeting Tuesday night. To Resign lution appears almost too 3 Perish Mr. Dolan said that at a con- good to be true." ference which the board had with FREEHOLD — Dr. Robert B. PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE. the Borough Council, Township Norn's announced at a press con- That was the comment Fla. (AP)—An Air Force tanker Committee, the architects, and ference yesterday afternoon that last night by Matawan with trouble in two of its four consultant Dr. Nicholas Engle- he has submitted his resignation, ngines ditched in the Atlantic hardt, it was agreed that class- effective July 31, as superinten- Board of Education attorn- Ocean 40 miles offshore last room space could not be elimi- dent of the Freehold Regional ey Vincent C. DeMaio after night. Three of the 14 men nated from the original 2!/ -mil- High School. 2 FROM CONSOLIDATED TO REGIONAL? — Officials of the Matawan school board, Borough Council and Town- a two-hour session here result- aboard died. The others, some lion-dollar high school plan. The conference followed a burned or in shock, were picked ship Committee met with Assemblyman Clifton T. Barka low, right, last night to hear his proposal for legislation ing in a proposal by Assembly- However, he noted, in an at- meeting held by Dr. Norris and up by rescue craft. tempt to cut the cost, the arch- Douglas T. Newbold, president .of to permit consolidated school districts to convert to regional districts. At far left, back to camera is Borough J^^JJ^j,^w? S The destroyer Sullivans was itects are revising plans to the the Regional Board of Education, Mayor Ralph R. Dennis. Township Mayor Peter J. Waters is second from left at table (hand to face). Board dated scn0ol districts, expected to dock at Port' Ca- extent of eliminating the auditor- with the staff of the high school president Harold J. Dolan is at right end of table. The assemblyman promised he naveral within the hour with ium. where the same information was will introduce, probably within 0 of the survivors. One.man Acceptable Plan released. two weeks, a bill which would was brought to shore by'hell- • Mr. Dolan also stated that no In a copy of his letter ad- Balloon Launching permit consolidated' districts the copter. referendum would be held until dressed to Mr. Newbold, Dr. Nor- option of converting to regiona Flare-shooting, flashlight-blink- ris •said, "In accordance with the board has some assurance Set for 6:53 Tonight County's March Deposit Totalsdistricts — at. the high school ing men in the water furnished that the plans would be approved the desire of the board expres- WASHINGTON (AP)-Sclen- and elementary level. their own beacons for ships and by the voters. The board will sed to me by you and Vice tists hope to launch another "I don't think it will meet with planes that went to their rescue hold meetings with representa- president (Vincent) Foy on 100-foot balloon from Wallops- any substantial opposition in the after the big Tampa-based, stra- tives from all organizations in March 23, I am hereby submit- Top 1959's by $15,619,409 Island, Va., tonight and inflate Assembly or the Senate," he de to-tanker came down last night' the district until plans are drawn ting my resignation effective at clared. the ond of my current contract." it several hundred miles up. on Atlantic swells 40 miles east which appear to have the ap- 3ank, the new Asbury Park- 38,187,892—or $1,312,341 more The session was attended b; Statement Issued The National Aeronautics and A survey of total depos- of Cape Canaveral, the' missile proval of the public. Manasquan National Bank is in than the consolidated bank re members of the school board, test center. ;/..• When questioned about the In a statement released by Mr. Space Administration said the its shows the 19 banking number two position behind Mon- ported for March. the Mayor and Council, thi Lt. John Rogers, about 25, first threat of high school triple ses- Newbold, he said the board's de- rocket will be fired at 6:53 institutions of Monmouth mouth County • National as re- Throughout Monmouth Coun- Township Mayor and Committe rescuee, was brought to Patrick sions, Mr. Dolan stated that this cision had been reached on the p. m. EST if the weather per- gards deposits. The March total and County School Superintend basis of tenure provisions of the mits. County had 5.3 per cent ty, the evidence was clear that AFB by helicopter four houis situation will be avoided as long for this institution came to $36,- following the start of the year ent Earl B. Garrison. as possible by using cafeteria, law relating to school superin- In previous tests, these huge more money this month after the tanker plane hit jthe 885,551—just $2,026,858 behind depositors withdrew and put to Prevent Separation sea. His condition was termed auditorium, stage and every pos- tendents. plastic balloons have been vis- Monmouth County National's than a year ago. The pic- work considerable amounts of' Officials from all three of thi good. sible space for classrooms. If The statement said, "We are ible briefly over a large part total. In March, 1959, Asbury ture is one of sustained cash from their general ac- groups said they believe th Rescue pilots spied floating triple sessions went into effect advised by counsel that comple- of Eastern United States. They Park National's deposits were legislation will prevent separa counts. crewmen in life jaclcets ,< and the district might have to op- tion of a third calendar year of catch the rays of the sun at strength. $28,314,969 and Manasquan Na- tlon of the school district. Nestled in number three posi- rubber rafts in the darkness erate without state aid, he said. service gives tenure to a superin- the top of their flight. The study also revealed there tional's $7,064,572, which togeth- Borough Mayor Ralph R. Den tion in total deposits in Mon- three hours after their KCS^ In other business of the coun- tendent and that the year begin- NASA Is testing the balloons was $12,041,126 less on deposit er totaled $35,379,541. Thus, it is nis said he would like to se cil the president, Mrs. George ning Aug. 1, 1960, is the year in mouth was the newly formed Stratotanker went down on''a as part of a possible communi- March 15 than there was last seen (hat as a combined bank, Central Jersey Banking & Trust construction as well as opera Ritter, called attention to a pe- question." Dec. 31. Seasonal fluctuation is a deposit gain of $1,506,010 has flight from Newfoundland to Jjts cations network. Eventually it Co. Its March 15 total was |32,- tional costs divided on a pei tition which is being circulated Mr. Newbold's statement con- normal. been realized in the past year. home station, MacDill Air Force hopes to put one in orbit 530,670. Central Jersey was for- pupil basis but that nonethelesi by borough residents which re- cluded, "Dr. Norris will have around the earth. Deposits on March 15 amowited "this is basically a good bi base in Tampa. <:•• quests the Borough Council to the full support of the board in However, at the end of 1959 med in 1959 through a, consolida- The tanker plane hit the, sea' to $309,006,415. The report at the tion of Freehold Trust Co., which and I believe our entire govern accept the decision of the State his administration of the school end of 1959 came to $321,047,541. Asbury Park National's deposits ing body will suport it." about 8:30 p. m. after radioing on March 12, 1959, had deposits Board of Review with regard to for the balance of his contract An increase of more than 5 per were $30,112,051 and Manasquan it was preparing to ditch.'fte- totaling $19,886,190, and the Long In a regional district, operatio separation of the school district and will carry the board's good Shop Center cent was reflected in December National's $8,085,841, totaling and maintenance costs a.e appor- portedly because of engine trou- by not lending assistance to an wishes in his future." over the same period in 1958. Branch Banking Co., whose de- ble. ;':*;• posits for that date came to $9,- tioned on a per-pupil ratio, bul appeal by any outside group Mr.
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